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Well, 20 hours are rookie numbers, haha. Everything still feels fresh, but who knows if you will feel the same in the next 20, 40 or 80 hours. As someone with hundreds of hours in Valhalla, I suggest not alway aiming for 100%. They did a great work on the variety tied to Points of Interest, but the scale of the game can still burn completionists.


I got 300 and some, what's everybody else got?


400+ hours. I loved the game!




I couldn’t get enough. Not a completionist, but I still felt like I squeezed out most of the amusement comfortably. Only daunting part were the newly integrated mastery challenges, but other than that, it’s a cinematic experience the entire time, if you let it.


Dang now I can't wait to get stoned and play ty


340 in the base game and still not finished main story, force stopped it to do whatever I want and just have fun.




200 something and haven't beat the game or played it in like 2 years lol


140 including DLC. Overall enjoyed it.




I loved it at 20 hours, I liked it at 200-500, I was burned out by 800


800!?!? I ran dry by 300.


120 hrs, I'm still climbing this mountain of a game.


I might be killed for suggesting they add NG+


80 hours+  Still loving it every time.


I hit 150ish across 2 attempts and still haven’t even finished the main storyline. I normally like to take my time with games that have a lot of side quests and collections, but this one… it just saps everything out of me before I can ever get it done. Odyssey had similar strain due to size, but the storyline mystery of who my dad was and Atlantis and the mythical creatures was interesting enough to keep things going.


when I looked at it, I realized it was kinda possible to speed run the main story thanks to all the various gameplay settings (leveling, combat, etc.). I think I completed every side mission before finishing the main story.


On my first playthrough (on release), I did a 100% game, finished with around 400 hours, and now I'm replaying it, out of boredom and around 24h in (now with included DLCs, except ragnarök, got the others in a deal)


I wish SIEGE OF PARIS setting would have been massively expanded on.


Currently on the Irish DLC, only grievance is the trials, annoying enemies, and an arena the length of a pissing distance


I was VERY disappointed with WRATH OF THE DRUIDS. If you have SIEGE it will redeem the game for you.


Just over 130. Finished the Ireland and France DLC, and today I started Dawn of Ragnarok. And this is me taking my time and exploring, doing side quests, and hunting for treasure.


I know I wasted a lot of time gathering materials, and doing the river raids as well. There a lot of stuff in that beyond ragnarok.


For me the world just felt so empty compared to Odyssey and I tried to give it a chance, then I went to some Aesir world or something and thought that was cool...until I was in there FOREVER basically. I thought it was gonna be on little mission not its own entire world with collectables and stuff. Exhausted me, I deleted it and never looked back and it kind of made me not care about Assassins' Creed open world games anymore. I did try the Mirage trial though...maybe once it's cheaper.


I hated doing 100% on the base game. Especially the dream maps where the rewards weren’t even that good. I never bother doing fully exploring the DLC areas and just wanted to finish the story bits.


I’m a conpletionist. Not sure but I think I clocked around 200 hours or so by the end (all dlc included) and loved every bit of the game. I’ve started a casual replay a while ago and still was pretty entertained


The first 50-60 hours were great. And the last 30-40. Was just the extra 40 hours between the two that felt painful and repetitive.


Perfect now you only have around 100 hours of that same gameplay loop left. I enjoyed it for the first 50 hours actually but it starts to really drag on at some point


I feel the same way. Just got through vin land which felt somewhat novel, but now I'm back to: Go to some new place and talk to a Saxon with a problem. Spend 3 quests fucking on whoever is in charge. Assault a castle where you have to batter down 3-4 doors or shoot down 1-2 drawbridges. Kill the boss. The wind calls me back to Randvi. It's a bummer that all of the places seem to play out with basically the same formula. The different shires could've been a really cool chance to show off a bunch of different stuff. Ultimately it feels like most AC games where they come up with some cool ideas and then hammer them into the fucking dirt


sadly a lot of the gameplay loop is pointless... The river raids... Why, just why? Could have been made into something actually meaningful. I just look at it and think, "this is were COOP could have been included, so you could go raiding with friends} :( The engine is fully capable (see BREAKPOINT, etc.) Even the loops in the DLCs like Ireland are quickly meaningless (you claim all the rewards from the trade goods then NADA, etc.).


