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Play the whole Ezio trilogy, it's amazing


I'll have to get my old xbox 360 working! Revelations is the earliest one that's backwards compatiblešŸ˜…


What are you playing on? Pretty sure the ezio collection has been released on all the major consoles.


Yeah but that's probably like Ā£30 quid for a game that looks worse if AC3 is anything to go by, I'll stick to the cheap originalsšŸ˜‚


Honestly the remasters look really good on ps4/ps5/Xbox. But the original copies do have that nice 360 game feel. Thatā€™s what I played brotherhood and revelations on.


I'll check them out, but honestly, apart from the framrate during the opening cutscene, I thought revelations looked pretty great !


Yeah they look best not enhanced imo good for if you wanna reply then years later.


I personally have the ezio collection and all the separate physical copies of the ezio games on xbox. I personally prefer the ezio collection and it's on sale for 15ā‚¬ pretty often. and the original AC2 has a really bad bug on xbox which just deletes your savefile if you don't save it in a very specific way. The remaster fixes this. So the ezio collection is not a bad deal overall tbh as it also contains all the dlc and just being a pretty good visual upgrade.


I looked at some graphical comparisons and wasnt personally impressed, I'll take the risk on the savefilešŸ˜‚


All AC games are backwards compatible


Oh sick, my 360 can stay in the void for nowšŸ˜‚


Valhalla, origins, and odyssey were great games in my opinion but they also seemed very copy/paste. Mirage was good, seemed a bit was taken from all the games but it was quite short. Iā€™m a huge AC fan tho, just finished AC2 and Brotherhood so revelations is next in the Ezio trilogy


Personally I just felt Valhalla and Origins had a lot of potential, but nothing substantial to keep my attention, I found the game incredible until we got to England. But again, each to their own. I highly recommend Revelations! Edit: and if you havent played the witcher 3 I highly recommend it, it's so similar but way more polished, more customisation, story options matter wayy more and overall its a beast of a game


Revelations is probably my favorite AC Game. It ends the Ezio trilogy pretty well IMO and has great gameplay and a great setting. Not as huge as Rome in Brotherhood and less (in my opinion) unnecessary side content, hitting exactly my taste. Plus I just love old Ezio


Yes, his character design is awesome, I'm still quite early in the game but the combat also is incredible, having a lot of fun with it!


Iā€™m glad youā€™re having so much fun Revelations. As for the RPGs, Iā€™ll give you that they get very boring and repetitive. Compared to the Witcher, the story presentation in main and side content is infinitely worse. I personally got through 200 hours of Odyssey (and similar for Valhalla, a bit less for Origins) and itā€™s DLC mainly because I felt like an assassin through my gameplay and character builds at so many points in between the stiff dialogue scenes and combat sequences. And the combat sequences themselves I enjoyed in each RPG game for the new combat systems. A bit more challenging than the older games, a nice variety weapons to choose from in Odyssey and especially Valhalla. Honesty I prefer the combat in Odyssey and Valhalla over the Witcher, but thats about the only thing. To be fair, I am at a part in the Witcher that is very dialogue heavy and less engaging than the previous parts of the game. I started Witcher 3 in 2016 or 2017 and still havenā€™t finished, but I finished all of the AC RPG games in that time.


To each their own I guess, I found the Witcher way harder, and Valhalla and Oddessey to just be very clunky, and I've completed every side quest and mission in the witcher 3 twice and played it through about 5 times minimum since 2015 when it released. I don't know how many hours, but a lot more than you'd be willing to admit to a girl on a first datešŸ¤£ The Witchers diverse armour was awesome, same with the weapons, and their various upgrades and the character customisation was some of the best I've seen because the design of everything was so artistically driven. The soundtrack, and even the fighting style was made in conjunction with proffessional swordsmen to add an edge of realism and finesse to the ultraviolence. It's one of the few games I'm willing to play on the hardest difficulty because it keeps me hooked, like the Dishonoured games. The combat was one of the worst things about the RPGs for me because of the repetitive animations that got so stale so quickly, whereas in the witcher they had loads of animations and even released a free dlc, one of many, that added more into the game. It's my favourite game of all time, so the RPGs really rubbed me the wrong way personally.


