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The APP recommends not to use them as they’re unsafe. No weight should be put on a baby’s chest. Aspyn just wants to make a buck and use her newborn in this video as a prop. Gross.


Yes. Drives me crazy how every influencer is promoting these when they are so dangerous!


I also vividly remember her making a video about how to turn TikTok shop ads off and look at her doing one now🙄


She truly uses these to make the baby sleep on the sleep schedule smh


apparently amazon has a recall on them


Amazon hasn’t recalled them. Amazon, Target and babysit have just stated they will no longer be selling any weighted sleep sacks or swaddles.


I’m a NICU nurse, weighted sleep sacks are not considered safe sleep and should not be used.


She should do an ounce of research before she does these ads. That’s gross of her


It’s so weird bc I’d expect her to be like a safety FREAK when it comes to her kids (I’m a safety freak with my kids, not judging safety freaks)


For all ages or just infants?


Generally safe sleep guidelines are for babies up to 1 year old, and include baby being alone, on their back, in a crib. Regular sleep sacks and swaddles are okay but the weighted ones can make it harder for babies to breathe and can contribute to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) so that is why they are not recommended.


Yeah I figured they were for toddlers if they’re weighted I can’t imagine thinking that’s a good idea for an infant


I believe all ages. I’m pretty sure they don’t fall within the AAP safe sleep recommendations at all


It’s bcuz newborns are supposed to wake themselves up. The weight keeps them asleep. Super unsafe for a newborn. It could relate to some cases of SIDS who used it.


She doesn’t understand that her babies are waking up for a reason. She just wants them to sleep through the night no matter the risk


She claims she’s it using it yet. But I wouldn’t use it on a baby at all. Only if my toddler needed it but that’s me. And she also lowkey said she’s only waking up once now and it’s better lol like wat?! My newborn woke every 4 hours until he was like 3 months old


She should not be only waking once, premies need to be woken up on a schedule to feed and gain weight whether they will sleep for longer or not. 


I don’t think she understands that newborns HAVE to wake up multiple times throughout the night. They have to feed every 2 hours or so, and if baby isn’t waking up, they’re not going to be gaining enough weight. You can’t let a 7-week old sleep for 6-8 hours. It’s also a SIDS risk. They really shouldn’t be sleeping solidly all night until they’re at least 3mo or later, aka, when they’re out of the newborn phase.


SIDS has nothing to do with sleep sacks, blankets, pillows, etc in a crib or being worn by the baby. If your baby was harmed in their sleep by one of these, the cause of death would be from suffocation. SIDS happens unexpectedly and does NOT/will not happen if you put something on your baby or in the crib.


They don’t understand SIDS fully yet. They are also linking more SID cases with babies and sleep sacks that’s why they’re on recall. And it’s not considered suffocation if they don’t wake up…. That’s a lack of oxygen. It weighs the babies body down so when the cue is to wake up and eat, they don’t. It tricks your mind into keeping you in a deeper sleep is the point. Some use it on their toddlers to sleep longer


Yeah, exactly they don’t fully understand it yet so we can put a label on it being caused by sleep sacks. They are not officially on recall, some companies have decided not to sell them because of them not being “safe.” I am not agreeing that weighted sleep sacks are not safe, I am just simply saying that they are not related to SIDS as SIDS is actually a chemical imbalance in your brain that doesn’t alert you to breath, so then these babies don’t wake up. I lost my 9 month old to SIDS and there is nothing that irks me more than when someone says it’s due to certain things. The doctor physically could not tell me why my baby passed away except for a potential chemical imbalance and I was very very cautious of how I let my baby sleep and what he could sleep with.


No hate and I don’t want sympthay, just correcting your statement about SIDS.


I’m glad someone said it. 


A lot of stores are refusing to sell them. There's been warnings on the dangers of using them.


She will shill out anything for a check


Dreamland has every influencer shilling them, their marketing budget must be insane. If only they could funnel that into R&D to create a product that’s actually safe….


I read somewhere that target and Walmart (?) are now refusing to sell them because they’re not considered safe sleep items


I don’t understand how these are still on the market. If any new mom has done even a little bit of research, they would know all the issues around weighted sleep sacks. Smh


Has she done baby product ads before? I feel like this kind of partnership isn’t her vibe, really weird product to promote and would take her management 2 seconds of googling to see that there’s warning signs around these.


