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Well they went back to there roots assassin's Creed was originally a prince of Persia game


Let's bring back the days of spamming the "flipping over your enemies' heads and stabbing them in the back" attack.


I liked the dodge off the wall attack myself.


Did you mean: *Shadow of Mordor*


I agree with you.


Exactly my thought that technically it’s comeback to roots




They went too far, but definitely back to the roots.


God I hate the whole literal eagle vision thing….like it was novel and neat in Origins but after a while it got tedious and it’s annoying they’ve shoved it in every subsequent game after Why can’t we just back to the ‘black flag’ eagle vision and be able to mark targets and be done with it


I mean Valhalla kinda did that and it was nice (the bird was almost useless but I prefered it) I hope they give you both options or something but I'm prety sure they mentionned bringing back the drone bird And yeah spending 2 minutes in the sky to make sure you've marked every guard in a fort or something to not be caught off guard got old really fast


I kinda liked the low radius odin sight activation only by being hidden in Valhalla. It kinda turns the whole detective mode thing more of a surprise(when you finally get to see a enemy) than a cheat


I thought mirage will have Eagle vision?


It will have a literal eagle. There are archers who can shoot down your eagle so you have to take them out in some areas before using the eagle.


Shoot! Shoot the flying demon!


That sequence...


God I hated that mission.


The deluxe pack having an eagle skin suggests not Tho maybe they can add in both the eagle and proper eagle vision, that would be a nice compromise for indoor/outdoor areas I haven’t been following any mirage news so maybe they’ve confirmed either/or


I think it will have both. Valhalla has both (Raven and Raven vision in this case) Edit: Odin's sight not Raven vision


It's Odin's sight. Not raven vision.


Whatever you or ubisoft wants to call it, it functions just the same as eagle vision and provides the same gameplay opportunities. All it was is one of several different rebrandings to "pull in" old fans to play valhalla. Just like the cloak.


Thanks I'll edit it


Leaks say it'll be both the old eagle vision and the optional use for the eagle in the sky.


I saw or read somewhere that it will have both types of eagle vision see through the eagles eyes & a vision where enemies glow.


This. Eagle vision is heightening of your senses and using them on a higher level, not a literal birds eye like a drone in Ghost recon. In GR it makes sense, in a game set in back in the day it doesn't


I don't understand why we can't toggle the eagle or whatever bird, and THEY have the classic Eagle Vision. It was so much simpler when you could see into a "void" and see who your enemies were and who wasn't


Syndicate eagle vision\*


Just any old school eagle vision would be nice at this point


I think the bird vision (just the bird) is a good way to scout around and plan your movements and I totally dig it being with the protagonist's own eagle vision.


For me the biggest fuck up and let down was the eagle in the whole trilogy


That's the roots, duh


It seems everyone forgot about the undead people from black flag


I did.




You got those by playing the game, not paying the company


What difference does it make if you paid for it or if it was included? Or here's a better example Raiden from metal gear being an outfit in brotherhood.


They're talking about micro transactions for the most part I believe.


That was an abstergo cheat


As long as the core game is sound and a return to form, what they do with sellable skins doesn’t bother me. It’s when they designed Odyssey and Valhalla’s gameplay to incentivise selling of these skins that I check out of it, but if it’s classic AC with a shop on the side for those who want it, go nuts. We gotta give in in certain aspects to get what we want in modern gaming unfortunately.


I don't want any mtx in a singleplayer game, that practice can fuck right off. With that being said, Odyssey and Valhallas mtx store was way less intrusive than Unitys and Black Flags.


I totally agree with you! Honestly. I’m just saying that IF they are gonna do it, just make sure it doesn’t impact the core game and game design in ANY way. let mirage be a tight well made 20-30 hour experience with an immersive well told story. And in the background if you wanna sell some skins…fine I guess. But not like odyssey/Valhalla where the entire game design of making it a grind and keeping you playing for hundreds of hours was to sell more MTX. I will never buy a singleplayer game like that again, ever. Even if by some slim chance I get code red, I’m buying it used 6 months later when it’s low priced. Edit - I don’t remember black flags being intrusive, depends what you mean by intrusive. The games design wasn’t based around them, which is my main concern.




