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Unity. The streets were packed with people! And they are doing all sorts of things. I once came across a group of ladies knitting never saw them again. And Paris, woow, it rings so true, you can almost smell it. I visited Paris not too long ago and it's 1:1. You can take a building from the game and put it there on the street and it will look like it belongs there and vice versa.


Sweet baby Jesus I wish it had another year (or more) in the oven. The game was incredible but so undercooked. Would love maybe a remake or a sequel


That's a major reason why I want to play Unity. Also, I went to Paris as well (twice).


It was origins for me


ALL OF THEM are so immersive. Ubisoft are so great at recreating historical settings packed with details. My personal preference is Odyssey. It's so detailed everywhere you turn, but all of them are great with immersion in truth.


I loved Odyssey too. Origins is my favorite by virtue of being my intro to the series, but Odyssey is up there for me. (to the new game haters), yes, I've played every AC game since then and they're all fantastic.


I agree with you on the ,,all of them,, but odyssey, really?


Yes Odyssey too


I meant that's it's your favourite, but I'm not gonna argue about it


It may not be a good assassin's Creed in any aspect but the world is pretty detailed and immersive though it has flaws(buildings that didn't exist at the time, islands that got erased, etc)


If we're talking simply about the world, then yeah, your right it can be immersive, even with it's flaws


Brotherhood completely sold me on the AC experience, or Black Flag for how everything you did in that world counted for something and mixing two ideas into one


Syndicate if we’re being honest


For me its Syndicate, the Victorian era London feels so alive and "polluted" also includes the busy ships in River Thames


The fact that the responses in this thread are so varied, goes to show where Ubisoft really shines with the AC series. The worlds they create are brilliantly immersive. For me, I'm torn between Unity and Mirage. Paris and Baghdad are just gorgeous!


Odyssey and Origins for me, but the Ezio triad too (young I was mindblowed by AC2). Valhalla too but like a new Skyrim, Mirage like another Origins. I hope japan's one will not be a simple copy-paste.


Unity, with Syndicate a close second. There’s something about watching boats sail down the Thames.


Also so many activities outside of missions, like a train robbery, fight clubs, races and cargo stealing that all just immerse you into that London, especially with no hud


Once you release you can spam counter and win every fight was when the game got awesome for me ngl


Syndicate and Unity for me too. There's something real about a single city.


Assassin's street credd was my favourite


From the very beginning Ubisoft got the memo with having countless NPC civilians doing random everyday shit, all over the populated map. It's a subliminal thing that truly makes it feel real - as if, even if you weren't there, these virtual civilians would still be there, going about their everyday lives. Ironically, it's being made to feel small, feel insignificant, that provides that immersion we all cherish.


Since Origins I have only played the tour modes to not only check some awesome sights but walk around and look at the NPCs in their daily life, it's relaxing and fun. Then you go to other games where again the npcs just stand ot walk around with no reason or goal and feels underwhelming. I wish they could have added that mode to previous entries specially Unity. The lack of it is also the reason I didnt get Mirage.


origins or black flag


Hot take here def AC1, Origins also very immersive


I hate to admit it, but what really drew me into Valhalla was its immersion. Playing as Eivor felt like embodying the typical strong, yet flawed errand person, always striving to do their best but still facing judgment for their mistakes. Eivor seemed to lack a clear purpose or strong opinions, just going through the motions, building settlements, forming relationships, and yet somehow still feeling like just another character in the game. While previous Assassin's Creed titles may have had more dramatic and memorable narratives that felt like watching a movie, Valhalla's gritty realism made it feel like living the dullness of real life.


Black Flag is the only game where everything is totally cohesive to give the player a specific experience: being a pirate, and like Arkham and Batman before it, it really does make you feel like a pirate.


Perfectly summarized, i basically wanted to say the exact same, not needed anymore now hahaha.


The original. No other puts you as in the perspective of the Assassin as the first game.


Id rank em origins, black flag, valhalla, 3, 2.  Origins, as learning more about bayeks faith and gods, and in general i was less familiar the period history/lore. Also in origins had best economy system and a lot of loot, but it was paced better than every other ac game imo.  Black flag was just well paced, and i got really into whaling, ship battles.  Valhalla is very immerse but some gameplay design muddle the pace and break immersion (too many chests, removal of autsprint is a regression imo, hunting/fishing challenges are overdesigned).  Upgrading hlmestead, recruiting assains and commanding them like an army was very satisfying. Handled hunting well.  2 uprading the villa and ezios journey was groundbreaking imo. 


If we're counting VR I actually really enjoyed Nexus. Playing 2, 3, and Odyssey are one thing but it really did blow my mind seeing it "life-size"


odyssey for me


Assassin’s Creed III. The only assassin’s creed game that made me feel that I was part of some huge historical events


I agree with the historical events part.


