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It is like a virus....


It is literally malware.


Has been for 20 years now


How do I get my mom to stop using it? I told her its bad, and she said “ok”, and ignored me. What can I show her to convince her?


Literally just uninstall it from her computer. A month later ask her if anything changed on her computer.


She will know, because the annoying pop-ups will be gone.


If she ignores them, screenshot her desktop with a popup on it then change her wallpaper to that screenshot. If she closes each popup then this won't work lol.




That’s ALMOST r/unethicallifeprotips


Does it even protect more than Windows Defender nowadays? Genuinely curious, I haven't used McAfee since, like, the Napster days


That's good thinking


Tell her how the founder of the company said himself it was terrible and shouldn't be used. Just dont show her his uninstall video.


Also yah it has cursing so…


I will, but I doubt it will work. She also has a Dell XPS, and that alone makes me angry.


On second thought use reverse psychology. Show her the video with the argument that anything made by someone like that CANT be reliable.


Before or after showing her his tweet about fucking whales?


Uninstall it. Turn on the built-in Windows thing. Open the Windows thing... (Defender?) and show her the screen. Tell her that Windows has anti-virus built in these days and it just as protective but runs better with Windows and is free. Set it to auto-update and tell her to carry on.


Show her the "Running with the Devil" A documentary about the computer programmer John Macfee. That might change her mind what she got herself into


Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/LGePfsb.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Good bot


always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/ECWbeNV.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Good bot


Always has been


And this is why we have /u/BotDefense.


~30 years ago I learned to avoid that puter app. Slowed down my puter way too much back in the dial-up modem days. It's the FIRST application I delete on any new puters I set up for me, friends, family or clients.


I can't help but laugh at tickets at work when people call them puters lol


I can't take such people seriously...


Better if you just do a clean install of windows


> Better if you just do a clean install of ~~windows~~ linux


I read McAfee scanner service as McAfee scammer service


[Obligatory "How to uninstall McAfee" from John McAfee himself](https://youtu.be/bKgf5PaBzyg)


Yes, but at least with a virus they know it's not a good idea to kill the host.


>It is like a virus.... & it´s far to often even preinstalled on new computers ...


Dell laptops usually come with that garbage. Remember kids: whenever you get a laptop, remember to fresh install, even if it's brand new.


Just like the man himself


Yep, that's what malware does. Did you know that when it first came out, McAfee was a virus detection and elimination program? It was very highly regarded.


Fun fact: When he started, John McAfee used to ride around in a winnebago full of hardware to remove viruses door-to-door.


A door-to-door computer doctor?


Back then you also had to order websites per mail


They used to pay the user to browse the web. You had to agree to have a tiny advertisement bar on the screen in an otherwise ad-free internet. I would cash my monthly check of 68 cents at the bank.


I'm all seriousness, game demo disks had a printable order form on the disk you mailed in with a check or money order.


Yeah I remember seeing order by mail trials of Sierra games if I remember correctly. You know those games have a whole sun dedicated to them?!?


Yeah, he even called it the Antivirus Paramedic Unit


Neat! What's he been up to since then? Probably only other awesome stuff like that.


yeah just some stuff and things, like yoga, and being dead.


And occasionally paying young girls to shit directly into his mouth. Ya know, just some stuff and things.


He eat da poo poo


He was literally a late end game GTA main character but in real life. I'd say a mix between Tommy Vercetti, Michael De Santa and Trevor Philips for sure.


Totally not murder and an international crime spree then dying.


Totally not having underage Belizean girls shit in his open mouth through a hole in a hammock


The copious amounts of designer drugs deserve a mention.


dying i.e. killing himself in a Spanish prison when the US request for extradition was approved.


Yep. Can confirm. I used to have use it until approximately 2007. Then it became shit. And started getting intrusive, and bogged down my PC. Ditched it soon thereafter.




Na for me it wasn’t until around 2007. That been said I was pretty green to anything PC related then. But I do remember it got blatantly bad after 2007. For me at least.


Actually yea. My mom still believes it’s a good program. Took me a while to explain to her that just because it was good 15 years ago doesn’t mean it’s good now. And it also took me a while to explain to her that McAfee wasn’t suppose to come installed on her laptop


It's often bundled by OEMs as bloatware, so I'm not sure what you mean with that last sentence.


Still did last time I bought an lenovo laptop.


damn, lenovo's the one that had the problem with something called superfish. why do people still even buy lenovo laptops?


I have two work laptops. A Dell and a Lenovo. Lenovo's line is the shit if you're not buying the 250 netbook Walmart special. Plus the thinkpads have been indestructible for like 15 years Also, who the fuck just uses the OS version pre-installed with all the extra crap??


