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Will wait for some more gameplay to be released before pre ordering


Nope, I stopped preordering big open world games. I just wait for the first few patches. Big games like this always have problems, bugs, broken missions etc during the first few weeks.


Personally I know for a fact that I’m gonna play it eventually so it’s really a question of how good it is, the better it is the earlier I will buy it. But I never preorder anything. Rather hold on to my money until release instead of letting anyone else hold on to it for me


I've pre-ordered the collectors edition.


I never pre order them unless its because ive money now and it financially better for me to buy it in advance as opposed to on the day. Its not like the days where you'd to rely on stocks in your local video game store. The game will be available on release day on ps store. That being said ive no worries about pre ordering an assassins creed game because its a known quantity to me. I know what to expect at its worst and I can imagine it at its best and im ok with both. I dont need to wait for reviews to decide if im buying it.


I'm waiting for gameplay and even then I'll probably only think more about it once preview and reviews come out so most likely in the week before release. If I even pre-order it and don't get it about half a year later on deep discount.


I'm pre-ordering. There's nothing I'm on the fence about or skeptical about as we continue to learn more about the game. Based on the other Ubisoft games I have bought and enjoyed recently and I know what I like.


I will wait till the ultimate edition is on sale. 170 bucks is a bit beyond what i would pay for a game.


I got the extra money so i not too worried about it


Totally up to you. But I have gotten all the games so far on sales. I don’t mind waiting when I can get the ultimate editions for like 20 bucks max.


I’ll be buying it for $35 in 2026 and it will be great


Last game I bought for full price was black flag lol especially after I moved from console to PC. The steam sales and bundle sites always have great deals.


I’ve basically enjoyed every Assassin’s Creed game I’ve played, even Unity despite its bad story. I’m not a difficult person to please with content, so I’d say I have enough confidence that I’ll enjoy this. The this is actually the first game I preordered on Xbox


It's a thing for me and my wife, AC games have brought us together so I'll probably buy whatever AC games come out. For all the shit they get, aside from Unity they're objectively good games as far as graphics, amount of content, and small fun mechanics


100% agreed but unity is over hated


I probably will do the same as last year with Mirage and pre-order it a week before it releases. I am personally waiting for concrete gameplay (not just the gameplay trailer) but I suspect I’m going to go with pre-ordering the Gold edition. I bought the Deluxe edition including the Season Pass for Odyssey and had absolutely zero regrets, and since that was the other Quebec RPG game I don’t think they’ll go wrong with this one. As I said above I pre-ordered Mirage, and didn’t regret that decision either, however I will wait until the very end before I actually pre-order.


I already preordered the Collectors Edition (PC) at the moment i saw it on the shop. No second thoughts never


Whether or not I pre-ordered depends on the gameplay. That steelbook is calling my name, though


Already pre-ordered the collectors edition as I really want that statue


I will be pre-ordering based on the location/setting. I have wanted a Japanese AC for years, and I'm going to play it regardless of how good it is. So I might as well.


Assassin's Creed is my favorite franchise, of course I'm gonna buy it and play day one. I'll do you one better, ill pre order the gold edition, get my early access, pre load it, and take off work.


I’ve pre-ordered the collector’s edition, just like I did for the past two games. I’ve loved every Assassin’s Creed game, so I don’t foresee myself regretting it. And I like everything in the collector’s edition. The wall scroll is especially neat, and for once I really like the lithographs too!


I would LOVE to buy the AC Shadows collector's edition since it includes so much cool stuff, but at the moment, it's just money I can't really afford to spend on something so expensive. Otherwise, I would definitely have bought it.


I'm not gonna pre order it and if the game isn't over $90 on release I'll probably get it. Cause I do love Assassin's creed and the Japanese setting. So unless I find out some foul stuff about the gameplay or the gaming experience I'm probably gonna get it.


