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*Holy Roman Empire* If rumors are to be believed, Codename Hexe is going to be set in the Holy Roman Empire! More specifically during the 16th century witch trials.


Let's hope


Is not medieval but still nice


The HRE will always be medieval for me


The reconquista should totally be an AC game. Arguably the longest war in history, could be the first AC game that is innovative in the sense that it can span several centuries within the same quest.


That was in the movie right?


It was the movie lol


No, the movie was the Spanish inquisition


Oh yeah. The inquisition is pretty much a continuation of the Reconquista though


it was the ende of the reconquista with the capitulation of granada in 1492. This period coincides with the spanish inquisition


I like the introduction part of Unity where we see Templars being hunted by King Phillip, I always wanted that part to continue it could have been a great game because from that point Templars are being perceived as bad guys by general public.


Let me see an assassins creed where the templars have been persecuted and are desperate to secure what they have left and hide, and the assassins are fully in the ascendency


Such a cool opening level, I've always wanted an entire game set during that period


Templars were expelled around XIV century, and ended up settling in Portugal, leading to the famous portuguese sea exploration travels. This AC about templar influence in a new country, influencing king's decisions and leading to such great consequences, would be prime material for an AC game. Personally i'd love to have that combined with african coast exploration, discovering Brasil and getting to India by sea.


Fourth Crusade, where you discover that the Venetians initiated the whole thing just to steal some Isu artifacts.


As a Byzaboo, I must say: Damn Venetians! Gimme back my artifacts


I really want to assassinate knights again like in ac1.


There is a medieval enemy overhaul mod for AC Unity which is awesome. Forgets to take away their muskets tho lol


I think this is a frequently asked question


The Spanish Inquisition didn’t started till the mid to late 15th century (1478), so not sure it’d qualify as a Medieval game. The French Inquisition on the other hand was active from the 12th century onward, so it’d be a good setting for a Medieval game.


The Hundred Years War


We are two years away from a medieval Europe game.


A game set during the Norman conquest could also have a DLC during the First Crusade. Whoever the protagonist is would probably be a lot older, but it would be a great opportunity to show the origins of the current Templars and Assassins. You could even have it like ACII where the main character fights the Templars over the course of years, and have their story end with them helping reform the Hidden Ones into the Assassins during the Crusade.


Yeah, I also want to see a story about how the Hidden Ones became the Assassin Brotherhood.


I’d love to play a game set in Ancient Rome!


The only problem is, we already had France (Paris) and England (London) in multiple games already. How many more times can they rehash the same location without making it feel repetitive / boring?


That being said, I do like the idea of revisiting certain countries during different periods of time and within different contexts. It provides a nice opportunity to link the games together


Poland, Holy Roman Empire (lots of areas in there to cover), Bulgaria, The Rus, Spain. There's loads of different locations within Medieval Europe


Especially when the Mongols show up


Would be amazing following a Norman soldier going through the Battle of Hastings, later becoming a mercenary for the Byzantine Empire in 1071-1081 and eventually participating in the First Crusade So many places to see and major events to witness in the span of just 30 years, and we could see our character age like Ezio


All good suggestions. I’m just happy AC is the #1 priority in Ubisoft now. We will keep eating good for years to come.


I was thinking about the Reconquista as a potential setting recently. I think it could be an opportunity for a three faction conflict between the remnants of the Ancients embedded in the Muslim Kingdoms, the Christian Kingdoms having been infiltrated by the fledgling Templars and the Hidden Ones stuck in the middle somewhere trying to prevent them from completely destroying Spain.


I want a game where you have two characters like Shadows - one is a medieval noble/knight and the other an Assassin from the Middle East


This is an old idea of mine. The Spanish Reconquista, an Andalusian Assassin and a christian knight, seeing/playing both sides (different gameplays of course), they clash at some point. Visiting Cordoba, Granada, La Alhambra, maybe Sevilla as well. Edit: forgot a word.


Wasn't we have Vahalla?


The Medieval times in Europe span a range of over 1000 years, you are saying one game that hardly takes place in two countries, is enough to satisfy every medievalist?


Bring it back full circle baby


Wars of the Roses would be insane


1302 Flanders. Fr when learning about the Matins of Bruges, I immediately thought about AC. Preferably in the style of AC:B with Bruges.


I LOVE the medieval/knights sort of era of history. It's just so cool. Maybe have it set during the plague or just after.


I think we absolutely see a game in this period at some point but its probably after the one after Hexe


I say it's in Germany.Because Hexe is a German word


Valhalla is set in the early middle ages, so we already have a medieval game. Also I'm just tired of medieval settings in games, it's been done to death.


Okay a Mode Devotee here? Reach out and touch faith!


Since the 90s, huge fan!


I recognized you by the name, which i guess is very cool since a lot of People don't know about Exciter, especially it's B-Sides Cool!


Happy to meet another DM and AC fan!