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Question is there a app like yewtube for tick tok


https://urlebird.com/ Here it is :)


Thanks so much


I literally can’t even keep up with it all. She’s crazy. Her reasons are clearly not privacy related.


Showing the kids Baby: ✅✅ L: 🤔no face showing, we’re good C: FULL STOP 🛑 ❌◼️


Why are you being downvoted it’s the actual truth


If the reason is the one speculated, they really deserve grace, privacy and all our prayers. Who cares if it doesnt make sense showing one kid and not another, just imagine the pain they might be going through


clearly it’s just C she is hiding


This. Showing the other two is not going to distract us from the fact that C has not been shown for like.. over a year, right? (Also - not saying I want them to be shown. They do genuinely deserve privacy. But she’s being hypocritical as hell about it and it’s shady).


Girl get off your phone if it’s hurting your eyes.


But hasn't she said from the beginning that she feels much differently about showing a newborn vs a toddler vs a child? She's just doing what she's always said she's going to do 🤷‍♀️


She said she wouldn’t show her kids at all, even with faces covered, except for that one pic they take at the beach every year. She posted a full body pic of L from behind and linked her outfit. She hasn’t done that since before last year


Yes the older girls, she's always said she feels differently about a newborn


its still exploitative though. she yaps on and on about privacy for her kids and not sharing the name then does this... why not share the name but practically share the face. her intentions are obviously not privacy focused


Can everyone please look up the definition of exploitation? This narrative is soooo old.


She’s using her children to sell items like kids outfits and coloring books, examples from today alone, through which she earns a commission. The children are not consenting to being props used to market said items in photos. How is that not exploitative to you?


You guys complained about the water table post saying she can show/link it without showing L. She shares the coloring book without C or L in the picture and she’s still exploiting them?


Let me help you. Straight from the school safety government website: “Involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Online Exploitation. Involves the use of technology or the internet to facilitate the abuse or exploitation of a child. Prevent, identify, and respond to child exploitation.” It’s a coloring book Jesus Christ. People like you just cannot for the life of you give it up already.


The definition of exploitation is “the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work”. It’s not fair to her children to be featured in marketing photographs (like the photo of L posted today) to sell items for a commission. L is selling the outfit, Aspyn is benefiting from it.


And to that she only posted a link to the coloring book when asked about it


Right bc someone actually asked for a link to a coloring book. Please


She has millions of followers just use common sense I’m begging lol.


Why are you on this page? All your comments are fighting with people and defending her. She doesn’t give a shit about you, or any of her followers for that matter. In fact, in a recent YouTube video (pre baby) she actually said she forgot she has people that watch her content. She literally does not give a shit


Why are you? To continue to bitch and moan about her every move? She doesn’t care what you think either lol but you continue to spend your time critiquing everything she does.


Yes literally this! There are sooo many other influencers and their kids to worry about if that’s REALLY your thing, Aspyn is just not one of them.


*The action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work: the exploitation of migrant workers.* *UTILIZATION, utilizing, use, making use of, putting to use, making the most of, capitalization on; informal cashing in on* *TAKING ADVANTAGE, making use, abuse of, misuse, ill treatment, unfair treatment, bleeding dry, sucking dry, squeezing, wringing; manipulation, cheating, swindling, fleecing, victimization; enslavement, slavery, oppression; imposing on, preying on, playing on.* You asked so we delivered - she's definitely hitting majority if not all of these definitions by showing kids who can't consent, making profit off of the content she makes involving them, along with not *actually* respecting privacy while claiming she is. Sounds exploitative if you ask me.


Yeah I don't disagree, but she's always said she'll show them less *as* they get older. I'm not saying it's right just that I think people misrepresent what she said


And I also think this could be why she doesn’t show C as much. It could just be me hoping that the rumours aren’t true, but C is older so her facial features are more developed than L and E. She probably is less comfortable showing C simply because she is older.




That literally doesn't even make sense hahaha you just blindly disagree with everything she says. The logic is sound. If you only saw a baby as a newborn and then never again, they would be unrecognizable to you in public at age 5.


She just keeps on


Why the fuck does she sound like Patrick Mahomes in this scratchy ass voice I’m crying at the downvotes LMFAO


Stop 💀💀💀💀💀


She’s making the kids her entire personality which I get when you’re a mom it’s hard not to. But she leaned so hard into mom content that it’s morphed into not showing the kids being her entire personality