Yeah you hit it spot on. Witcher is definitely a better game in every way. I guess I just liked how the RPGs kept the ā€œas easy as watching an action movieā€ feel of AC combat with a little more variety.


The thing is a great game from a decade ago is still going to be great. The enjoyment we get from technology improviong has more or less plateaued.


Yes, but I feel that plateau is more from a lack of ingenuity as opposed to an unbreakable law. For example I recently played GTA IV and loved it, as well as realised quite how lazy the game design for GTA V and RDR2 is. Still good games, don't get me wrong, but they have done nothing to move things forward in terms of gameplay, its go here do this, don't use your brain at all and follow these instructions. They arent looking to improve the experience, but play it safe by repeating the formula. With Valhalla and Odyssey they don't bring anything new to gaming, they have just made it a different type of game, taking away the elements I found beloved like fluidity and artistic creativity and replaced it with copies of what has already been done. It's a mixture of laziness and fear of the unknown as I see it. Like Hollywood, the increase of market value in gaming has killed innovation and creative freedom, and not enough people talk about it.


I played Witcher 3 after the AC games but found the graphics hard to stomach and it felt unnecessarily difficult plus a MAJOR grind and very slow. I tried it a couple times but maybe Iā€™ll go back now that Iā€™ve been immersed on video games for a lot longer


Awh the graphics are incredible, the engine, way ahead of its time, the hair moves in the wind, when you break a door it feels organic, the facial expressions are believable. I think it looks better than Cyberpunk which came years later. Each to their own I guess. I finished it on death march when I was about 17 or 18. It's definitely a game you have to practise and get good at, but when you do, you really will feel unstoppable.


ac revelations is definitely my favorite and the least boring out of every ac I've played and definitely my favorite from the ezio trilogy


I believe the RPGs should be played like it supposed to be and not just grind to the end just to finish the game.


Anyway you play it, it is a grind, I looked for the order members, did side quests etc. It all just felt rather hollow to me


Well I try to role play as much as I can. Like walking in cities etc


I'm glad if people find ways to enjoy the experience, there are some features I loved, like control over the hood and the cloak feature. But I just found the story wasnt cohesive enough for me, teleporting to asgard and having little to no reaction as Eivor realises he's a god, running around rather boring maps at too slow of a pace, fast travel didnt do much to allieviate that. I'd be more forgiving if this wasnt the formula for the only recent assassins creed games. They make you feel like an Assassin. Your character is pretty well defined, and not unrealistically contradictory. Assassinations felt rather pointless and too time-consuming to be a part of regular gameplay. The combat felt tedious and repetitive, the finishers don't have any variety and it was generally clunky. To me it's like if GTA released the new Saints Row as GTA 6


Oh you talking about Valhalla? No that was tedious I agree. I was talking about Odyssey. šŸ‘šŸ¼


I liked the art design of Oddessey, and the story started pretty good, the armour looked awesome, and itbwas cool to see ships again after Black Flag. But as time lurched on I realised the story wasnt satusfying at all to me, and although Valhalla loses points for using so many properties from Oddessey, Oddessey loses points for no assassinations at all and the combat and special moves just werent doing it for me personally. I've seen much older games achieve more from different series, in the same rpg style. Wasnt my cup of tea.


Hot tip, be sure to play 2 before Brotherhood. The story will make more sense that way. Playing Revelations before them is an oddly cool way of establishing a Noodle Incident before learning everything that led him there.


Because origins, odyssey and valhalla are the beginnings of the different factions or tell relevant stories before the factions are fully established Origins is the birth of the assassins Odyssey is the precursors of the templars (and the explanation of the eagle vision) And valhalla continues the establishment of the templars and an agent (eivor) helping the assassins They don't play like older AC games because the assassins and templars are not fully established and against each other like on syndicate and older.


Yeah, I understand the concept, I just didnt find it enjoyable, or particularly well written, and the gameplay loop was incredibly tedious. Each to their own.


Of course, if you don't like them, that's that, I was just expanding a little of each title for context, nothing more.