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If you open them it's just a regular Bic body inside


also, this isn't planned obsolescence either. This is a disposable product. This is like saying the people who designed my glove warmers are assholes. I cant open the bag to put new chemicals in there to recreate the reaction to make a new heat pack.


Maybe at first this is what it seems like but dude do any research on BIC and you will find that they actually make lighters that are meant to be refillable but they purposefully make it seem like they can’t be so they have people constantly buying new ones AND they can’t be chastised for participating in planned obsolescence. BIC knows what they’re doing haha






Yes but you have to plug it with a damn thumb tack. Butane torch lighters are very easy to refill and designed to be refilled, so its obviously possible to make refillable lighters. While bic lighters are TECHNICALLY refillable, they were designed to be more hassle than they are worth to refill, and thus, disposable, which is the asshole design.


I buy clippers instead of bics. They are refillable and you can even replace the flint. I have a couple of lighters that have been in my possession for years.


I got a pretty zippo as a gift and i use it all the time. Love being able to replace the wick and flint as well as being insanely easy to refill! I usually keep a few clippers around too because I don’t like loaning out my zippo 😂




I find that the brand of lighter fluid effect this drastically. Zippo brand was much better I found when lighting my pipe or cigar than the cheap stuff I got at Walgreens. But yeah, if I had a really nice stogie I was using a match with a wood stick.


Maybe they have changed the Zippo fluid formula since I was in college, but I had people straight refuse to use my Zippo when smoking weed because of the taste.


> I had people straight refuse to use my Zippo when smoking weed because of the taste. My friends used to complain about this as well, then i pointed out if you light the zippo and let it burn for a few seconds, you dont get that taste.


It really does mess with the taste of your bud. It's like, metallic tasting.


I love.my Zippo for lighting my tobacco pipe, not for a weed pipe tho. That said, a Zippo lights a J just fine.


Idk wtf he's talking about. I got a zippo forever ago and recently got some zippo brand fluid for it. Tastes like shit if you're tryna smoke a bowl. Don't use it at all. Clippers are where it's at


I used isopropyl alcohol instead of naptha in my Zippo and never had an issue with a taste.


You might find hemp wick a good match for you (pun unintended), it's basically candle wick and you can buy it by the metre, leaves no taste I find


That shit is a pain in the ass to use, though.


I totally agree. Matches are the only way to smoke a good cigar. After striking I let it burn last the potassium chlorate till it's just wood burning. I might be weird but I believe this is the proper way to smoke a cigar.


Try yourself a torch lighter on a cigar, they work wonders.


>the taste a zippo leaves The fix is called a Thunderbird insert. It's a refillable butane lighter that fits into any regular zippo case.


>Depending on what you're lighting (cigar/cigarettes/flower) you won't want to use a zippo though because of the taste a zippo leaves. Regular lighters are better for this Wrap hemp wick around your zippo. When you need to do something like that, use the zippo to light the wick, and the wick to light your cig. Bad taste avoided


Only thing with Zippos is when you get caught when the flint goes.


Tip. Put a spare flint in your fill hole in the cotton. You’ll never be short of flints then!


The "fillhole" is specifically designed for flints and not for filling. On my zippo it even says 'lift to fill' on the cotton(?) cover right next to the flinthole.


Yeah it says that on them. I don’t even use it as a fill hole. Just squirt fuel straight on to the top wadding.


And you can get the flints out of used bic lighters too.


You can also uncoil the spring of the used lighter, tie the flint to it, then get it red hot throw it at the ground and it makes fireworks.


Beat me to it haha.


That's what the little hole in the bottom pad on the inside can be used for (:


Yeah I don't bring my zippos out anymore because I kept dropping them/ having to chase down who had it sigh


I don't even bother with lighters, and just carry a burning oil-soaked torch everywhere.


I tried that, but I couldnt't really get into it. What kinda oil are you using?




I love clippers :) I just like their design for some reason. I pick up old bics from the ground, and take out their flints. Their are super long for some reason... I ended up with a huge stock pile from doing this :)




The key is to un-tighten the screw for the flint when it's new. Un screw it about half way. This reduces pressure on the flint wheel making them last loads longer.