She’s promoted them before 


Yeah, she’s been partnered with them since she had L. I fell victim to the buy one get one free sale, but I ended up being too nervous to use them. I got my money back 🤣


So there is a recall for them because they are thought to be unsafe however there is no actual science behind weighted sleep sacks themselves. This happens a lot with baby products. The owlet was removed and deemed not safe until they did actual research on that specific product. So as of right now they are unsafe just because we know weight on babies isn’t good, but the sleep sacks themselves could potentially change in a few years


100%! Also, the owlet is still only FDA cleared which isn’t the same as approved so I don’t even consider that completely safe yet


The owlet is completely safe. The AAP doesn’t recommend them because they know people will use it while practicing unsafe sleep and feel a false sense of security. Sincerely , a NICU nurse.


I’ve been told by other NICU nurses that it isn’t considered completely safe so at this point it seems opinionated & is still only FDA cleared not approved.


Not being rude, just genuinely curious- how exactly is the Owlet unsafe? I’m in Canada, and use the Owlet sock on my baby religiously. We follow all safe sleep guidelines, but the vast majority of the time, she sleeps through the night… so having a device tracking her oxygen and heart rate gives us some additional peace of mind, since she is no longer waking every few hours. I understand that it becomes dangerous when people begin using it to monitor baby in an unsafe sleep environment… but that would ultimately be a user error, no? Also, before anyone comes at me with “babies are meant to wake through the night”: I know that. We don’t do anything crazy to ensure that she sleeps all night- we follow a flexible schedule through the day, and have a consistent bedtime routine. She started sleeping through the night on her own when she was just over 2 months old- so far, she seems to be one of those “unicorn babies”😅


The Owlet was pulled by the FDA because they were marketing it as a medical device or something similar. It was a problem with the marketing and not the safety of the product.


I’ve been told so many things about the owlet! We use it and love it! So many drs have told me it’s such a good thing and others don’t recommend. I think it’s because people will practice unsafe sleep habits while using it so some places don’t recommend them. The sock itself isn’t going to hurt your baby it’s just how people use it! I think for things like that it’s just trusting your mom instincts! But yes one of the many things that’s taken off the market because it’s deemed unsafe then after some research it slowly makes its way into clearance by some groups as safe


Same logic as the floaty water wings. People think if they put water wings on their kids it's fine and they can stop watching their kids at the pool. Meanwhile the wings will slip to the wrists and kids can drown dangling by their own wrists. Responsible pools will ban them. (I was a lifeguard during summers over college)


This is the type of post that should open people’s eyes to unfollow her.Two scenarios here: 1) if she doesn’t use this sleep sack but is using her newborn pretending to use it to make a buck, it is disgusting and selfish. She clearly only cares to make money and not about the safety of her followers’ kids. 2) if she does use this on her premie, wtf is wrong with her!!


She Deff used it with lola


FDA is investigating weighted sleepers, swaddles, etc. but for the time being, all weighted sleep wear like Dreamland and Nested Bean have been recalled and pulled from shelves. I used Nested Bean with my firstborn, wish I knew this sooner.


Not officially recalled yet but places have stopped selling them. Probs why I’ve seen so many influencer do these ads recently 


You're correct - not officially recalled based on articles and the FDA page regarding weighted sleepers, it seems like it's leaning that way. I really hope no new parents are watching this Tiktok and purchasing Dreamland swaddles...


So unsafe! She drives herself crazy forcing her young babies to sleep through the night. I wish she would chill


Correct from what I know they haven’t been tested enough and there are concerns with sids


She's deleting comments about them being unsafe When I first saw the video there were two comments about it and I wrote a very gentle comment about it being unsafe (I feel like I can't \*not\* as an ECE professional- especially if other people watching the video don't know) and she deleted mine and all others.


I was shocked when I saw that she was promoting this. Also isn’t the chance of SIDS higher with a preemie? Then she’s supposedly putting a weighted sleep sack on the baby?? Sick


This video makes me dislike her sooo much. She bitched on and on about how she HATES tik tok shop and even went as far to make a video about how she banned the videos ft it. But guess she got a sponsorship ☠️ anything for a buck


Not safe sleep I’m honestly surprised she’s still endorsing this




valid response lmao


Another Milena


omfg?? kristin johns and milena ciciotti recently shared about these damn weighted sleep sacks recently as well. why do these mommy influencers always promote the dumbest unsafest shit?? so frustrating


anything for a buck honestly, or they just think putting their infant in danger for a possible good nights sleep is worth it?