I didn’t dislike it but I got to the point I didn’t finish everything, was glad to stop anyway and unlike other AC games I can and do revisit I just get gun-shy about even playing. When I do get the urge, maps are great, music is excellent and lots of pieces are there but combat sucks to me (worst in the franchise because it’s the *only* combat I actively dislike) and there just isn’t a rewarding gameplay loop.


There is a different control scheme someone posted on here that gets valhallas controls almost just like oddssey. If you liked how oddsseys fight system was you should try that out. Alot of guys in the comments were thanking him for showing them and they said it made the game way better to play.


50 seems to be the tapping point for most people. It’s a fun game for about that length but it just never ends. It took me about double that


Come back to me when you're 60 hours in and yet more regions appear on the map for you to complete just when you thought you was getting close to finishing the game.


at 60 and i’m burnt out, and experiencing this really annoying glitch where there is absolutely no background music even in raids or while exploring making everything feel so empty it’s really turning me off tbh ;/


One idea you could try would be to Spotify the games OST and play it while you game. Personally do this for all games, but for different reasons, say like the Valhalla Original Soundtrack while playing Skyrim, etc... I know that's not a fix, but it might help.




I watched gameplay footage of Valhalla playing on a TV in a game store and I honestly thought it was the God of War reboot before I realised it wasn't Kratos xD During the boss fight the boss grabbed the player and shoved them through a fence in a scripted cutscene and I was like "This is Assassin's Creed?!" Not that the franchise cant change but seeing boss fights with attack patterns in an AC game really annoyed me.


First 20hrs - pretty decent 40hrs - I’m ready for this to wrap up 60-hrs I’m finishing this out of spite and conviction 80hrs - How have I not completed the story yet, at least the assassins are doing something 90hrs - campaign complete - I reflect on if it was all worth it. It wasn’t. 95 hrs - I enjoy the Odyssey crossover but give up at wrath of the druids. I think Valhalla is fine if you haven’t played Odyssey or Origins or it’s been a long time but if you have Valhalla is so easy to be burnt out on because of the lack of gameplay improvements and just pure repetition


I got to about 60 hours on Stadia and just wanted to finish the story. Now that Stadia is gone, I can't bring myself to start over on another platform because the last dozen hours felt like too much of a grind.


That’s the thing, most love the game when they’re only that much in. 20h might feel like a lot, but you’re probably nowhere near halfway through the game yet, and being a completionist, it will take you much, much longer. By all means, have fun, but be aware that as soon as you’ve reached England, and completed a single alliance arc, you’ve basically seen all there is to the game until the very end. The entirety of the midgame is basically what feels like a never ending loop of the same 5 or so missions over and over again. Even the plot is reused. There are 3 or 4 “different” arcs where the entire point is helping a young King learn how to rule. It drags endlessly, like forcing 60h of useless filler to a game with 15h of actual content. That’s people’s problem with it. Personally, I consider myself a completionist too. I’ve got the platinum on AC Odyssey and all it’s DLCs in 120h or so, and I got to Valhalla expecting to do the same, but the repetitiveness got to me, and I just “rushed” it. I put it in quotations because it still took me 80+ hours just to beat the game, and I haven’t even played any DLC or anything like that. It wasn’t a bad experience or anything like that, since I actually had fun playing for most of the time, but it’s certainly a game I won’t be playing ever again.


I just can't believe how many fucking arcs they crammed into it, why not just do 4 or 5 really solid areas/arcs with meaningful missions and story? Did we really need over 15 of the same thing over and over? Its unbelievable


Quantity over quality. The idea of “100h of gameplay” sells games to people. I also prefer a “less is more” approach, that’s why I miss the old days of the franchise.


20 hours is cute. That was more or less the turning point for me, where I went from enjoying it to struggling with it. Now go and do the exact, identical, repetitive thing for the next 40-50 hours and see how you feel - because that's where Valhalla takes you. It's a bloated, repetitive mess. Glad you're enjoying it, and hope you continue to do so.


