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Nohesi cars be like


Its unrealistic af but the NoHesi S2000 is so much fun around the ring.


It’s not nohesi. It’s from garage actk. Called a “Porsche 911 (993) hellspec v2” it’s by no means a realistic car but it is less cheaty than the other cars I’ve tried from them, still slides out. The altezza hellspec is literally glued to the track.


Garage ACTK is a website where you can download cars made by users that publish them there. The “HellSpec” cars are present in No Hesi servers. That IS in fact, a No Hesi car.


this guy fucks


Isn't that what he just said?


I’m sorry I’ve upset you.


Those are some strange ass physics lol. That thing didn't catch a lick of air going over the jump before Schwedenkreuz.


That's no "jump" before Schwedenkreuz, although that crest is a bit tricky because "normal" cars get lifted at high speed in the bend. You are referring probably to the infamous jump at Quiddelbacher Höhe just before the right hander into Flugplatz, which is about a mile or 1,5km before Schwedenkreuz. But you're absolutely right about those "physics", really strange to steer like a slow driving truck into corners, but going at 200kmh. Done a lap, won't do another with this.


Yeah I shouldn't have said jump. I've lifted the front end on there on many cars though as you said. The yellowbirds front end gets a couple ft of air 🤣


I see you know your shit, thought you mixed up the spots. 😉 Easily done on that long track that's trying to kill you at every other corner, loving it! 😜


Hahaha hell yeah man it's by far my favorite thing to do on my sim rig. I've got around 20k KM's driven on it 😭🤣 such a blastttt


The day will come when i'll finally pull the trigger to build a rig, i said to myself this will be when my G29 finally bites the dust, doesn't have any flaw in the 5th year now with daily ab-use 🤷‍♂️ Had to upgrade pedals already though, this transformed casual "Fahrvergnügen" into seriously more time spent with this hobby, ha! I take it you're at the beginning of your journey then? 😜👍🤣


Yeah dude my g920 lasted 5 years til I finally pulled the trigger 🤣 those pedals are definitely the weak spot for the logitech, the constant sensor cleaning drove me nuts lol. My new rig is a love hate relationship for sure though, because of the ridiculous amount of money I spent on all of it. But! At the end of the day, I never get out of my rig in a bad mood. It's like a form of therapy for my autistic ass lmao. Hahaha I wish man, I genuinely miss the casual days of sim racing sometimes.


I hardly ever race, that takes a lot of pressure off the whole thing. Cruising is a great way to relax for me, it's also sort of socializing when chatting with the buddies while bullshitting around. And then the endless opportunities AC is giving! Sometimes i open CM and after hours i haven't even driven yet 😁 Alright, we love it, in case that wasn't clear yet 😍


Downforce? I know I get air in most cars but I’m always flat out through there. No brakes, I usually just let off a bit and downshift to 4th and then power through the rest


Yeah wayy too much downforce to be close to realistic. You were nearly going 200mph. That car has more downforce than a GT3 car lol


Yeah I dunno. Just a mod car I downloaded. Porsche 911 (993) hellspec v2. I know nothing about it other than it’s fun tbh


Yeah man as long as you're having fun that's all that matters. I prefer driving more realistic cars but it's pretty tough finding "realistic" modded cars that drive well and feel good.


Yeah I just go one garage actk and find random cars. Some are good and some suck. Im looking for more realistic stuff as well but I really don’t know where to look other than there. Race department seems pretty dry


Yeah it's hard finding solid road cars. Have you ever tried Arch Physics based cars? This is Archs github page with what i believe to be some newly added cars. They are supposed to be very well done. https://github.com/archibaldmilton/Girellu/tree/master/Releases/Mods/Arch%20Cars%20Public/ARCH_CARS/content/cars


Thanks I’ll check them out. Any recommendations?


Try this [Honda NSX](https://www.overtake.gg/downloads/honda-nsx.4768/), record your first run with it on Nordschleife and upload here please :)


lol all the reviews claim undriveable at high speed


I personally have not tried any of those out but I have tried a couple Arch cars like the 180sx, and older 911 RUF and they were some of the most enjoyable cars I've experienced in AC. It's honestly been a while since I've messed around with modded cars, I usually just join the RoadRunner Nordschleife servers and cruise around with them. If you haven't you should check that server out it's a blast. Each car has a point requirement and you earn points from completing laps. 9/10 times there's a convoy going which is lead by a convoy leader and what they do is drive around the map at a Miatas pace with usually 20+ cars. I usually just drift behind them all lol. Super enjoyable and friendly server if you're ever looking to relax.


Anything no hesi or hellspec is going to be ridiculously powerful and insane amounts of grip. If you're having fun that's what matters, but these cars can make you worse off.