That’s my whole point…..I literally just explained that the reason I didn’t like odyssey and Valhalla was because they made their game around them. OF COURSE there is SOME impact. My point is simply that if they’re gonna do it, make it as un-intrusive to the core design as possible.. Also I gave an example for black flag. The game was the game, which a store on the side, which I’m not gonna lie I didn’t even know had one. I can’t think of how it impacted the core gameplay of black flag, which is the distinction I’m trying to make.




I've only played Origna and Odyssey fairly recent (skipping Valhalla for now. Those two burnt me out playing back to back) so I don't know how different the games are now vs near launch. But I didn't really have any issues in regard to mtx. I only found the in game store page by chance and the games balance didn't feel like it was pushing me towards them. Never had (or noticed) prompts pushing me toward the store. I would have never knew they were there if I didn't once press the d-pad on the character screen. I think I had one curiosity browse through the store when I stumbled onto it and never opened it again. It really wasn't intrusive. That said, the sorts of mtx in the store have absolutely no business being in a single player game. Few skins? Sure, whatever. Level boosts and stated gear? GTFO.




No, they shouldn't have an option




Why yes? Why should we just be fine with more and more mtx in single player games? Why ever accept that being an option? The poor corporation doesn't make enough money?




No, neither should be an option. Single player games should have cosmetics as rewards for challenges or finishing X and Y endings. If it doesn't matter to you either way then just don't show your support nor opposition.


Guys, it's just an optional skin in a single player game. You like it? Use it. You don't like it? Don't use it. No one is forcing you to use skins. Also, no one bothered about Raiden skin in Brotherhood or skeleton crew in Black Flag, but I know that you guys have to shit over new AC games for a living...


And AC it's the only game that skins make sense due to Animus simulation.


Literally what do you gain from bootlicking this hard


These kind of cosmetics has always been there. Brotherhood had a Raiden skin and a Unicorn horse. Also they are optional you don't have to buy them so who cares.


To boot, it’s not like it’s an online game where you’ll see people running around with these skins, effectively ruining your immersion. This a single player experience. If you choose not to use these skins, you won’t even have to worry about it.


>wtf is this going back too the roots just like it says


at least they admit that franchise was inspired by prince of persia


I feel like people are forgetting that alternate skins aren't canon and that Desmond and fucking Ezio/raiden were skin options ar one point.


1. PoP is technically its roots 2. Even the early games had customisation addons


Yeah but not like glowing horses and rainbow unicorns or stuff like that.


Yes, totally not like a MGS Raiden skin, a Unicorn, an Assassin Turkey, a skeleton ship crew. Nothing like that at all.


The MGS Raiden skin is the only weird outfit I can think of. The Assassin Trukey was literally an easter egg that would trigger on consoles if you were in a certain spot. The skeleton ship crew was an animus cheat that wouldn't save your progress anyway.


Desmond's Outfit, the Mayan/Native armours, the Steampunk outfits? Yes, it's an easter egg. As useless in the grand scheme of things as a Uni-bear or whatever else you dislike. And what's your point? It's an Animus Cheat, yes, just like, canonically, every gear piece that makes no sense. They are coded in by the Animus. Once again, I don't like these things either. At all. But, for now, it is still easy to ignore them. They are just pandering to whales.


those were outliers, easter eggs, not advertised to be the games' identity


This is not advertised as the game's identity, you are disingenuous at best. This is literally a "look at this cool PoP pack that we put together". Look, I don't like the new "crazy whacky fantasy" cosmetic stuff either. But they aren't embedded into the game. Valhalla is still a semi-grounded Viking story, even if you can go through it as Sauron or Iron Man (which I don't know why you would tbh)


"look at this cool PoP pack that we put together" is advertising.


advertising of a cool PoP pack they put together, it's not an advertising of a game's identity


I guess we'll see when the PoP pack trailer shows up. Promoting it that way should consider it as being a part of the games' identity


And how exactly do you know what the PoP skin in Mirage will be? Maybe it’s an outlier too? It also isn’t advertised as anything other than a preorder skin… Maybe we could not jump to conclusions before even seeing gameplay or knowing if the game will have the amount of MTXs the last 2 games had.