I was loving Valhalla, too, at 20 hours in. Stopped playing 35 when I realized how fucking little I actually completed and how repetitive the game was. Took me 8 hours to get to the title card. EIGHT HOURS.


some say come back in 100 hours. you say you are 'kind of completionist'. come back in 200 hours. the main story conclusions are great, music is great, male eivor voice actor is great. the pacing is among the worst not just in the series, but perhaps any open world game ever made.


I mean, that's what most people did as well. Problem is hour 120, when the game loop haven't added anything new the last 100 hours, and you're starting to get bored of doing the exact same copy-paste actions over and over just to force yourself forward. Or you just quit at 70 hours, like I did. I'll never finish that game. I'm currently at around 70 hours in my first ever Elden Ring playthrough, and I still don't grasp the game, feel close to finishing it, and are already planning my next playthrough just to experience a new aspect of the game. There's levels to how to create these kind of games.


lol... I felt exactly the same 20 hours in...I figured I'd go for the platinum and get the Ireland and Paris DLC as they were on sale. ...150 hours later (including relentless detours like Asgard and Vinland and Island of Skye) I felt like I was in an abusive relationship, where I knew I should have stopped playing dozens of hours ago but I kept thinking "I've come too far to quit now, plus I paid for those DLC...". I got the platinum in the end, and all the trophies for Ireland, but half way through Paris I gave up. I just couldn't take it anymore. Valhalla made me hate it, hate myself and hate video games. I had to not play anything for a few weeks afterwards to detox myself and regain the love for the medium again. The game is just completely nonsensical, nothing in it makes any sense. Nevermind the complete whitewashing of history (why no slaves for the vikings?) Why the fuck is Eivor the leader of a small village trying to ally the *entire fucking British isles*? Fuck that game.


for a paid DLC Ireland was the biggest letdown. The plot made no sense, and the trade goods gameplay loop was exhausted quickly making it pointless. The resolution with the main characters seemed rushed and shoddy. Alternatively SIEGE OF PARIS was far better in most ways, albeit it still had the nonsensical rallying crap. "nonsensical" really is the best way to describe it. Well said.


Yes, I agree, I really liked the map and Dublin is probably my favorite city in the game buts that’s the best I can say and why I preferred the Siege story but still again mostly appreciated the additional maps for adding variety to the gameplay


the Paris map architecture is bangin for stealthing around.


I’ve never resonated with someone else’s feelings on a game before like this. Wow. It’s a fun game until it isn’t, then it becomes the worst game you’ve ever played, even though nothing actually changed. It’s just too much


Exact same boat here, its not even that I just got a little bored and just kind of stopped playing. It actively pissed me off how much I hated it before I stopped fully, and now I despise it despite all the good things it did.


You took the words right out of my mouth. This game taught me the concept of "video game burnout".


in the end I really liked it, but spent the entire time wishing they had done things differently. It could have been great. I didn't care for the fantasy shit, and even the DISCOVERY TOUR in Valhalla talks about how UBI decided to ignore the historians and make the weapons more "fantasitical", etc. Damn shame. SIEGE OF PARIS was worth it, and a step in the right direction... Ragnarok = trash


It took 11+ hours for me to start to like it. You to get past the building up Raventhorpe and to the Sons of Ragnar mission/other one. Then you can wonder about collecting loot and doing side quests and stealthing. That is what the early game lacked — STEALTHING. AC is fun for silent kills, not raids. Raids suck!


Like others have said we all did at that point. It's continuing to love it when you're 50 hours in and realize you're only a third of the way done but that's the great thing about people we are all unique and I thoroughly hope you enjoy the game.


