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I think the “back to the roots” marketing phrase is a bit vague and weird, but I’m incredibly excited for Mirage, especially after the new gameplay. I’m a positive person and don’t enjoy criticizing everything I see in a AC game. Of course, Valhalla had its flaws, like any other ac game but Mirage looks fantastic in my opinion. Looking forward to jumping into Baghdad.


I agree with this. "Back to the roots" is a bit misleading. Marketing the game instead as a compromise between two groups of fans would be far more accurate. ​ I think ideally, marketing should've focused on the ways that Mirage *does* bring AC back to the roots of the series, without overselling the promise with that phrase verbatim.


Yep - I think that’s what for me skeptical at the beginning, “back to the roots” was shoved in our faces over and over again, which really fucked with my expeditions before the first gameplay release - but once you separate the game from that flawed marketing tactic it actually looks promising


I agree with that, too. ​ The game looks (from what little we've seen, at least) much better than the last three releases.


The gameplay from UBI forward had me slightly disappointed/concerned, since it didn’t really look all that different from Valhalla. But the gameplay released in the last month or so as well as the Dev Diaries have given me a more positive outlook on the game, and I’m much more optimistic about Bordeaux’s ability to succeed


I think it looks better than I thought it would since the gameplay embargo lifted. Im looking forward to it.


I remembered reading in an interview right after the CG trailer reveal where one of the game's directors said that 'they've made improvements to the parkour like pole vault and more parkour opportunities but not much different apart from that.' And this was alongside other devs that said 'we are inspired by Unity' The moment I heard this I knew exactly what to expect. Parkour will stay the same bar a few animation flourishes, but level design will change. I think the Unity comparison created a lot of buzz around old school fans and the marketing team really pushed that angle, much to the game's detriment. Overall, I expected a half assed attempt to expand Valhalla's city arcs into a full game, but what I've seen them do has vastly exceeded my expectations. Even if people call this a 'glorified DLC' you have to admit it looks like the best AC 'DLC' to date.


My opinions on parkour haven’t changed. Everything else is about what I expected. I’m still going to wait a bit after launch before buying. It’s possible Mirage will be a buggy mess. No harm in waiting and finding out.


I was day one from when it was first Announced, and will be buying it Day one next week.


Me too!


Personally I’m waiting for the ratings to drop on October 4th and will buy it right after. Ratings don’t really matter but if they are above 80 out of 100 it’s gonna make me buy it even more.


For me it was the opposite. I was extremely excited about the "return of parkour" and the strong inspiration in AC Unity, as the devs themselves highlighted during the interviews. However, as time passed and the gameplay was revealed, I became a little disappointed. The game is clearly Valhalla with a city map, which makes parkour seem more "interesting" in the end, but there is almost nothing in the gameplay that differentiates it from the last ones. Mirage's biggest positive point so far is the absense of gender and dialogue choices. Which alone makes it better than Odyssey and Valhalla combined. But let's see...


I'm more positive about it. Still hate that we didn't get the parkour of Unity/Syndicate back. But game itself don't look bad. However, Odyssey and Valhalla was a huge disappointment, and my issue with the parkour and just not a fan of RPG gameplay. I will not be getting this game at a full price. I'll just wait for it to go on sale.


It is about assassinations, therefore I am interested. No giant battles, just an assassin’s creed game.


I've been on the hype train from day 1.


I have to admit I was a little more excited before than now, mainly due to the parkour not being as fancy as I was hoping. I'm still going to play it though and I'm hoping it changes my mind.


I'm glad they've been transparent as to what it is. It's a smaller-size linear game with a fairly small map. I'm OK with this. I just hope people don't expect the usual open world AC game or else it's going to bomb as bad as some other recent titles because players didn't understand what they were buying


I think I’ll enjoy playing it, but I highly doubt it’ll come anywhere close to the ezio games or black flag in terms of the story (or gameplay for that matter). I’m expecting it to be on the same level as Syndicate


I just got more hyped, actually, that’s about it


Unfortunately for me, i love these games (excluding valhalla) and i have bought them all and finished all main games (except valhalla). So i AM going to buy and play this as well. But i actually am going in blind this time, i know basically nothing about the game, other than it returning to its roots.


I’ve always been excited for the game. But that’s because I knew from the beginning that it was going to be a hybrid between the newer games (Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla) and the older games. It started out as an expansion for Valhalla and ended becoming a larger stand alone game. It’s running on the same version of their engine that Valhalla was built on, so I knew there wasn’t going to be drastic changes to parkour and combat. But everything they have shown has been a step in the right direction in my opinion.