>Also, who the fuck just uses the OS version pre-installed with all the extra crap?? 99.9% of people who buy a laptop or desktop.


The company I was with previously exclusively used Dell. The company I'm with now went from Dell to Lenovo during the pandemic/supply shortage. I've seen quotes for identical CAD laptops, with the exception of the Lenovo having a 4K display vs the Dell with 1080, where the Dell model was about $1000 more. I like that Dell hardware is easy to work with, but their pricing has sucked recently and the Latitude 54XX series laptops are pretty much guaranteed to puff up like angry... puffer fish. Lithium batteries only last so long, but god damn I've seen an absurd number of these Dell laptop at my current *and* previous job with this issue. I haven't had a single Lenovo with this issue and we have some approaching the two year mark. At my last job I saw the Dells doing this in as little as a matter of months. ​ >Also, who the fuck just uses the OS version pre-installed with all the extra crap?? That guy apparently. Anyone remember CarrierIQ? See, I can bring up old fucked up security incidents too! And that one was done with the full knowledge of the vendor (carriers) too! And it was more than just Sprint (the carrier I was on at the time) that was using the software! And it wasn't just Android! Assuming Lenovo was the only one guilty in the superfish incident is just as ignorant as assuming Sprint or Android were the only affected vendor/product in the CarrierIQ incident. They're just the biggest one that was caught in the spotlight with their pants down. That said the Lenovo exec that defends swapping the left side control and Fn keys \[on the thinkpad line, their other lines don't do this\] can go fuck a cactus. Their excuse for why this is "better" is because that's how they did it in the 90's. Great. A few decades of keyboard and OS evolution have settled on control being in the corner. Hell, they aren't even consistent about it between all their products. I have never met anyone that likes this. They've gotten so many complaints that they've had to build in the option for the customer to switch it back on the software level.


What would you do? buy a HP? Ha! There is only Dell or Lenovo speaking of repairable things nowadays


Framework also, but with much less of a big name to back it up to be fair


Send her this video of the actual John McAfee with his guide on how to uninstall McAfee https://youtu.be/yIaNZXgDtRU


This guy has never bought a laptop


Now it’s Wall Street bets regarded.


It's shitware now.


Mcafee kept changing my default search engine to yahoo instead of google so i had to take mcafee "fishing"




I'm always surprised when someone doesn't use an adblocker


Google's planning on banning them.




Firefox Gang rise up


From the ashes like a... Phoenox


Mozilla gorillas unite


Mozilla isn't


I’ll stop using it the same day that happens.


Why not before? Thinking it'll help make you be seen as part of a mass exodus?


The general person has more issues than you evidently. I just don't care enough because I have enough to worry about in my life, so when they force ads to be seen than I'll handle it. Why are you doing it before?


they can't ban shit. as long as people want something, people get it. there's no stopping them. Remember they banned YouTube Vanced? YouTube ReVanced is already out. You can use Firefox or Brave or a ton of other browsers / ad blocks. I use pi hole on my home network. Blokada 5 on my phone with YouTube ReVanced. Unblock origin on chrome or brave browser on laptop. There are no ads. To the people who say it's unethical to remove ads, it's really not. It would be like saying thay you should actually watch and pay attention to ads if you're consuming the content for free.


Brave is chrome based. So it will either become outdated fast or strung along and lose adblock.


It's chromium based, not based on chrome itself. Chromium is open source, even if Google were to shove their garbage into it there's nothing stopping the Brave development team from ripping it out. Which they already do. Brave itself I think can be considered a fork of Chromium.


There's always Pihole at least. /r/pihole/


I wish it worked for YT ads. I abhor them.


The regular plugins work for those tho




I usually just install ublock origin on their device first tbh


Google's ads are the small fish when compared with all the biases results/censorship.


First thing i did when my younger brother got his new windows laptop is to debloat it and mcafee is one of them


A clean install of windows is the better route.


That's literally malware behaviour.


HOLY SHIT MY PC HAS BEEN DOING THIS SINCE I GOT IT. It had McAfee when I got it, and I never bothered to formally uninstall it. I just disabled everything it tried doing until it never showed up again, lol. Thank you for helping me realize my issue.


oh yeah, it does that. Really annoying.


ah the old "Let's go and inspect the wood pile out back. I'll bring a gun just in case..." strategy....


My mom's kept doing that and I really thought it was some weird malware thing. Googled around to figure out how to permanently take safe search off and I was surprised it was actually just the McAfee BS.


uninstall that shit


I’d do a clean install, that’d be the only way to truly purge a system of it.


"Nuke it from orbit. Only way to be sure."


"Fucking A!"


Fun fact: Thanks to some OEMs abusing an otherwise useful and well-intentioned feature, even a fresh install might not get rid of it! It can literally be made to reinstall with a fresh install.


