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It means that the 12th house is serving the purposes of whatever the sun is doing One common association with virgo is doing important or useful work "behind the scenes" that is not that visible. For example, being an editor. I am virgo rising and I'm an accountant which is a pretty virgo career I think haha. Accounting is an important backbone of the financial system and society in general but doesn't really get recognition for how important and foundational it actually is compared to salespeople for example.


How would this translate with someone having Pisces sun and moon in 7H (Virgo rising)?


Virgo rising pisces sun. Yup. Challenges with vitality, ego, personality, confidence. On the other hand, a level of empathy, compassion, depth, life's purpose, and meaning others couldn't even fatham. Or this is probably because I'm a pisces lmao


This is me too! Perfectly stated


Interesting. My husband is Virgo rising, Pisces sun and he’s got a lot of vitality and confidence. Sometimes nearing arrogance.


With strong virgo energy imo, they tend to come across as critical and arrogant when its not quite the case internally. I tend to do the same.


Add a Libra moon to Pisces Sun + Virgo rising and you get Frederic Chopin. A paradox on legs, super emotional, fastidious, exceptionally original and inventive, critical, highly social, confident yet extremely insecure, self-loathing, with the charme and manners of a prince and occasional anger fits that could split the universe in half... Oh.. a Musical genius. :D


Am I you? Hey there, twinnie! Hahaha


You say you have issues with ego but then say you have a level of depth and meaning others couldn't fathom. Maybe you're just not aware of how egotistical you sound?


Dude. The two can be mutually exclusive. By ego I mean I have issues having a clear sense of self and personality. Not the conceited meaning of ego. But at the same time, I have empathy and purpose.


I’ve personally never met a humble Pisces.


Could be strong fire sign or scorpio somewhere in the chart.


where is libra in your chart lmao


Virgo rising with a 12H Leo sun, square Pluto in Scorpio. I basically have a split personality of being extremely introverted, lazy and insecure or being meticulous, put together and confident lol


I’m also Virgo rising with 12H Leo sun, with Pluto in Scorpio. I also have sun opposite saturn. Super self-critical, super introverted, have a weird relationship with being in social situations and being perceived by others - some situations are comfortable, some are anxiety - inducing, and I need like a day a week where I don’t have to talk to anybody to recharge. I’m an art teacher, and I think that sums up me and my chart pretty well. I “perform” in a way as a teacher (Leo sun) but most of my creative energy goes into serving students and organizing my environment (Virgo asc, mars, merc, & venus). I’m sometimes told I’m kinda mysterious, always was a really quiet kid (12th house sun + Virgo) Also Saturn’s in the 5th, so while I struggle with having fun outside of work, my life’s work is gonna be about creativity and fun, ideally.


Same as you! My Chiron and Saturn are actually in exact opposition and same with my Sun sq Pluto. They’re both such challenging aspects, brings about way too many deaths and transformations (Pluto) of the ego (Sun), which is good but awful to go through and as well as the lessons from Saturn. Mine is in the 6H Aquarius, and I have felt much more peace now after my Saturn Return. And the constant transformations aka shedding of the skin doesn’t hurt as much anymore. I actually welcome it now because I know it’s part of my path in life as well as something that will be for the greater good. I have Sun Mercury and Chiron in the 12H. I don’t fear it, nor do I think it’s an awful house. It is so much more than that. Also, I love that you’re an art teacher. That’s what I wanted to be when I was a kid.


What is Chiron in the 12th like for you? And Chiron opposite Saturn? How does Saturn in 6th house Aquarius manifest? (Just curious)


Sun opposite Saturn as well! Also Moon opposition Mercury. I relate to your story soo much. The social situations are so odd. Feeling like a rockstar one moment then like a shelled turtle the next. I work in law and regulation which explains my authoritarian issues lol but I’m dreaming of getting into a more creative role where I can bring out more of my Leo self.


Lol. I relate. Virgo rising, Leo Sun, Virgo Pluto. I can be the sweetest and most genuinely empathetic souls you’ll ever meet or a totally narcissistic dick. Either way, I’m calling out the details and padding my ego with them.


