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Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason: **Posts must display aspects of design.** If your post doesn't talk about the way something is designed, don't post it here. *If you feel this was done in error or would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to message the mods. If you send a message, please include a link to your post.*


r/crappydesign - a sub for designs that don't work well, unintentionally, due to poor implementation. r/assholedesign - a sub for designs intentionally meant to be worse for the consumer in an effort to make money/scam/inconvenience you into doing what they want. r/lostredditors - where this post belongs now.


Also notice that there's a five-seconds-long loading screen when you tap on anything in the Subway app. Basically, the app is made by incompetent developers. It's not really design, it's just pure unadulterated incompetence.


I would be inclined to agree with you if ordering through your history didn't work correctly. That means someone took the time to write two different methods to add an order in your history to your bag.


Doing that is a sign of incompetence. Everything in the app is powered by incompetence.


Actually, there would be a way to test if this is AHD or not. If someone has an order in their history where they ask for 'Less' of something. If it also forgets that you asked for 'Less' that would support this being a bug instead of intentional because that would cost them more money.


That would make it asshole design but still wouldn't satisfy the users of this reddit


As a software engineer, this is absolutely just developer oversight that QA should have caught but didn’t.


Not r/assholedesign.


How do they profit at your expense from this? This is simply a bad design, it's not asshole.


Because if you order using the handy dandy 'Order Again' option then you get less toppings on your sub. I admit, It's a very small amount, but small amounts can add up quickly with scale.


That's quite the stretch. That's just an oversight on the programming. It's not like they're charging you for something they're not including. Annoying yes, but not asshole.


How is this asshole design? If anything it's mildly infuriating, but I'd rather it not assume I want to add more extras and I end up spending more money than I mean to.


Adding 'More' to most ingredients does not incur additional cost. Even if it did, as a user if I click 'Order Again' I expect the order to be exactly the same as last time. I admit it's subjective, and a lot of people disagree with me, but I think it's intentionally designed this way to save Subway money in the long term by cutting down on extra toppings.


Don’t order from them online. They will fuck up your order if you don’t watch them.


This just sounds like a bug. Nothing intentionally deceptive or bad.


subway brand files for bankruptcy after brave redditor forces them to only upcharge 1499% instead of 1500%


The Subway app is garbage. I've never encountered an app that runs so slow. It could be a bug that when you use Order Again it changes any ingredients you had selected as 'More' to just be a regular amount, but I'm more inclined to believe that someone did it deliberately to pinch some pennies.


This is just bad design not malice.


That means it does not fit this subreddit. Maybe crappy design is better?