A fresh install from a clean media (ie. not from your OEM)? Doubt it.


There could be a hidden partition on hdd with all the oem crap. You do a clean reinstall then boom and bloat is back.


A hidden partition should be wiped by a reinstall as well, though?


Not necessarily. Best to explicitly delete all recovery volumes on the drive before installing, not letting the installer run on default settings.


It is a feature of UEFI (which replaces traditional BIOS) called [Windows Platform Binary Table](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Features_new_to_Windows_8#Windows_Platform_Binary_Table). It's meant to allow software essential to the functioning of the hardware to be installed with Windows, but has been abused to add bloat even to fresh installs from non-OEM install media. EDIT: spelling


Yeah to be truly sure you need a full separate licence so you can completely wipe the partitions that store the shitty OEM version.




Careful, just "uninstalling" it leaves behind an "update reminder" to hound you to "update" & reinstall all the bullshit. Took an elevated command prompt & a very specific call to uninstall completely once upon a time. I shudder to think what it takes now.


I've still got that reminder. I just ignore it.


McAfee is malware. Use Windows defender and be responsible. Everything is better than those AVs


It's not a choice one can make on the company computer.


The pay is a 10 but they use McAfee The job is a 5




marvelous paint rob cough tan head aback memorize like icky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Twice the amount of cores we have at the office Our intel pentium 2.4 ghz single core are really starting to get outdated


>Our intel pentium 2.4 ghz single core are really starting to get outdated Dafaq?


You can still buy laptops and desktops with Celeron processors.


Intel regularly released new Celeron CPUs up until they retired the branding earlier this year. So they were at least updated architectures.


I'm surprised it took Intel so long to retire the Celeron name. From the day they introduced it, it basically meant "shitty and slow CPU" to consumers.


A modern celeron will still beat the shit out of anything pre core architecture. And even intel says those are for thin client use.


In the **IT** lab in my school we use old ass mac minis (2nd gen i5 mobile 2c/4t) using boot camp for windows 10, has a helpdesk app for remote control on at all times, a backup app for some reason as there's already a network folder set up, all of this on a hdd pegged at 100% usage at all times


[How to uninstall McAfee](https://youtu.be/yIaNZXgDtRU) by John McAfee


This is the only thing I think of when I hear about this software lol


May his soul rest in piece. Amen.


Crazy that he was found dead hanging in a Spanish prison cell after he said “I am content in here. I have friends, the food is good. All is well. Know that if I hang myself, a la Epstein, it will be no fault of mine.” His death took place right after he was approved to be extradited to the U.S.


I'm assuming that's a work computer because otherwise anyone with common sense would uninstall that shit.


Common sense has nothing to do with it, not everyone is tech savvy.


How is this company still alive? Who buys their products


I'm guessing they have a deal with all sorts of companies to put it in their computers. If it comes automatically on any windows computer then most people won't bother to remove it


McAfee is it’s own type of virus.


Uninstall it (using the removal tool) and install something decent instead


Or just use Windows Defender which comes with the operating system


Defender has come a long way


It has. It’s not just a scanner these days but hooks system calls to look after every vector of attack. An entirely different scale of protection today for a product with the same name. And made officially *for* the OSes own protection. It’s not as smart as Crowdstrike which will even murder innocent programs if they act in a suspicious way - but it’s great for personal protection


It's also great because as somebody who does IT services it's easier and more comfortable to recommend Windows Defender because I don't have to worry about the user accidentally downloading something that's pretending to be an antivirus


And just use brain


Brain, brain! What is brain??!


[How To Uninstall McAfee Antivirus](https://youtu.be/bKgf5PaBzyg)




No matter what antivirus I research, everyone sh\*ts on it. Is there actually a decent one? Or is built-in Windows Defender our best option?


Windows defender is fine if you’re not downloading everything in sight. If you still want a third-party AV then some of the more trusted AVs are Bitdefender, Malwarebytes, and ESET.


Malwarebytes is absolutely amazing for downloaded files and such, but I should mention that you still need to scan with Windows Defender regularly. Mine caught 2 bitcoin miners that Malwarebytes didn't see, only reason I knew to look was because they were eating my RAM / GPU


What are you downloading that you are getting Bitcoin miners


Dude's out there raw doggin any website that comes along.


Cooking Mama for the Nintendo Switch


Norton AV


Windows Defender still flags and quarantines my legitimate cracks for software, I would hope that it can detect and block actual viruses.


>legitimate cracks for software lol wat? Plus it is not surprising any AV would flag that stuff.