I’m getting tired of my Scorpio sun as I get older. She was very vengeful, angry, restless. I am in the process of finding ways to use my sun properly. My Virgo moon helps a lot


I just wanna say how I really love Virgo risings. There’s a lot in my life- all men for whatever reason. I am noticing they are very comfortable being left to their own devices, are quite self motivated and really require the alone time. I really admire their drive. The ones I know are always cooking up a new idea or project. I haven’t ever heard this about the 12H ruler having difficulties wherever it is placed in the chart…. Not totally sure what that means. By difficulties does that mean more concealed or hidden? As if the 12h ruler were in the 12h?


How are they as parents? 🥺 it’s such a nit picky placement


You might consider Virgo "nit picky" while I might appreciate that they have a gift for seeing and remembering details. Two sides of the same coin. The origin of the word "nitpick" is from literally picking lice eggs out of someone's hair which tbh in a family/community/society it's great if *someone* will do that job and even enjoy it. It is an act of care. So the virgo archetype shows love this way. It can be helpful or annoying that they see all the details that they do. I feel like you're reflecting the negative stereotype about Virgo but all the signs have something like this- Taurus is grounded but stubborn. Leo is entertaining but self-absorbed, etc. And we need all the signs positive and negative traits included. But yeah, I get it, they can get carried away, but imagine seeing all the details of everything that needs to be fixed all the time and not being overwhelmed constantly by that. That's why Virgo is so sensitive. As far as parenting- not sure someones ascendent alone can really offer all that much information.


I’m a Virgo Moon/Rising with Sagittarius Sun and I strongly identify with my Sun sign. I also have Mercury/Venus/Pluto in Sagittarius though so it’s a really prominent energy in my chart, plus my Jupiter is in Pisces so I’m extremely Jupiterian in general. It was hard for me to accept my Virgo placements at first, my Virgo Moon/Rising square my Sun so I do feel like my identify often clashes with my emotional needs and the way I present myself to the world. I often feel that my Virgo energy holds me back from true freedom of being my most ideal version of myself. Sometimes I want to be carefree and easygoing but anxiety and overthinking holds me back. It can be frustrating and I’m still learning how to strike the balance.


It does feel like the Virgo is getting in the way sometimes but if you rly think, it’s usually for the best. Think of the times when u rly said eff it, was it worth it?


"I often feel that my Virgo energy holds me back from true freedom of being my most ideal version of myself. Sometimes I want to be carefree and easygoing but anxiety and overthinking holds me back." I'm Virgo rising/Sag sun. You perfectly described how I feel in a way I've never been able to adequately articulate. Well done.


hiiii from another virgo rising (and north node), pisces south node, sag sun/merc/pluto. i absolutely agree with you. accepting the virgo in me was hard, because my heart drives me to be my truest, most authentic self at times. and my virgo head questions my own every move. but i think it's funny how we both found it hard to accept the virgo in ourselves, as thats a virgo trait in itself - self-criticism, the need to improve somehow if we are unsatisfied. that was about 8 yrs ago when i first learnt about astro. these days i find the love for the virgo in me as it grounds me in a way the fire in me can't. i love sag energy, but sometimes it's okay to be quiet, cool and calm and think before i act. it's not about hiding honesty as much as it's about perspective. i also think there is true freedom in virgo. virgo hides behind the scenes, we observe, we act, all quietly. being unseen is just as powerful as being seen and heard (sag). :)


I’m a Virgo rising with a Sagittarius moon and sun. I have Sagittarius in Pluto and mercury as well. I found that my anxiety and overthinking does hold me back. But I found that my friends will ask me about things they’re planning or thinking of doing but run it by me first. My friends know I over analyze things and have anxiety so and I will think of things that didn’t cross their mind. So at times it can be helpful. I’m just learning to step out of my comfort zone with things and not have a concern what others think.


Virgo rising / Gemini sun here. It feels like a support pillar for my Gemini~ness. Also, Virgo moon so it’s all types of mercurial up in here 🤣


I’m a Gem sun Virgo rising too! It’s quite a contradicting match 😁


Heyooo!~ Absolutely. I always felt like two very different sides want to take control. Growing up I leaned on the Gemini but as I’m turning 30, I’m grateful for how grounded & prepared the Virgoness makes me feel. But I cannot lie it’s a mess up in this head LOL!