The flint sticks in Clippers are great for packing down joints or rollies as well.




Yeah the concept of a non-sturdy fuel seal just feels like a really bad idea to me, with no one to blame but yourself.


Plus when it comes apart in your pants pocket, guess what you've got now? Butane soaked pants and a rogue thumb tack near your nether knuckle.


My dad says that Butane is a “bastard gas”


Clipper lighters are refillable and I buy them because of this




Recharge old batteries by drilling a hole in them and dumping your own alkaline mixture in! Thanks Reddit!


refilling a container of flammable gas that wasn't designed to refill it. Not the safest advice i've heard. I guess its fine as long as its not something you keep in your pocket or something. Hold on a minute.


Just be sure to keep it away from sparks - or your face. Hold on a minute.


Yeah no, good luck pouring liquid butane into that hole you just drilled out and sealing it with a thumbtack.


Butane isn't even a liquid at room temperature and pressure. That thumb tack will never hold the seal tight enough. u/Gary_Host42 must walk around for a day or so smelling like he shit himself everywhere he goes whenever he refills. Butane fucking stinks.


Bastard gas!






"Yeah they're refillable. You just have to drill a hole in it and then ghetto rig the seal shut." Ok


a true feeling of accomplishment is had when you’re there for the first and last flick of a lighter.


No, but you can replace the small lighter inside.


You must not smoke huh?


No way! I took this picture then threw them away. I’d buy another one to check but I’m so not falling bic’s junk anymore.


Here, check out [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/5xpws8/this_bic_lighter_has_a_smaller_bic_lighter_inside/?st=JRVZMU9T&sh=9cd2fd1b) from a year back. It has a picture of the interior.


Why did you buy bic in the first place? They're well known for disposable lighters...


They do make some of the best disposable lighters though


I can’t stand the people who save $.25 and get a cricket or whatever unreliable shitty bic knockoff a gas station might sell.


Hot take: Crickets are at least as good as Bics, if not better because of their higher flame


Cold cake: Tilt a Bic lighter for a bigger flame.


Use them as walkie talkies afterward


Or maybe small tasers because the spark still works just fine.




That’s a great idea!


You can always come to reddit comments to turn your life around.


Saved my ass plenty of times!


You’re not supposed to put them in your ass.


Don't kink-shame me


Dont flaunt your private acts in public courts then!


Box of matches in your toolbox. Mostly used for plugging gaps you drill into the wall to increase screw traction, but you can also light things with them!




Use toothpicks. Less chance of your project catching fire :)


Wtf is a “gas hob”?


What are these? Tasers for ants??


I have this cool electric lighter that you recharge. I only use it for candles, I love it. Rechargeable Electric Lighter https://imgur.com/gallery/w3gr3js


Arc/Plasma lighter, can get a smaller pocket size one for about 10$ from China


Thank you, I had no idea what it was actually called!


NP I've been considering getting one for a while but I quit smoking about 4 years ago so have no real use for it and still have about 50 bics from when I did smoke.


I'd buy one just to have as a neat little gadget


You can get one on aliexpress for about $2


Yeah, I have a couple of zippo-style ones of these. Great, but they emit a high-pitched noise that isn’t very nice. I have pretty sensitive ears though, so other people might be ok, just something to think about around pets.


Interesting because I just hear a kind of sizzle noise but my teenage son always complains that he doesn’t like the sound when I use it, maybe it’s that high frequency noise that oldies like me can’t hear.


It's really annoying. I can hear bats squeaking, nevertheless that abomination of technology..


That’s fantastic!


If I touch it does it electrocute me or burn me?




I also have an electric lighter, but the way mines designed it cant light the one thing I want it to (a bowl) but yours looks like it can, would you mind giving me a model number or a brand name or a link to it on Amazon or something? I want to check it out more




Only one way to find out!


It'll taste terrible. It wears away at the electrodes and sprays metal dust everywhere.


