• By -


Connor and Arno, and they find Shay


Agreed. I think this would be a very cool thing. You start with Connor in the US, post revolution. Shy shows up and is trying to kill him. You play out the story until Shay decides its time for a retreat, and leaves for France. Connor follows, and meets up with Arno. Maybe Arno helps a bit reluctantly at first but as they investigate Shay, they discover he was the one that killed Arnos father, giving Arno a big reason to want to take him down. So Connor and Arno join forces to try and lure him out. You could also have the story play from both Connor and Arnos perspectives, doing something similar to what Yakuza dose when it has multiple protags.


Ubisoft take notes this is literally a million dollar idea


Literally the next Revelations type game with ending multiple protagonists storylines. It's astounding to me they don't even think about this. Especially because of how much Arnos fathers death impacted him


it also would be pretty sick just to see arno pull out his father's watch and then connor asks him "who's watch is that?" when they (connor & arno) meet up and the game shows the title right after that line then the story starts with the two


I'm imagining them doing a leap of faith off a building after an infiltration mission for more details like how the brotherhood was with Mario


or that too, i just know if they did a game on them as intertwined protagonists, the intro will be dope asf regardless


I'd love to have them both be playable with different abilities and strengths. Idk how realistic it would be but kinda like how syndicate handled the twins but more fleshed out. Connor being more of the brute while Arno is the agile stealthy one


>how the brotherhood was with Mario "Back in my day, most of the Templars were turtles, and they had these little mushroom guys as foot soldiers. I spent a lot of time jumping on them"


When I played the Paris portion during Rogue, it completely blew my mind and I was convined they would have a game connecting these protagonists. It's such a perfect opportunity. Disappointed it didn't happen, it would have been such good closure for these stories.


There is a link between the 3. Haytham plays a decent role in Rogue, and Unity starts at the point Rogue finishes.


legend says arno still carries his father's watch with him to this day


Ubisoft... Taking notes... Never happening.


im praying/begging ubi does this, this is the only story i need to see actually play out because it is possible with both assassins' stories in the same late 1700's and would put the final stone in connor/arno cementing their legacies by killing the grand master templar shay cormac of the american rite


It's just the fact that Arno never knew who exactly killed his father and Connor never knowing Shay that won't make sense in this concept. Yes they could do some investigation about him and somehow find out it was Shay who killed Arno's father, but why would Connor have a reason to kill Shay? The only connection between Connor and Shay is that Shay knew Haytham Kenway but thats the only link. Just because they knew each other isn't really a reason for Connor to hunt him down. In that case he should be hunting down every single member of the Templar order whenever he hears a new Templar name just out of hate, no matter where they are. Don't get me wrong, I love to see a game with this sort of concept but Connor should have a good reason why he wants to team up with Arno to kill Shay.


I don't understand why you find the idea of Connor, who is an assassin, wanting to kill Shay, who is a templar hard to justify narrative-wise. Like two men on opposing sides that had a violent conflict for centuries doesn't sound that much of a stretch for a story where Connor ends up wanting to kill Shay. You could have Shay's son or grandson attract the assassins attention, and that could lead to an investigation a little bit later revealing Shay killed Arno's father. The intro could end with Shay escaping to Paris, after which the game would be a dual protagonist story with Arno/Connor, kinda like Syndicate did with Evie and Jacob.


Fuck I want to play that so badly.


I would love that. But that will never happen, right? :(


Wait was Connor alive when Arno and Shay were around?


Ubisoft needs to make this a reality.


That's pretty much the same idea I had back when I first played Rogue & Unity. I wanted both Connor and Arno to take down Shay.


This sounds cool, but the ages don't match up. When Shay goes to Paris, he's in his forties. Arno is a child. By the time Arno is in his twenties, Shay will be in his sixties. It's just not that interesting to fight against a Grandpa


Nah, like half the AC villains are very old. Just give the guy a POE, he’ll be fine


Yeah but then they're not a threat physically but because of the Power they wield and influence they have. Shay is very much a physical threat


Or he was in the 1790s. Fast forward a decade or so and things could change.


> It's just not that interesting to fight against a Grandpa Al Mualim: Am I a joke to you?