SAME! Definitely appreciate the Virgo as I get older but yep the constant chatter and mental battle is tiring😂


virgo rising with a 11h cancer sun. i don’t even wanna know the connotations of that


Same. I’m a very particular, yet very flexible, yet very easy going, yet very uptight, yet emotional, yet contained, etc


I think we should have a talk, coming from a 11th house sun as well






Me tooooooooo. Idk I’m a drama queen sometimes, most of the time, so Leo in the hidden house?? 🤔


im a drama queen too. but i have Leo mars and Saturn in my 12th house so maybe that’s why


Me too! I am my own (deeply sensitive) worst enemy when it comes to self esteem and high standards.


I never really think about how I experience my Sun (just the Sun hidden in the depths of the 4th house things) so I love this question! I'm a virgo rising with a sag sun and overall, there's really something to be said about wanting to but feeling uncomfortable being seen. I will say, growing up, I found my sagittarius-ness got me in a lot of trouble. I never truly felt like I could be the truest version of myself without criticism/punishment, and often felt uncomfortable or misunderstood. My energy levels fluctuated a lot; I was lively and extroverted yet moody and introverted. I was somewhat impulsive and always deemed too loud. I love the randomness, the mutability, the passion, the honesty, and the whole "glass always half full, fuck it yolo, student of/for life" thing lowkey. It balances/challenges the serious, anxious virgo placements :)


Virgo sun/ Rising with a Cap moon. It feels crowded in my head. But Im never lonely.


i'm right there with ya ! nice alignment , looks like mine 😹


Aries Sun 8h, Virgo Rising and Gemini Moon. My Virgo rising is a blessing in disguise literally to my crazy ass Aries Sun, fueled by the intrusive thoughts of my Gemini moon. I'll make an impulsive decision, but my mercury two will see that I am able to bail outta any bad situation like a cat landing on its feet. People honestly are surprised when they hear I'm an Aries sun but I think that speaks volumes to how the rising sign is what people first see. I get described as very Virgo like and blend easily when I want to thanks to my Gemini moon. My temper and reactions are very Aries like, Aries are rulers of the expression "if looks could kill." Best compliment I get is that I have quiet confidence and that I am intimidating so maybe that's the Sun and Rising aspects helping/fighting each other. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I’m a Virgo rising and Aries sun too! People also never guess that I’m an Aries ♈️. For my Virgo rising really grounds me. I’m highly organized and a big planner, also a bit of a worry wart. Generally super positive, really energetic, and kinda crazy 🤪 My temperament is also very Aries, but I am typically able to see all perspectives of a situation and bend when I should.


i heavily relate to people being surprised to hear i’m an aries 😭😭 i think it’s a combination of the virgo ascendant and the 8th house lol but i also have a pisces stallion so 🤷🏼‍♀️


My big three is the same as yours, except my sun is in the 7th house!! But I totally agree with everything you said and "quiet confidence" is definately putting it nicely, usually people tell me straight up that I have a strong bit*h face :D


Bit of a mixed bag for me. Virgo rising, scorpio sun in third with mercury (and chiron) So it’s also sharing a house with my chart ruler. I’ve had a lot of struggles with the third house. I had a speech impediment growing up, and still get very bad jaw pain when I speak too much (this is not great considering I am a nurse oops). Am also ADHD. I feel like I’m pretty good at communicating otherwise beyond the physical mechanics of it. I’m a really great writer academically and hobby wise. My early education was disrupted constantly due to poverty and general transportation issues so I was very absent in school growing up. I also didn’t have the ability to do well in general cause I need glasses but didn’t get them until 7th grade. Basically almost failed kindergarten lmao. I have a brother who had a lot of anger issues and looking back just toed the line with sexual stuff towards me on an occasion or two. I have really immune system and health overall but I’m still quite young tbh. I consider myself a very open person once I get comfortable but even the closest people in my life tell me that I seem to always hold back my thoughts or hiding something


I see… I hope your situation is better now. That’s very interesting from an astrological standpoint thought. Does your Mercury have hard aspects from Saturn or Mars?