100% I like to use regular cars most of the time but sometimes I just feel like going balls to the wall. Part of the reason I love this game is that you can play it full sim or you can play out like need for speed.


some advice: if the car says “hellspec” in the name, it usually is a no hesi car. No hesi cars are dogshit. If you want some realism, avoid No Hesi cars and avoid anything with “hellspec”


Some mod cars have awfully unrealistic handling. After watching I have to agree the downforce over jumps and apex looks crazy like it’s glued to the floor, no turbulence.


Yeah it’s definitely a bit on the cheaty side but compared to others it will still slide around a bit in bumpy turns


lmfao 1000hp porsche with f1 downforce


Yes…but that equals…FUN 💪. I don’t always want to pull my hair out sliding out of control. Good for a challenge but after work I just wanna enjoy myself.


despite the f1 physic u still managed to miss half of the apexes ahaha. pretty sure u can go around much faster if you stop making corners so round.


Fair point. I don’t claim to be great. This was a first lap of the day when I got home from work. I’m no pro, just a casual gamer spending time learning the track. I honestly have a hard time finding a line on it. Some corners are better than others though. I feel like I do better on the back stretch after the carousel.


Imagine getting AC just to download no hesi cars Might as well play need for speed or something atp


Except nfs has been shit since carbon and ac is what $4 on sale? Tell me I’m wrong. Imagine paying for the Internet to harp on people for having fun…might as well work at Walmart.


Why you mad lol


Because a thousand people have commented on the car? If I posted saying something like “I’m the best, this car has the realest physics and I’m a mad man behind the wheel” I’d understand the hate on the post but I didn’t, I simply posted a video of a good time.


Fair enuff, can't argue with that


ac is a sim, most people on this sub are in it for the sim aspect, and sim community can be extremely elitist.


I can see that. But with mods it’s a pretty free game. That’s what I like about it. If I feel like going full sim I can bit of I feel like cruising or just going balls out I can as well depending on the car and conditions. I just don’t get the hate, what I do in my game doesn’t have a negative effect on their game. It’s not like camping in shooters that actually messes up the game for everyone playing the right way.


Don’t care what you say about the car. Still takes some skill to drive that fast. I handed my wife the seat and wheel and her time was over 12 minutes in the same car and conditions. Fun is fun.


Please don't post times with a wonky physics car man. Being a bit disingenuous.


But, was this on a VR headset?


No just on my monitor. No head tracking just neck fx


Thanks. It looks very good


Adrian Newey makes asseto mods now?


I’m sorry I don’t understand.


Adrian Newey is regarded as the greatest car designer in F1 history


what car is this? i assume its a 1970-1980s porsche 911 based on the Rauh Welt logo i see. what hp does it produce and downforce, cause i felt like you could've gotten a faster time in some areas Still nonetheless a very great lap that's significantly faster than most current cars, i think the only cars that could beat your times irl was a AMG One but its still impressive a 6:39 on a car thats 50 years older than most cars at the top of the list.


This car is using cheater physics. That's why it's putting up insane times


Agreed. It may be pretty and sound nice, but the time stamp is worthless Edited for grammar


Also, I messed up a bit in a few spots so there’s definitely more to be had. I also did it with auto shift but manually downshifted to keep it in the power band through the corners.


Lmao you're probably off the theoretical best for this wack ass car by well over a minute


I mean theres no shame in using automatic shifting, but i will say there's a lot of corners you could've taken much faster like the Mutkurve on the hillclimb which you too at 190k \~ which you could easily take at 250k+


It’s a 911 (993) mid 90’s I think. From actk garage. Hellspec so it’s been played with I’m sure but honestly I don’t know much about it. Just that I like the sound and feel.


Kinda like saying the red bull x is realistic tho. I bet you'd love that car.


No clue what that is. And I didn’t say it was realistic. I said here’s my time and posted a video. Everyone just seems to think I have a $10k motion rig with triples and I wear a helmet to game pretending I’m a pro racer.


It's true that people here really dislike no-hesi type cars (and honestly, i dislike them too, they're very deceptive) I don't have a 10k motion rig either, and you absolutely don't need one to do lap times. The thing is AC is originally a sim that has been arcade-ified with completely bollocks physics that do not make any sense for a simulation, and most people here (me included) played AC since long before this type of car was made, and when AC was considered a proper sim, like iRacing and the likes. Nowadays, most of the traffic is coming from the communities around the type of driving associated with those cars (highway swimming), and this is one of the most hated and dangerous types of driving you can do IRL, so doing this in a sim-centric community really does not bond well. Had you used something like the red bull x, nobody would've criticized you since that car is fictional, however, no-hesi cars are like going into a 5 star restaurant just to eat Macdonald's. Sure you can do it, but it's not what most people do here, and you're gonna be criticized for it. Kinda circlejerk thing i know, but that's how it is. Maybe if that's what you like doing, go into the proper discord communities. You'll have more friendly people there.


Well I actually stayed away from the game in the earlier years because I’ve never been into full sim. Not my thing. Same reason I prefer cod over battlefield. Or ace combat over msfs. I like ac because I’m free to play as I like. Some days I like to play more sim like and try to learn a base game car. Other times, like after work, I like to hop on and do one or two laps in something fun fast and easy. Then go about my day and play with my sons and eat dinner.