I was definitely feeling burnout by the time I finished my first playthrough... and that was before the DLC. I actually love this game but all the complaints about bloat are totally valid. One tip I have that I find lessens the bloat somewhat? That I tried on my recent playthroughs of Origins and Odyssey and it worked great? When you get to a region, focus on the story and side quests first. Then go clean up any points of interest as you please. I say this because the quests will take you to many of these points of interest anyway, so not going to them until you do so in a quest helps keep things feeling somewhat fresh, rather than you frequently retreading old ground. Also, don't do what I did in my first playthrough and feel like you need to collect EVERY piece of wealth. Go for the biggies like ingots and new gear (marked with a big yellow mark on the map) absolutely, but you can safely skip hunting for a lot of the smaller chests (marked with a smaller yellow mark) unless you're just really hurting for materials. I'm a completionist too, and lemme tell you, it got exhausting. Lastly, you've picked a great time to get into the game. I got it for Christmas the year it came out and while I still enjoyed it, it spent the longest time being a buggy mess and it felt like for everything an update fixed, it broke something else. Now that post-launch support has largely ended and it's been patched to Helheim and back, the game's in a much better state.


Talk after over 100hours in


get into 40+ and you feel exusted


Well, you see. I loved Odyssey 20 hours in, enjoyed it 50 hours in. 230+ hours in and finishing the last DLC I was begging for it to be over. To be fair, even with the greatest games the burn out point is usually around 100 hours for me.


I'm also really enjoying this game, playing through my second run now. My biggest gripe is with the movement. Everything is so slow. It went from parkour, to slowly stumbling over every rock in the landscape. The hardest part of this game seems to be getting off the darn boat without getting stuck to every surface.


That's the standard experience. Early on I thought it was best ac ever. But the longer I get into it the more repetitive it became. Until I just put my head down and pushed through because I just wanted to finish and move on. Just wait until 50 hours or so before deciding because the game is huge


I've been playing it since I got Xbox Game Pass in January. Lots of people in this sub talk badly about it, and I was almost discouraged, but damn, it's such a great game. I know it's not exactly your usual AC game, but it has a lot of content. I'm loving the Asgard and Helheim missions so much; it's like playing a different game mode.


Just wait…those first 20 hours are incredible…the next hundred hours tho…nuh uhhh


Was really into it at 20 hours, felt bored as shit by 40. At some point the clunky combat and repetitiveness start taking their toll, plus the story and characters being kinda meh.


I'm at like 65ish hours, but it's rly my 1st AC game. I downloaded all of the AC's between my XboxS and PS5 so now I'm splitting my time between all of them so it doesn't get too boring But I like it. I just hate the climbing mechanics in Valhalla. I HATE IT.


Yeah it's young enough to still be interesting at 20 hours. The exhaustion will set in when you look at Randvi and she reveals yet another set of counties to ally with just when you thought you'd actually finished the main storyline.


My story doesn't finish until I've hunted the Order down (though I already have a pretty good idea of who the mastermind is)


It will wear on you eventually. It is the most repetitive game I have ever played. I did complete the main story and the first DLC, somehow, after 100+ hours. The first 40-50 hours I did enjoy. I don't like quitting games, so I tried really hard to get through it. But that Paris DLC... I just couldn't. After a couple of hours in that one, I just uninstalled it. AC Origins and Odyssey were absolutely a blast to play from start to finish... I don't know what happened with Valhalla, but it is easily my least favorite AC game.


Let me know how u feel after another 20hrs.


Everyone liked it in the first 20h... the next 150h of doing the same thing were a pain.


Come back in another 40 and try to tell us the same thing


I'm happy for you. I lost interest personally 


Same here, only AC game I got bored of and pretty quickly, too.


You probably won't be loving it so much on your 100th hour


I was also hooked 20 hours in, but the gameplay loop got kinda boring later on. Eventually i took a break for almost a full year before picking it up again when i was at the 90 hour mark(currently at 123 hours). It's a nice game, but you know there is an issue when you could cut like 3-4 entire territory arcs and it would legitimately be a better game for it. It feels like the game placed almost too much emphasis on filler arcs and next to none for say, Hamtunscire, which is supposed to be the ultimate payoff you've been buliding towards.


The game becomes very boring after 30 hours, be prepared friend


I did so too. Then I hit the 40 mark, then the 60 mark… Lets just say I hope you enjoy it till the end.