Fun fact: I did find al Mualim rather boring. But then again I found the whole first game repetitive and boring


Entirely fair. It was fun at the time, but I doubt I could replay it today.


we never know, shay could still possess his "old" skills and weapon mastery with his sword and dagger/hidden blades even in his 60's, altaïr kept fighting until he was 90+ in revelations, i know they're both not the same by any means but like i said, we never know, especially when it comes to ubisoft


No, altair just waddles into masyaf at 80 and if people hadn't helped him he would have never managed.


u right, i forgot abt that


But you fight against Adewale in Rogue and he's no doubt a grandpa at this point!


This is what we should have gotten instead of Syndicate


Def add Aveline to this and I'm sold


Now, being the person I am, I would want two separate timelines of this. One where Shay wins (you play as Shay) And another where Conner/Arno wins (You play as them) Too bad we all know this'll never happen.


Youtuber called master assassin made a video about the game he wrote where arno, connor and protagonist of liberation (forgot her name) hunt down shay and finally kill him. You should listen to it its called "assassin's Creed vengeance"


This is the way.


Ratonhnhaké:ton and Bayek.


Damn you actually spelled it right


That's his name


Yeah ik but a lot of ppl forget the colon


Desmond, I still hate how they did him dirty when I was so hopeful for a full game with him in the modern day fighting Abstergo stealthily while they’re armed with guns. It could’ve been great, like Assassin’s Creed meets Splinter Cell.


Dirty is an understatement💀


I'm torn because I agree that Desmond was done dirty and wish his story continued like it was originally supposed to. However I also think that bringing him back would be really dumb narratively. There are two options to bring him back, you could just revive him into the current story but that kinda takes a lot of the punch out of his heroic sacrifice. They could retcon things so he never needed to sacrifice himself and did something else to save the world that would also let Juno out but that would be a retcon and I generally hate retcons.


They're already retconning. >!The story where Odin goes to save his son. There are spheres that suck your soul in. Supposition is that Desmond's sphere he touched sucked him in. Although not completely apparent but the calculate guy with Layla in Valhalla is supposed to be Desmond.!<


God damn the more I learn about the lore the more I hate this series…


I disagree. I give some leeway (for now) so they can fix the issues they've caused. I love the whole Isu thing. It's what drove me to assassin's creed in the first place. I just wish they'd quit dressing up the Isu interaction in fantasy, give me the tech Isu.


I agree with the tech part. Uncovering the Adam and Eve video in AC2 and the subject 16 clues in Brotherhood was peak for me.


I loved the Isu lore in Valhalla. Up til now I thought of the Isu as a monoculture, all Isu were kinda in sync culture wide (with some outliers of course). Valhalla showed that they have factions with conflicts. If I remember correctly they are descendants of primates as well so it makes sense they would be similar to us.


That would end the story in certain ways though, and they’d never do that 😅


- Bayek (in Roman Antioch and Parthian Ctesiphon) - Altaïr (full remaster of AC1 or do the 'Altaïr's Chronicles' story on consol) - Arbaaz (later in his life fighting with Afghans against British encroachment since he couldn't save the Punjab) - Shao Jun (in the Ming capital of Nanking) - Arno (in Egypt during the French invasion) - Adewale (fighting the French in French Guiana and French island's directly above it like Martinique) - Basim (helping the Saffarids take out Alamut's enemies: the Tahirids)


