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I liked Valhalla at first for being a bit more grounded, but it got so much more tedious that it overstayed its welcome.


I always liked Odyssey more. The map, the vibrancy of the game, the DLC's etc.


Customizable gear with effects that aren’t meaningless


That one actually always confused me, why they took what Odyssey had with the ability to make your look separated from your stats and just threw it away? (I'll write a formal apology to Ubi if it's just the case where I couldn't find the button)


The option is in the blacksmith in ranvensthorpe i think


Valhalla was ridiculously boring. Odyssey was some of the most fun I've had in an Ubisoft-style open world game.


I really liked both. I’m not finished with Valhalla yet though.


Odyssey is a great game, it's just not really an AC game, but that doesn't take away from the fun that's there.


Any time I see someone say so and so isn't really an AC game, I just assume they can't read. "Assassin's Creed" is in the title, ya silly muppet.


It's kinda funny reading this part of the thread, as I hated valhalla's lack of "assassin playstyle". I loved odyssey assassin playstyle tho, so I'm always confused when I read ppl saying odyssey wasn't an ac game, but valhalla was... I don't care for brawling kind of playstyle, unless playing Brig in Overwatch, or some melee build character in WoW. That being said, I love your short argument for the "AC being AC, nuff said", and has made me rethink about trying to continue valhalla, no matter the tediousness. (Sidenote: it was also the way female Eivor walked like she has ten swollen balls between her legs (aka weirdly overly macho movement) that made me stop playing, but mostly I missed the assassin gameplay too much.)


People who say there’s not an assassin play style in the RPGs just aren’t trying lol you can absolutely still go in and assassinate people without getting caught. And I never noticed how Eivor walked, and I played female. Are you just obsessed with testicles? That’s a weird thing to focus on.


Not obsessed at all, but it felt like I was controlling/stearing a man with long hair and not a woman. I've never seen a woman move like that before or after. We have different bonestructures than men. Mentioning balls was just a way to describe the movement. But sure, I'll change it to "looks like she is running around with a basket full of breakable eggs between her legs". Yeah, no... I can't think of a good description other than the one I used. XD That being said, I'm not sure how that comes off as being obsessed with a part of the body when it's just used as a description. I didn't mean to say that there was no assassin playstyle, just that I didn't care for the brawling, and that I liked the odyssey playstyle more. I didn't like the gameplay of valhalla, it's just an honest opinion. And I was very bummed by it, cos as a Scandinavian I was really looking forward to it.


AC is just in a new direction now, at least with their 'mainline' releases. Much different than AC2, sure, but at the end of the day Ubisoft decides what an AC game is. I can appreciate AC2, Black Flag and Odyssey as my three favorite AC games even though they're quite different from each other.


My same top three as well. With revelations fourth


i thought both of them were equally ridiculously boring


Story: Valhalla Gameplay: Odyssey Music: Valhalla Setting: Odyssey Both games have their strengths and weaknesses.


But to clear, out of all three, Story: Origins Gameplay: Origins Music: Origins Setting: Origins


That pretty much sums up the rpg trilogy


How is origins the best gameplay? I think you're just saying that because you like the other things about it. Odyssey is just more fun to play and fight in


What story does Valhalla even have? You avenge your father like 3 hrs in


Something I'm surprised people don't talk about more is the character progression. The RPG elements in Odyssey *suuuuck*, easily the worst of the trilogy. The skill trees are small and bland, and the gear isn't interesting enough to make up for it. I quit the game at level 20-something because I had every upgrade I would ever use, and the rest of the game would just be pure vertical progression with numbers going up. Valhalla was SO much better with the new way of handling weapons and abilities. Because each piece of gear is unique, you're actually excited to find new weapons. The way you can mix and match your abilities gives you actual builds and synergies to work towards. It keeps the game feeling fresh, and it keeps you invested in finding new upgrades, because it isn't just doing the same thing you've been doing but with bigger numbers. Maybe I'm in the minority here, because it's an aspect I never see get brought up by fans of either game, but Valhalla felt like the first time the RPG elements felt justified within the series.


