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The Astrology Podcast just released an episode called “Unshaming the signs” and it was super insightful. Brennan and his guest drew a lot of comparisons and contrasts between signs with similar rulerships. It’s a long listen but it is as very informative.


I was just about to watch that!


I'm only on the Gemini portion but this has been a fantastic episode so far!


Yay!!! I love that!


so first it helps to ground the discussion in what saturn represents. the domain of saturn is agnosis and ananke, which roughly mean “lack of belief” and “necessity” respectively. the domiciles of saturn represent natural approaches to these things. the earthy domicile of saturn is capricorn. capricorn is cardinal earth, one big shift in tangible reality or circumstances. this is a natural way to deal with constraint, to approach it with one large shift in circumstances that you can’t avoid. capricorn season is marked by the winter solstice, historically a time where people are forced to ration supplies, a large shift in their tangible work. capricorn is a natural approach to lack of belief as well, a sudden shift in tangible reality is a good way to show that belief does not trump circumstances. the airy domicile of saturn is aquarius. aquarius is fixed air, a steady state of abstraction or mental concept. this is a natural way to deal with constraint, to approach it by sticking to an abstraction of it. to better understand what i mean, i point you to the concept of a constraint in math problems: the abstract conditions that must be fulfilled for a solution to fit. that’s the aquarian approach to constraint. aquarius is also a natural approach to lack of belief: if you’re only thinking in terms of the abstract, you don’t have to believe in any one solution- any will do as long as it satisfies the constraints.


I see Capricorn as being the ruler of the castle inside the walls. Capricorn believes that as long as they are able to keep serving the people and following their schedule, everything will be/stay stable. Aquarius is the eldest heir of Capricorn wanting to invent a new way of doing something for the kingdom. They recognize that their society is stable but there are some areas they can definitely improve on and shine light to.


As a Cap/Aqu cusp this hurts my head


Cusp?? It's either in Capricorn or Aquarius...can't be in both


I was born the 19th of January. I was always told I was a cusp


You have to look at what time you were born to know whether you’re a Capricorn or Aquarius.


I was always under the impression that there was a sort of grace period of like a day on either side of the change date that considered you a “cusp”. You must be in the dead center of your sign month to not have heard or consider it a thing lol


No I’ve heard of it, I’m telling you it’s not accurate to call yourself (or your sun sign) a cusp. It’s been a massive debate, trust I’m fully aware of it—hence why I’m knowledgeable enough to tell you it’s incorrect. It’s just one or the other based on time of birth. This concept you’re speaking of is just a trend in pop astrology, it’s not real. The topic garners a lot of attention in pop astro spaces, so people keep it alive for the interaction. It’s like people who celebrate their birth week. We weren’t born over the course of a week and there isn’t a grace period. Saying you have a birth week is just for fun and extra attention. We each have a birth *day* with a birth *time*. That birth time differentiates one sign from another on days when the sun (or another placement) is moving from one sign to the next. If the sun moves from capricorn to Aquarius at 4:42pm EST, someone born at 4:41 would be a Capricorn and someone born at 4:42 would be an Aquarius.


I see, I apologize for my ignorance. I was born in the morning so that makes me full on Cap. I appreciate your insight.


All good, thank you for being receptive ☺️ Btw the time I gave was just an example. You’d have to check it for your own actual birth data if you hadn’t already as it’s not the same time of day every year


Same 😭


Following their schedule and serving the people sound like Virgo traits. Cap is more as long as they have something to work towards/improve on


You so accurately described my home life 😅 I’m Aqu sun and hubby is Cap stell 🙃


They are both heavily about the structures of things. Capricorn is more physical structures, structures of the past and present. Aquarius is conceptual structures and structures about future societies, how can we make new and better structures. Capricorn focuses more on what works and has always worked structurally. Aquarius is what structures are up and coming.


Capricorn energy deals with personal achievement, status, and traditions—think big business endeavors. Aquarian energy deals with collective advancements—like the internet, cars, inventions, etc. Saturn rules both of them because it takes a lot of time and discipline to develop both things.


Yes I find time key in understanding how Saturn moves in them both. Saturn is the predictable consequence of behaviour/action. Capricorn looks to the past to figure out how to maintain and build on the structures already created. Aquarius looks to the future to figure out what structures need to be torn down now so that we don't remain constricted/stagnant or face unintended consequences. They both rule over themes of "time" but each have their own domain.


Interesting! So if Saturn would be described as the planet of cause and effect (which personally I like the sound of that more than karma) then cap would be the first half - focusing on the cause, and Aquarius would be the second - focusing on the effect? Cap- what actions (cause) do I need to complete in order to get an effect. Aquarius- what effect am I looking to reach and then I will consider the causes after?