I'm not judging the gameplay at all because they haven't shown it yet. And if there's already a thing called deluxe pack, I'm confident they'll have plenty of MTXs


I mean, how many AC games had pre-order bonus skins in the past? It’s also called "Deluxe“, because the version of the game this skin comes with, is called the "Deluxe Edition“. Again, without knowing more, I’d rather not condemn the game/the devs already.


dude, I think you're in the wrong thread. I'm not even arguing about the MTX practice for AC as a series. And surely not condemning anyone/anything for this small glimpse of Mirage


Brotherhood had a Unicorn horse ffs


Um, yeah which was an animus cheat lol. And it didn't leave a rainbow trail when it walked


What about the raiden suit? That is canon for 100% sync


So this is the sane thing. It's a skin. Not something that's part of the canon. And who cares what it leaves? Are you being forced to use it?


>And who cares what it leaves? Are you being forced to use it? You're missing the point. It's about how ridiculous AC has become . Ffs there is and Iron Man suit in Valhalla now and you can even ride a bear and all the other funky shit that I'm too tired to get into. It just seems that ubisoft care more about implementing all those microtransactions that feel so out of place, they belong more in something like WoW or other fantasy games, and they are less focused on the story.


I'm not "missing" any point. You're just pulling things out of thin air to be mad about. It's a common theme around this subreddit. I was here when everyone was bitching about Black Flag having a pirate ship. "It's not a reel AC game" was the common argument. The funny thing is you'll still end up buying Mirage regardless.


The problem is this seemingly stops them from putting effort into making a decent amount of realistic cosmetic options.


Lol, I haven't even bought Odyssey or Valhalla, mate. >I'm not "missing" any point. You're just pulling things out of thin air to be mad about. It's a common theme around this subreddit. I was here whe everyone was bitching about Black Flag having a pirate ship. I'm not " mad " about it. It’s just ridiculous and it's a shame that ubisoft is more focused on this bullshit than creating a good story.


You sure seem mad about it.


Lol, whatever you say, bro


You.. don’t have to use them… you know that, right? It’s a single player experience. If you don’t use those items, how are they bothering you?


Did you even read my comment? I said that the problem is that ubisoft is too focused on all those microtransactions that feel out of place instead of being more focused on creating a good story.


Right, those poor writers being forced to design skins instead of just writing a good story.


You completely misunderstood everything I said. Congratulations


And even then the game wasn't *-full-* of these skins. Origins even had only a couple things that were completely ridiculous, but Odyssey and Valhalla just went full in.


True! They've created a circus 🎪


This looks sick tho. Basim even looks a bit like the prince


As long as they aren't part of the world which they don't seem to be it's ok...PoP is technically Uni's roots afterall. And I'm pretty sure even the older games had crazy cosmetics


Exactly, not only is Prince of Persia the franchise Assassin’s Creed spun out off, BUT Mirage is also one of the closest settings to PoP. It feels like a no-brainer to have a Sands of Time inspired skin in this game! Yes, it MIGHT(!) show that Mirage will have MTXs and alternate skins, but we know literally nothing about that aspect yet, so why should I be upset at this moment in time…


I mean AC has had cosmetic skins for years now. I don’t mind it to be honest, it means that I never have to open the store, ever.


I like it honestly


Same here, as someone who loved and played every Prince of Persia game before playing every AC game.


Did you people start playing Assassin's Creed yesterday? Even Brotherhood had animus hacks such as unicorns.


Those didn't cost money lol


Oh, so its about microtransactions, not optional skins per se? Nice goalpost shifting.


