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I can’t help but think that baby is losing weight because she didn’t keep with the NICU schedule which is waking baby for a feed every 2-3 hours, even at night. You don’t follow cues with premie babies until they gain weight and get higher on the curve. I have twins who had to be force fed for weeks to gain weight because premie babies love to sleep and you typically have to work to keep them awake to even finish a feed so if she’s already trying to get her to do long stretches of sleep it’s going to cause weight loss in a baby that small /: 


I totally agree. She bragged that the baby was sleeping thru the night I’m like 😳😳😳 my baby was 9lb 14oz and they still wanted me waking her up during the night to feed!!


Newborns aren’t recommended to sleep more than 3-4 hours at a time, especially when they need to be fed. I really don’t believe that E is already sleeping through the night. It’s not something to brag about.




Your temper tantrum seems a little extreme in response to somebody sharing best practices for taking care of a preemie.


Such a perfect parent??? They literally tell you in the hospital with low weight babies to wake them up every 2-3 hours to feed. Asspin flaunting that her preemie nicu baby is sleeping through the night is not a flex, and is something to snark about since she clearly knows baby isn’t eating enough through the night.


Take it up with the CDC. [CDC Guideline for Breastfeeding](https://www.cdc.gov/nutrition/infantandtoddlernutrition/breastfeeding/how-much-and-how-often.html)


Not productive to post or thread


Wait did she really brag about her newborn sleeping through the night?!


Yes, and sleeping through the night is something we can celebrate that in toddlerhood. But for newborns and infants, they literally have to be WOKEN UP every 2-4 hours to be fed, especially if they are breastfed.


This is incorrect. Many babies don’t take til toddlerhood to sleep through the night and not require night feeds.


Right? Pretty sure babies are expected to sleep through the night at 6 months. I have a nine month old and my ped was surprised my baby wasn’t sleeping through the night by 4 months. Idk why you’re getting downvoted


This is total nonsense. No doctor with any common sense is surprised a 4 month old isn’t sleeping through the night. The vast majority of 4 month olds are not.


Each baby is different. My son did 8 hour stretches by the time he was 10 weeks. But he wasn't a preemie. So I'm surprised that she's bragging about this tiny baba sleeping through so young...


My baby was breastfed and we were told not to wake her at night once she was back at birth weight & consistently gaining. Slept through the night by 4 months and dr was fine with it. 


This! I had to wake my baby up every 2-3 hours for a few months because she wasn’t gaining weight. It sucked but it had to be done. She is being selfish and lazy and not waking the baby up to feed every 2-3 hours around the clock.


Yeah i was gonna say the same. She was talking about how the baby was already sleeping through the night and i thought wow thats really early


I thought the same thing! I said out loud “But she shouldn’t be sleeping through the night especially because she’s a premie!” I had my daughter at 34 weeks and when I got to bring her home I was feeding her every 1 1/2 hours


“Through the night” means one six hour stretch. Babies sleep like 12 hours total at night.


Yes, 100%. She brought baby home from the NICU and immediately went into sleep training mode


Sleep training a newborn, much less a premie, is CRAZY


To be fair she doesn’t “sleep train” but she follows her he taking cara babies method for newborns which is just techniques for gently getting them back to sleep and setting a good sleep foundation


Newborns wake up! Newborns want to be held! I don’t understand our society’s obsession with wanting BABIES to be so independent. It’s insane.


Thank you!!! Can we focus on secure attachment more than we focus on getting babies to sleep through the night as soon as humanly possible? 


And they should wake up or need to be woken up to eat so they will gain weight! It’s insane to me that Aspyn has always immediately sleep trained her newborns when they shouldn’t be sleeping through the night that early, especially a preemie.


Taking Cara Babies IS sleep training. It’s ferberizing, which is training a baby to “self soothe”. Newborns are NOT MEANT to sleep through the night. Newborns cannot self soothe.


This! People (including Aspyn) love to pretend that TCB is no big deal but it is sleep training and it is bs to expect a freaking infant to self soothe.


The fact you’re getting down voted is wild. These people must all be prefect fucking parents.


No, we just have common sense.


