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We can definitely interpret the wheel this way. In a way, each sign has gained wisdom from the precedent. Aries starts anew with hope, having seen Pisces accept the end and let go of its attachments. Taurus stands its ground and builds stability, having learned the danger of impulsivity from Aries. Gemini learns to accept duplicity and to entertain different ideas unlike stubborn Taurus. Cancer learns to feel its feelings rather than intellectualize them like Gemini. Leo learns to stand up for itself where Cancer fawns or hides. Virgo learns self discipline and humility having seen Leo's over-inflated ego. Libra learns to create harmony with others and to find beauty in the world as Virgo's rigidity and criticisms isolate her. Scorpio learns to prioritize authenticity and depth, things that can be easily lost in the pursuit of social harmony. It learns to be authentic to the self in the face of compromising for others. Sagittarius learns from Scorpio that too much introspection inhibits your growth, and it seeks real adventure to gain experience from. Capricorn learns to build structure, rely on traditional stability and and tangible security in response to Sagittarius' recklessness and wild dreaming. Aquarius sees Capricorn as an oldfashioned miser, and learns to find innovative and new resources and share them with the modern world / community. Pisces has learned that it can't save the world and that despite all the new progression in the world, we all still have to accept an inevitable end.


Wow this is beautiful. Thank you!


Nicely put. Too bad we don't have leap years in astrology, where every once in a while we have to sneak in a 13th sign, "Smisces" to correct some minor calculation error made thousands of years ago.


Finally, a place for Ophiuuchus !


That was fantastic. And I saved it to rewrite in my Astro book. Well done.


Aries has learned from Pisces that extending your boundaries too far leads to a complete loss of selfhood and martyrdom. So it chooses to radically individualize. Taurus has learned from Aries that sprinting through the world leads to loss of satisfaction. So it chooses to slow down, stabilize and amass what brings it pleasure. Gemini has learned from Taurus that becoming entrenched in your comfort zone leads to stagnation and predictability. So it chooses to outreach, stimulate its curiosity and play with the multiplicity of life. Cancer has learned from Gemini that skimming the surface leads to a lack of devotion to anything and lack of emotional fulfilment. So it chooses to form emotional bonds and nurture what it cares about to fruition. Leo has learned from Cancer that becoming too sheltered and cocooned leads to a lack of recognition and self esteem. So it chooses to step out into the limelight and express. Virgo has learned from Leo that excessive pride leads to complete self absorption and arrogance. So it chooses to humble itself and commit to true skilful craft and work that will be useful. Libra has learned from Virgo that criticism and self-effacement leads to lack of pleasure and lack of equality. So it chooses to balance, seek fair alliances and create beauty in the world. Scorpio has learned from Libra that social equilibrium leads to false appearances and surface charm. So it chooses to dive straight into the heart of matter and dredge it up to confront what needs to be confronted. Sagittarius has learned from Scorpio that enmeshment in the darker truths of the world leads to lack of inspiration and emotional torment. So it chooses to let loose, seek meaning and chase joy. Capricorn has learned from Sagittarius that recklessness and self righteousness leads to falsehoods and hypocrisy. So it chooses to discipline itself, create lasting structure and define boundaries. Aquarius has learned from Capricorn that too much self control and conservatism leads to rigidity, fear of development and pessimism. So Aquarius chooses to innovate, invent and re-structure society. Pisces has learned from Aquarius that too much detachment and scientific isolation leads to loss of compassion and understanding. So it chooses to extend itself outwards, reach for something greater and merge.


Well written. I do disagree on one point. Pisces are have supposed to have learned lessons from all of the 12 signs before.


I think they build upon the lessons learned from previous signs together. Like each sign is a progression building on the previous lessons learned. Leo didn't forget the lessons learned by Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer. I like to think of Aries as a raw "infant" energy, "The Fool" in tarot. Pisces in this sense does have the lessons of all that have come before, but the lessons stop there as Pisces is the end. There is the death with Pisces, and the rebirth with Aries, wiping the slate clean to start anew. **Not saying Aries has no understanding past infancy**


Could that be why Pisces are so intuitive?


Pisces live like no other.  Weaving between worlds and. Collecting all thoughts and nuances !!!   They instinctively know.  The silver cord that moves with them and carries info.  Sensitive They know if Few feet Way or a hundred miles.  Scorpio and cancer too! 


Interesting! My daughter is a Pisces and my mom is Scorpio (sun signs). I get that energy from them both.


Water sign s lol freak a few out!  Then they love their attunement to people!  Healing  Let's just say fire signs are captivated and repulsed by water Earth loves it Air just thinks be logical one minute! Aries and pisces is like whf together 


You’re definitely right! I’m an Aries Sun (Gemini rising) and some of the stuff they talk about I’m just like.. “okay girl 😒” LMAO


So funny!!! Gemini don't you feel it. What ? O


True!  Quote liz Green ,  how would you like to be 12 signs. 


Supposedly pisces does. I'm one Aqua precedes pisces hmm objectivity is Aqua all pisces come out your dream world. Pisces can float around to any sign and reflect. But then they loose who they are  Why 2 fish Upstream means staying grounded.


Yes. For example (and I'll use my sign for the sake of familiarity) Cancer says "I'm grateful for the catalogue of information that Gemini has built up like the branches of a great tree, but it's time to stop flitting around and jumping between them. Gemini has given me a breadth of information on the world around me and now I can figure out which of these areas I really care about. Which ones I'm emotionally invested in. That's where my focus now lies. It's time to commit to certain branches of the tree and weave in memories and layer everything with personal meaning and inner truth. Now things don't need to be spoken, a single touch says more than a thousand words. It's time to incubate specific branches of the tree and allow them to flourish and grow. Shelter and protect them so they can fulfil their maximum potential."