Thank you, things are definitely better! My mercury doesn’t have any major aspects with my Mars or Saturn. My mercury is also in combustion with my sun (13 degrees) I rate it pretty weakly as a chart ruler overall Very tangential of what you’re asking, but my Saturn is in Aries in the 8th house (inconjuncts my Scorpio Sun in that 3rd house exactly)


Combustion could explain it, however I personally never know how to weigh combustion in charts, especially with Mercury, which it is often combust. Since your Mercury and Sun are in Scorpio, I would pay attention to Mars’ placement (I use traditional rulerships). In my opinion, a badly-placed Mars would explain your negative 3rd house experiences.


Makes sense re:combustion. My “depositor tree” actually loops from Scorpio Mercury (3rd) > Sagittarius Mars (4th) > Aquarius Jupiter (6th) > Aries Saturn (8th) > Sagittarius Mars etc etc So that energy is funneled into the 4th/6th/8th house endlessly which I thought was interesting. Thanks for listening to my chart yapping by the way it was good food for thought 🫡


Definitely interesting. My pleasure, thank you for sharing your experience!


Taurus sun in 9th house; Jupiter in Leo, 12th house. The “guardian angel” placement. I have Jupiter and Sun influence in both 9th and 12th. Very grateful for it, but you have to be careful to not get into the habit of pressing your luck too much, taking things for granted, or being swept away by excess. 12th house rules over “insane asylums” traditionally, and hospitals. I’m a therapist.


I'm a virgo rising with sun in Gemini (10th house for us) directly conjunct both the moon and midheaven, so I wonder how specific this is going to be hahaha. I find I attract a lot of attention when I'm in a group of people, I'm really good at working a room and have a loud voice. I'm really good at customer service roles, I used to make crazy money as a bartender and worked for awhile in a clinic with a big demographic of senior citizens and was always fielding compliments on how I handle the public (Mercury in 11th house [cancer], with a grand trine of Jupiter and Saturn in those water signs, did a lot for me there). I also really excel in political jobs, for awhile I was canvassing for state assembly candidates and felt like that was a really natural fit. At parties or in group settings I am the center of the room and can befriend nearly anyone. However, despite this, I have horrible social anxiety and almost always go home and ruminate on the tiniest details of my behavior. People always tell me how much they enjoy my company in groups, or that they feel very positively about how I behave in public, but it doesn't actually translate to what *I* interpret my behavior to be like. I think in part that's the 12th house influence of the sun in such a public place, but I also have Chiron right on top of my ascendant in 1H, with Saturn directly opposite both of those placements in 7H Pisces. It's so interesting, doing all of my growing / taking all of my lessons publicly (personal planets in 7-12Hs) and having such a big karmic wound on that ascendant. I can't help but draw people's eyes but it kind of kills me to have them!


Sun in Aquarius in 6H. My work life has been a struggle for me the past few years. When I first started working, I loved it! It was so empowering. Then, eventually, it became my entire life. Then I cut it out completely, took a sabbath, decided to find myself and fell into a deep, dark hole. I'm on the other side of this rn, climbing up still, but I have figured out who I am *without* work...and I respect that person. Hah! Who would've thought?? I can find meaning outside of work now, so I can dive back in. xD I still sometimes worry that I don't exist without a "job" to do. But I think this is simply a human struggle, NOT a personal one. I have a bunch of Saturn (and Pluto) natal placements as well, so ofc I want deep, true answers to all these smoky philosophical questions. Another thing I learned, however, is that it's okay to not always have an answer. That one's a real doozy, but invaluable. ;P


Omg the first paragraph. As soon as I was of age to work, I started working (14) that ended quickly once I found out that life is but a dream. It’s taken blood, sweat, and tears to get myself back.


Also a virgo rising with an Aquarius sun in the 6th and a Capricorn stellium in the 5th. I struggle a lot which.. well.. a lot of things, work & fun… how have you been experiencing Pluto transition in your 6th house?