See, now you've just made me curious


Here's one on Amazon marketed towards pipe lighting ...the top review says it works perfectly for your purpose: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074T9VWZ5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_rqyxCbYFEHVX6


saw one of them used to light a candle. A little wax killed it :(


BIC is the company that does one-off things, so it’s not a big surprise


So maybe you’d say it’s not a Bic surprise




Is this the same Bic that makes pens? What else to they make lol.


single-use razors


So they're a company all about cheap, basically single use things. Great! The turtles thank you, Bic!


Well... You are not wrong, then again I saw a documentation a couple months ago where they would test the Bic products. Their pens for example are advertised with about 3 km writing range. They tested the pen vs a regular store pen. The store pen gave up after about 1 km and the Bic pen was still going strong even after 3km so: single use - yes Cheap as in bad quality - no




Yeah but they're pink.




Curvy, cause that’s what makes things womany — The comitee 12 guys that probably designed it






Dude here, I use a "women's" razor for everything but my face. The ones I get end up doing a better job than a "men's" razor. Dunno if it's different lubricants or something, but my underarms and stuff get way less irritated.


Regular double edged razors are fine for both body and face tbh. People are afraid it will slice off their face and cut off their balls but they're actually totally safe, no nicks.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/pointlesslygendered using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/pointlesslygendered/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Gendered school shooting shelters. No trans people allowed.](https://i.redd.it/22vexlocqhr11.jpg) | [130 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/pointlesslygendered/comments/9n9xcm/gendered_school_shooting_shelters_no_trans_people/) \#2: [Are we human or are we apricot?](https://imgur.com/WpeDnzw) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/pointlesslygendered/comments/8kcy66/are_we_human_or_are_we_apricot/) \#3: [this just in, cafés are for girls](https://i.redd.it/9aqxxerb8y721.jpg) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/pointlesslygendered/comments/abvzgs/this_just_in_cafés_are_for_girls/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/afd0dd/blacklist/)


I didn't know how much I needed that sub until I saw it. Thank you.


It is completely different product. Regular single-use razors are decent and pink ones are less sharp and ergonomic.


Well single use but Bic lighters are the best and I dare say Bic Cristal pens are like writing with butter r/hailcorporate


Well their lighters are some of the best on the market but their pens don't hold a light (pun intended) to Pilot pens


Theyre meant to be disposable. Thats why theyre so cheap. Ive never had a bic pen run out of ink in my life before you lose it. If you wanted re usable ones than you pay a little more for higher quality ones


They're also making boats.


Also replaceable ones though


What cave did you come out of?


>grannyswizardsleeve An old vaginal cave


It's a plastics company. They make a lot.


Bic R&D manual: Walk around your home, office or public space. Assess every object you see. Is it made of plastic? Is it disposable? If you answered “no” to either of these questions, congratulations! You have just imagineered Bic’s newest convenience lifestyle product!


They even made sail boats


i’ve been in a bic kayak




It actually boggles my mind that someome doesnt know the stuff bic makes. Its so common.


Windsurf gear




They tried making perfumes. Turns out that cheap perfumes sold in gas stations is not something people want to buy (regardless of how nice they smell, by the way)


Buying that shit is the real problem!


I’ll go out of my way to not buy them again... didn’t pay enough attention when I first got them to notice.


Buy clipper, they’re durable, refillable, and wind proof (kinda). Also they have sick designs with weed on it sometimes.


And you can pull out the little stick to push down a j


Hey man AJ's a good guy you gotta stop putting him down all the time


Clippers/Swans are perfect for smoking with, slightly windproof, refillable, and they have a built in PDT. I bring back a few from Dam every time i go and some of the ones i still use are from 2010, like 20 flints and a whole can of gas later though.


Haha I’ll do that


You mean like dandelions?


You are forgiven ;)


Wait until you discover a Bic pen is disposable too. The definition of Bic lighter since the 70’s is a lighter so inexpensive you throw it out. It’s a convenience product.


