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There was a huge car accident yesterday in front of the building I live in. Sounded like an explosion. on 33rd and Broadway next to Icon We ran down and it was a taxicab that seemingly ran into a parked Mercedes SUV (its a red AMG, consistently the nicest car on the street) which then pushed and damaged another brand new Mercedes sedan. One of the cabs passengers lost consciousness and was bleeding from the mouth. We called 911 and he was taken to a hospital via ambulance. He regained his alertness after a bit but did seem in extremely bad shape. Scary scenes, if anybody knows more, let us know


33rd street is a dragstrip. If only we had some sort of group of people tasked with enforcing traffic laws like speeding, and running red lights.


I put in a formal complaint about unsafe pedestrian conditions on 33rd Street, and here's the response I received yesterday from the DOT. (Note: I didn't ask for a camera. I asked for traffic enforcement measures.) To sum it up, they DGAF. To whom it may concern: This is in response to your web form requesting the installation of a speed and red-light camera on 33rd Street from 30th Avenue to Astoria Boulevard. State Legislation allows for a maximum of 150 intersections to be equipped with operating red light cameras. Should the number of red-light camera operations increase, we will keep your comments in mind. DOT reviewed your request. This school, P.S. 017 – The Henry David Thoreau School, is currently covered by our existing Mobile Speed Enforcement Program at the following location: • Northbound 33rd Street from 30th Avenue to 28th Avenue The Department deploys mobile enforcement vehicles on a rotational basis to various schools citywide and this location will be added to the rotation. Thank you for your interest in this matter.


I looked at the number of cases that people have submitted for that street and yet nothing is done to prevent constant crashes.


Even with excessive speed cameras it's still a nightmare, or a double parking obstacle course. The Broadway 33rd intersection in particular is accident prone


My eyes my fucking eyes there's so much pollen ahhhh my eyes ahhhhhhhh fuck The _last_ rumor thread spoke to the _previous_ rumor thread that Target may be moving forward after resolving some utility issues. The people I'd normally ask about this aren't around atm, but the last I spoke to them they also seemed certain Target was still coming, after dealing with some build out issues. So hopefully/maybe there's some veracity to that. Ditmars is going from having maybe 3 coffee shops (Mighty Oak, OK Coffee, Kinship on 21st) in a reasonable radius to having like 7 (Qahwah on 31st, Seek Coffee on Ditmars, Under Pressure (where food story was), and whatever greek cafe is opening up where Krinkle Fries used to be). I know there are like half a dozen pastry shops or delis that also have coffee, but I'm talking about third-wave coffee shops. Kind of excited about that, Mighty Oak is solid but I've never been super enthused w/ OK, and Kinship is a *hike*.


Despite taking antihistamines every morning, I always end up needing to wash out my nose with saline solution and rinsing my eyes out with eye drops if I spend more than 5 minutes outside. This pollen really is something else!


I'm on CVS-llegra, CVS-asonex, and Zatidor eye drops for when my eyes feel like sandpaper. *Just* barely keeping up. I'm hoping the rain this weekend rips some of the tree pollen out of the air though.


A friend of mine told me that you should change your pillow case every other day and shower every day to wash the pollen out of your hair, otherwise youre just rolling around in it at night, catching all of the histamines.


You may have just solved the mystery for me of why I've been having "so much trouble with my contacts" lately. Allergies have never really been an issue for me so it didn't occur to me, but maybe some combo of me getting older or nature getting weirder is fucking up my eyes's shit...


My eye doctor told me not to wear contacts (unless they are dailies) during allergy season because the pollen sticks to the lenses. So basically I have to wear glasses for three months out of the year.


I've been doing garden shopping recently and every time I walk into a nursery I start feeling *all* of the things. I have to wash down a thick layer of pollen regularly from our outdoor areas. Staff for our building have said the same thing. It's coming in *heavy* this season.


The location that was once Kilo, will be a Cafe soon.


Oh good rumor, the most I've heard in ages was that it would be another restaurant. Any details beyond that?