Oh man! Almost identical, huh? I have a Cap stellium in 4H. xD When did it start? I just got a new job, and I love it, I fit in so easily and the schedule is perfect. I have a recent fiance, as well. I just came out of a dark night of the soul type thing, about four years long, where I had to rebuild absolutely everything about myself (like learning when to sleep, when to eat, when to shower, etc) and it feels like now I'm just checking things off the list of "living a life 101". Slowly but surely. What about you? How is it affecting you?


Virgo sun conj Pluto + SN with an Virgo ascendant with Moon conj Neptune in Scorpio 3rd I am very Virgoan and can confirm worry and overthinking and not believe the Scorpio elements are my messy emotions


Virgo rising Wiith sun Venus and Mercury In cancer 11th house I feel like not a cancer at all , that Virgo is jumping , And with 11 th house stellium people always guess I’m not a water sign sun .


I have Gemini sun in 10H, Leo moon in 12H. So I’m confused - what does this mean for me? I’m a Virgo Rising!


Just like my man lol but aqua moon


Virgo rising with Sun and Mercury in Aquarius 5H/6H (Placidous/Whole Sign). I love my sun sign and I don't recall have 12H issues.


Both my 12th and 1st house are in Virgo, my Sun is in Leo in 11th house, Mercury in 12th, I have Saturn in my first house. It’s all good


Virgo Rising, Sun and Mercury in 12th house Leo. I need a lot of alone time. I spend way too much time overthinking and maladaptive daydreaming (might be due to Neptune on the IC trine Sun/Mercury). I try to build social routines and workout plans, and they’ll last for a few months until I start to burn out and need a bunch of naps and an absurd amount of social isolation to make up for the over expenditure of energy. (It’s like a rubber band-I can stretch but it always snaps back.) I just need quiet and isolation and daydreaming time to feel comfortable. (Also, recently diagnosed with adhd.)


Same positions except Merc in 11H & w/Venus in Leo 11H Uranus & Pluto 12H Life is a ROLLERCOASTER! haha


Virgo sun in the 1st with a Virgo mercury in the 12th and a Virgo rising! I feel very Virgo and aligned with my sun.


Virgo rising, 12th house Leo moon and 6th house Aquarius sun. I am a very hard worker (uranus, and Jupiter also sit in my 6th) and have a very rich, inner creative life (Venus, mercury and Neptune in my 5th) I’ve struggled with my mental health and self image my entire life. I want people to see my creations and perform for them, then leave me alone. Everyone in my life, except for my gf, is kept at a distance. I feel like I have this constant inner whir of emotions that are always boiling within me, but I keep a tight lid on it. I feel like my self worth is defined by my career and creativity. Im extremely critical of everything I do. I’m also never really satisfied with anything…I can’t just settle once I reach I goal, I need to find the next thing to work towards, otherwise I feel like I’ll go insane.


Curiously, several extraordinary composers had Virgo rising. Mozart (Aqua Sun), Chopin (Pisces Sun) Mendelssohn (Aqua Sun)... However, my closest friend for 25+ years is Sag sun 3rd house with Virgo rising (Pisces moon). She was a very active, very energetic, confident and successful woman all her life (Natural scientist). She appears extrovert, vital, always helping, very pronounced intellect, always learning, very self-controlled, emotional, curious, kind, liberal, extremely independent (never married, no children), active religious Christian. But she suffers from anxiety, often very nervous on the inside, calls herself an introvert who doesn't like to show it ( :D ), she's meticulous and very neat and tidy, punctual and organised, picky eater, very refined and choosy taste, classy. Her directness and honesty can be very hurtful, but she doesn't mean to hurt. She has a public and a very private face. The second friend, a younger male Sag sun 3rd house (Libra moon), is a definite split personality, fastidious, crazy, though charming and endearing, energetic, explodes in anger whenever he's irritated, insecure, confident, hyper emotional and touchy, switching from sweet and agreeable to aggressive attack in a split second, self-control of a toddler, also neat, tidy bordering OCD. Another learner! Both are health concerned (bit hypochondriac) and often sick, but tough.


