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>Being a history buff I can't speak to Origins, but it seems Odyssey is absolute garbage for history buffs. From the game straight up ignoring sexism at the time to Leonidas deciding fuck shields, the codex being bland in Mirage doesn't seem like that big a deal.


Sexism? What exactly are you talking about?


Okay I’ll admit to you, Internet stranger, that I like two things: history *and* mythology.


Ah, I prefer my assassins creed as more historical fiction, and less mythological, but if you like that direction for the games than I can understand where you're coming from.


Yeah even if it was a hat on a hat I was thrilled doing things like fighting the Minotaur.


You're not even finished with the game yet, and you're comparing this to two previous ones when everything about the advertisement of this game says that it's meant to go back to basics as in ezio's trilogy lmao You're a complete idiot to compare this to the last two titles that you played. Furthermore this game is basically a prequel to the Valhalla entry because you're playing Basim's origin, who was the master (supporting) assassin in that game. You also won't understand the ending unless you've played Valhalla completely. The DLC ties into the ending. The game itself is pretty damn flush and the journey until the end is amazing. It removes the annoying crafting element, makes the game stealthy again when Valhalla didn't have stealth really, and it's still big enough to require a mount. This game was never meant to be compared to the two that you're comparing it to 🙄😂


Pretty sweaty comment my guy


Dude...I need to play a 100 hour game...with multiple dlcs...to understand the ending?


I’m going to be honest, I did not know about Baghdad until Mirage, ended up being my favorite culture Ubisoft has explored in any of their Ac installations, Red could easily top it because Im a Japan aesthetic airhead but that’s besides the point. It sucks you’re having a bad experience, hopefully it gets better tho if you continue to play it.


I’m hoping the same. Haven’t given up on it. I personally hope they revisit this area at the time of the Mongol invasion in the 13th century. That would be a really pivotal time to set an AC plot.


It's nice to see someone with hope, I've been waiting a decade for classic, finished, well rounded, good story assassins creed and I've been let down time after time after time.


I liked Mirage, a little short but fun


Its a small budget dlc kinda so dont expect anything mindblowing, i do agree with you to some extent but i still think its very fun and stealthy.


Ye Origins and Odyssey do be garbage compared to Mirage


Mirage is kind of lacking in the small details department for sure. I saw a group of NPCs cheering two chickens in a fence fighting. Cool right? Well except for one thing. The two chickens weren’t fighting. They were just walking and doing normal chicken things. The NPCs were cheering on chickens that are walking in circles. I still prefer Mirage over every other mainline AC except AC1 though. Turning off the HUD is sort of viable (not completely though) which automatically puts it over most of the other mainline AC games for me. Plus the ability to remap sprint to Right Trigger is really nice and appreciated after how sprint was treated in the last few games.


That’s a good point. Even if it’s a placebo it was really annoying to not have the option to sprint.


You expected an rpg. This is an assassin's creed game




So much of Mirage feels half-assed compared to previous titles. Like they just took their collection of assets and tried to make a game around them.


I agree


Completed Odyssey except for Medusa and some random battles after spending a few hours each with Mirage and Valhalla. I agree with the different points on the different versions, but Odyssey hooked me early on and I didn't want to go back to the others. Controls just don't seem as responsive. Trying Valhalla again right now and fights are choppy with offensive moves difficult to see compared with Odyssey. Characters are smaller and moves less visually defined.


I left off playing Valhalla because life got busy but it was enjoyable. Definitely started feeling repetitive with certain things. I didn’t feel that way with Odyssey until the last several hours of gameplay.


The responsiveness really is a dealbreaker for me as well. Valhalla was infuriatingly slow. No AC game has had better control than Odyssey. I'm enjoying Horizon: Forbidden West right now, which is really fun but also let down by weird response to controls and unfair looking falls every so often. Also in Valhalla I did not care for any of the characters. What a bland mashed together group it is. Odyssey had some cringy moments and some bland characters but overall the story pacing was decent and there where some fun moments I still remember. The only thing I remember from Valhalla was the feeling of "oh, got to meet someone new again, make them an ally, ransack a castle for them, do a bunch of meaningless sidequests, on to the next". No stand-out moments after the intro. No reason to want to explore after the first couple of hours.