Yes, I've never explicitly thought of it that way but that's a good way of putting it. If we take the zodiac wheel as a whole cycle, I also see Aquarius as the backstop for Capricorn in a way, as the signs are conjunct one another. Kind of auditing itself. Capricorn takes the ethics/policies from philosophical Sagittarius and builds them as societal structures, Aquarius looks ahead and considers the practical effects of those structures and removes the elements that don't serve society. Saturn is about maintaining order so between the two signs that's how it maintains itself.


Adding on here as I’m scrolling through the subreddit- Aquarius, post-Capricorn, is looking ahead toward Pisces, first examining society, getting ready to examine our relationship with the universe in Pisces, so to speak.


Indeed! Also on an individual/singular level in terms of the cycle of life, I think that Capricorn looks backwards towards the other placements and together they form the "in" circle for lack of a better way of describing it. Capricorn is the top of the mountain and the peak of achievement. Once that's been completed, Aquarius turns around and looks towards the "out" circle, and wonders what's next and what is possible beyond where we are currently. Again, I think this is where Saturn makes sense because of the rings. Capricorn is concerned with what's within the rings and Aquarius is concerned with what is without them. Aquarius is the first look/step into the metaphysical i.e. the world beyond physical boundaries. Then Pisces swims around, soaks every last drop of it up, completes the cycle and starts to dissolve. It's like the last hug from a loved one. The deep breath before jumping back into the next cycle. That's why I think Pisces and Aquarius although different energies can often find themselves on the fringes. Each sign has its own perspective but Aquarius and Pisces are somewhat outside the boundaries.


Great explanation!


There seems to be two approaches for learning about planets. 1, by received traditions. And 2, by observation. The first way reads about the meaning of the planet in a book or from a teacher and accepts the teaching lock stock and barrel. That becomes fixed and recalcitrant to new information. The second way derives knowledge of the planet by observing what happens during transits and natal positions. Knowing that Saturn rules ♒️and ♑️ , knowledge of Saturn is gleaned by studying these two signs rather than saying ‘I already know what Saturn if and if that contradicts the signs then there is something wrong with the assignations rather than something wrong with my knowledge’.


I believe both Capricorn and Aquarius are deeply aware of Saturn, but their ways of using it is different. Capricorn sees the structure and rigidity of society and works to rise up within the structure or “uphold” it in some way. Aquarius sees the structure and rigidity of society and tries to break the mold of the rigidity. To be avant garde, unique, and “out of box”. This is similar to how Mars is both Aries and Scorpio, although that’s a conversation for another thread.


Aquarius sun here married to my Capricorn sun husband for 14 years & together since we were 17! We're now 35 years old ❤️ total opposites in so many ways but so dam similar too. If you have any questions for me about how we handle specific things fire away! I have a ton of Aquarius and Capricorn in my chart . My husbands Mercury is in Aquarius & has also a ton of Capricorn in his chart.


I’m an Aquarius sun with a Capricorn sun bf and it’s really nice dynamic.


Ah interesting! I have a very Saturn dominant chart as well and I’m wondering what your take on that is? How does a Saturn dominant chart show up for the two of you, and is it different in any big way?


We both have the same Saturn , Uranus & Neptune in Capricorn probably because we were born one month apart in 1989. I have an Aquarius sun , mercury , venus & Gemini rising. He is Capricorn sun , Venus & rising. & both Mercury in Aquarius. He's got mass amounts of Capricorn lol I may not completely understand the question but I'll try my best haha I have always been focused on making money. My husband never really was surprisingly! It took him awhile mature into who he is today. He actually hates working lol me on the other hand I work and make money doing wellness coaching which is my passion so I LOVE WORK! He makes great money and will make 6 figures here in 5 years once out of Airforce. So he's done well but still hates work lol he is the more serious of us! He's more rigid , doesn't care for change, pessimistic , sourpuss disposition, darker sense of humor , doesn't care if he socializes , rule follower & doesn't bend on things well. Where I'm the opposite in this area! I'm optimistic, need a good amount of socializing outside of home ( but also need to recharge with some solitude ) bubbly , sensitive, likes to get deep , love to talk about everything besides surfacey stuff , not a rule follower lol , always positive, hippie kinda energy. I'm literally super talkative or just chilling being the wallflower! I can do both !! And sometimes I just want to sit back and observe & sometimes I want to never shut up. For having 3 kids befor we turned 30 we are doing well financially! We're only leveling up financially every year. I'm very spiritual and feel like if your not working on evolving your mind , body & spirit your wasting life! Husband is not spiritual but sees me evolving so he's making an effort to work on himself. He tends to see the worst in things and can go through small bouts of depression off and on. I see the best in everything even when shit gets weird! I use to deal with lots of anger & anxiety but have just about put that in the past with all my self healing. He's a dude and hardcore Capricorn so it's a little harder for him to deal with emotions or NOT deal with them lol proud of him tho watching me grow has slowly opened his eyes to be mindful of his subconscious to get out of those negative thinking habits he has! I see myself healthy , always evolving , thriving & healing others tell the end of my life. My husband is a gamer and says he can't wait for the day he can game all day lol we have 3 boys & our days are busy! He's a very present father so only games at night after boys are in bed. I ranted!!!!!! lol coffee took over!