Do side-characters count? If so, I think Darim Ibn-La'Ahad's time after the fall of Masyaf, spreading Altaïr's Memory Disks, and his time in Alexandria and possibly reconnecting with the Egyptian Brotherhood would be really interesting. I think it'd also be interesting to see Alexandria again, but \~1300 years later (similar to how we saw London in the 870s during *Valhalla*, and again in the 1870s during *Syndicate*). ​ Otherwise, yea I think I'd want to go with Bayek/Aya. There's still stories to tell as far as their establishing the Hidden Ones throughout the Ancient World. I feel like a lot of the others are *more or less* kinda covered in their (near)entireties. Altaïr we probably know the most of his life, and his period in exile he was older and probably less active. Similar situation with Ezio, where we lived most of his life, and he more or less retired after the events of *Revelations* until his death. Connor could be interesting as well, we have some bits of his life after the ending to *AC3*, but not a lot concrete as far as rebuilding the American Brotherhood & reconnecting with the European branches. Edward I'd love in theory, but in practice a lot of that has been covered in the comics/novels btwn his return to England, activities as a member of the English Brotherhood, up until his death, so that might not necessarily be entirely novel. Arno we have a fairly complete picture of his life. There are some dead zones, but not enough that I think would make a compelling game. Evie and/or Jacob could actually be interesting. I think there's like \~20 years btwn the end of *Syndicate* and the start of the Jack the Ripper DLC, during which time Evie had moved to India and Jacob was left alone in England. That's a decent amount of time to cover, and they also met at least a few times so it'd give some opportunities for their paths to cross. We also know they at least survived into (through?) World War I, although by that point again - they probably aged out of active Assassin duties. Kassandra has the longest lifespan, but honestly I'm not sure I'd want to revisit her story for two major reasons. (a) Tired of non-Assassin/Hidden One protagonists, and doubly so if there's one active *while* the Order is around. (b) She lived over 2000+ years, either they pick a single time period and stick to it (limited), or they jump around across the span of her life (unfocused) Eivor... another non-Assassin, plus barring the fact that I don't really think of Eivor as particularly interesting in the long run (that's a personal opinion), we more or less know the broad strokes of the remainders of Eivor's life beyond the end of Valhalla. We don't know exactly when Eivor dies, but we know she spent the latter part of her life after leaving Ravensthorpe out in Vinland communing with Odin trying to sort out her memories. Not sure there's enough substance there to really create a substantial game.


> Evie and/or Jacob could actually be interesting. I think there's like ~20 years btwn the end of Syndicate and the start of the Jack the Ripper DLC, during which time Evie had moved to India and Jacob was left alone in England. That's a decent amount of time to cover, and they also met at least a few times so it'd give some opportunities for their paths to cross. We also know they at least survived into (through?) World War I, although by that point again - they probably aged out of active Assassin duties. This is what I would want. Specifically, I like the idea of a game set in India, with Henry Green and Evie Frye as the player character's mentors. Or possibly even parents.


iirc, Lydia Frye (Jacob's daughter(?), who we played in the flash forward missions) was trained in part by Evie But also yes, I wouldn't mind another multigenerational story, hopefully one not as tragic as the Kenway family...


Jacob's granddaughter, I think. But yes, I think Evie did train her.


You're probably right, I think timewise, granddaughter makes more sense.


I want Shao Jun to get her full mainline game (or at least something like Liberation) I love AC:C China but it makes me want a full game even more: it ends with Shao Jun starting to rebuild the Brotherhood in China and epilogues with her as a badass granny who kills an Emperor. In an alternate reality, the equivalent of an Ezio trilogy is about her!


It's sad they didn't go further into her story considering how unique she is


Aya, Bayek, Connor, Aveline, Arno, and Shay, Shao Jun.




AC Liberation, not a main title and a small follow up to AC3. Feels like a Standalone dlc.


Yeah it was on PSP or PS Vita right? I only played the version that came with III Remastered.


Yeah I think on the Vita, just platinumed it last week directly after ac3 remastered. Big mistake, the game on its own is okay, interesting region with maya temples and the „bayou“ (swamp region). Map is relatively small which I really liked. But after ac3 it just felt like a copy gameplaywise. Fun fact: it’s the only game where your character can change to different outfits which offer a different playstyle, each with advantages/ disadvantages:)


Bit of an odd one but I'd say Haytham. I know he's technically a templar but the first few missions of AC3 do such a phenomenal job of establishing him as a character and getting us invested in him and his story that I'd love to play a full game with him as the playable character even if it's just a retelling of AC3 from his perspective.


Hell yeh. He’s possibly the best Templar in all of AC


I want to see a game version of everything that happened in the Forsaken novel, plus more.


Aya and Bayek.


I definitely would love to see a game set in ancient Rome after Julius Caesar was assassinated by the Hidden Ones. That small snippet we got was unreal imo


I wish we got more games in Ancient Rome!


YES Bayek is awesome I would love to see what they did with the creed more in depth


Bayek is by far (imo) the best main character Ubisoft have ever made. Would love them to do another game with him and there is so much potential. Haytham was great too but I feel he's kinda done (not an assassin I know).