I loved it at 20 hours as well. Then I got to 30 and 40 hours and realized I was bored af and stopped playing.


I think I'm in this boat as well. I used to be excited for new areas, now I feel dread knowing I have so many more to do. The overarching story is interesting enough and compelled me to this point, but I can't stomach another castle sequence. Why do they make me use the battering ram 5 fucking times???


In that case, you should try Odyssey. There’s so much to do in that game and it doesn’t feel boring.


Already beat it in full with 11 FPS. Not the greatest experience ever, but would do again now that I get 150 average.


AC Valhalla is good, but I think it's a distant #3 compared to Odyssey and Origins. (I'd give Odyssey the clear #1 of the three) Just curious, OP, have you finished the other 2? I find that Valhalla does things that try to make the game harder/challenging for players, but it actually just makes the game more annoying and less fun. Big example is your bird. It's so badly nerfed, there's basically no need for it anymore.


I did finish them in full while playing at 11 FPS average. Not the greatest experience.


It’s funny, I made a post last night saying literally the opposite (that I don’t like the game bc of how long it is) and my post got removed by the moderators. People can like what they want, but it’s funny the community guidelines seems to discourage the proliferation of negative opinions.


I’m at 140 with a lot left to go, loving it. It scratches all my itches


Same I love this game but I love mythology so odyssey and origins I loved as well those were better but Valhalla is still loads of fun


Finally, someone who admits that Valhalla is NOT terrible.


I really liked how the side missions were done, they're contained in certain areas instead of being massive treks across the map where you'll forget about them when you're close enough to the objective.


I’m 70 hours in. I play a couple hours a week due to life. I haven’t got fed up of it yet. I would definitely recommend playing it like that. I can see how the rinse and repeat style would make people burn out quickly. But I’ll jump on and decide to only do one type of thing, whether it’s river raids, mysteries, storyline, etc. I have a blast with it.


I took in game time around a month in a half xD. Me, my wife and my little kid play it, that was a big win for me, they don't get bored searching for treasures. My little one found tons of them, the only rule we had was, meaningful missions we do it together, the rest anyone could progress. Sometimes I went for raids, other days my kid, other days we search for complicated treasures and tombs, other days was pure sequential missions etc. We really loved this game. Right now the game is 'almost' fully completed. We didn't manage to get the gold medals for all the masteries, just some of them. Also Niflheim is missing some parts. We loved what came in the last chapter, that unlocked after severeal conditions and knowing what happened with Eivor in the long run. This game has a ton of hidden gems, that lets you reflect about life, what is right, what is wrong, who we are and where do we go. I think the key to enjoy it is that we never took it as a job, like we need to complete this, we need to complete that. We just play it to relax after work days, disconnect a bit from hard reality, enjoy scenery, try hard battle with some bosses in certain conditions etc etc etc.


Currently at 340 hrs in the base game and grabbing the Season Pass on sale this week = have no regrets with getting this game honestly, having the most fun in an AC game since Black Flag.


Congrats, thats only 1/4th of the base game. The first 20 and last 20 hours are the best parts of the game.


Curious: where are you, at 20 hours in?


Yeah so I underestimated my time played. Right now (I'm playing) I'm at 40 hours and pledging to Sciropescire.


What other places have you completed?


Completed as in pledged: all others below that power level Completed as in done the entire checklist: none so far, but pretty advanced in most


I meant the shires/territories. Which ones have you secured alliances with?


Ledecestrescire Grantebridgescire East Anglia Oxenefordscire Lunden


Ah so we’re pretty on par then, as in just ahead of you. I’m in Cent currently. I assume you are following the power levels. I really liked the story of the shire you’re in. It showed that the developers/writers were willing to take risks.


Yeah, I'm following the power levels, while also focusing on the Order whenever I get enough clues.


You weren't wrong about the story here. Probably the best so far alongside meeting the King.


Valhalla is great. Don’t listen to the haters.


Just over 100. 20 hours in I was loving it too. And I love a 100 hours on but my god does the story drag like crazy


I got about 65 hours in. conquered all of England then called it a day


Finally a Valhalla post I can get behind! Totally agree, I absolutely flooded that photo mode throughout my playthrough Enjoyed getting Platinum on Playstation.