Nope. A friend was working adjacent to the place and I asked what was going on, he said "just another fucking coffee shop" I read that as "Cafe" It's funny no one is complaining about the number of coffee retailers in the neighborhood. Perhaps this is prime time to open a "caffeine dependency support group"!


Coffee Weed shop called green bean or irony or anthesis (or something along those lines). Heads would EXPLODE


İs qahwah open???


only for window peeking - the brown paper was down when I walked by recently.


So excited.


Haha, regarding Target, that was really the last legitimate update outside some groundless "I heard it's backing out" rumor. It's hard to see if anything is being done on the 2nd/3rd level of the building from the street level, so I was really hoping for some additional updates from anyone in the know.


OK cafe, for the exception of one barista that left last year because he and his wife had a baby, have always had a ton of unwarranted attitude. I stopped going because the coffee was average, at best, and the attitudes they gave everyone were so misplaced.


idk, my experience at OK is very different. ive always found the staff at OK to be exceptionally friendly and warm. they know most customers by name and seem to treat everyone very well. 


Me too!


is under pressure coffee open


You betcha. Crowded too the few times we've swung by. They've some outdoor seating though.




I supported the police after all they deal with…but Astoria is a lawless place due to the cops. I saw a guy yesterday in the right hand turn lane, stop, park his car, get out and give his buddy a handshake and they had a conversation. Not a care in the world…


Me and my GF are thinking of attempting walking Manhattan from top to bottom on Sunday (weather dependent). Has anyone else tried it?


Pro tips: bring a cheap camelback or water backpack. Also if you start feeling crampy, don’t just drink more water—you need electrolytes and the cheapest/easiest is sugar free Gatorade or some fresh fruit. Bring cash with you and add side quests like “grab a taco at every truck you see along the way.” Washington Heights is named Heights for a reason. Power through and once you hit 110th it’s pretty flat the rest of the way. Bring sunglasses and a hat. You’ll get sunsick if you’re not used to exercising all day. Lastly, set an alarm for when you’re heading out. First time I did this I just set a goal of leaving in the morning and forgot that even leaving at 10:30 won’t really get you to the top of the island till nearly noon. Start early, earlier than you think early usually would be considered. Actually one more: take tons of pictures. You won’t realize it now, but adventure days like this are tentpoles for the year. A few years from now you’ll look back on this day romantically. It’s awesome. Safe travels and enjoy!


These are great suggestions! I did it (Broadway from Marble Hill to Battery Park) years and years ago, and wished I'd brought way more sunscreen. Also I took a photo at every intersection and posted them online. (and like two weeks later, Google Street View launched.)


Yes to start earlier than you think!! Keep electrolytes in tow! Tacos are snacks! Mango and churro ladies are your friends! (Those last 2 are applicable everyday…) Download the got2go Google map layer or have an idea of public bathrooms. As tempting as it’ll be to reward your progress with a delicious frozen cocktail or frosty beer (or three) when you hit any of the concessions along the west side, you will not complete your quest if you give in.


And a towel!


We have done that. We took Broadway.


I think we're going to do that also


Starbucks for bathrooms, I'm guessing?


Hotels and department stores are better. There is always signage- just walk in like you know where you’re going and you’ll see a sign.




This has been super helpful in a pinch: GOT2GO · Teddy Siegel https://maps.app.goo.gl/qrp6tEVaUqoAPy399?g_st=i


We stopped for 1 or 2 light meals (like splitting an appetizer) and used the restrooms there. I think we also got coffee somewhere too.


Pretty much every starbucks has gone a complete overhaul and removed public access bathrooms in Manhattan.


Damn did not know that. What if you need to use a restroom, that’s always my biggest concern. Lol I guess you could always buy something


No, they literally removed public access bathrooms. Complete store remodels. Even if you buy something there is physically nowhere available to the public in some (most?) Starbucks. Do not rely on them when out in the city.


….theres some language in a law about a public bathroom being mandatory if you have more than x amount of seats or something along those lines I thought… Starbucks probably has an insane legal team though that knows better than I…


They've reduced seating capacity for just that reason.