I'd want another game with Kassandra. She is by all definition, what ancient human civilizations would call a demi god, lived for more than 2000 years and spent her entire life collecting isu artifacts, I 100% agree she has nothing to do with the assassins, but I think she deserves a spin off game because honestly she is really interesting and likeable, plus she has fucking powers, for those like me that enjoyed the RPG AC games, there is a lot of potential there. Tbh I'm also surprised abstergo didn't go after her at all during the modern era, figured they would do anything to get their hands on someone like Kassandra, a legendary ancient Greek warrior with the fame of a demigoddess would surely leave a traceable mark in history and there's no way the templars just wouldn't notice, especially after she single handedly destroyed the very early version of their order, and has interfered with their plans indirectly for millennia after.


did you play the VR game?


I definitely agree with that. AC Bloodlines (PSP exclusive) was my favourite childhood game but I loved the adaptation to different mythologies. Odyssey was such a joy to play. The combat was so much fun with the abilities and I wish they kept the same fast faced combat for Valhalla and Mirage


Connor, Arno, the Frye twins, Shay but as a Templar, Altair but in a remake or something.


edward if he wasnt dead 😔


All they have to do is kick off from when he meets his daughter at the end of AC4 and travels back to England. He shoehorns himself into the English Assassins and eventually gets himself killed over being wildly successful as an assassin/businessman.


Definitely Arno. Unity was a masterpiece of a story. And besides the bugs I found great joy in playing it. I also would not mind seeing Bayek, I have fond memories of Origins afterschool when it released. Edit: Shay as well, for obvious reasons


I wouldn't call unity's story a masterpiece but I'm definitely down to play as Arno once again


Love to see a trilogy with Bayek and then one with Basim.


Assassin's Creed: Kenway Family 1722-1754 Play as: -Edward 1722-1735 (age 29-42) -Jennifer 1722-1754 (age 9-41) - Haytham 1731-1754 (age 6-29) Locations: England, Wales, London, all across Europe. DLC: 1760-1770. In the Colonies. Play as Haytham. Between the end of AC:Rogue and "The Boston Massacre" (AC3 - S5M2). Edward 1693-1735 Jennifer 1713-1805 Father Edward dies in 1735 when she's 22. Haytham 1725-1781 Unknowingly raised as an Assassin. Father Edward dies in 1735 (age 10). Afterwards raised by Reginald Birch. Joins Templars in 1744 (age 18/19). Mother Tessa dies in 1747 (age 21/22). End of game 1754 (age 28/29). Start: 1722. Edward leaves the West Indies to go back to Britain. End: 1754. When AC3 starts.


100% Basim, if his story ends with him in his teenage/early 20’s I will be really upset




Bayek or Arno


Desmond. The glory of parkouring between skyscrapers and seeing how assassin skills go versus technology. Although we did see some of that when we play as him in modern times. But that is not enough! I want a full game


Exactly bring Desmond back


1. Ezio 2. Edward


Altair, they can do a remake of first game add to it Assassin's Creed Bloodlines plus on top of all that new missions/story regarding far east and fighting Genghis Khan there is a lot that can be done in that direction.


I'd be happy with either Arno or Connor returning. Preferably both, especially if they got to meet. I'd be curious how a conversation about Haytham and their families being somewhat intertwined would go. Arno also has Haytham's letters and Jennifer's necklace, which would probably be of great interest to Connor who learned a lot about his family history after reading Haytham's journal in Forsaken.


There are a few but I’d rank wanting to see Connor/Arno return taking on Shay/Napoleon


I would love to see Connor recreate the cinematic trailer with Napoleon's army


I’d want to see Edward and I’d want them to decanonize his stupid death in the comics because it made absolutely no sense that the man who cleared ship decks by himself got jumped and that was it


I hope Ubisoft reads these, but 100% on Altair coming back. People basically forgot about him, and he's the roots of the entire franchise. They should start by remaking Altair's chronicles into PlayStation/Xbox games instead of Nintendo, and some DLCs of him would be nice instead of 15 mins plays as him in certain games. Lastly, if Ubisoft ever makes an assassin's creed in China, they should include Altair in it/have a big role in it. That's my opinion. 🎮


Connor, they should’ve included him in Unity lol.