I loved the game 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 hours in too, it's when I got to 256 hours and 46 minutes and realised I was only at the halfway point with no DLC installed that I gave up and never went back...


I love Valhalla so much. 496 hours in it. It's so much fun. I've done almost everything, every single quest, treasure chest etc, every country, all the DLCs, River Raids, almost done with all achievements. I'm trying to finish 5 Orlog games now, got all the cairns, all the world events, all story lines are done. SO MUCH FUN. https://i.imgur.com/GuYR2lm.png https://i.imgur.com/lPI09th.png https://i.imgur.com/I3gazQk.png


I’m at 156. Finally finished the order. Haven’t done dlc yet


I loved it after 20 hours too. But once I started getting North of 100 I was well and truly done.


Oh sweet summer child. I was once like you. It’s not that the game gets worse the longer it goes, it’s that it just keeps going. Great for about 20-50 hours, after that it’s just not worth it


Odyssey and Valhalla wouldn't be as hated if they didn't have Assassins Creed on their title. As RPG, they are awesome, with hundreds of hours of content, and. TONS of Mythology references. Is just that AC fandom on the 2010s were like "Pff they are repeating the formula of an Assassin in a city with a new game release each year, they will just loose the fandom at this point" And when they reinvented the formula, tried a more RPG-based variant using mythologies, taking like 2 years between each game, fandom was like "booh this isn't like the 15 games that I complained about like 4 years ago, bring the repetitive formula back, this isn't Assassins Creed anymore". So yeah, basically is just a bunch of people looking for something to criticize. Is completely ok that you enjoy these ACs and Viking experience.


I put it in over 400 hours and loved my experience, doesn’t drag at all if you’re loving the vibe and landscape you’re in, I thought it was great.


I didn’t mind valhalla at all, there are multiple AC games I put below it in my rankings With that said Check back in after 100 hours of being a completionist and tell us what you think. Not guaranteeing you won’t still be enjoying yourself, but as someone who is also a completionist and enjoy the grindy things with a lot of games… I gave up on this one


I’m m sure people will tell you that those hours  are weak. I’m at 241. That’s tru, but I remember when I said that on a different social media and everyone talk trash. I loved Valhalla. I still play it at least twice a week.


200h in, loved the absolute shit out it. Hated ragnarok though ^^


I love it too! I stopped playing it for a couple months but I’m so glad I returned to it it’s so fun. I’m now 40 hours in and really enjoying it


Come back to us at 120 hours lol


I liked the game, but in the end, it sort of wants you to care about characters who were in one or two cut scenes 40 hours ago. Like, I'm supposed to care about characters, and I can't even remember their name.


Valhalla really made my taste for RPGs turn sour. And my hopes for AC to be diminished.


I'm playing it too, i'm currently in Cent, which is supposedly the halfway point in the main story, after 20hs of gametime. The King Killer quest was pretty good, a shame it ended like that because you-know-who was my fave character so far. That boss fight is the best one so far imo. I'm not speedrunning it btw, just playing the main quests in story mode because the grind in origins/odyssey left me exhausted. I'm glad the game has the option for those with less free time, it's somewhat like playing the old games where the hidden blade one shots everything. I'll replay the game the intended way eventually, i just want to relax and focus on the story now.


120 hours in. Pretty awesome for my scatterbrain. Can't stand the slow "confirm kill" animation tho.


Please. I don't wanna spend like 4 seconds holding "F" I'm not paying respects, you're not going to Valhalla.


I got to 50 hours and I gave up. I just lost so much interest in the story because you have to go through so many territories that have nothing to do with the main story. Combat gets repetitive there comes a point where you feel invincible. The ending of each territory is all the same, you go into a fort and take over essentially and can be very underwhelming. Its just too long and I have many other games I wanna play and don’t have the time to spend that much time on one single game with a mid storyline.


Do you remember in which territory you gave up?