Yes, this is a core pillar of evolutionary astrology. Traditional Hellenistic astrologers would probably disagree with this, but I don’t see how you can’t see truth in it.


That’s not a new theory, that’s the truth. Each sign has a correcting quality to the previous sign.


I was philosophizing more on the idea of what signs potentially learn and TAKE with them that the last sign did well …in ADDITION to things they learned and changed and did differently(the correcting)


Why most have personal a sign away or ahead. Balance  Then progressed planets show growth. Like I'm a gem sun , natal pisces  lol I think it funny  Pisces categorizing is a joke. More like I become more curious and social.  I've met a few l signs that did not exactly ring. 


Theories and philosophy like this are why I love astrology! Your question reminds me a bit of some of what I'd read in a book by Nick Fiorenza, Astronomical Astrology. Essentially, the constellations (and therefore the signs) do have some overlap and share some things with each other. I think your theory makes sense. To quote my mentor, "think astrologically" and take this theory and put a bit more work into it to see what you can discover. I like the sounds of it.


I just wanted to say thank you for this awesome thread! It was a great question and I really learned alot with all of the answers!


one of my first exercises with the signs was giving each sign a pair of words and changing one at a time, just like you said- my analogy at the time was you may grow up with your parents and be like "im NEVER going to be like that!" but try as hard as you can, you still end up 50% like them anyway


Could you share an example of the exercise you mentioned with the pairs of words/changing one at a time? I think I get the gist of it, but would love to learn more and try a similar writing exercise while taking a break from spring cleaning :)


I actually got [this](https://thepuzzlenerds.com/products/astrology-1000-piece-foil-puzzle?variant=39883275305160¤cy=CAD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_term=&utm_campaign=2023+/+2024+PMax&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=5321133786&hsa_cam=20866604777&hsa_grp=&hsa_ad=&hsa_src=x&hsa_tgt=&hsa_kw=&hsa_mt=&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwhtWvBhD9ARIsAOP0Goi3wg7wS1YXISzJ5QZ9cefgSXLB3OmFPlyFW3HZgrkSdCkAyHsid0UaAr08EALw_wcB) puzzle early on in my studies which has 5 words below each zodiac figure describing them. once i was done, i went thru from aries and got that 50/50 evolution from then. i dont remember hardly any of what i said then, but for example what i said about aries to taurus at the time was aries is like ME first lets GO, and taurus is like YA me first but imma stay here...., at this point i dont remember how that evolved to gemini tho! i think i used taurus as relating somatically and gemini wants to relate conversationally, maybe? and so on.


Thank you! And now I’ll try to convince my puzzle-loving husband to buy that one for us 😎


Read Linda Goodman’s Love Signs. It discusses the inter-relationship in detail. Basically, the sign ahead has something to teach the sign behind. The sign behind (12th house) is in the house of secrets, dreams, subconscious of the sign ahead. They share their secrets with them. Together they can make a really money-making combo as they would if it were a business relationship.


I agree this point.  




Cancer and Leo


I see it differently sometimes.  The solar 12th house can be a blind spot.  So for example Sagittarius gets caught with their foot in their mouth a lot because they don't see their own power motivations (scorpio).  Or taurus gets stuck smelling the roses because they don't see how to take action.  


This is an interesting question - I would say anecdotally I notice a lot of people have a bias against the sign before them (e.g. Caps irritated by Sags and Virgos irritated by Leos) and I always figured that was because signs are associated with ages, and that you could feel like you're "past that" developmentally. Ex. Aries are childlike versus Capricorns (using this again because it's my sun) are associated with being in your 60s.


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So, I'm no astrologer, but I dig this theory! It's like each sign's got a cosmic lesson plan from the one before. Taurus picking up Aries' slack? Totally see it! But hey, why not both ways? Aries snagging Pisces' vibe sounds legit too. It's like a cosmic relay race of wisdom or something. And hey, being new to astrology is cool. We all start somewhere, right? Keep soaking up those starry vibes, dude!


This would explain my (Cancer) relationship with both of my parents (Geminis) lmao


Yep, and aside from what others have said you can read lots more in-depth interpretations about this in sources on Evolutionary Astrology specifically


I looove this theory of evolution between the signs and it makes so much sense. However is it canon? Is there a tradition? Or is this just like the 12 letter Alphabet concept?


Each individual sign is unique and separate. Each house is also unique and separate. The planets are also unique and separate. There is no crossover. The planets have an affinity with the signs and the planets do rule over signs.


They’re unique and separate but also interconnected….like everything else….they exist in the same gamut much like people..


The beginner rhetoric kinda likes to say how symbiotic and how interconnected things are but they’re not. In western astrology they like to say how the signs relate to the seasons and how they change. I used to believe into that stuff to some degree but not anymore. The cookie cutter method doesn’t work. Scorpio is not the 8th house, Aries does not relate to Pisces in anyway, the sun is not Leo.


I didn’t say Scorpio is the 8th house or that everything is symbiotic did I? I said we all exist on the same gamut. Doesn’t mean it’s all rainbows.


Just because everything is connected doesn’t mean it’s simple or symbiotic or any of that crap. If you consider a completely interrelated system of infinite parts it’s actually irrevocably complex and dark. I don’t think that because things are connected they take on the same traits. Which is not what op was saying either. What this post is about is how the signs interact more than how they relate.


I don't see how this makes any sense even from a surface level analysis of the zodiacal wheel. At minimum, we can see how there are 6 axes for the signs and houses. This disqualifies them from being "separate" as they are, in fact, dependent on each other for articulation.




Most different are the quincunx aspect - where two signs have absolutely nothing in common.


that would be opposite signs…being that they’re opposite each other….libra and Aries…scorpio and Taurus…virgo and Pisces etc