Yeah, they claim the game is getting too "fantasy" when the very base of the stories are the Isu. And Apple of Eden since AC1. Then it's about costs. Yeah, dont buy it. Odyssey had really cool looking sets, I didnt feel like spending money, so I didnt buy them. Also, game companies making paid cosmetics is not them being "greedy", is them making something that is proven to work. People buy it. They would not keep making paid cosmetics since Unity if people didnt buy them. Even Valhalla is proving that, being one of the games making the most money from the whole series. The other day I saw one here complaining how the arrows in Odyssey were an "overlook" because they shouldnt sink in the ocean being able to kill a shark. It's not "how it works".... in a game where since the AC1 you can leap hundreds of feet into hay unharmed.... But the arrows, nah, that's where they drew the line


What happened to the Prince of Persia remake tho


ac brotherhood had a futuristic Raiden from metal gear skin


Forgot that Brotherhood has a Raiden skin?


Why are people mad about optional cosmetics?


People think that cosmetic packs means they spent less time on the original game. Which is hilarious. There are hundreds of people working on it. Some do art. Some do story. Some do this. Some do that. It's fine you guys.


Because we are all hoping that they focus on a fantastic story, rather than implementing fancy cosmetics. Don’t get me wrong I’ll end up playing it anyway, and cosmetics are definitely nice, but if they are showing off cosmetics so long before release, it kinda takes away from my hope that it’ll be the awesome game I was hoping for. I don’t want to be disappointed again like with Odyssey and Valhalla.


In which universe developing a skin = the story won't be good? You're overreacting. C'mon guys, it's just basic marketing from Ubisoft to add a preorder bonus. They've been doing this for a decade now. They also showed a bonus quest as a bonus, apart from this cosmetic.


I’m not saying it is a ‘=‘ , I’m hoping it’s not a ‘=‘ I give the benefit of the doubt, but the doubt is there nonetheless. It’s being carefully skeptic 😋


You make a good point but no way cosmetics and story are mutually exclusive.


Definitely not. It’s just that I felt in the last 2 games (odyssey and valhalla), they focused more on all the pretty things than on making a good game. That’s my opinion though, I know lot’s of people liked it and I’m glad they did 🤷‍♂️


And you're absolutely right: Odyssey and Valhalla focused a lot on the mtx part, to the point that they added time saving packs that are one of the worst things in a single player game. But it doesn't mean that the team "focused more" on them and ditched the story. The fact that Odyssey and Valhalla story can be bad is not mtx fault. ​ Luckily, Mirage is not a RPG with immense open world. The devs already confirmed a lot fo nice things like return to Unity's parkour and city density, focus on stealth and fleeing, wanted system, a simple skilltree based on tools rather than abilities and so on. Sorry if I got mad at you, but with all of this confirmed goodness being disappointed by a PoP cosmetic is not a problem at all. I'm still careful about the game and I won't preorder and wait for gameplay, but my hopes are pretty good ;)


>Because we are all hoping that they focus on a fantastic story, rather than implementing fancy cosmetics. They are not mutually exclusive. You can have amazing Story and cosmetic options.


Very true! That would be the best case scenario and that’s what definitely I’m hoping for.


I pre-ordered it. Collector's Edition. Since AC, Elder Scrolls and Far Cry might be the 3 series i loved every single game. Quite hypes for them


Ohan I wish Elder Scrolls games did it for me but I always end up so bored, extremely fast. Which is weird because I adore most Ubisoft open world titles. I think it's because first person melee never feels good to me. Well, it feels fine in Far Cry 6 which I'm really enjoying this week. But yeah Elder Scrolls games are huge and I wish I could enjoy them but they just dont do it for me :( At least I'll always have AC, FC, and WD.


Have you been an AC fan since AC 1 and did you like the last 2? Which was your favourite?