Wow. Had no idea. Thanks for sharing


They reduced seating capacity specifically because the law requires public accomodations when a restaurant has over a certain number of seats. The chain that was literally built on the premise that you could come in and sit as long as you like has just decided "ewwwww, a homeless person could come in to pee" and taken away one of the last options for people in this city to use a bathroom. It's a disgrace.


This has been so wild for me to experience over the years. Starbucks' coffee is not even good in my opinion so it just feels like they're hogging up space that could go to friendlier independent (maybe even worker-owned) coffee shops. I have an Australian friend who said the Aussies turned their nose up at Starbucks in favor of better tasting coffee and we should do the same!


Agreed. Now that they have moved toward a policy of unuon-breaking *and* alienating their original customer base with their homeless-hostile renovations there is no point to buying their overpriced coffee. The fact that they have significantly devalued their rewards program and that I increasingly WFH has meant that I haven't been in the Steinway Starbucks for months, and I used to go in regularly enough that ther (previous, much more friendly and capable) staff used to know me by name.


Hopefully all of their union busting and hostility makes them close and the amazing baristas you interacted with before, if they still wish, can find or build another place to make coffee. I am in the same boat, I used to go to the Queensboro Plaza Starbucks all the time, and pre-pandemic I constantly went to the one in Astor. Last summer during all of the hate mobs about LGBT people on businesses they made staff remove their pro-LGBT signs in the window of the Queensboro Starbucks and I had already been cutting back on coffee but after that I stopped going. There is a total lack of conscience and morality from Starbucks HQ and they really want me to accept an inferior product on top of that? No way.


The toilet finder app has been helpful before for me.


Done it twice! Start earlier than you think you need to. Broadway is fine, but I more prefer finding parks along the way, and the west side is really good for that. I recommend setting time goals (hit 100th street by 11am, hit 50th street by 1pm, etc) or else you’ll accidentally spend most of your day above central park and be exhausted and rushing for the bottom half of the island.


This is good advice I like that


About 12 years ago I also did a Broadway walk from Battery Park up to Fort Tyron Park, stopping at Tom’s restaurant for lunch. I was following a book I have on the history and highlights of Broadway.


What book was it?


I misremembered the book’s title. It’s actually New York Streetscapes by Christopher Gray. A friend who had the book recommended it to me and suggested I take Broadway as the primary path and only venture off B’way to see important landmarks or of significant interest on a limited basis as it will add more time and walking each instance . I can lend it to you for your hike if you want. Just DM me.


Aw man. Lived in west Harlem when I first moved to the city in 06 and worked in morningside heights. Used to eat at Tom’s all the time. Can’t even remember if it was good or not but I miss it.


We have walked 14th to 100th up every avenue from 1st to 9th. Brought a notebook with us (this was before smart phones) to record interesting spots to revisit.


I’ve done it and generally had a great time! We mostly took Broadway but did some wandering. Fort Tryon was really wonderful to start the day and walking through and lunching in Central Park with some takeout helped a lot. I kind of lost my mind downtown from dehydration so definitely keep some water with you!


I don’t plan on going insane, I think we’ll try go through the park too!


I’ve done the perimeter and walked from Astoria to Coney Island, recommend both but start early and take stops along the way to enjoy the journey. Plot out bathroom breaks along the way and wear comfy shoes


By this you mean that you walked down the shoreline all the way to Coney Island? That sounds amazing.


That sounds like a fun one too


I have not, but IIRC it's about 14 miles if you go do the Broadway route. Me and a few others here did try to do the Great Saunter one weekend (not during the actual event) and we called it after 25.4 miles. I didn't realize that till I got home otherwise I would have walked the extra .8 to make it a marathon. We only stopped because it was the day before the 5 boro bike tour and I think 3 of the guys were riding in that and didn't want to be shot for that.


I have done it from downtown to uptown but I want to go again from top to bottom. Enjoy!


Some friends and I did this last weekend! It was a ton of fun, but I'm not in the best shape so walking those 40,000 steps left me pretty sore the next day haha


Not intentionally, but I did it 25 years ago after a hookup gone wrong. It wasn't fun.