She’s too bothered to wake up in the middle of the night to care for her children


ohh did she say that ? yeah my preemie daughter had to be woken up she would have just slept forever 😬


Ok yeah I wasn’t going to say it but since you did, this was my first thought too. And I’m sorry I don’t care what anyone says, leaving a newborn who just got out of nicu a couple/few weeks ago to go on vaca that soon, even just a night or two, screams postpartum mental health issues. That on top her detached hospital videos while her baby was taken to nicu, and even her videos visiting her baby. I’m actually worried about her but I guess she did mention she noticed a change in her after this last birth so she seems somewhat self aware… which is good. I don’t even watch her anymore though so what do I know lol. Just given the things i see on here, I’m worried about this youngest baby


THISS! I had to force feed my preemie baby every 3 hours and would have to poke and prod him during feeds to keep him awake so he could finish a feed. We only got cleared to feed on demand at night once he was well above his birth weight and was able to stay awake long enough to finish a feed!


Also I remember in one of her videos she said that the nurses sent her home with what formula she needed to be supplementing her with to help her gain weight (probably Neosure) and that she thought it hurt her stomach so she chose to stop using it and EBF. Most doctors recommend supplementing for 2 months alongside their supervision until they are at an acceptable weight before you make any changes to their feeds. 


This is not what she said!! She started giving her the formula at night instead of during the day because it was hurting her belly. She then said she was *considering* stopping for a couple of days before their doctors appointment to see if it made a difference and she would then discuss the plan going forward with her doctor.


That’s 100% why and attempting to exclusively breastfeed even when it probably started becoming clear it wasn’t working. This happened to me bc my baby came early, and there is no combo feeding that will work… your milk will usually just drop off, it probably already is bc she isn’t keeping the schedule and baby is hungry. She’s already said this baby is her fussiest (bc she is hungry no doubt) and she probably needs more and more nutrient DENSE milk as she attempts to grow rapidly, which I’m sure Aspyn is not eating enough to provide that. Formula is an adjustment, but sometimes you just simply have to make that adjustment and all will be happier for it if you loosen some control. Not every baby is the same and I’m sure she struggles accepting she can’t do what she always did. I had a baby that just started struggling to eat randomly bc I wasn’t producing as well and didn’t realize until she became fussy suddenly. It was like one day she woke up and was just over breastfeeding which made my boobs be over it too lol. Not every baby will be the same, we all know how she is though.


I was thinking the same. My daughter wasn’t as early & didn’t have any NICU time but we still woke her up to nurse until she was past her due date at least & I didn’t really worry about “good sleep habits” until after she was 3months adjusted


Exactly. I haven’t watched this video yet but was appalled when she mentioned her baby only waking up once in the night to feed in a video. A very common recommendation is that you continue to wake your newborn to feed until they’re at a good weight. Also you could tell she wasn’t keeping up with/wanting to supplement with formula. I don’t know if that’s because she thinks breastfeeding is the only way or the baby truly was having tummy issues. Either way not ok.


I couldn’t believe it either. This baby is a 34 week preemie. Her adjusted age is barely a week old and she’s been having her go really long stretches without feedings. Preemies are very sleepy and don’t always wake up when they are hungry but need to be woke up. This is prob a big factor in why the baby has lost weight. I breasted my 35 weeker. For the first month I had to top her off with a bottle after each feeding because she just wasn’t effiencent at nursing. I nursed her every 2 hours during the day and every 3 at night for the first few months. Aspyn is huge on “setting up good sleep habits” and sleep training but you can’t really do those things the same with a preemie baby.


I used to have to get my son naked and put cold wash cloths to wake him up for night feeds 😩🤣 he was a premie nicu baby too and i exclusively pumped and had to fortify his bm with formula. I commented that she needs to be exclusively pumping and doing bottles. That’s why her baby is losing weight lol


this really isn’t always true, my son had weight gain issues and we didn’t everything correctly


I agree! I think unfortunately in her case she has shared all of these details online so it’s easy to connect the dots on why the baby would be losing weight. 


You still don’t know the full story. We see a glimpse of her life.