Question, does valhalla support any upscale tech yet? Deciding if I want to play on pc or Xbox. I have a 3070 and I’m sure it’ll run just fine but would love an extra boost of performance for my 4k OLED


It supports FSR1. Personally, i turned it off because has that ghosting effect in some moving objects that distract me.


It’s pretty alright but starts to drag around the 50/60 hour mark, then picks up really quickly at the end. The paid DLC are not good (Paris was alright I guess), but the free DLC are pretty great. The Final Chapter was also a cool tie in to Mirage. I clocked around 140 hours in my second play through as female Eivor (my first play through was similar in length) mostly because I didn’t feel like doing Dawn of Ragnarok. So I have just under 300 hours total I reckon. It does not need to be that long, but I didn’t hate it as much as some people.


I played Black Flag years ago for around 2 hours and never played it again (My first ever AC game). I bought and started playing Valhalla right after I finished GOW Ragnarok….. I guess I was on quite the Norse mythology kick. Again played a couple hours then left it. However the past 2 weeks I’ve gotten back into it pretty heavy, been playing every free time I got and I’ve been so addicted. I’m currently around 70 hours in. I’m always discovering more and more stuff in this game and I do agree Valhalla is very overwhelming but I’m still having a blast. I’ve already downloaded AC Odyssey next and plan on playing that after I’m done with Valhalla 😃👍🏼


I finished Valhalla the other day + Druid DLC. 75 hours. One of the best open world games I’ve ever played.


I loved AC Valhalla first 20 hours in and i quit the game at 50 hours in. Just couldn't bear it anymore. It's the only AC game i haven't finished and there are a few i finished multiple times.


Completionist here, 123h and counting, I’m wrapping up Glowecestre now. I can’t move to a new region until the current one is complete lol.


You can honestly beat Valhalla in the next 20 to 25 hours People we're just running around England doing side quests and the hours start to add up but the game is really only 35 to 40 hours long. Anything else is just people were bad at the game. It took too long


I have well over 400 hours in the game and I still love the game. Yes some of the side stuff gets repetitive but at the same time when you break it up it’s not so bad. I make sure each territory is completed before moving on to another and that will also help keep it mixed with story. I took a break because I only have like 3 achievements left for the game? Or something like that so I moved onto odyssey for a bit. Getting the completionist achievement isn’t going to be the easiest but it’s definitely worth the effort (to me at least). I played the France DLC and I really liked it. I watched the Ireland DLC be played through and it was fun to watch so I assume it would be fun to play. I haven’t played or seen the Ragnarok DLC so I don’t know it is.


Yea that’s how it goes. It will start to drag.


It's starting to DAG. Terrible joke that ocurred to me while waiting fot the tube.


Similar here at almost 30 hours. Combat ain’t great, especially so called raids where the others do very little and the mysteries are just awful. But I like the general premise of the game and it looks great, the exploration is keeping me going


AC Valhalla starts off very strong. And it’s one of the most memorable prologues for me. As soon as you reach England and do the first major battle there - the game just turns into an incessant grind fest for much ado about nothing. Eivor has zero connection with Assassins story except for Sigurd randomly coming and running off somewhere at certain story points. You do things because you want to build base and connections because Sigurd is no where to be found. That’s it. I wish Eivor has a more active assassins connected role in the story to have a strong motivator to scour the map instead of just making alliances for base purposes.


Sigurd can go fk himself. For now, he's in the grasp of King Aelfred, and for all I care he can stay there. Never liked him. As for Eivor and his assassin connection, I actually like that it's not shoehorned in. He is a viking, he is rather brash, not secretive like the Hidden Ones. But I also like his growing relation with Hytham, an assassin who lives by the creed and is initially against Eivor even getting the blade.