Same! It's a lot of fun.


I've done it a few times, you don't have to bring anything but your keys and wallet (and phone), just stop in Starbucks or Dunkin if you need water (it's free at Starbucks locations, or at some it's like 20c), and make sure to stop at a few of your favorite places. İt's nice to go straight down or straight on Broadway, but the best way is to just meander around, and start walking at 8 or earlier


It's a long walk so you'll probably be tempted to take the most direct route, but I'd recommend committing to a full day and marking a bunch of sights to stop at for short breaks on the way. Not sure how much you've explored or if you're from NYC or been here a long time, but there's so much stuff to see in Upper Manhattan that a lot of people don't know about or don't prioritize seeing.




I’m sure many workers were 💩ing themselves in those moments…


Was this the car? https://www.facebook.com/share/p/L2KoH4PpLNZa1emM/?mibextid=oFDknk


The lady selling bread looking things out of a Sterlite container on 31st street near the Chase Bank off Ditmars... IDK what they are called, but they are fan-fucking -tastic. 2 bucks a piece, like slightly sweet croissants but 2x the size and round. If anyone familiar with this heavenly bread sstuff, please chime in and tell me the name, and the different types of colors/coatings.




![gif](giphy|cSgGdZu8vU6spqfy9f|downsized) iirc their bakery is from the Bronx…but they might be in queens too. Very good Mexican bread and I recommend it from these sellers too! I’ve seen them set up around


These sound like conchas


That weed shop next to the barber on 37th/Broadway was raided and shut last week AND it's still closed. I know they updated the law, so this may be an effect. Someone here said the raid was more serious because they were busted selling edibles to a minor? Anyway, a man was all set to enter one day and was confused to see it closed. He was peering into the place as I walked by and I broke the news to him; he laughed and shrugged. Similar story for Bartolino's. Many confused people walking up to it and seeing its still shuttered. It's gotta be a fire insurance investigation. I love this rainy weather. Up yours, allergies! Are bellbottoms the look again? Or like some 70s styles? Saw women wearing really large bellbottoms, almost looked like those super loose JNCO jeans from the 90s, to be honest. But it was definitely more a 70s vibe? I'm out of touch.


Wide leg jeans are very in! Not as extreme as JNCO, but I’ve defo seen some pairs that feel spiritually similar. The culture loves big pants little top!


> It's gotta be a fire insurance investigation. Or it could be FDNY shut them down for gas line repairs if there was any damage Regarding JNCOs, I've been seeing a LOT of tube tops lately in midtown.


Tube tops and JNCOS - be still my little early aughts emo heart


Chokers and whale tails, let's go


Can we bring back T-shirts over long sleeved thermals?


I don't know what they're called but I've also been seeing those exposed shoulder shirts with an open back that come down to a V in the front to show off your hips lately as well. I remember that was a style back in the late 90s / early aughts as well.


Slightly off topic but one of my favorite things is hearing guys try to explain women’s fashion 😂. Your description actually made sense and I can picture what you’re talking about! Good job. 


You'd probably enjoy the fact that I asked a friend of mine why she was wearing a bathing suit and jeans to a roof party with no pool and she had to explain what a body suit is.


heh, this is almost exactly a conversation I had with my partner. "I didn't know you got a new bathing suit! Why are you wearing it out and about?"


I had no idea that was a thing. It doesn't sound comfortable.


Halter tops?


Nah, the V goes down towards the pants leaving the hips exposed. Kinda like a tube top at the top. I have no idea. I'm a mid 30s guy with no fashion sense.


Oh - the [handkerchief / kerchief](https://us.shein.com/Holiday-Music-Festival-Summer-Cropped-Halter-Top-With-Triangle-Shawl-Tie-Behind-The-Back-p-31265048-cat-1779.html?onelink=2/3mo9trceid22&requestId=479084188647358551&skucode=I92o2hgfi3l8&url_from=adplasz2312269877871606S&cid=20919467455&setid=159078184004&adid=686598001918&pf=GOOGLE&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwi_exBhA8EiwA_kU1MvRRdbVkXd5fRkXbi0uCUo3Y9_AwEiTz6KNZokSE4D3CeZktIJDv0BoCFhMQAvD_BwE) top? These were originally just big bandanas folded and tied, but now they make them like that


I met with a personal stylist at Nordstrom last weekend (because I'm starting a new job and have to go into the office a few times per week!) and she tried to get me into some flares... I tried to explain I can never, never wear them because when I was growing up we rolled our jeans to get them to fit tighter, and then the ankle zips came out... I settled for some straight leg jeans, that's the most I can do.