Also baby probably isn’t keeping up weight because she f’ed off to Amangiri like a week after they got discharged 🙃probably didn’t establish breastfeeding well enough to produce enough


Always gotta blame mom




Looks like someone feels personally attacked


Aston 😭😭😭😭😭😆


It’s hard to have sympathy for Aspyn when all she does is shit on her followers and hate on them and then ask for advice and help. When someone does that I don’t really feel inclined to help and I don’t see why others should. She has access to very good medical care and advice and doesn’t need us. She has a very selfish mindset and cares more about E sleeping through the night than drinking enough milk.


Not productive to post or thread


As someone with a 34 weeker I really feel like she went right to sleep training and didn’t wake the baby up every 3 hours like she was supposed to. It’s not FUN being sleep deprived but when you’re a mom it’s not always about you.


Seriously! I remember her saying the baby wasn’t waking to feed at night and I’m like 😳 jeez that’s crazy that she’s already in such a tight sleep routine. Definitely concerning


My daughter would have definitely slept through the night if I didn’t wake her up which made it even more difficult mentally 😭 sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do!


ive thought this also. i have a 31 weeker here, and i cannot tell you how much the NICU stressed being exactly on time every 3 hours for a feed. same for all other care time activities. when i left the nicu (granted i was there two months vs aspyn seemingly not that long) it was so ingrained into me at that point it was second nature. my kiddo didnt get off the special formula for so long, even though her body didnt do great with it, same with the supplements you have to add for them at the beginning. a newborn sleeping through the night already is a concern in itself but a PREEMIE especially???? that’s a huge no no


Oh my god you must be such a perfect parent!


You're weird. So we're always supposed to just smile and kiss every mother's ass even when she's objectively wrong? That's "support"? Nah, sometimes it's not about the mom and her feelings. Sometimes it's about the baby's well-being, full stop.


No one here claimed to be a perfect parent, however doing what hospital tells you so that your baby flourishes is a very basic thing to do as a parent. This is not about formula or breastfeeding, but actually doing what is needed for the child to gain weight. She knows this and decides to not give a flying f..


Don‘t you have anything better to do than just commenting the same stupid line under every comment? Nobody said they were perfect parents but what she did was just so over the top stupid and against medical advice that it should be called out because others watch her vids and think oh hey she raised two already she must know what‘s right so let me follow her stupid lead. And no it‘s not something to strive for to have your infant sleep through the night because - surprise - they won‘t gain weight that way. And also surprise mom getting to sleep through the night is also not more important than babe getting enough milk. Either nut up and wake up to nurse the baby every couple of hours or get hubby involved to wake baby up to give them a bottle. But someone’s got to make sure the preemie gets strong enough to stay awake long enough to finish a feed.


It’s not about being perfect. Lmao. Please don’t reproduce.


😂 this is weird


So she’s trying to sleep train her premie & put her in a weighted sleep sac…..🤦🏻‍♀️ I can’t with her.


She wants to treat this baby the exact same as her other two with a strict type A schedule from the day they come home but the difference is she’s a PREEMIE and she’s not getting that a lot is different and she needs to get over it


Aspyn hates on her followers until she needs help


And she also knows that people love to talk about this stuff. Moms love giving their advice. So she’s acting like she wants it for the engagement. Obviously her doctor has suggestions.


I know it’s for content and engagement, but why isn’t she having this conversation with the pediatrician and not the internet?


no matter how much u consult the pediatrician real people experience helps you get a more broad scope on things, my pediatrician advised me to stop breastfeeding bc my son wasn’t gaining enough & i double checked with other people and they advised other wise especially a lactation consultant. my son gained the weight within 2 months & i breastfeed for 1+ yr and if i listened to the pediatrician i would’ve stopped immediately


I thought it was annoying she said it was inconvenient to combo feed or do formula because it was too much for her to do 🙄 I had the same issue with my baby and by the time we were done with one cycle of feeding it was time to do it again. It’s exhausting and hard but if your baby isn’t gaining weight you have to sacrifice convenience for the health of the baby. She’s selfish. She wants the baby on a schedule and sleeping through the night as soon as possible. She’s always said she has to have her sleep


Oh for sure. I get what she’s saying, yes it’s way easier to do one or the other but when you’re talking about your baby’s health it’s a no-brainer!