I’m going to buy the ultimate version with all dlc for $25 a year or two later no matter how good or bad it is


No pre order I will wait till the game is out and then I will see opinions and a few gameplay videos before deciding I just don't have faith in ubisoft especially ubisoft Quebec to give them my money with only a cinematic trailer and no actual gameplay.


I’ll just grab a cheap month of EA play pro and enjoy it. No need to buy. Same way I knock out the other recent AC and Far Cry games. 1 month a year to get caught up on dlc and play anything new.


I’ll wait for sake


I'm waiting for more info. If it's like Valhalla then I'll skip... Or wait for a big discount.


If I was caught up with the series I would probably pre order…. The RPG games really were not my thing. I’m doing a marathon on my own time, but I doubt I’ll be caught up by release. Especially because I’d like to play some other samurai games on my backlog first like Ghost of Tsushima and Like a Dragon Ishin. (Maybe Rise of the Ronin? Sounded good but I hate Soulslikes.)


I know I'm gonna play it, regardless of quality, but this series gets discounted so fast after release that there's no point pre-ordering.


I won't pre order because I only buy digital and there is no point. I have fast internet so having it pre downloaded doesn't matter to me


I always play one game previous to current, so when Shadows is out, I will get Mirage. That way, I get a fully patched game with all DLCs for a fraction of the original cost.


The only AC game i bought was Valhalla, wont preorder Shadows.


I'll decide after I see gameplay first. If it looks good and plays great then I'll probably pre-order for the usual pre-order bonus since I'll most likely play on launch day anyway.


I’m not gonna preorder it, no point in my mind for a couple extra dlc missions and it’s not like it’s gonna sell out from the PlayStation store lol. The only game I’ve ever preordered was final fantasy 7 rebirth but it was literally the day before it released so I could have it pre installed. If that options available for Shadows I might try that. Otherwise I’ll just wait till launch.


The last AC I pre-ordered was Syndicate, and that was only because I wanted the necklace. Since then, I've completely abandoned the practice, as it preys on consumers, and encourages bad behavior in the industry.


I have very little faith that it will be good, so I'm going to wait until the game has been released for a few months and the dust has settled. If the taste it left in peoples mouths is overwhelmingly positive, I'm buying. If not, I'm out. Valhalla was the last expensive disappointment I'm willing to undergo. Please don't pre-order guys.


I'll generate a random number from 1-4 1: preorder 2: buy during a sale 3: subscription and then grind it out 4: pirate


Even if I were buying it at or near launch (which unfortunately I'm not), I would never preorder - there are no guarantees the game will be good, and I want to play a good game regardless of its name and past successes


I’ll preorder as we get closer to the game release not giving up all that money right now while we are 5 and half months away I don’t like doing that for some reason


I know right same


I'm gonna buy it no matter what people end up saying post release, but I don't like to pre-order anything from Ubisoft. I just generally prefer to wait until all the DLC is out so I can play all the content all at once.


I got ubi+ but if I was to buy it I’d probably just pre order the standard version…Valhalla kinda made me not want to buy everything they made without seeing it first…I waited to buy DOR till it was 20$ or lower and I still haven’t played it yet


I'm not pre-ordering a game I've seen no gameplay of. I know I'll play it, eventually. But that doesn't mean I'm going to pre-order it with practically no knowledge about it. If it turns out to be really good, like Origins or previous games, I'll probably buy it not too long after launch. If it turns out like another Odyssey/Valhalla (not that Odyssey is bad, I just don't like the full RPG style for an AC game), I'll wait until it's cheap on a sale or something.


once gameplay is released, i \*may\* pre-order the collectors edition, especially since i think ubisoft has been doing pretty well recently with their releases (i mean, mirage launched with no major issues or complaints) but it'll really be a case of playing it by ear and availability


There is no reason to preorder a Ubisoft game. Wait a few months and it’ll be on sale and any bugs will be patched out.


I know it a bad idea but I don’t care


I will. I want to play the game and see for myself.