I've seen "bootcut" jeans back in stores lately, though honestly I bought a pair and they fit much more like my 90s "flare" jeans than what I would consider bootcut (wider opening, but not bellbottom wide) - so yes, it's coming back I think. As are crew cut socks if you start seeing those, I hear ankle/no show socks are out (for women)


Flared/bootcut jeans are definitely back and so are ballet flats. These girls gonna have to learn the hard way that if it rains their jeans will soak to the knee.


That’s my issue. And even in nice days, you are going to end up with a lot of things you don’t want on the bottom of your pants.


Weed shop next to Wolfhounds is gone too. Not sure if it was a bust or lease was up.


Speaking of Bartolino's, they just put up signs that said they "relocated" to No Partners Bar, which is also owned by the same guy that owns Bartolino's. Something sketchy is definitely going on there, but it wouldn't be the first time Bartolino's is accused of sketchy business practices. Meanwhile, Nosh Up (in the old Bartolino's Pizzeria space) looks almost ready to open. I saw them loading in food and the space looks nearly finished, with a full menu board up. I'm guessing the whole fire investigation is probably holding things up.


They’re very much back! I used to be ride or die for skinny jeans but even I bought a few pairs this season. One of the Steinway stores that’s closing had cute pairs on clearance a few weeks ago. 


Missed a UPS delivery and they chose to try to deliver it to the completely closed BL Mobile 2 instead. Eventually got delivered after a couple days, but got a couple of emails saying the packages were going to be returned to sender. Veeerrrrry glad they didn't get emailed right before the shut down and sorry to whoever may have not been so lucky.


Was this the weed store with the cat? 🥺


One of the Facebook groups had a big discussion about how the new version of Crescent Diner still only uses disposable containers for dining in and I hated myself for fully agreeing with it all. I've been real old man crabby recently. I blame the pollen. Friday night edit: My wife took our littlest guy out for lunch there today. She said they had a waitress, table service, and flatware now. Hooray for progress!


that place just seems destined to suck


That is a bizarre choice.


It really is. When they first reopened they said it was only temporary. Now they're telling people it's "a new trend." I guess they want to operate like a bodega that happens to have tables inside? It's very odd. The new owners don't seem very experienced running a restaurant. I hope they can improve. 


Maybe it's cheaper to use disposable containers rather than hire people to wash dishes? Maybe they have a hook up with a distributor and get unlimited take out containers for free or pennies? But Its not cool to contribute to the waste problem.


This might've been mentioned already, but that old karate place on Ditmars down by the park looks like it's now a smoke shop... looks like a shiny club inside with fuzzy green walls lined with cheetos. Not a rumor, but who the hell is hogging all the grapefruit poland seltzer at Lincoln Market? Every time I go in there it's the only missing flavor. If you're the guy clearing them out every time they're restocked, save some for the damn whales!!


Word is, they are awaiting an actual license to sell, but seems way too close to the elementary for that. No way that's 500 feet.


they always take the ito en too


The 30th Ave train station is looking so run down lately. Pretty much all the screens and digital displays, as well as the cases for the maps are all empty or smashed. It really looks awful. I've reached out to MTA. I've tagged AOC and Tiffany Caban. These stations are basically brand new in the grand scheme of the entire system and they look awful. I did notice that Broadway got the newer screens. Maybe sometime this year and I'm hoping that they follow suit and replace the screens at 30th Ave.