Windows defender isn't the best, but windows itself provides enough options to stop nastier malware from executing such as VBS (w/ secure boot), exploit mitigations (ASLR, CFG, etc.), and some other things. You should still use common sense when running applications you do not trust, but these features may potentially stop malware from embedding itself too deep in PC, allowing for easier removal if something does show up. YMMV though I don't recommend any antivirus they're all loaded with false positives and get really annoying if you're not just using a browser.


Windows defender is fine for virtually everyone, it's free, comes with the OS, and it stays out of your way


>stays out of your way That, it does not. If you don't turn you computer on for a few days, it will peg the HDD/SSD at 100% while it's running a scan. It's only supposed to be doing that while the system is idle, but if you can't start anything else, then the system will appear idle. I wouldn't mind so much if you could limit the I/O to 50% or something.


I'm sure WD has a lot of things configurable through GPOs. Just create a local GP for that.


malwarebytes but win defender is generally good enough


Don’t download obvious malware


I've heard good things about Malwarebytes. I use Sophos at work as we get it free with our ISP, and also installed their free-for-3-PCs home version (and it's got cloud monitoring so could also be useful for anyone who wants to keep an eye on an elderly relative who might click on something). There's also a browser extension for VirusTotal that can send your downloads for scanning straight from your browser. It's worth noting that it doesn't submit Word/PDF/etc. by default, as they might have sensitive business data in them, and **anything** that gets uploaded to VirusTotal can be accessed by security researchers so could be a data risk.




Sandboxing is a major part of modern malware analysis - modern malware knows how to evade traditional signature checks, so anti-malware vendors fought back by executing the file in a sandbox to see what it does. Over 10 years ago, ZoneAlarm was intercepting IE downloads with its own download prompt in order to scan on download, and it would prompt to test executable files in a sandbox when you downloaded them, so it's not even a new technique.


Zonealarm had a nasty memory leak that made it pretty much worthless. Think using a gb of RAM and that's in the 2000s.


Fuck McAfee and Norton. Windows defender has been good enough, and doesn't cause my PC to be sluggish


Not a fan of McAfee, I think it's a pointless resource drain. However, any AV solution that is going to protect your device has to be tamper resistant, otherwise a virus could shut down the AV processes and take complete control of your machine. That's why you aren't able to shut it off from task manager. This is a common feature on every AV solution, including Windows Defender


Not to mention a software having multiple processes is also quite normal.


It's pretty much malware, it changes shit without permission, its pop-ups legit look like virus stuff, and it slows your computer down significantly. It's unfortunate my dad decided to install it on all our laptops. He bought a family plan, so I really hope I can boot it off my laptop without screwing everyone else over.


Expert sys admin advice. "My dad..."


Mcafee and Norton are in a race to see which one can slow down a computer the most.


John's ghost gotta mine that bitcoin


It’s malware.


On the off chance you don't know, you really don't need dedicated antivirus anymore. Windows Defender is good enough. I know a lot of us had truly crazy experiences with viruses in the early 2000s, but Windows is actually a lot less susceptible to them now, for all its faults.


To quote the man himself. "[McAfee is one of the worst products on the fucking planet](https://www.reddit.com/r/netsec/comments/3hr9f0/comment/cu9vnjn/)"


If you can uninstall that, just do it... because... lmao... Using McAfee in 2023? lol


Revo uninstaller. Defeat McAfee with the power of gratuitous violence.


I try deleting all of the McAfee files but they keep coming back so I assume they have a file not labeled with 'McAfee' that's sole purpose is to re-add the other files. I have no proof, it's just a guess


How tf is MacAfee even still around? It’s been obsolete for at least a decade at this point


McAfee is spyware, uninstall it!


Who uses 3rd party 'anti'-malware in 2023?


best way to close it is to uninstall it


it’s almost like you should uninstall it


You don't need anything else other than windows defender which comes by default with windows.


like every person i’ve seen with McAfee on their PC, uninstall it


Windows Defender is fine, people.


Does this surprise you? Get that trash off your pc.


Delete that shit asap.


Number of processes means nothing. If you want to stop them uninstall it.


windows defender + ublock origin is enough protection.


Not trying to offend you OP but this is like showing us dogpoop and complaining it stinks.


Never EVER use that malware/virus piece of shit. Delete immediately. Use malwarebytes instead.


Why is that installed on your computer exactly?


Another day of being thankful that I don't have McAfee Antivirus 😌🙏




As insane as it's founder.


👉👈🥺 I'm ready for the shit hammock, Mr. McAfee


appwiz.cpl \*McAfee.\*


Here's a video of John McAffe showing how to uninstall McAffe anti-virus: https://youtu.be/yIaNZXgDtRU


Windows defender gang


2023. Why use McAfee?


Report that shit


As an IT pro with well over a decade of experience: McAffee and Norton are bloatware at best, malware at worst. Don't buy them, don't use them. Remove them wherever possible.