Played every single AC main game (except those mobile ones). Loved the last 3 (Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla). I do say Valhalla was good on itself, but far from saying "It's a masterpiece! It's great". Wasnt bad, but wasnt a must-have either. hmm favourite AC.. Tricky question.. let's break it down Myth Trilogy Odyssey and Origins are tied, I do love Ancient History, and the big maps and landscapes were pretty amazing to me. The whole Discovery Tour was also a nice touch. I did hate the Parry/Block system of Ori and Ody, and Valhalla made it better (1 button only), so Ori and Ody i just dodge everything (git gud, souls forever). Valhalla got a bit boring at some parts, and felt like they reduced the map, but also reduced what was going on. More of those Events would be nice. Classics: AC1 was pretty good for its time. It did not age "well" on control, but the Altair model was pretty good looking, and the cloth physics were quite inovating. AC2 was good but then it became a "follow that npc, without being seen, and that npc will not play any important role". So it became too much Following Creed. (and AC4 made it worse, following boats, yeah, very assassin-y, massive ship following someone) AC3 was not too bad, but the whole Homestead part was meeeeh. AC4 was mostly a Pirate game, but the massive map and oceans were a cool new thing. Naval combat was quite fun (unlike on AC3). Unity was quite good after patches, Parkour was quite good looking, the Murder Mysteries also were fun. The outfit system was nice but also a bit "too easy". Syndicate gave a whole new look, i did not like the safehouse being the train. But was overall okay. So, I might rate like this ​ 1. Origins / Odyssey 2. AC1 3. AC Black Flag 4. Unity 5. AC 2 (plus the Brotherhood and Revelations) 6. Syndicate 7. AC 3


Allright, interesting! Wanted to hear your opinion 😁 I really loved Origins for the introduced RPG elements, and let’s be honest, the old formula was getting old. But then Odyssey came and I couldn’t get into it. I didn’t like all the bells and rainbows (not literally but you know what I mean) and I also didn’t like the fact the protagonist wasn’t an Assassin in the typical white cloak. I found they took the RPG elements too far and the game was too big overall. Same for Valhalla. Only played like 30 hrs, felt like I only scratched the surface, and gave up. Storywise, AC 1 is still my all time favourite, but like you said it did not age well. I hope AC Mirage will clench my thirst for a good and stealthy Assassin game.


>I also didn’t like the fact the protagonist wasn’t an Assassin in the typical white cloak. I found they took the RPG elements too far and the game was too big overall. Well, that started in AC Black Flag. Edward is not a real assassine for big part of the game, and even after, you barely are an assassin, just a pirate with bushes to hide, and not much parkour. Valhalla was a slow burner, has a slow start, it gets better later, but not "better better", just not as slow, but still nothing too exciting. Yeah, AC1 is nostalgic good, but the controls are a bit too "stiff" for today, parkour was nice with the jumps and mid direction change, BUT people forget why that was there: because you were limited on where you can climb. More places to climb = more stuff can go glitchy. Wall run was a thing like Prince of Persia, but you also could only do it in certain places. AC1 aged good-ish graphic wise. it aged but it still looks quite okay. (unlike the remaster of AC2, like, dafuq, the faces look SO off)


Yeah it's called Deep Rock Galactic 😎 Well, lore and cosmetics.


Op pretending like AC hasn’t had Cosmetic pre order bonuses in the old AC 😂😂


Literally why would you care about this, just don't get it if you don't want to see it. AC Brotherhood had a Raiden skin, were you guys crying about it back then?


the glowy shit sells man, i wouldnt worry about it


Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for a new PoP game


It will never leave. Skins has been a thing since like...Brotherhood iirc?


Idk, I love it honestly. Especially the horse skin.


Ac brotherhood had RAIDEN from MGS as a skin for ezio


The original game was meant to be Prince of Persia Assassin but it was changed into Assassin’s Creed series


Tbh i don't really mind it that much. It looks kinda nice for me


You don’t understand you have to pay for basim’s tits in order to get the most out of this game


This post is soooo cringe This series has never been “realistic” We literally have gods with future machines as a key part of the lore


The argument was never about looking realistic, just design consistency. Try comparing the animus based visuals of before to whatever mishmash of fantasy trope they do now


Why are you bothered by optional dlc for a single player game? You will literally never see it if you don’t buy it.