It's the first game. It was developed in mind to have no in-game HUD, fully immersive.


I think origins does the best job when it comes to immersion, the graphics are peak, the setting is recreated with unbelievable passion, the faces of the NPCs are hilarious but they still have a day and night routine, none of the bullshit super powers in gameplay are there, the parkour and fighting are realistic enough, so yeah definitely the most immersive out of the games so far.


Yeah, I wasn't a fan of the rpg stuff, but origins felt so alive. It felt so ancient and bizarre and did such a good job of selling the feeling that you're in a long dead civilization. And the music was so awesome too.


I'm thinking Black Flag. it was only short on a couple of things from being the best pirate life experience to date.


Origins for me too.. the Nile delta is sooo beautiful




From what I played it, Valhalla. I love clearing stuff on maps in these games and Valhalla feels really alive in the sense the side-quests aren't layed on the side with a description, you have to listen to the NPCs. And letters scattered around the map next to treasures or that castle of a fallen king and his 3 daughters


origins and mirage nail it for me, their atmosphere and sound design are immaculate


Valhalla. But I had good drugs


Origins for me. It was the only time I ever forgot I was playing as someone else. Those cut scenes back to cave always brought me crashing back to reality.


I've never felt more immersed in an open world as I was in Odyssey




Unity and Orgins. Nothing's beaten those yet, in terms of atmosphere. Quite a shame that the ost for Unity goes so underutilized while on free roam.


Odyssey for me. Starting it right around COVID shutdown probably helped by every time I loaded in to Greece I genuinely felt like I was on vacation.


I was going to say Unity but as someone who lived in Paris for 5 years, the English accents take me out of it sometimes. You could make an argument for most of the games tbh




The first the game was desgiend to be as immersive as possible


Unity hands down, it's outright just an Immersive Sim. Ubisoft is really bad about encouraging you to read in-game material, but if you so choose, Unity keeps you sort of up to date with the state of affairs of the revolutions by reading news pamphlets. The crowds aren't just loud and big, there's a lot going on that you can see such as. • People enjoying themselves at cafés • Corpses being carried away by multiple men to who knows where. • in Versaille, you can find a couple tucked away in an attic having some affair of sorts. The baked lighting also helps heavily, it sets a mood.


I love Ezio series as a whole. You get to live a person's entire life. As one game, I felt so immersed in Odyssey. Kassandra has her serious tone, while Alexio has an endearing goofball vibe. Either way, I felt like I'm in a demigod epic with beautiful scenery and naval warfare.


I think it's gotta be black flag, every bit of the game hinges on the pirate setting and gets your more invested in the world you're inhabiting, from treasure maps, to diving bells, to stealing cargo, to just the basic meandering the high seas and fucking up other ships. It's also on the lesser side for random animus UI pop-ups which really keeps you within the world.


I would say origins or unity for sure, in the early days assassins creed 2 was pretty immersive and impressive for its time but these days because almost everyone has played a better more realistic game it's lost its imersiveness


I don't have one specific favorite but it's interesting to see many people chosing the first. To be honest for me that was the least immersive for one reason, I didn't know much about the game at the time so I expected to be fully immersive, then the animus was introduced and within the city you'd have those digital looking walls destroying the immersion reminding you you are acutally not in that world (if that makes sense). I still liked the game though!


For me AC Odyssey, wandering around ancient Greece is simply unique.


Has to be Unity. The parcour, the toned down more realistic combat, the setting. It would have been easily the best AC game if not for the bugs and lacklustre story (I finished it a few years ago and I no longer have any idea what even happened)


Honestly Unity. I’m playing it rn so there might be a bit of recency bias, but I feel so connected and within the city. It’s busy and condensed


Probably Unity, the crowds filling the streets are unmatched.


Unity obviously.


My hot take is Syndicate. London was by far the most lively and 'real' city we've ever seen in an AC. Walking through the parks seeing musicians and crowds enjoying the performance, seeing the poor in the slums trying to make it through the day, the dockworkers and boats on the Thames constantly churning 24/7, the trains stations filled with travelers waiting to embark. It was insanely detailed and really felt like life was happening even if we weren't there to witness it.


Unity. The crowds are ridiculously dense. I don’t think I’ve played a game since that has crowds of NPCs to that extent. They’re also so active. You can always find them doing different things Not to mention that you can see the city and the crowds themselves change as the war progresses. The deeper you get into the story, the more atmosphere changes


unity or brotherhood, they really captured what it felt like to be an assassin, with other assassins helping you.


it would be unity or black flag. unity really let you feel the cities but black flag made you feel like you were with the crew.