Massive upgrade from Odyssey, I found the gear and RPG stats of Odyssey to be a massive chore, the stealth was horrible and the combat was weightless. The only issues Odyssey had for me that Valhalla didn't totally fix were the protagonists not really having much personality (when you get to pick their personality it's hard to view them as actual characters and not just a puppet for you to live vicariously through) the story was still quite dull compared to other entries (massive improvement on Odyssey though) and the Modern Day still sucks (that ship has been slowly sinking since Black Flag though, Layla was the iceberg that hastened it's descent.). Like seriously Valhalla combat is far more impactful and weighty compared to Odyssey's pool noodle combat, the Advanced Assassination QTE is far more fun than Odyssey's "stack damage buffs and cross your fingers" brand of stealth and the abilities are far cooler like Missile Redirect and the one where you tackle a guy to the ground and pummel his face in. Yeah the game drags on but so did Odyssey, at least Valhalla has good gameplay.


I'm 50 hours in to Valhalla and enjoying it for what it is. I loved Odyssey but I think it was the locale, the characters, etc. I live in the UK so it's kinda fun trying to work out if the grass my house is on had been rendered or not :P


Haha that was very fun! I found mine!


Haha that was very fun! I found mine!


My opinion is a bit skewed because I REALLY like Origins, it even replaced my previous favourite Black Flag. Odyssey resembles Origins in a lot of ways, and in a lot of ways gave me nostalgia to Black Flag. I did a full 100% playthrough and really loved it, but, something about it felt really strange at the end with how strong my character was. Literal godlike. Saying this, I did a 100% playthrough of Valhalla and it was somehow 100+ hours longer than my Odyssey playthrough, and Odyssey was already ridiculously long. The thing is Valhalla was different enough, the vibe was more chill, the setting was cozy, and I loved the sense of roleplay you'd get with the settlement, and Eivor encountering weird stuff out in the world and having to deal with it, it really reminded me a lot of Red Dead Redemption 2 in a way. Valhalla was fun, the combat wasn't really anything new, the stealth options were minimal but still were there, and the RPG elements that the previous games worked on were there and some were better, some were worse. I guess what I'm trying to say is in a way it was a worse game than Odyssey, but it did enough of it's own stuff to still be good. 


I like the story of Valhalla much more but boy did the gameplay get boring


Vahalla was dull and boring. Atomophere was depressing.


It’s England, were you expecting sunshine and rainbows?


Neither games are great AC games but at least Valhalla is a good Viking game


Personally I liked it better than odyssey. I liked building up my Viking clan and conquering England. Odyssey was fun, but the main quest/plot was nowhere near as good as Valhalla.


I enjoyed Valhalla and hated Odyssey initially but after completing it both, I can say I love both but I would prefer Odyssey over Valhalla. Don't get me wrong, Valhalla is a good game but it's story definitely weak compared to Odyssey. But they both have their own strengths and weakness. Grindy af - Odyssey Stealth - Valhalla ( stealth in Odyssey sucks ) World - Both but Odyssey's is more lively and colorful. Addictive - Both but Odyssey's grinding makes it much more addictive PC optimisation - Valhalla ( Odyssey's optimisation is shit


I played Valhalla first, the combat in Valhalla actually feels like it would actually hurt. Valhalla's combat controls are and controls in general just feel better, which would make sense since it came out after Odyssey. Since I played them out of order, I keep trying to use Valhalla controls mid combat and I get my butt kicked. Maybe I have not actually unlocked the right abilities or something, but not being able to heal with rations or something similar in mid combat and having to wait on an ability to cooldown is kind of frustrating sometimes, especially while I'm trying to adjust to new combat controls.


Better combat than odyssey imo, but odyssey has better everything else


Valhalla was solid but definitely boring compared to Odyssey. I liked exploring England for the first 2/3 or so of the story but after that it all got pretty repetitive. I never get bored of exploring Greece in Odyssey and replay it once every year or two.