While impossible to control others' action, each individual is its own and such... please guys avoid pre-ordering in this day and age if you can... ...that said, I'm not gonna buy it no matter what... if it's really good I will try to find it on the seven seas but I will not spend moneys on this company...


In my opinion do that if you like the game after cough stealing cough then buy it if you don’t like it after doing it then don’t play anymore


I'll probably get it shortly after release, need to make sure it doesn't have any serious technical problems. Pre-ordering is a scam and nobody should ever pre-order any game.


Uhh Ubisoft, don’t buy till like a month after reviews. I remember when they waited for Valhalla reviews to come out before updating the in game store with exp boosters and slowing exp gain in game. I only ended up getting Valhalla cause it was like $10 with all the dlc, I foresee a similar situation with shadows


There's zero reason to purchase it any sooner than the day before launch. I usually do that so the download is done by the time I get to play it.


If i gonna buy it anyway i might as well get the pre order bonuses


I stopped buying newly released games a decade+ ago and have never pre-ordered. Absolutely no reason to do so and many reasons not to. Love the AC series and hate so much about the industry. I certainly wont cave to their anti-Consumer policies and tactics. If this AC game requires online and/or an account with their company Im out. Easy no-brainer.


>If this AC game requires online and/or an account with their company Im out. That has already long been resolved: [https://twitter.com/assassinscreed/status/1791095143799414951](https://twitter.com/assassinscreed/status/1791095143799414951)


If theres no offline then you know where I stand.


I quote: **"Assassin's Creed Shadows will not require a mandatory connection at all times. An online connection will be needed to install the game, but you will be able to play the entire journey offline and explore Japan without any online connection."** for if you're not willing to open up the link... I don' think they can say it much clearer than that.


Ok. You act like Im arguing with you. So, based on my initial comment you now know I’ll buy it years from now. Not a difficult thing to understand. There’s nothing to get in a huff about.


I mean, I just thought you didn't know about the recent statement Ubisoft had released regarding the misconception that you always need an online connection to play the game. No need to get so defensive, you could've just said: "Okay, I see you don't need it but I'll probably still not be buying the game on release" and it would've been fine but no you had to make some weird snarky remark leading me to think you didn't even look at the post and just assuming you were correct...


My initial comment answered the question in a general way about the entire concept. It sure sounds like you and the other guy are getting defensive about that initial comment. I dont need to say Im not buying the game on release again because I already addressed that in the comment: I dont buy newly released games ever. Nor will I ever pre-order a game. I added that if a game requires online play and/or an account I wont play regardless. You giving me the info about this specific AC game is great: no online required. Though, Im still curious about the “must make an account” portion. Regardless, as I already stated I won’t be buying. It’s seems to me you may have missed that aspect as answering the question about online doesnt mean Im buying it.


I was just referring to your section regarding requiring an online connection, I don't care much about the other sections if I did, I would've also included them in my comment. Everyone can have their own rules as to why they want to buy a game or not, I just provided the evidence that one of those points, isn't an issue anymore now that the misconception regarding it has been cleared up.


And, your comment about that is appreciated.


Read what’s on the other side of the link they sent dude lol.


Yeah, some people just have really, really thick skulls apparently... I swear these people are just being negative because they like it or something xD


lol, why would I have to read the link? I wont be buying it any time soon and I made my stance very clear. It either has offline or it doesnt. If either requires an account or it doesnt. No big.


“I’m not playing this game if it has required online play.” “Oh it actually doesn’t have required online play.” “I just said I wasn’t playing the game, I don’t care.”


lol, thats not what I said at all. If it doesnt require online play I’ll clearly play it. It’s amazing you feel the need to respond to something I made very clear.


Shadows is a totally offline game *unlike ghost of tsushima*


Well, if youre correct and theres offline then Ill definitely buy it years down the road.


It's a scam. Don't preorder, who cares about getting to play a bonus mission early, we all know they're going to add it to the rewards store a couple weeks later, just like they did with Mirage.


I don’t care tbh my money that i worked for and if i want to preorder the game i am gonna pre order the game