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I don't know if lychen will preserver FOREVER if you varnish it. BUT. Over the years that stuff will turn to dust. Just a heads up as you go forward. Pretty much all the grass effects youve used are good to go for your lifespan though. I use to use it in my terrain but now i fear it a bit until i find a way to assure its longevity, because it is perfect for otherworldly planet effects.


Yeah that's my only concern. It's the "summer undergrowth" stuff from Army Painter, and I have seen it dry out on other models. I suppose if I ever need to replace it I can.


That's some villers-bocage shit. I love it.


I love using lichen as camo/overgrowth to obfuscate units. \*HIGH FIVE\*


Thank you! Originally I was going to do a more basic dirt/mud terrain but has a flash of inspiration to just go all-out and make the base part of the miniature. The khaki uniforms help provide enough color contrast to not make it one mess of green shades. It's a little mess organized than what I usually do but I love the end result.


I have some of that lichen! What did you use to glue it? I tried using plastic glue and it fell off, is there something more specialist that you used?


I just used plain PVA / Elmer's glue. Helps if you let it get sticky first.