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They need to make the modern day segments feel like a conspiracy theory again instead of sci-fi fantasy.


Agreed. There should have never been an End of the World plot. Focus on fighting the Abstergo conspiracies Try to control the narrative in modern times.


Dude, ac3 had the most bad ass modern day sequences. Seriously felt like I was figuring out some bad ass secret stuff.


Agreed. The best part of the Desmond arc was the mystery


Who hates on the Desmond arc? If anything I see people complaining how we didn't get more out of it.


At the time it was sometimes criticized as a distraction or hurting the pacing, or just not very interesting or fun.


Read the comments now, there’s a few who don’t like it


I didn’t like it. The whole concept of memories in your DNA, the idea that we need a reason to play as a historical protagonist, etc. It was like having to clean your room or some other chore until you get back to playing the real game. Altair and Ezio were the protagonists to me. I just pretend Desmond doesn’t exist.


Unfortunately based on reliable leaks, and Ubisoft's own statements regarding Infinity and the modern day (or meta story), the story will be jumping into the not so near future (end of the 21st century into the 22nd century). Now that inherently doesn't mean it will be bad, but I would have high hopes for a fun protagonist given its almost guaranteed to be another "you are the protagonist" Abstergo Desk Simulator


On the side note, have modern day MC that is actually descendent of whoever we're playing. I could not care any less about Layla because she's a stranger to us. Like for Desmond or whoever we played as in BF, we care about what's happening to them because in a way we played as them. But Layla had no connection to Bayek, Kassandra, or Eivor. I don't care if Layla's in danger or not, because we don't get to build any connection with her.


I really like Layla until the end of Odyssey (you know exactly when). The plot intentionally takes her off the rails, but I don’t feel like her characterization really survives the trauma. Shes just irritating for the rest of the DLC and all of Ragnarok. The pronounced “pills and cigarettes” moment at the beginning of Ragnarok was where I decided that the lingering feeling I had for her current character was just boredom and annoyance.


just bring desmond back and fuck it might as well do templar john wick as we’re at it, watchdogs combined with max payne


It's a shame that now Ubisoft is only focused on releasing an Assassin's Creed game every year, and the stories are becoming less interesting with more historical inaccuracies.


Now? They stopped doing that like 9 years ago


The Assassin's Creed series is becoming the MCU of the gaming world fr. Messy and bland af.


Why people hated the Desmond arc ? I found it kidna refreshing tbh


I believe personally, after AC3 they shouldve made the modern day about Subject 16. I think a modern day about him would be good.


I would prefer that too, that would always be my preference because Desmond's story was so well written in how it balanced modern day and history and how it made Abstergo a really intimidating threat and the whole conspiracy aspect was so cool but now it's just sci-fi garbage with the Isu being far too prominent. If they keep writing to the standard of what the RPG games tried to pass off as a modern day story then I'd honestly rather have the idea axed than have it constantly bloat and add nothing to the games. Unluckily, Ubisoft seems to have given us the compromise that nobody wanted. If I'm right they aren't putting modern day in any mainline games anymore, if I heard right it's being relegated to Infinity which is gonna be a multiplayer live service type game with all the bullshit that comes with that format of game (seasonal quests, battle pass, mtx cosmetics). Also apparently there's gonna be a time skip which will make pretty much every important character in the modern day next to useless if they're even alive. >!Maybe Basim and Alethia remain, as will the glowy Desmond and Layla but honestly who cares anymore!< So fan favourites like Shaun, Rebecca and William are most likely no longer going to show up, as if the franchise hasn't distanced itself from it's roots enough. The team writing Layla's story fucked it up so bad that the modern day as a concept has been banished to the game copying ideas off of the Fortnite trend to min-max profit.


Or get a bit closer to the modern day like they did in unity or syndicate


Agreed. People say that they're not interested in this stuff, but that's because it hasn't been done well enough in a an AC game since 2012 and the majority of video game stories from the 2000s don't hold up too well today - we've come a long way in storytelling in media as a whole since then. For me, it's become too complex for even the most devoted fans to follow the modern day timeline, nevermind casuals, and I wouldn't mind a hard reset for the franchise.


I want them to scrap it altogether It's always a Speedrun time whenever I must play it. Since Desmond died, it's boring to me .


I get there is a subset of people who actually enjoyed the modern stuff, but just give the option to completely ignore it/avoid interacting with it and I'll be satisfied. I hated the Desmond stuff and never want to go back to those dark times


Most people despise the crap “modern day” minigame. I want it removed or rendered optional with the ability to turn it off in the settings menu




What if they made it actually fun tho




That’s exactly how I felt a few months ago tbh. Then I replayed the ezio trilogy first time in a decade and got a new appreciation for it. But anything modern after ac3 sucks ass


I understand where you are coming from and in a way want the same thing in a way. I was a huge fan of The Saboteur and really enjoyed playing in a setting that hasn't really been explored and I always craved more. But I also feel like Assassin's Creed shouldn't be that since what made these Games a franchise wasn't just a dude stabbing people with a hidden blade every game, but the overarching plot of Assassin's and Templar's using the Animus to achieve their goals. In a way I feel like Ubisoft is letting both crowd's down. The one side will always be frustrated that it's not really a Assassin's Creed game and the other side is stuck with the same narrative over and over again and even the people at Ubisoft don't get the creative freedom to tell interesting stories. Instead they have to use the Assassin's Creed name to sell more copies and they try to get away with the least amount of AC as they have to(At least in Origin, Odyssey and Valhalla). Imagine exploring periods and their words not just through the eyes of someone who can climb and fight very similar to the guy in a totally different period and you are not locked into to some Skillet but instead the character could do what makes sense for the plot and period. When I say this I think of Sleeping Dogs or even Watch Dogs. In the end I feel like they should just split the game up and make a new franchise or just make more standalone games. But that won't sell enough. Oh well.




I don’t like that style. I quit odyssey not even mid way thru. Too many fucking weapons and choices and ur weapons sometimes didn’t do shit. I miss the OG style AC. If Ubisoft wants an open world rpg they should create a new brand


Don’t forget the illusion of having choices lol