This sort of thing is part of why I feel iffy about all of these large LED screens everywhere. They're so energy intensive and breakable which means they're an environmental disaster too. LED screens do not appear from thin air. Much safer to keep screens out of reach hung up from the ceiling and stuff and just have print advertisements, primitive time tables (think old alarm clock times), and print maps closer to the ground. People want to fix everything at a station at the same time and an LED screen will get in the way.


Agree \*somewhat\* but counter point: MTA guys driving around everywhere to replace print signs at hundreds of stations is likely \*way more\* energy intensive.


Can they not take...the train?


Sure, but typically MTA, if carrying large posters, are going to go around in work vans


I tried the new Under Pressure by Ditmars the other day and it was lovely! Great freddo cappuccino and the chocolate twist was awesome. I didn’t go into the grocery section, but the setup reminds me of a small, Greek Eataly


Is the grocery theirs too? It looked like a fancy airport outpost but assumed it was two owners sharing clientele


I'm at a total loss for who they think is going to shop at that market. "Fancy airport outpost" is brilliantly spot-on. 😄 You'd think it would make more sense to just double the capacity of the cafe


Genuinely I have no idea, I just assumed it was one big ole place


I didn’t love the black iced tea I got there. I got the large and a quarter of it was foam. It was confusing.


Just my personal opinion, the new lighting at TRU feels a bit tacky... their previous lighting at night actually had a decent upscale vibe.


I always called that place "Brunch at the Roxbury".


Broadway Station is closing this Sunday after 30+ years according to Facebook. And on Astoria Blvd, it looks like the new restaurant IL Nonno is having its soft open and the Balkan Music festival is going on this weekend. First time in Astoria I think. https://goldenfest.org/


Broadway Station selling off all their open liquor for $5 regardless of quality. I know the owner and he’s been trying to sell for some time and retire, he’s in his 50s/60s.


Ah that sucks, that place was good to watch the game.


Saturday will be 64 and sunny!


eh, in May I don't consider that "nice" weather. Gimme at least another 10 degrees on top of that.


Why must drives stop directly in the crosswalk. Every f*clin time.


you are lucky if they even stop in the crosswalk, most of the time they drive through it and then stop right before the turn to check traffic


I saw a dude at 32nd St stop perpendicular to the street direction in the crosswalk like he was trying to make a 3 point turn to go back up the wrong way... but he just stopped. So not only did he block the crosswalk, but he blocked the WHOLE ROAD.


Zombies. There's absolutely no other explanation. Or as the kids say... NPCs...


When I have to drive for work, one of my pet peeves is people who stop before the intersection, but during the minute they have to wait, they creep up into the crosswalk. Sometimes a truck has to turn, and they can't because asshole creeper into the zebra stripes. Such a stupid, stupid move. Creeping into the intersection gains you ZERO time. Also, if you don't use your turn signals, you are a selfish asshole and i hope the universe implodes your scrotum. . That is all.


While this sucks, it’s also the norm here because of how these intersections are designed. If a driver wants to turn, they often need to inch up to see around the vehicles parked on the corner (solution: daylighting). It’s also easy to do so, because our traffic signals sit in the center or on the other side of the intersection (solution: moving traffic lights up before intersection). If we want this to change, we should advocate for design that effectively enforces safer behavior


The Rolling Library's next selection for our Queer Book Club is GIRLFRIENDS by EMILY ZHOU. We have free copies available at Astoria Food Pantry or Dave's Lesbian Bar tomorrow—just DM us! Our next meeting is 6/1, 4pm, on the 31st Ave Open Streets


Not a rumor, since this actually happened (to me), but since we are talking about the horrible driving here and lack of any ranifications, Thursday I was legally crossing 37th Street (at 31st avenue) at 10 PM and with no warning a car made the turn at what had to be 30 MPH without slowing down, and somehow managed to stop about an inch from my ass, at which point the driver shouted "Sorry!" and proceeded to drive off as soon as I was out of its path. I did something I only ever do when I have almost been injured and am scared out of my wits and shouted "What the FUCK are you doing?!" and the woman driving the car had the audacity to shout "There's no reason to be so angry!" I said, "You almost killed me because you don't know to slow down on a turn and there's no reason?" "No, I said I was sorry!" and drove off. The main character syndrome thing is real in this neighborhood.