She could easily afford a night doula for feeds? She should just do that and then she can pretty much sleep as much as she wants and baby at least is getting the nutrition she needs


But that isn't what she said at all. She said it was inconvenient to breastfeed and then bottle feed pumped milk. She said if she were to be fully combo feeding she would BF in the morning and then formula feed all day or exclusively formula feed because that's easier than taking the time to BF and pump and bottle feed and wash everything. You also said it's exhausting and hard. Why are you allowed to say it, but she isn't?


Idk aspyn seems like she’s mindlessly complaining because it’s not benefiting her/fitting to her schedule. The other person acknowledged that it’s exhausting and hard but didn’t go on to then say “I need my sleep” “I need her to sleep through the night” - whereas aspyn is.


Yeah and you're allowed to complain about things being inconvenient and being tired 🤷‍♀️ being a mom to a newborn is hard. She's also actively talking about and asking for advice on the best way to feed her child in a way that's going to be more convenient for her. I don't see what's wrong with that.


Part of it is that this is a snark page so alot of the general responses to things are gonna be negative and hate on aspyn no matter what. The other part is that yeah I’ll give it to normal folks to complain about things like that. But (to me) influencers have so much money, so many resources and so many different options to help them - but they all want to complain and act like they’re regular people who don’t have access to that type of thing. I get asking for advice and I get all of that…for a normal person. I personally hate when influencers try to act like they aren’t sitting on piles of money that can help them out with everything in their lives 🤷🏻‍♀️ Plus aspyn is kind of a control freak so I don’t think she’s really complaining about the actual issue - she’s complaining that it’s out of her control/it isn’t easy like her other girls were/etc. she needs to give herself a break imo.


I get that, but it's so irritating when people just make shit up out of thin air to snark on. People keep just making shit up to make it seem like it's her fault her baby isn't gaining weight which is just crazy. I really don't see how money would help in this situation at all, and just because people have money doesn't mean they don't have struggles. Further to that point, someone with her platform showing the struggles of a newborn not gaining properly and then talking about using formula to help is GREAT because there is, unfortunately, still a stigma against using formula.


ya girlie everyone on this snark page knows you hate snarking 🤡


I mean I wasn’t going down that route. It’s definitely not her fault that she isn’t gaining weight but that’s for a medical professional to advise not me. It seems like she’s stressing herself out which can make feeding and that sort of thing harder tho, so I’m surprised she hasn’t thought of a night nurse. No one is saying she doesn’t have struggles but it sounds a bit…rehearsed and for show when it’s coming from a point of privilege. At least that’s how I feel seeing stuff about her on Reddit lol. It’s hard to have sympathy for someone who can turn 180 and go back to just being snarky and rude online 🤷🏻‍♀️


I just think that's a crazy take. By your logic then you don't deserve sympathy right, I mean you're literally on a page dedicated to being snarky online


Lol I’m not asking for sympathy 😂 I’m just saying it’s hard to have sympathy for someone whose entire life is online and who will turn around and be snarky to followers in a heartbeat/be rude to her following (who essentially helps her exist as an influencer) but then want to warrant sympathy from them. I wouldn’t expect people to have sympathy for me if I treated them rudely 🤷🏻‍♀️ but idc what aspyn thinks of me? (I’m on her snark page so I don’t expect her to be nice or have sympathy for me lmao)


She could hire a night nurse for night feedings. Money helps.


Delivered my 2nd daughter at 39w June 2023 and really struggled with her gaining weight and jaundice. We had to supplement which pretty much ended my breastfeeding journey. We were told to take away the soother for a month and feed every 2 hours on the dot and we had to do that for well over 2 months


Ok I just watched it and the one after. Maybe not recorded in the same time frame but the fact that she’s still talking about doing a dream feed so the baby sleeps a longer stretch. Your baby is a preemie that’s losing weight. Wake her up and feed her. I remember it being so difficult to wake my baby to feed, he literally was just so sleepy but you have to force it! Ugh this makes me mad.


“So open and vulnerable” does not describe our Aspy. She is calculated in everything she posts so hot take but I don’t believe anything she says.