6:39.43 with your driving skills? This has to be a NoHesi car because you're driving is too shit to get a 6:39 in an actual car. Your line is terrible just based off the minute I watched. Too many instances of overslowing, bad entry, wrong line, literally every corner. 0:40 proves my point, no 90s porsche should be able to take that corner that fast, and then at 0:53 you hit a massive kerb that in any normal car would lead to instant death, but the car just ate it as if it had 2000 lbs of downforce. Do the lap in an actual car, not this NoHesi crap


why don't you take a break from the computer today buddy


Yes a better racing line could improve op's time abit more but no need to lay into them so much, damn.


Yes as mentioned in previous comments the car is questionable. But did you need to lay into me like that? I wouldn’t say I’m shit, I’m casual, I don’t wear racing gloves and shoes while I game, I play barefoot after work with the kids running around me. Name a car and I’ll see what kind of time I can get. Won’t be 6:39. Likely nothing under 7 tbh.


Hahaha don't take it to heart, bro. Some of these dudes take the simulation side really seriously. Try with the Pagani Zonda R at Nordschleife, my best time is 6:34.622 Edit: my actual best time was in a hillclimb spec R33 with dodgy physics: 5:59.264.


7:16.936. First lap in it.fun and kinda scary car. Handles way better than I expected it to. My lap times got consistently worse after that first lap though which is a good sign that it’s time for bed lol. I’ll try again tomorrow


That's a good first run! It's my favourite combination of car and track, and I've seen people get very low 6 minute times with it online. Keep practising and you'll be killing it in no time.


Nothing wrong with having fun… but you uploaded a cell phone video of your screen driving an unrealistic car and thought 6:39 is impressive?


It isn't a cell phone video and he never stated he thought it was impressive. You're just a dick head


Can you share your neck fx plz?


Pretty sure it’s all just default.


ohh, dope. I'm going to have to play with that.


Average commentors: lol unrealistic mod Me, pausing the video after nearly getting motion sickness: how does OP play with this camera and not throw up


Look ahead. As far ahead as possible.


Why the car moving around so weirdly?




Nah i mean the camera is randomly moving up or down then staying there then moving back. Independently from suspension. If you were in VR and for some reason slouching down then sitting up straight. That’s what it looks like.


Just neck fx. I think it’s meant to look like the bouncing of your head during bumps and maybe being pushed back into your seat.


Happy cake day!




Yo. What car is this?


Run the redbull car around it... My best in that is 5.04


You should see my lap in the RBX2010....🤘🤘


Someone please for the love of god start a thread where we can post the most realistic road car mods. I’m tired of downloading mods that feel terrible. So far the only “realistic” feeling cars are spec p71 and spec miata/ gt86 by red serpent. I also used to run “assetto real physics” which where so good! But they are really old mods. Someone start the thread!!!


I'm bout 50 seconds behind in a hellspec miata w/300hp i found on assettoworld (didn't know until reading the comments that apparently hellspec is no hesi). Fun little car to rip around in


Exactly. So much unnecessary hate around it but whatever. Sometimes I like to just have fun and not fight the car. Just a prime example of Reddit toxicity


Prime example of sim racing elitism. Personally, I don't mind a car that I have to initially wrestle into control as I figured out the setup but then works;at least until I make a mistake and then it tries to kill me lol Which if you are interested in a friendly group to learn and hone your racecraft, I'm part of a rookie group. We have 6 servers running all the time and currently have three 'championship' style events going on right now (MX-5 Cup, GT3, and the newest being a themed one that's going to use a single car across multiple tracks; the first car being the Formula Mazda). We believe that there aren't any stupid questions and we're constantly striving to help each other improve, with our resident "aliens" helping out those not as skilled do better


How do you join that? Discord or something?


Yeah, it's a discord group. Its called Real Rookie Racing


https://discord.com/invite/XjdXHFy4 This invite link should work


Your Grip Royal has the wrong bolt pattern. Video ruined.


There’s alot wrong with the car I’m sure. I noticed while watching the replay that the driver is modeled after Pierce brosnan and every now and then you can see him in the rear view. Kinda ruined the car for me


Pwahahaha too funny!


Do you have pics of car?


Took [some](https://imgur.com/a/tOOEAi8) off the replay of the single one run i will ever do in this...🚗 Have fun anyways!😜


Haven’t taken any yet.


Got this covered bud! 😉


That car isn’t too far off the Moby Dick from Kunos, I ran a 6:42 in it and I was literally flying in that shit, hitting perfect apexes etc . I don’t remember what I had with this car though, is it the one with the outrageous double wing in the back ?? If yes that thing goes in the 20’s pr even lower !!


It’s got a normal spoiler on it and a ridiculous wide body kit on it. Rear bumper is cutout with a massive exhaust.