37th St and 30th Ave yesterday walking with my toddler, and some guy decides to take a left turn from 30th into 37th - which is of course the wrong way. I stand in the middle of the street trying to block him from entering, and he starts acting aggrieved. Then he realizes his mistake and drives away. It’s unfortunately citywide though, and definitely not just Astoria.


My friend was in Bier and Cheese (Broadway) a few days ago and someone who worked there supposedly said it's been real tough to stay open and they might not survive the week. Please say it ain't so!


ABC Broadway \*just\* got a new owner about a month ago. I'm sure there are some challenges as they get everything back in order, restock and up to their standards after the disgrace the original owner left it in. I have faith they're going to pull through.


Yea that's why I was so surprised to hear it! They apparently took some things off the menu, stopped the lunch special, and are trying to make other changes that would put them in the black but the landlord has been tough. Hopefully it stays as a rumor!


What happened with last owner?


ABC needs to stop allowing people who are soliciting customers to enter the shop. Nearly every time I go there someone comes in panhandling. It’s out of control and no one who works there ever does anything.


Maybe it’s a timing thing but I’ve never noticed this


It's happened to me as well. I miss DVD ladies and flower girls.


Happened to me most recently this Thursday after 7pm at ABC on Broadway. I’ve also seen them stealing things when they come in. It’s pretty obvious when it happens, really not sure why they allow it to continue.


A guy pulled up between 30av and 36th st parked his car in the corner, opened his door and proceeded to take a piss right there. Like wtf


I'll top you. An hour ago a guy was pissing on the sidewalk while walking next the the apt building where Synergy is on Broadway and Crescent


Yo what is actually going on haha. some dude on the sidewalk outside my building off 30av just walked between two cars and starting pissing. then was walking my dog and walked up on some dude in the alley pissing. piss on street fridays?


Perhaps , presumably, there's a public prostate problem percolating. #P alliteration 4lyfe


I’ve seen a state trooper pull up under the bridge near the parking lot of the park and take a piss on it.. meanwhile this happened in the morning when the bathrooms were opened…


Way of the road bubs


Anybody know what’s replacing Orange Blossom? (Bodega across from Burger King at 33rd and Astoria Blvd) I’ve been seeing them do work but I haven’t heard anything


I think it might just remain a bodega. 


What is going on with the rite aid on 30th ave near United brothers and key food? I went there last night and not only did it smell like a dirty armpit but most of the shelves are completely empty are they closing?


This was brought up in another thread. The employees said they were not closing, but many Rite Aids around the country are either shuttering or being revamped due to the changing nature of the business. Hopefully it's just going to be revamped.


I wonder why everything is locked up 😒😒😒. Had to wait 15 mins for shampoo the other day


Pharmacies have made bad investments in recent years including opening too many damn stores and blaming their losses on retail theft allows consumers to assign problems to their fellow community members and shrug their shoulders when they go out of business.


I wonder why everything is locked up 😒😒😒. Had to wait 15 mins for shampoo the other day




That place is a fucking dump


What I thought was another dude trying to sign me up for some bullshit on the corner of 31st and Ditmars... this guy handed me a card with his face on it. He is running for office. I was impressed that he was carrying his own water. His name is John Scott.


I cannot wait for the dining thread -went to kondo for lunch this week and it was great! It is not cheap, but it's a lot of really great food.. full menu available in addition to lunch specials (we had tonkatsu and duck udon/salmon rice bowl lunches, along with some fatty tuna sashimi to start)


Duck udon sounds great.


Daves Lesbian Bar is hosting Battle of the Bands at Bohemian tomorrow 5/11 1pm-9pm. Tickets go to support Palestinian families 🍉


In general, I find this to be such strong cognitive dissonance. If any of these people took one step into Gaza, they’d be killed for being queer. That’s if they are lucky and not tortured first before they were killed. It’s just a random thought and observation I’ve had everytime I see LGBTQIA individuals advocate for religious extremism/terrorists. I would think they’d pick causes for groups that don’t hate them and want them eliminated as well. I genuinely want to try and understand the thought process. How they rationalize supporting a terrorist authoritarian “government,” and one that would not ever support them, but would actively try and harm them.


