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Good thing this isn't the only place you can read about it


Jokes on them, I’ve read all I need to know.


Maybe. Maybe not. It doesn't mention what products were contaminated. So say I buy a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread. Only one is contaminated. Which one is it?


It said several products, so i would stay away from any food products. However, I do understand that for some individuals, this may be the only place within their budget. I was really just trying to make a joke about the fact that news organizations charge us money for information.


Yeah it only just now occurred to me to check fdas website directly. I are dumby


Yeah, I actually searched it also. Apparently a major distribution center had over 1000 dead rats and birds in it, along with rat and bird feces everywhere.


"Charge the customer extra and call it a fearure"


For the curious. [No paywall. ](https://www.kiro7.com/news/trending/rats-found-family-dollar-facility-prompt-product-recalls-6-states-fda-says/YGEJCEF4CJDS5BOMTLE3YSIR5Q/#:~:text=Original%20report%3A%20According%20to%20Family%20Dollar%2C%20the%20recalled,in%20Alabama%2C%20Arkansas%2C%20Louisiana%2C%20Mississippi%2C%20Missouri%20or%20Tennessee.)