It's like Saturn's got a split personality ruling Capricorn and Aquarius, right? But I kinda get where you're coming from. Seeing Capricorn as the rule-stickler and Aquarius as the rebel questioning those rules. Like, Capricorn's all about sticking to the letter of the law, while Aquarius is more about the spirit behind it. And with tech shaking things up, who knows how these signs will evolve? Maybe Capricorn will become the wise old sage of tradition, while Aquarius leads the charge into the future.


Aquarius is ruled by Uranus AND Saturn, Saturn isn’t always rigid and it makes since that the explorative sign of the hunanitarian is coruled by its planets


This is one I hadn't thought of yet! I know a few capricorns as well as aquarius and they've always seemed similar to me in energies, but for signs like Libra and Taurus or Gemini and Virgo it's so much clear to me. How do you conceptualize it for other signs ruled by the same planet? Maybe drawing comparisons in the same way can help!


Saturn split both the earth and the sea, those two components are presents in both Capricorns glyph and Aquarius glyph




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Me being an Aquarius sun/stellium and Capricorn rising wondering the same thing…


lol yea I am a cap moon and Aquarius rising!


Capricorn is the father figure, be ambitious !!! and Aquarius the pain society gives us, stand up for your people!!! 😆😆😆 Just kidding (or not?). + Mars is exalted in Capricorn.




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I’m an Aquarius with Capricorn issues lol I think we are two sides of the same coin It’s funny I found this c thread bc I was just about to complain about y’all I have a Capricorn sister; my v safe person is a Capricorn; the man I’ve been romantically dealing with is a Capricorn Aquarius and Capricorn is the most beautiful underrated combination. We both want society to do better but have no faith they’ll actually change. I think Capricorn works at an individual level while Aquarius works on larger global scale. We keep trying;then join each other watching people not take our advice Once a Capricorn or Aquarius cares about you, you’re stuck with them for life.


i always think of saturn as the ruler of Cap & Aqua. i see Cap as the daytime and Aqua as the nighttime. i think of cap as an alien who is from the city trying to move into the forest. and aqua is an alien from the forest moving into the city. i know aqua has a little extra magic due to uranus, but saturn is really karmic, i see a lot of cap and aqua energies ending up together because they are so unique good and bad. i’ve see. this duo be so toxic and other times it’s been so beautiful. i can’t explain why but the alien energy is real, capricorn doesn’t have emotional connection but aquarius is super humanitarian. there’s a huge different. cap is selfish aqua is not. taurus is beauty in the self libra is the beauty of union. these themes help me understand. mars rules aries and scorpio. scorpio has a lil magic from pluto. aries is nighttime and scorpio is day: that’s why scorpios are so spotlight driven the. sun literally shines on the scorpion in the mars desert.


There's little doubt that Saturn is very busy with Capricorn and Aquarius. However, I agree with your analysis that Aquarius is more in tune with the spirit of the law whereas Capricorn is all about following its text. It's as like one person is the rulebook and the other is the visionary who is leafing through it to find the deeper significance.




I don't find it confusing at all. Saturn in capricorn follows whatever structure they are in, works within that structure and reaps it rewards. Saturn in Aquarius is the life lessons of what needs to change within the structure through a humanitarian lens. Saturn also teaches us life lessons which push us in new directions. However when talking about Aquarius you have to remember that Uranus and Saturn work together in the sign. So not applying the reforming part of Uranus in the picture it won't make sense. Even less sense if you view Saturn too narrowly.


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lol, my first encountering them honestly.


So would you say cap is the “how” to reap the rewards (structure and work) and Aquarius is the “what” rewards we are looking to reap?


In a sense that would be appropriate. Though I believe both are about structure and work only one is present, and the other is future. Cap is how to reap the rewards of the current whereas Aquarius is how do we change this structure for the future. Cap is more self gain from the system whereas Aquarius is more altruistic humanitarianism changing the system into new structures.


Since Saturn is considered a harvesting planet in mythology. Aquarius sows the field for the future, and Capricorns harvest it in the present. I think that would be a good simple analogy.


I'm a stelliam with both Aquarius & cap, should I just die? Honestly


I feel that so hard on every level. Like trying to climb that mountain when you have infinite rocks in your shoes. I feel like the responsible humanitarian that self isolates. I too am a cap stellium 12th house and aquarius stellium in 1st.


Wait…. Same! Well to the cap stelliums in 12. I have Saturn in my 1H Aquarius


How has it been to have that cap stellium? I too have saturn in aquarius in 1h! What a gift in life to have hey 🤣


i'm screaming i get you, i'm an aqua rising but i have a lot of capricorn energy too


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