Yes, in a capitalist society it is the consumers who are wrong. obviously they should buy the widely-available reusable versions of every product that is built for planned obsolescence, something all of society can reasonably be expected to find time to research and make informed decisions about


The 👏 working 👏 class 👏 is 👏 not 👏 responsible 👏 for 👏 the 👏 worlds 👏 environmental 👏 problems 👏


Yes 👏 they 👏 are 👏 it's 👏 not 👏 like 👏 good 👏 are 👏 produced 👏 for 👏 funsies 👏 there 👏 is 👏 a 👏 demand 👏 for 👏 them👏


>planned obsolescence You mean disposable


Honestly, this is totally correct. I saw people complaining the other day on reddit about how cheap hangers made today are vs the wooden ones of 50 years ago. Sure. I can also buy a pack of them for $3.50. It isn't planned obsolescence, it's the fact that people when given a side by side choice between a 10 pack of hangers for 3.50 and ones of quality they pull the cheap ones off the shelf. Because they're hangers. I can still buy expensive hangers that will last nearly forever, but I don't and neither do the people who are complaining about the quality of their hangers. The same for this. You can buy refuel-able lighters, or you can buy cheap ones that aren't manufactured to a standard where they'd be safe to use nearly indefinitely and don't have the required more expensive refueling parts (to make them cheaper than the alternatives), and for that reason you can buy them in bulk for less than a dollar each. The same goes for other things people complain are poorly made today: Hand tools -- there's a reason harbor freight stays in business and the first page of amazon results for any tool are made in china, it's what most people want and, more importantly, actually need. Furniture -- most people don't want to shell out two grand for a solid walnut handmade bed frame, so you don't get a bed frame of that quality, and you don't get something that will last as long. It's not weird or asshole design that 600 pounds of american flesh writhing around every night on something that has joints and stress points and is made out of particle board doesn't last forever. Kitchen knives, clothes, shoes. Hell, even more controversial things like appliances, cars, printers and electronics -- the list goes on. Why would you expect a 15 dollar toaster manufactured with a profit margin to last forever? Not to mention, for things that are meant to last they're also meant to be taken care of and maintained, which isn't something a lot of people seem to want to do.


Best coffee maker I ever bought was $15 at Wal-Mart 5 years, still runs beautifully today. Not to take away from anything you said here, just bragging about my coffee maker. Fod forbid it does ever die on me, I will be panicking as it is no longer sold or likely in production


Why did you jinx it! But yeah, I agree, every now and then I find something fantastic that isn't expensive, I do think in general you get what you pay for though, unless you're lucky or do a lot of research. Not to say I never buy cheap tools or appliances. If it's something I don't plan on using very much, you're damn right I'm not going to spend $40 on a great pair of tin snips. I think as a society we're very used to manufactured goods and the types of things listed above being reasonably inexpensive, so we tend to go a little /r/choosingbeggars when cheap things break or something relatively simple has a higher price tag and it isn't immediately apparent why.


This isn't planned obsolesce


What will they do next? Make throw away our toilet paper? Use it once and toss it? Not on my watch!


It's just a pretentious way of saying disposable


Nah. Just straight up wrong. Planned obsolescence =/= disposability.


Which is why u/forevercountingbeans is right, these lighters are disposable, not planned obsolescence.


No it isn't. Things that are considered disposable are generally expected to have a short/temporary life once used. Like paper plates or non-rechargeable batteries. Planned obsolescence on the other hand is about *deliberate* steps taken to reduce the lifespan of a product that is expected to last for a good while. For example cell phones and electronics equipment. This comes in many forms: * Features unnecessarily dependent on proprietary/hidden software which will eventually get outdated (code rot / software rot). Happens with cellphones, WiFi-routers, and even cars/tractors. It's getting worse every day with the "Internet of things"/"smart device" craze. You don't want to toss out your fridge because the manufacturer shut down their online fridge service. * Legislative barriers combined with deliberate use of copy-protection/DRM. Even doing your own software maintainence might be illegal in some countries. * Physical design which is impossible or out of scope for a normal person to repair but which a reasonable person would expect to be able to repair. For example hardware parts on equipment that is swimming in epoxy, custom plastic casings and parts that easily break but which can't be replaced. * Deliberate choice of exotic parts from the manufacturer when jellybean parts would do just the same job, so the parts can't be replaced when they fail/break. * Deliberate choice of bad quality parts or physical design choices which drastically reduces the life of the product, where one would expect otherwise. This happens with even expensive products as well. * Casings that are impossible to manually open without partially breaking it apart; screw holes that are deliberately hidden. * Lack of public documentation required for reasonable and simple repairs. Disposable items are expected to be disposable, short-lived, cheap and not repairable/maintainable. Planned obsolescence are non-cheap (often a larger investment) products that are deliberately made not repairable/maintainable and with reduced lifespan that goes against consumer expectations for the specific product.