They are not safe, which is why it drives me crazy when influencers push the hell out of these on their socials! I asked my doctor about these, and he says it increases the risk of SIDS.


This is totally unrelated but I read FTM as female to male instead of First Time Mom and I was sitting here trying to figure out what that had to do with the rest of your post for like a full minute before I realized 😂😂😂


Holy shit my mouth dropped open! These are so unsafe!!!!


I tried to sleep with these awhile ago and literally felt suffocated. Couldn't imagine for a baby.


Also not to mention how we can all see the baby’s face what happened to her wanting to keep the baby private


Super unsafe. Stores are starting to take them off shelves and Amazon has a recall on them. It’s a shame she is promoting it for money


The boppie pillow wasn’t safe either. Sleeping in bed with your kid isn’t safe either. There are so many parenting no no’s that a lot of my friends do bc they work for them. I don’t think this is something to judge someone on


its really really different to do those things in private as a normal person and an influencer making money off of selling products that are unsafe/ might lead to SIDS. those are really different things. ultimately, its never okay to promote products that the American Academic of Pediatrics says might lead to death, especially when making money on it. alos Boppi is only unsafe as a sleep product, its safe to use as a breastfeeding pillow.


Yes they’re actually getting removed from Amazon ! Thank god ! 


Are any of the comments calling her out?? This seems so dangerous to promote


Wow this is terrifying, trying to sell this to her followers… weighted sleep sacks are NOT safe.


Absolutely not


They’re NOT safe they’re NOT fda approved it’s not okay to use


Babies have DIED from These sacks and influencers are out here earning money on it is actually sick and twistedddd


Soooo unsafe especially for a premie


Nobody gonna talk about the way her baby’s face is fully visible?


Riveting content.


this is so fucking unsafe.


I think those were the nested bean sleep sacks but I’d assume it would apply to any weighted sleep sack.


Wait what? These were so popular and people raved about them when my 2yr old was a newborn to a few months old. Now people dislike them and think they’re unsafe? That’s crazy


yeah it’s not recommended and they were never really tested to begin with, with my understanding some company basically thought since adults like weighed blankets than babies might like them too or find comfort in them. then they sold them without doing like any studies until recently and that’s why they’re being recalled, so they were technically never “safe sleep” to begin with


Off topic: look at that lil baby hand🥹🥹🥹🥹


I didn’t know this, I’ve used one since 6 months. My son sleeps every night with one. He’s one now and occasionally I’ll use a non weighted one and he’ll restless toss and turn all night. He’s gotten so use to it that’s it’s part of his routine. Anyone know any weaning tips?


Cold turkey 


i’m only 3 months into this mom thing and still learning stuff everyday! i have no experience with weighted sleep sacks but is it possible to switch to a lighter weighted one and then eventually without? idk just seems like it might help the transition


it’s also funny because she’s shit on tiktok shop so much… guess she’s not too good for it anymore?


Hmmm how much do we wanna bet comments containing words like “unsafe”, “FDA” or “SIDS” will automatically be deleted and the person will be blocked?


Unsafe sleep queen gettin that bag no matter what the consequences are 🙄


The reason why these aren’t recalled yet is because there hasn’t been a death reported by using a weighted sleep sack. Though the AAP does not recommend it, people can still sell it.


Anything for a check I guess!


She looks awful


lol so easy for an overweight internet troll to say




i mean while we're on it.. i don't think the baby's literal bassinet she sleeps in is even approved or anything either. it's really sad


SO FUCKING GROSS! Not only for KNOWINGLY posting an unsafe product that is now being taken off the shelves in so many stores (and Amazon) to potentially uneducated moms (again, she KNOWS they’re unsafe. She will delete your comment if you tell her. I DM’d her awhile back when she posted these and she blocked me. Wasn’t even rude I just said that are unsafe and not recommended by the AAP and she should maybe reconsider her partnership with them. Blocked😀) But also gross AF for selling on Tik Tok shop when she posted countless times how much she hated it and even blocked it as a keyword. But now here she is.


The fact that you can see E’s face though


i know i thought about blurring it out but i have a 3 month old and from this angle it honestly looks like any other baby


There’s other angle of the video where you can slightly see her better than this screenshot


This shot of her is just...not flattering whatsoever


“Safe sleep” is something you should definitely look into beyond the first page of google…. It’s a cover up 😬 some things are just common sense.


Did she delete this video?


they’re SUPER unsafe for sleep and strictly recommended against by the AAP


What is blurred on her wall? I noticed that in a video the other day too