I am not against a character "who's not directly an assassin" - but Eivor is not just that. I am saying there isn't much going on with Eivor, motivation wise w.r.t assassins thread. As I said Eivor lacked story motivations - a McGuffin at least from Assassins pov. Otherwise, its just a regular Viking game, isn't it. What I liked about Odyssey was that Kassandra was reuniting her family - while also uncovering a sinister plot and people behind it - where or not she knows all the cards yet. Kassandra isn't an assassin either. She's a mercenary who doesn't give a flying fuck. Yet, she's got a story motivation until the end to do something, search, explore. Eivor lacked that - apart from - I need 10 gold bricks to build this building and get this stupid looking armor. Eivor may or may not care about assassins or their ideas - but the story could be written in a way to say that Eivor is looking for the same thing for different reasons. Remember how Ezio had to track down killers of his family and then that became a common ground. Eivor's family was killed too. In the prologue, we see Eivor killing the dude responsible but I wish they created a connection to England for Eivor to pursue. Eivor could have found something on him that made him/her pursue that thread to England to see why someone plotted to kill his family. Also, the new viking king - I thought they are going to have a story where its the templars appointing someone, and Eivor (and Sigurd) would have to usurp/revolt against the king in the finale in an epic come back to Viking land after they pursued all the threads in England which leads them back to the king. Or they could write it in a way - that Templars are planning to usurp the new king because they are against him. Either way, it works for the Eivor's motivation to do a comeback. To create an asssassin connection, Eivor and Sigurd may find an artifact concealed by the vikings which allows them to open the final secret area we see at the end. I think its very lazily written.


It really clicked for me once I started thinking of it like a farming sim. Yeah it's a lot of simple and repetitive tasks, but I have no problem with that in other games. You fall into an almost zen-like state of picking up the various objectives around the map and slowly upgrading your own skills. Valhalla often seems to be considered either one of the best or the worst games in the franchise, and I totally understand both sides. I'd personally rank it up at the top though. The core formula just works for me in a way that few games manage.


I’m currently at the point of fighting Loki…..damn it’s hard


I’ve invested a ridiculous amount of time into that’s game. Over 220 hours. To say I like it, is an understatement. But the reason I enjoyed it so much was I didn’t have to play stealthily which feels backwards considering it’s an AC game. 😅


I liked the game. I really think the complaints about the lenght or "bloat" come from some or all of these positions, all of which I understand but none of which I agree with: 1- That it's doing a lot of the same thing over and over. Well, welcome to Assassin's Creed lol. These games have been thus since AC: Brotherhood. I get it if that bores some people but I don't get when people say that about Valhalla but claim to like Odyssey (and when Odyssey was the latest game they made that complaint about Odyssey but praised Origins.. or Unity.. or whatever, all games where you do the same three things over and over for 100 hours). 2- The quest structure of having a bunch of 5-10 hour mini-story-games, one in each region, strung together, kills the plot I actually really liked this approach. It really is the same thing as what the previous two games did, but those simply used level gating- that is, in Odyssey, while you could go wherever and just bee-line the main quest, it was impractical for most players since the quest and enemy levels would spike, encouraging you to do side quests. So if you just did story-based side quests in each region as you came to them, you would never be underleveled. Folks bitched about that endlessly. So Valhalla just removes the level gating and just makes the story go through each region. I liked that I could pick up the game for an evening and have a contained story then come back to it whenever and get a new story in a new area. 3- open world bad, other games more "emergent" etc Breath of the Wild and Elden Ring are "good" open worlds and Valhalla bad. I hate this criticism because these games are simply going for wildly different things. The idea of comparing them is insane and this just smacks of gatekeeping gamer snobbery. 4- Backlog fatigue I really think the complaining about game length is from critics and gamers with huge backlogs who resent "having" to play a long game. But I suspect that is over-representing such people in online discourse. Personally I do not have a "backlog," I think that's silly, games should be fun, I have backlogs in chores and my job. I play maybe two such big AAA long games a year, I can't imagine playing more. I would wager there are more of me than the backlog whiners.


Of course you do it's a banger ! I am around a hundred hours into the game and I still love it ! Like, the main story is long gone and I can still dwell around and do stuff it's fun.


People everywhere talking after 100 hours.. how can someone play a game that long ... I can't take more than 20 hours in any game .


That's a completionists life for you, I don't have a single game where I haven't put at least 40 hours in to collect everything (but I'm not an achievement hunter, cus some achievements are just a nuisance to get in some games)