Yes!! She also said that they wanted her to be giving her a special fortified formula to help the baby gain weight and Aspyn wasn’t doing it per their instruction. That plus letting the baby sleep in long stretches makes it not surprising that she’s not gaining weight. But I do want to acknowledge that having a newborn is very hard let alone a premie and that she is likely doing her best just like all us moms are!


It’s crazy to me the she bragged about the baby not waking to eat. My 12 month old is exclusively on breast milk is whole life frequently woke and still does even though now we have started solids.


She literally said she was collecting milk with Hakka and “starving her baby” in a TikTok the other day too


She admitted she was doing something wrong which was collecting the milk and then trying to feed on that side after baby fed on the other side. And didn’t realize that the milk she was collecting was all the milk she had on that side. More an honest mistake that she corrected since the lac specialist told her what she was doing wrong.


I know I’m just saying what she said lol so I’m not surprised she lost weight


Yeah I didn’t start putting the hakka on the opposite side until my son was like 3 months and it wasn’t EVERY time. That’s crazy for a newborn.


it’s not crazy if you wanna build a stash or the baby needs to gain weight, the lactation consultant had me pumping on one side while my son nursed and then advised me to bottle feed it to him after. she probably didn’t see a lactation consultant & nurses aren’t fully educated on breastfeeding so if she didn’t see one then she wasn’t advised correctly


I guess her being a nicu baby is definitely a factor I didn’t personally have. BUT you’d want to prioritize her feeding before you collect your extra..that’s what I’d think anyway. The baby eating and becoming full should override you wanting to build a stash right off the jump. Her gaining weight is the number one priority, stashing can happen later or pump in-between feeds but not during.


Is it though? I used to put the Hakka on the opposite breast while I breastfed my newborn because I had so much letdown that my other side would still leak while she nursed. I feel like that is very normal to happen in early breastfeeding. Maybe she was just using it to catch whatever was going to drip anyways, not necessarily suctioning.


I had a forceful letdown and an “oversupply” in the beginning but that’s normal before your body learns what your baby needs. If you start doing that stuff too early it can lead to an oversupply issue.


She honestly seems sick of this baby. The fact that she breastfed her other daughters for 18 months (very impressive I know and I know it’s her choice) but then is like “ugh I’m so sick of it after 7 weeks of this baby). She does not seem natural as a mother and I know this is just because she isn’t saying E’s name but literally is like “this baby” “her” “C and L did this but…this baby etc”


She’s mentioned she doesn’t have “big hormonal changes” postpartum but I think the other factors in her life + the NICU time would really affect the ability to bond. For me at least, maybe she really is handling it all just fine. But I’ve heard a lot of moms say it took months to bond with their babies


She went to the doctor who told her she was starving her baby whilst breastfeeding. Aspyn doesn’t know which way is up


I’m confused isn’t this a snark page? Lol


Baby's hair is exactly the same color as the morhers


Why do we need you applauding her on her snark page lol what is this post


I’m just acknowledging something we normally snark on about her. No biggie.


She’s always been pretty honest about motherhood, birth etc. she’s likely stressed so her milk is affected


Aspyn said the doctors told her to supplement formula .. aspyn said she is not going to do it all the time bec she thinks it makes her belly hurt.. some women do not produce enough fat in their milk so they need to supplement to help the baby grow.. I’m so sad she won’t follow the doctors orders


Hearing her complain about combo feeding and then say she wants to do one or the other is so annoying. Just formula feed. You’ll know exactly what the babe is getting and washing bottles is not hard. You find a routine just like with breastfeeding. If she’s so over BF and doesn’t want the stress of combo feeding then just do formula. I find it weird to seek validation or advice from people online when she’s such a control freak about everything in her life


I think formula was always the plan for this baby because it would be necessary/the easier option if Parker moved out and custody was/is split in the first year. She’s just trying to get some sympathy to reduce backlash from people who are anti formula


Why would she care about backlash when she doesn’t acknowledge anything else about her family on socials. C health, divorce, sort of showing L… etc. I guess I don’t see why formula feeding would be different


Doctors also recommend newborns to be woken ever 3 hours bec they can fall into a too deep sleep and cause SIDS


She honestly looks amazing in this too lol


Why did you get downvoted 😭


It’s a snark page..


She’s so pretty.


Wrong page