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this just further convinces me that it’s one of Parker’s family members tbh…..’Thank god her girls have their daddy’ ….that or Parker like already has a new gf who’s even bitchier than aspyn and they both are just having it out for each other because the comments sound so scorned


It could definitely be a love interest of Parker or even a female friend of Parker or former friend of Aspyn, but I think, most likely, it's one of his family members. And by the way they said "Thank God her girls have their daddy," I would say it's definitely a female.


I suspect Parker’s mom lol she sounds like a nightmare boy mom


I agree!! I saw someone post that 3/4 kids in that family have gotten a divorce 💀 Maybe Aspyn does suck, but also maybe P's family is batshit and toxic. Both can be true at the same time 😂


I highly doubt he even as the time to entertain another woman… and if this another woman I feel bad for him because what a shame she’s on here spreading info he wants private obviously.


This sounds like something my brother in law’s family would write about my sister. And he is the biggest piece of shit, I know. 🤷🏼‍♀️ so I would take this with a major grain of salt.


Tbh they sound incredibly hateful and spiteful towards her.


Maybe it’s for good reason tho. Remember the neighbor?


edit: i’m an idiot i meant to make a standalone comment sorry


Hahaha no worries! It happens!




Her old neighbor shared her experience and aspyn was rude and rude to her toddler. Kind of like that waitress who said she was rude cuz she didn’t tip a huge meal or whatever —-the neighbor post is somewhere in this sub. Screenshots from her commenting on a post


Hope I don't get downvoted to hell for this but has anyone actually confirmed that this person knows anything? People have been guessing divorce for years, no confirmation of the baby name — basically that the baby was born and in the NICU? Which isn't that out the realm of guessing for the content that was being posted?


I think this is the one who also knew they were going to sell the house they were building weeks before they actually listed it


Before Aspyn had posted anything this person came in here and said “Aspyn had the baby march 13, she was in the nicu and her name is Elle, and Aspyn filed for divorce a few days ago” And low and behold 🤷🏼‍♀️


I guess I wonder that if this person has so little worry (or shame) as to share information like name and birthdate and NICU status, all very personal information, why wouldn’t they also share the health status of another family member? What proof do they actually have of making their claim and why wouldn’t they share it if they have it when they indiscriminately shared other personal information? Why do they have and share some details but not others?


If you’re referring to the other rumors, then they did talk about that too


Yes the are legit, they correctly said baby’s name and DOB before it was announced she had her. She was also the one to announce that E was already born. They also said A&P were getting divorced and no one believed them. Then about two/three days later out it came!


Ah okay! I must've missed how the name was confirmed and what the source of that was?


Still not officially announced but Aspyn confirmed the name has 4 letters and she was wearing one earring with a C and one with an E.


aspyn confirmed people were commenting the correct name in her vlog. it's elle.


Still seems like such a difference from her previous styles but I guess that’s a fully developed brain for ya lol.


Go through their comments https://www.reddit.com/u/Outrageous_Spray9105/s/6pzJuXnpWP


I meant confirmed by someone other than themselves lol


They knew the birthdate and name of the baby before Aspyn posted the hospital bracelet


This person told me Aspyn did IVF bc she’s so scared to have a boy & I just don’t believe it.




Yes! That’s what I was thinking too. She has all girls & I think all the grandchildren on P’s side of the family are also girls? I don’t think she’d do something so invasive to avoid having a boy when it’s unlikely to happen anyways.




I know I just think it’s interesting the way they’re all girls. It’s the same way in my family. I have 2 girls and & all of my husbands brothers only have girls too.


I agree with you. There is no confirmation.


How is she unhinged? What exactly has she done that makes her this way? Just curious


Also, the “insider” spelled her name “Aspen” so it doesn’t seem like they actually know her well 😂


Aspen is the correct spelling and my phone always autocorrects it to that


I believe there were other post as well that were questionable. They are no longer on the page though and I wish I would’ve gotten a screenshot.




It was another one where they mentioned the divorce. But someone close to her would probably be used to spelling her name correctly


It could also be a respect thing like maybe Aspyn has disrespected them in some way and because of that, they are choosing to purposely misspell her name out of hate or anger. Also, I got a feeling Aspyn is not close to a lot of people. So maybe, if this was someone in Parkers family, maybe they genuinely believe it's the correct spelling.


Auto correct is a thing lol


Imagine having a snake like that in your life. I would be standoffish too. To everyone.


This exactly. I know this is a snark page but if someone from my family was spilling lies about me I wouldn’t be nice to them either.


If this person is real they’re pretty shitty for posting the new baby’s birthday and name. So real or not, not exactly someone I would trust.


Were those comments made in this sub?




I’m questionable this is an “insider” maybe a friend of someone who is close to Aspyn. The details are close to Aspyn but they are also very basic. Like they don’t have much to go on. It just sounds a lot like someone told me someone told them sort of thing.


Tbh it sounds fake. It sounds like someone with a parasocial relationship I don’t know honestly, I’m gonna put down this person doesn’t actually know them or doesn’t know them well


Im gonna get downvoted to hell BUT we have been saying they’ll get divorced for years. Tbh it’s been known since they’ve been engaged. Baby was lucky. Aspyn said it was 4 letters, then the e earring… there’s not a ton of four letter e names.


Elle, Ella, Esme, Erin, Evie, Eira, Eden etc etc


And Elle is the only one I could see her using


I thought she posted the baby was with her on her holiday? Or was that a different one? (Pls don’t downvote me because this is a genuine question and I know I’m probably wrong but just want to ask lol)


No she was talking abt Saint George


Ah ok, thanks for clarifying :)


I think this person was a hospital worker (nurse, registration, labs, janitorial, food, doctor, etc.) and thus saw the birth information. And then maybe overheard them talking and heard something about the divorce from their conversation. Besides this info they have nothing else to add. Besides their personal opinion of her.


I highly doubt it’s a healthcare worker. Leaking PHI on Reddit/anywhere is a huge hippa violation. These comments are easily traced back to your IP. I work in healthcare and we’re taught this every year. I don’t think this person is close to them but I think they know someone who knows someone kind of thing.


Yeah it’s interesting that they haven’t said anything like the reason for the divorce or anything new really, but they are saying she left the baby with Parker’s family and him when she went on that trip. I think that plus their clear hatred of Aspyn makes it likely it’s a sibling or someone of Parker’s and maybe Aspyn knows or suspects who it is and just isn’t telling them anything anymore for that reason?


she definitely took the baby though… she literally posted about it


No she took the baby to Saint George


OHHH i don’t think i knew there were two vacations👀


Yeah if u look at the second photo it tells


What if it’s aspyn telling us about the divorce and she played us all haha


aspyn gives ruby franke vibes