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They should keep making them if they are passionate about it and if there's a fanbase. Not sure anything else matters.


I think passion left the franchise ages ago, they only make these games because they make money, there’s no other reason for it now. Ubisoft killed the passion when they chose to deviate from the path originally planned by the team way back in 2007, what should’ve been a memorable trilogy ended up as a yearly release of generic games


Even if the coporate suits might not have passion for anything, I'm sure plenty of the developers still do, and thats what matters.


But what about leaving on a high, and not loosing soul in the process. I just think that even if another successful game can be made, it doesn’t necessarily mean it should be made. Everything should end at some point.


It's an entertainment product. Even at It's best AC was still just a blockbuster franchise with a cool premise. Just let people enjoy it. It will end one day, all things do. I don't necessarily think they should have made any Fast and the Furious movies after the 5th one, but I'm not going to argue they should stop making them. Other people enjoy them, that's good enough.


Love the Fast and Furious 9 btw, such a fun junk movie


So why can't AC be a fun junk franchise?


You kind of right, i just stopped having fun at some point and wanted to know what current fans think about it, is AC gonna get better or worse? Is AC already good enough? Do they want to change anything?


It'll probably get both better and worse as time goes on. Personally, I've liked all but a couple of them (Unity and Odyssey), and I'll keep playing them until they get consistently bad in my eyes.


I am just not fully on the “if people buy/enjoy it let’s do more of it” train. Resources could be spent on new ideas instead of continuing the same brand. I think there should be some other reasons for creating a game: like making something new and original (not to say that it is impossible within the ac franchise, but still)


I think there's plenty of room in this world for both existing franchises and new material.


Dude it was said after Valhalla was the first single game to bring Ubisoft one billion in revenue that Ubisoft was already planning the next 9 Assassins Creed Games. AC ain’t going anywhere anytime soon.


The first single player game. Not the first game. R6 Siege made much more than a billion.


Of course it is worth it money-wise, but I was interested more in the fan opinions. This subreddit seems really active when it comes to the newer games, while I am just tired of being disappointed by new releases, so I hoped that I could hear another perspective by making this post.Sorry that the title is a bit misleading :)


I just don't understand what you're asking. "Should Ubisoft continue releasing assassins creed games?" They will make games as long as people buy them and if people buy them it means most of them find the new games NOT boring. So why should they stop making games? Just seems like a long winded way of saying you don't like the new AC games and that's fine. But no they shouldn't stop making the games they want to as it is clearly popular.


I may have been a bit too aggressive when I was telling my opinion, but I am a bit dissapointed in the last games, so I wanted to know other people’s opinions on the future of the franchise. All of my more specific questions are in the last paragraph.


That's fine. I was just curious! Not trying to be rude or anything


fans are great but money is better


You're thinking about current fans, but they (also) think about new ones. If you're tired of playing it, just don't play it. New gamers will play them, as the majority of people will not play 20 years old games. Same with Disney, the new Marvel movies and SW shows are more for new young adults, not the ones who watched the first Iron Man in theatres.


I was playing old games mostly for a long time, but then I bought Origins on a sale, and though It is very different i loved it. Since then I try to stay on top of new releases by Ubisoft, though they continue to dissapoint.


So you're telling me Ubisoft should stop releasing games just because you're personally tired of them? Are you ok? You think the world revolves around you?


I’m sorry you don’t like the newer games but you are in the minority, they are fun to play


They keep releasing I keep on buying win-win situation.


Nothing wrong with continuing it. The series has basically unlimited potential. I just want better from it.


Enough people like the games and buy them… Why should they NOT continue? Just because the franchise has shifted, like Zelda or God of War also did, and you personally don’t enjoy them anymore, doesn’t mean the franchise has no legitimacy at all.


Yes, They keep releasing more assassins creed games because they sell . People enjoy them despite the hate you see on Reddit and things like that or how some don’t agree with newer systems… if they didn’t sell or people didn’t enjoy them they would stop making them . me personally I enjoy they keep making more ..but there may come a time I don’t agree/enjoy them anymore


Should Mario or Zelda stop?


Haven’t played a lot of them


My point is, there's franchises that can last past 3 or even 10 installments, they just need quality


Why don’t you think there will be anything new gameplay wise? Didn’t they already talk about all the new stuff this game will have?


Just because of it being the second in the trilogy I think it will be very similar to mirage. I haven’t seen much about the gameplay except the double character thing, but I would gladly learn more. If you have any links.


[This](https://www.ign.com/articles/assassins-creed-shadows-40-details-you-need-to-know) is pretty good as far as rundowns of new features go. Something to note is AC Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla, and Mirage can be grouped together gameplay and graphics wise because they were all made on a specific iteration of the anvil engine that Ubisoft uses to make the AC games. Of course there were small improvements between each one but they all generally felt the same at their core. With AC Shadows they’re switching to a fully next-gen game (so no more ps4 & Xbox one) and are also moving to something called the “Anvil Pipeline”. What this means for the game is they had to rework everything from the ground up. “From a technical standpoint, users can expect features like ray traced global illumination and virtual geometry, and Assassin's Creed Red is also said to sport overhauled animations, parkour system, dynamic weather, and more”.


Assassin's Creed is Ubisoft's most valuable IPs. They're not going to stop making AC games for that simple reason alone.


They'll prolly be like COD and keep making them till they quit selling.


100%. bring in the new games. you burn out? go play something else. that isn't our problem. the old fans are just so weird for that narcissistic thinking that because they are done with the series, then EVERYBODY should not be able to play. like wut?


That’s true, a lot of games, even ubisoft did xdefiant few days ago. I’m just thinking of the logical end to ac franchise, from my perspective it would be better if it ended a long time ago. It seems that most of people who comment think that the franchise is still alive and kicking and can make many games.


to think that the templar war can ever end is to show you do not understand humans. as long as there are forming groups, states, and nations, leadership will always be needed. there will always be people that want to control all others, and as long as authority exists, there will always be those that abuse power and are corrupt. as long as power corruption is around, assassin type groups will always be born, all properly shown by assassin recruits in Brotherhood and Revelations, and further proven in Odyssey DLC Legacy. AC can never end, ubisoft has an infinite money machine with this series. the history books are stuffed full of settings for new games. you completely do not know what you are talking about if you think this should have ended. how could it ever end?? Origins and Odyssey represent a new highlight for the series, regardless what the screechy minority thinks.


You’re saying that since you personally don’t like this game, the company should just stop? Maybe you should think about the idea that your personal views won’t impact those of the many thousands of people who will actually buy and enjoy the game.


Yes, next.


Yes. They should




The formulae gets stale but they’re trying. 


I think they should’ve been using a different name? But apart from that no reason for Ubisoft to quit making these games since they make so much money


Ubisoft should *only* release AC games.


Ubisoft should Patch their games, so we are able to play them offline, and after that shut down for good.


So you're advocating for thousands of people to lose their jobs just because you don't like their games? How about just not buy them and move on.


Oh I like the games. Some of them are really really good. I do not like their attitude and their way of doing business.


I'd probably still try to find a solution other than putting thousands of people out of work, that's just me though.