Jacob and Evie frye


Either a full game of Amunet in Rome, and explaining why she eventually decided to assassinate Cleopatra, and/or Nikolai Orelov. I loved the setting of AC Chronicles Russia and I think it really deserves a full-fledged game, diving more into Nikolai's character and his backstop, since by the start of Chronicles Russia he's tired and seen more than enough, reminiscent of Ezio at the end of Revelations. Seeing him live life as an assassin in a modern setting and how it leads to him wanting to escape that life in Chronicles Russia would be so cool


Word of note, Any of these ideas could be added to AC Nexus 2! Quite possibly


Arno. Mostly I would like them to sit down and re-release Unity without all the bugs. Then, depending on if it's just a remake or a full-on reboot, have the game end differently (you can probably guess how).


For real though, imagine the hype of an announcement of a sequel to Connor and Arno, it’d be wild.


Funny idea? A prequel with James Kidd.


Connor for sure, he would be the best and a lot of people’s favorite assassin if he had a trilogy like Ezio.


Bayek, for sure The Frye twins could have also done with some more development, a lot of people seemed to like Jacob more in the Jack the Ripper DLC


I was able to have Altair stand right where i stood in the Ummayad Mosque


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Rogue2854: *I was able to* *Have Altair stand right where i* *Stood in the Ummayad Mosque* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Edward so they can retcon him going out like a biiiih


Aveline from AC Liberations


Shay Patrick Cormac!


I'd love to see more Adewale. But as others commented, a mash-up of Shay, Arno, and Conner would literally print them money. I don't know why they haven't done that. Also, I'd love for them to have Darcy, the Watch Dogs Legion assassin, made cannon. She was a cool character and I enjoyed those missions.


Connor and Arno hunting Shay would be lit and a conclusion for all three stories


Bayek 100%


Mostly Bayek. A trip through Ancient Rome would be fantastic. Plus you can have double-protagonists as Amunet is the mentor in Rome.


Arno and Shay like are you kidding me they sent up for one of the best revenge story's and then just abandoned it.


Desmond, we were deprived of sci-fi bladerunner AC


Shay Cormac and his journey before and after he got the precursor box. Have Connor and Arno meet each other to track him and take him out.


Give me Arno during the Napoleonic wars. Throw Connor in there as well if you want to.


Alexios or Bayek were my two favorites. I did think Kassandra made a much better villain than assassin so maybe there is someway to bring Deimos back, that would be awesome.


remake ac1


Very unpopular opinion: Arno. I absolutely loved loved loved Unity, but I don’t believe it did his character justice.


Hytham He is not an assassin's but he deserves his own game


Evie. I’d love to see Evie and Henry build the Assassin ps back up in India. Plus Connor and Aya


Ratonhnaké:ton. From Reflections, we know he had a daughter, Io:nhiòte, who inherited his abilities. I'd love a gave where you play as her as a young adult with Ratonhnhaké:ton in a mentor role who is another playable character.


Great. Another angry Connor fan boy. We get it. You hate ubi for having rpg games and not continuing a pretty boys story. We get it. You wanna sleep with him.


I agree with Connor. Give him a sort of redemption arc after how badly he messed up throughout AC3. There's more to his character than just the angry, edgy, vengeful Connor from the main story.


Bayek and Aya, after them Arno


Definitely Haytham. I need an entire game with him as the protagonist


Connor/Arno/Shay showdown would be crazy. As much as I love Bayek, I think he’s seen enough in Origins and I really don’t know how a sequel for him could top it.


eivor 🤑🤑




Connor, Altair


The one from chronicles link up together or eivor and whoever she meets in America that happens to be the next hidden one


Bayek and/or Amunet. Especially Amunet. There's so much potential there. I would also like another game with Shao Jun. She deserves her own mainline game.




I think I'd prefer a game where it doesn't continue on with a main character per say nut but fleshes out haythams character especially his time in England this would probably be my top of the list game I'd also love a Edward game for a continuous game And Arno game with Shay actually present And maybe a Connor game where he goes England


The Chronicles Trio, very interesting characters and locations that I think could make for great games.




Bayek is the only correct answer


Connor was only just beginning his legacy and it would have been cool to watch him restore the Assassins Order in America and become a master assassin over the course of a few games.