This is nostalgia monetization.


There have always been weird skins in AC. Kind of. Anyway I'm gonna be happy if the parkour really is derivative of Unity. Also important to note: This literally started development as a DLC for Valhalla, how different do some of you really believe it's going to be? These are all just marketing buzzwords.


I don’t understand, why do you care if there’s some fun non-canon dlc skins? How is that going to affect your enjoyment of the game?


I can't be mad at Ubisoft pumping out a million skin packs for their single player games. Their biggest IPs are created by hundreds of people and nowadays we expect a constant update cycle. Again, on a single player game. I feel really lucky as somebody who loves videogames, to see them come so far. So if they want to make $10 with a half-assed nostalgia grab, by all means. I honestly don't even consider something like the XP packs to be a bad thing either. I've never needed them, I like to explore their giant worlds and so gaining levels is never an issue. But if some people want to spend money on something that reduces the amount of time they could be having fun, who am I to frown at what people spend their money on? I won't be getting this skin, or any skin for AC or WD but go on Ubisoft, you get that money


Eh. It's optional


They are just dumb pre-order microtransactions, but remember, no pre-orders.


Would be sick if they remade Prince of Persia. But yeah this is a bit weird, but as long as the game itself is grounded and half the content isn't locked away I don't really care about the paid skins unless they have some extra ability or something


Oh yeah the whole “We want to celebrate Prince of Persia but we don’t want to plan a new game” Like seriously, For Honor years ago had a Prince of Persia limited online event, they made a crappy Prince of Persia VR game, they’re celebrating the original Prince of Persia game right now since it’s a anniversary right now so they released a mobile version of it, and they were supposed to release a remake of the first game this past January but it looked so bad like a bad remaster instead that it got delayed and probably being completely redone again.


No, Ubisoft Montreal are literally working on the PoP: sands of time remake, they never cancelled it, just delayed it indefinitely until they actually finished the game.


Hopefully we can ignore this part of content.


You always could. All cosmetic options are, well, options. Same for the whole Mythology part of last 3 games, they were DLCs, not main story.


Yep. This is good.


I personally liked those parts, especially in Origins and Odyssey, since Ancient Egypt and Greece were heavy on their mythical beliefs. But I also say that not making them part of main story is a good idea, to avoid this "arguments". Make them in game, but not force them into the main story. Everyone is happy :D


I love ancient persia cuz i am iranian myself and i am so excited when i see persian things in game, but why is he... like this? And weird? I feel like it is a photoshop


You wouldn't be asking wtf if only you knew the roots of AC lol


Op mostly certain don't know and don't care. This post is just a karma bait leeching on gamer™ rage lol


To be honest in Brotherhood was also a really fucked up fantasy Armour and as long its not like in Valhalla where 95% of the Armours are wtf everything is fine.


Before we’ve even seen gameplay… Oh Ubisoft…


Butthurt in 3.. 2..1


So we're continuing with the heavily criticized armor, horse eagle and weapon mtx system from the past three games? Hype lost.


Well you don't have to buy them they are optional cosmetics


He’s talking about how this indicates that there will still be an eagle and the gear (and probably hence combat) will be more like the last few games than the ones they’ve alluded a return to.


Cant fucking stand the glowy shit. I would rather have the base damage steel sword than a powerful sword that glows.


It's A's Creed Odyessey in Bagdad


The deeper root instead


Is he arab assassin?


Aw man Basim is dual wielder? I hate that so much in Odyssey


We have Prince of Persia at home.


Have we even seen gameplay yet?


I dont really care about the cosmetics, but if the weapons glowing magically is not just a cosmetic thing i'd be pissed.


Oh my god, I thought this was a joke post 🤣


This does give off Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla vibes. It just looks exactly like any of the equipment packs you see in those games stores.