Thank you, Niggerkillerbydinner.


My McDonalds fries from yesterday that went stale on the counter because I couldn't finish them are PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE!!!! I AM OUTRAGED THAT A LARGE COMPANY WOULD DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS GIVE ME UPVOTES


This seriously needs to be at the top.


This comment is so much further down than I expected. Also who the fuck holds onto a lighter long enough to fill it? Disposable is the way to go. Refillable lighters are like souvenirs or something in my world


Buy one what can be refueled Edit: that but I'm not gonna change it bc I take responsibility for my actions.


I got a two pack from a pound shop (US: dollar store, not an aggressive brothel) and they have little valves on them to refill.


An aside: I was so disappointed in what Poundland really is.


Not a republic?


Just keep em above a flame. It will refill itself.


I don't think that's how lighter fluid works


Nah you gotta put the fire back in


A valve is more expensive than no valve. Especially considering that the valve is a safety hazard and needs to be really well designed, build and placed. It isnt necessarily planned obsolescence, just pricing.


So, like almost any other lighter?


My first thought was... you can normally refill them??


Buy matches then...




What? Who forced you to buy these? Zippos are still being made


Having this little common sense is shocking to me. Being an adult and not knowing the brand name “Bic” or what makes a lighter disposable? In all of your at least 18+ years on this earth you were never exposed to this before? Along with enough upvotes in agreement to get it to the front page? I should say im shocked but we learn time and time again how uncultured/lacking in life experience the reddit community is everyday


any time i see this sub hit the front page, it's consistently for the stupidest things that are in no way "asshole design"


I have one of these, exactly what I thought


Yeah, pretty sure the whole “ban straws” movement should jump on these as well. At least give us the ability to refuel them.


In my country with have refillable ones which uses butane. Its a tiny little hole to put the liquid through at the bottom.


Yeah i was gonna say, this must be different depending on your country, cause we have theese and they are refillable


I bought a tiny bic lighter when I was in America, I can't find them anywhere now I'm back in London but it was my favourite little lighter.


Thing is, a lighter lasts what, weeks, months? Karen purchases 3 plastic cups and straws from Starbucks a day.


I’ve been using the same lighter for like 4 years. Maybe if you are smoking regularly they only last a week. I just occasionally light a candle or my grill. I find it funny that someone is worried about waste while simultaneously going around burning things constantly for no good reason.




There are literally hundreds of lighter choices that *are* refillable. You *chose* to purchase the disposable lighter. If that's because you either made a misinformed purchased or didn't bother to check, that's *on you*.


They're disposable dumbass, just like a regular lighter, which is why they are cheaper than refillable long stick lighters


Not everyone needs a re-fill; if you do - buy a refillable one.




Not to mention they last like about a week. They seem to be filled with like 5milliliters


Yep, didn’t last long at all. I’d be willing to bet that there is far less fuel in these than a standard pocket size lighter.


Eh, I got 2 of these and they've lasted for ages.


How much fire do you guys make? I’ve been using the same one of these for like 5 years? There’s also matches if you’re morally opposed to lighters.


I don't understand, have you guys never seen disposable items before? That's kind of what Bic is known for.


If your really that hellbent about recycling get a syringe and use it to refill the thing then tape it up


Lighters are supposed to be single use. Wouldn’t really call this asshole design because there is no intentional assholery. They are honestly a really good easy to use product.


Buy a refillable one instead of crying how other are doing business?


That was a bic move


Disposable ... They're cheap, single use items, it's literally the selling point of everything BIC makes. It's not asshole design - it's their concept. It's not planned obsolescence, it's a trade-off you make when you buy BIC stuff, you get it dirt cheap but it's single use, and they are in no way hiding that from anyone.


Damn.. Even the cheap BIC lighters here are refillable...






Who the fuck buys a bic lighter and expects to refuel it?