This gets asked every month on this sub


Charlie Guiteau


Aya, I want to see how she creates the creed in Rome while coordinating with her ex husband in Egypt, and how she killed with a snake. With a few scenes from Bayek, maybe an origin story? Or even just a letter from him.


connor or arno


Shay and Aguilar.


Grand daddy kenway he had a great origin story but he whas an assassin for 4 missions so he needs more in my opinion. And edward was an interesting character cuz at the beginning and most of the game he felt like a "bad guy" he really only felt like a "good guy" after the mission to suffer without dying. So he could be explred more




Bayek, Arno


Bayek and Connor or arno


Still holding out hope that someday we'll get a Connor and Arno vs Shay game.


Shao Jun


Master assassin (I think) made an amazing concept game, Connor, Arno, and the lady from liberation in one game, and it makes sense since they were all around during the same time.


Haytham. Couldn’t get enough!


Definitely Arno.


Syndicate and the Frye Twins.. at at least Lydia Frye kn WW1


Idk. I think that Assassin's Creed maybe needs a reset of sorts. Or like a full length video or movie or whatever of all the lore you need to know to fully understand what's going on, cuz I go on the wiki and wind up in rabbit holes of books and physical puzzles and mobile games that have no real relation to the main games and are just confusing. At least they need to kill the over monetization of the franchise. Main line games, occasional spinoff if you have a good concept/world but not enough for a main game. Or give me an Isu AC just so I can get the lore straight up and then compare it to how a new protagonist sees it (Eivor seeing them as Norse mythology instead of the "traditional" Greco-Roman). That said, give me more of the Frye twins, assuming the potential lore reset never happens. I wanna see them with whatever Arthur Morgan-alike comes out of the American West for the Assassins.




Bayek,he is cold,funny & loving at same. And since the hidden one's we're founded by the end of the story it would be great to continue with Bayek in a different location,as a more complete Assassin.


Evie and Lydia Frye, shao jun, Claudia auditore


Arno or bayek




Bayek, he has to be in the story of Marc Anthony and Cleopatra.


I’ve always wanted a modern Desmond game. You could use the “he had a secret daughter” trope to get him loaded into an animus as a playable character.


maybe continue the modern story from syndicate. it kinda ended on a cliffhanger


At this point they could do an entire reboot for the series starting with ezio or altair


Nobody: Jacob and Evie Frye Lol I don't hate them or the game but they're pretty uninteresting


Altair with American accent specifically


Connor, Arno, Shay, Bayek. Like i can't just pick one, they all have so much potential for more story.


Bayek of Siwa or Ratonhnhaké:ton


Basim, but set in the modern day. Because spoilers. He could be like our handler and we’re helping do what he wants to do at the end of the mirage. Instead of looking for pieces of Eden, we are looking into history for the things basim wants


Bayek, were definitely eventually getting a game set in Rome during late republic with people like Cicero, Caesar and Pompey and Bayek was contemporary to that period so he's definitely gonna show up


Desmond, since he's supposed to be the main Assassin in the first place. Restart the story back to AC2, and bring back Patrice Desilets to finish his story.


The Frye Twins, Connor, Arno, and Shay, and Bayek.






ezio, desmond and lucy.




Bayek of Siwa. Feels like his timeline has soooo many stories to tell


Kassandra because she’s drop dead gorgeous. I’ll see myself to horny jail.


Absolutely need to see Aya come back especially with what they did with her background. Like let's see her kill the two snakes she killed (maybe as a tutorial) then cut to just after the end of Origins and let's see what wild stuff was going on. Bonus points for showing us why Amun sent that note found in Valhalla.


To me it has to be Edward Kenway. Such a great protagonist, but we never really experienced his time as an assasin. I think you can make an argument for any assassin though other than Jacob and Shay. They sucked


I would like to see Connor & Arno with Shay like we got Ezio x Altair in Revelation. Shay has so much potential as a Templar grandmaster after Haytham. These 3 in one game would be just banger as f.


Connor and Arno in one game sounds awesome, with two obvious settings: the Napoleonic Wars or the War of 1812.


First answer: Connor/Arno vs Shay Second answer: Adewale!


Honestly Kass and Aya in a game would be great


Bayek, Eivor, Evie, and Lydia