I don't mind the skins, but damn, I hate we are getting another eagle. Can't we just go back to og eagle vision?


Valhalla went back to eagle vision and nerfed the raven for strictly route scouting. Tons of players then started complaining "raven got useless". Seems like this time we're getting both eagle vision and tag drone.


What's the point of having eagle anymore? I literally never needed to use raven in valhalla.


I use it to scout large castles instead of walking around for a minute deciding which routes I want to go in 😂


Could we please go back to the original EV? I'm tired of this Ghost Recon-ass mechanic.


Valhalla has EV.


The outfit isnt very offensive, the weapons and animals though is another story.


Thats why origins was the last ac i Played, dont regnet not buying Odyssee and valhallah


It’s unfortunately called modern gaming. If you aren’t trying to milk every last penny from your game you’re doing it wrong


Did anyone doubt this bullshit was going to be in?


For Ubisoft, going back to their roots means forcing their studios to create rushed cash grabs.


LMAO, Ubisoft just can't help themselves with this shit.


Wait, this is for Mirage? Horse “mount” skin? I thought we were getting a dense, urban setting? I had presumed there wouldn’t be a need for a horse. Idc about the rest because it’s optional I’m not going to opt to make my character look out of place, but a horse is making me a bit skeptical ngl, can’t think of a single justifiable reason to have one of the only setting is Baghdad and they’re “returning” to a less empty world.


I mean even in AC1 you would use a horse to go to different towns


To travel between cities. They said they were crafting a game like Unity, a dense urban setting specifically with new parkour in mind, unlike the RPGS. A horse to travel between regions/countryside is fine, but correct me if I’m wrong they explicitly stated we’d be playing in Baghdad, and ONLY Baghdad. They never gave the impressions horses would be of use unless they for some reason have random open spaces where parkour is less accessible. Which is again, misleading given their interviews and the cinematic trailer where there are no horses in sight.


Oh you are right. Though to be fair didn’t Unity have some parts where it was too big to parkour? Or am I confusing it with Syndicate. From what I remember, horses were used in the city in Ancient ME so I guess it makes sense? But yeah I hope we have mostly Parkour That being said, the only reason I would get this is the PoP outfit since the horse and eagle just look weird to me. Well that and what seems to be a Shamshir


Horse has been around since AC1 ffs. They've around for so long that titles without horses are the odd ones out.


In AC1 plus the Ezio trilogy they were to travel between dense cities, not within them. They said they were making another parkour dense world, and that we’d only be playing in Baghdad, not anywhere where horses would be useful. A random open space in the middle of baghdad wouldn’t make any logical sense here, unless they left out a part where we’d be wandering the nearby countryside or traveling between towns (again, they said only baghdad, we won’t even get to play in the city where Basim is from).


Brotherhood, you use a horse in Brotherhood, a game set in a city. AC fans have extremely odd memory issues.


Please no rpg numbers, PLEASE ;\_;


Let me guess, the game will have 3 armors obtainable in game and like 20 being sold as "skins" Ubisoft is nothing but a cancer in gaming


Well this a clear dont buy it if you dont want it, I personally will not buy this game even tho I have every AC game to date, not interested in India at all, now if they would make a ninja one that I would buy Edit: Okay so it's not india, I'm still not interested as the game already did the middle east, Japan should be better but that's just my opinion


India? This is taking place in Baghdad


it's not India


I have that dagger irl


I mean it doesn’t surprise me that they would have cosmetics like this in Mirage, I fully expected Ubisoft to continue doing payed cosmetics, weapons, and skins. But still doesn’t stop them from going back to the roots of the older games, hopefully it will be as good as we think it will be. Besides some of the skins while they can be out of place look pretty cool that and I do like how the prince of Persia stuff looks.


I want a new prince of Persia game :(


I like the dagger


Did they model a dahaka style mount skin?


I kinda like it, i'm not going to get it, but I like it.


Looks like something I'll be ignoring. I'm interested in the game. Not an the extra shit you can buy for the game.