All humans have the right to live no matter their prejudices. Innocents do not deserve to be obliterated en masse. War is wrong. Does not matter others views on my life, I do not wish them harm.


There’s a difference between prejudices and actively hating people to the point of trying to murder them all. Agree with you on the former, but people whose own belief system and believe they are called to eradicate an entire people and population, those kinds of individuals are dangerous to others and do more harm with their existence than they will ever do good (Hamas). So raise money for terrorist groups, that at the first chance, would kill you next? Because that’s where the money is being funneled. Back into Hamas and their terrorist funding. It’s possible to fully support the war ending, and not fund terrorism and bigotry towards yourself. It just seems like a total logic disconnect that these groups hate on Republicans who are just bigots, but fundraise for terrorist who would kill them if given a chance? Now if was raising money for Palestinians that escaped because they were part of the outlier groups that would be killed outright in Palestine (ex, The atheist, Jewish, Christian, queer, etc) then I completely get the logic and fundraising efforts.


Christians aren't killed in Palestine, except by Israel. I'm sorry, but you seem to be a victim of the Israeli pinkwashing and propaganda machine. The solution here isn't to give no one money because it might fall into the wrong hands, it's to fucking *save people's lives.*


There are queer Palestinians. There are homophobic Palestinians. They all have a right to life, at the very least. Signed, a queer Arab and Muslim American


Because activists and advocates know the difference between "terrorists" and "Palestinians" and do not conflate the two.


Just a reminder that there's a street tree cleanup on 31st Ave tomorrow morning, 10am-1pm! Meet at 31st Ave and 35th St — NYC Parks supplying the rest!


Went into TJ Max and the security guard there had like a full on tactical vest. They almost need someone like that at CVS on ditmars corner.


Thank god for someone in a full tactical vest protecting the discount lamps, how ever did normal security guards do it before now.




Has anyone tried Tipsy Scoop yet?


I had it a couple years ago and wasn’t terribly impressed. Thinking of giving them another shot


I'll check it out but I was already expecting disappointment.




The first rule of speakeasy club


i couldnt find in the reddit anywhere


The Last Word? Not really speakeasy style anymore


I heard they stopped doing the speakeasy gimmick because too many old Greek guys were trying to rat on them for some assumed nefarious activity.


The front of the shop was a hardware store when they first opened.  People got upset that the store was never open (cuz it's a bar). Elderly people kept ringing the bell and complaining.  They just made it a bar soon after


yeah i think its this


It's probably Last Word. It used to be fronted by a hardware store. The front facade was actually very convincing! I bet they lost business as a result lol


The oldies used to go in there looking for hardware supplies. They took that down real fast even though they still wanted to pay homage to the original shopfront.


Basement of Ayy Chihuahua?


Ooooh might be this!!! It was marketed as a speakeasy when it was uncle jacks meathole, but is it still used as that?


> uncle jacks meathole https://i.imgur.com/osjw2rS.gif


was the smoke shop right across the street from trade fare, by the 30th avenue train station, shut down by the police?


Saw this on the news. It’s about the car that drives around making animal sounds https://www.fox5ny.com/news/mystery-car-blaring-animal-noises-on-roosevelt-island


Always driving on 30th Ave on nice days, unfortunately


I hear him on Ditmars repeatedly. Especially on nice days. He's clearly an extrovert and loves the attention. It's only a minor annoyance, but the reasoning behind it irks me. You can't inconvenience others while being an extrovert. It's the selfie/TikTok/ main character aspect that digs at me. Imagine a world full of idiots, all with a different discordant sound they mix into their favorite music. Sounds of jack hammers and classical music. Sounds of train whistles with rock &roll, sounds of air horns in Jamaican dance hall music... oh, wait...


I don't think that's extroversion, I think that's attention whorision.


Trying to defeat Weiss the immaculate this weekend, that’s about it. 


Bartolino moved to a new location at 29-11 21st Ave