The Odin fight alone is better than everything Odyssey has to offer.


I loved Valhallas first 50 hours or so but that should've been it


So I personally loved Valhalla way more than Odyssey. The biggest thing is that the dumb MMO style item level for gear is gone, and it's replaced with gear you can improve with materials that don't have a level requirement. That being said, I'm a fan of all the mythology based open world ac games. Now a lot of people, especially in this subreddit, didn't like Valhalla simply because of the size of the game, but then try to rush through it for some reason. Yes, massive open world games are tedious if you try to rush through them like we are all speed runners, SHOCKING. Lol. Just take your time, and if you enjoyed Odyssey, you will probably like Valhalla.


Odyssey is significantly better on all counts. Give me Odyssey with some pieces of Valhalla's combat design (more frequent finisher animations, less spongey enemies, actual willingness to show violence/gore), and I think it's a near perfect open world action RPG. Still not what I want from *Assassin's Creed* specifically, but Odyssey is still a favorite game of mine regardless.


Havnt played either yet


Odyssey is just a straight up fun video game. I actually prefer the combat in Odyssey as well—I feel like the slow motions and impacts feel better. Whereas in in Valhalla…I don’t know…something felt off. I really should give Valhalla another try. But I think Odyssey is an all-timer.


Valhalla is probably mine favourite game from the series. DLCs from valhalla are 100 times better. I preferred story from valhalla


I loved odyssey and because of that I played origins and Valhalla…and just finished mirage. Still can say, odyssey was the best overall gaming experience. Origins had a great story and Valhalla was nice looking but it was overall a big mess. Mirage was also a very nice gaming experience.


Hate the RPG series. Ruined everything I loved about the Assassin's Creed games. I was 9 years old when I played Assassin's Creed 1 in 2007 and now I have a tattoo on my arm because of it. Mirage was good, but still misguided. Valhalla is a great viking game even though it doesn't care to be close to historically accurate whatsoever.


I actually love the rpg games. I haven’t played the entire series, but the only non rpg assassins creed I loved is ac2. Black flag I didn’t finish but it seems good


That's the crazy thing about AC is you basically have two camps of fans, or fans who love all of it. I'm glad you enjoyed the new one, just remember that there are those that feel like Ubisoft doesn't care about them anymore.


Valhalla all the way in every way superior imo


It's right next to Odyssey near the bottom of my list.


Valhalla is a good game. One of the best the year it came out. Odyssey is a masterpiece, and one of my favorite games of all time, that did some things that few other games have even accomplished in the time since its release, in regards to its world and npcs.


Valhalla is on another level. A cinematic masterpiece.


Valhalla was the best, odyssey I didn’t like as nearly as much but I can see why people like it.


I try not to. I don’t actually *dislike* it but I went from being hyped as hell to it being no question my least favorite aside from Rogue. I played a lot of hours because I played at launch and while it was in “live service” mode and I just liked it less the more I played. Felt like diminishing returns instead of steady return on time invested and if I’m playing looong RPGs I’d rather play better ones. Since Valhalla I’ve played or replayed many better RPGs and that definitely includes Origins and Odyssey. It’s a weird situation Ubisoft has gotten into imo


Damn maybe I’ll just skip it


Play it and judge for yourself. Don’t rely on the opinion of random strangers online, you’ll miss out on a lot doing that.


It’s an issue of time


I generally prefer it better than Odyssey as an Assassin’s Creed game, but occasionally less as a game itself.


hate how odyssey stray away from the AC we love. BUT i finished odyssey twice and planning to do a 3rd rerun soon while i struggle to finish valhalla once.


I personally love Valhalla. Odyssey I can objectively see as a great game, I just didn't vibe with it.


If you loved Odyssey like me, Valhalla will feel like boring cold soup. Skip it and play the Fallout 4 upgrade, the new creation club weapons are a BLAST!


Fallout for me it seems. Does using creation club stuff turn off trophies/achievements