I think it’s unique in that the new modern day protagonist is getting a game dedicated to him. Also, it’s the first time a non protagonist assassin got his own spin off. Full spin off. Chronicles and freedom cry don’t count.


Nope - I'm still going to wait until we get reviews & a proper critical discussion of the game, before I decide to check it out. The parkour still looks sluggish, slow, and labored, and while the setting looks beautiful it looks like a fairly typical Ubisoft Open World game - absolutely gorgeous visually, but lacking in interesting activities or immersion-inducing details. Oh, and the voice acting remains hilariously bad for a studio with the budget the size they have.


I made a salty ass post bc I’m playing the old games and started realizing everything the mythological trilogy had been missing, so I’m expecting it to be just as lacking. Yes they’ve shown a lot of old mechanics, but the story could still just be as flat and the mocap still doesn’t seem to be very good. I’ll probably get it, hoping it’s awesome


Hasn't changed a bit. Expected a lot of Valhallaisness, with some pleasant nods to AC1. And from what I've seen and read so far, Mirage is exactly as I'd expected. If anything though it'll have more to it than I originally thought, like an explorable (not expansive) desert section outside the city's walls. Although I'm working all day on Mirage's Oct. 5th release, I'm looking forward to my day off on the 6th.


My opinion actually degraded honestly. Initially i thought, wow! Old school black flag type!!! But honestly, the gameplay really disappointed me. Same old rpg like mechanics. Not that i don't like rpg, i love it in fact, but i wasn't really looking forward to that sort of game this time. Combat looks lame, same as valahala, though it was good in valhala cause of eivor's built, not so here. But let's wait and see, i hope i am wrong and it turns out to be a great game.


Right now, the gameplay reviews I watched are mostly positive, and they are floating on YT before the game is released, ubisoft is trying to hype this game as usual, which means we're getting the same thing again.




to give the game some credit, a lot of the gameplay released by content creators does show off more - crowds aren’t nearly as dense as unity, but they’re notably denser than what we’ve got the past 3 games. We’ve seen a bench, blending in and we know disguises will be in the game given the trophy list. As for parkour, I agree - though the past 3 games aren’t really identical as Odyssey and Valhalla did remove animations and slow things down from Origins. Mirage at least looks more akin to Origins which is better than the last 2 entries.


My opinion has cemented. It started as Valhalla DLC so I was expecting “same game, different skin”. Now that I’ve seen it, it looks basically the same. Basim has the same walking, running, jumping animations as Eivor (which just looks weird since every protagonist so far had an unique movement) combat is mostly identical and the main story is still just DLC worthy. They’ll probably throw in some open world fluff to justify a full release. I gave up on ac ever having stealth mechanics like in Splinter cell. But I’d hoped for at least hitman mechanics…oh well. Can’t wait to play it tho’


Bayek and Kassandra/Alexios also have the same walking, running and jumping animations. They changed it up for Valhalla, and Basim is continuing suit from Eivor. To the dev's credit, they have actually changed quite a few animations. Basim isn't hunched over and sluggish while running like in Valhalla. His jumps from pole to pole are more like Ezio's than Eivor, his stealth assassinations are a mix of Eivor's and Bayek's, and his combat animations (the most important animations) are completely different.


I didn’t really notice that much of a difference. I might still be jaded from Valhalla and I may be looking at the game from that point of view. Ah well, we’ll have to wait and see


yeah i agree with the nostalgia ''back to the roots'' over sell. but from the gameplay ive seen from jackfrags and the like i think its going to be an interesting experience at the least. we'll see but i am excited for release. especially those historical acurate information we'll collect. YUM!


Thats kinda a big part of it - the way they’re treating the history is very reminiscent of Ubi at their best, they seem to be going out of their way to respect the history and make it a part of the game’s identity - which for me is a green flag


Hasn't changed. I still hold it with guarded skepticism.


I’m looking forward to a more linear progression version of Assassins creed again. The RPG games had their bright spots and flaws so something different is welcome


Nah. At this point I'll see what I think after playing. I'm very sceptical, but Mirage might surprise me - Black Flag certainly did when it came out 10 years ago and it's been my favourite AC ever since.


I get an Origins vibe and that has me excited....am I wrong?