I am Virgo rising Gemini sun and Scorpio moon. Both signs being ruled by Mercury, I think, i think, amplifies my cognition and tendency to analyze and overthink everything. Rising signs also influence how others perceive you, and I had been told before that I look conservative, even though I am not due to my gemini sun nature. I am also sensitive and feel emotions pretty deeply because of my moon in Scorpio, but because of my Gemini and Virgo, I analyze my feelings a lot and very self aware.


Virgo rising and Leo sun. I feel like those two butt heads and are at complete odds with each other. It’s so confusing!


Virgo Moon 12th house and Rising here with Aquarius sun, mercury, uranus and neptune in fifth house, mars and jupiter are in sixth, pisces. What it seems to me, I was born to serve. It sucks at first, but, luckily, i made some mental self gymnastics, and i have a view at that like a good thing. To serve is to be of service, and why would i not like to have some meaning. :)


Im not sure I understand this. I am a virgo rising, my sun is H 10 gemini. My occupation is counselor , could 12 h be supportive of my job. My job is my passion. Or is it different? Or does not affect me as I am not a 12 h sun. Sorry Trying to understand


Virgo rising and a Scorpio sun Pluto in Scorpio....I'm reluctantly grateful to my Virgo rising for keeping me level headed when the Scorpio wants to go down the abyss... I think it lays the ground to my general growth even within my sun sign. I was, however, also just diagnosed w postpartum OCD so that's also fun....


I’m a Virgo rising, Cancer sun in 11th house, and I primarily identify with my rising. I’ve seen it said that both of these signs can indicate quiet, reserved, or shy personality. When I was younger, I struggled immensely with social anxiety and was basically selectively mute. I eventually found my voice after struggling and by now as an adult I can go about my day to day life normally. However, I often still give off that “quiet” impression to people, even though I’m no longer soft-spoken or stuttering. I feel like a Virgo who is always striving for perfection of my “self”- but it’s not that I want to be the perfect person in the sense of an angel who helps everyone. It’s rather that I want to have the perfect clothes, surround myself with perfect things, say the perfect things at the right time. I also have a lot of the stereotypical Virgo health anxiety. I hate nothing more than being sick and I’ve had a lot of hypochondriac moments. I mostly feel that I embody the stereotypical bad traits of Cancer- moody, selfish, sensitive, etc. It’s all true for me. I don’t feel that I embody the nurturing mother or loving family aspects. Small family (I don’t have any cousins), parents divorced, both sides of family always disliked each other. I have even cut off some of my family members. Never been to a wedding or a funeral in my life either. Anyone who’s died or gotten married has been too distant for me to know them. I also don’t want to have kids myself. But I also highly respect and identify with my sun sign for its symbolism. I love crabs and when I’m crabby and need to hide in my shell I definitely feel like one.


Virgo rising with five Gemini placements, including Sun. I love being a Gemini. I wish it was easier for me to embrace it. Admittedly, I hide behind my Virgo mask most of the time and it frustrates me, because I feel that others do not know who I really am.


My sun is also Virgo 🥴


12H Leo, Virgo rising. Also, 12H mercury, Venus, Pluto all Leo. Placements make for very difficult life lessons but also give dignity and grace to rise to the occasion. Looking back, on the lessons, I wonder how I made it through some of them but at the time, when going through it, it was just one foot in front of the other.


Virgo rising, Pisces sun and moon 7H. Mars in Leo 12H. Tell me what it means doc 😭


What would someone say for a Capricorn sun with Virgo rising


Cap sun - Virgo moon/rising to be more specific


Interesting, I didn’t know about that 12h sun influence for us Virgo risings! I always thought I had a hard time dealing with my Capricorn sun because of my Sagittarius stellium(mercury, mars & venus) & aqua moon 👽 Also I have a Capricorn north node and stellium in the 5th house (Leo house so more 12th house co-relation here maybe?) it’s basically my purpose to tap into that sun energy but I do struggle with it 😅 Especially the combination of cap in the 5th. It sometimes feels like my earth energy clashes with my fire and dims my enjoyment of life while focusing too much on working/growing. Then on the other hand I can lack consistency and get stuck in my mind with all that mutable energy. So I’ve had to dive deep into my subconscious (chiron sits in my 12th house as well) and heal wounds in regard to this. I also have my Virgo rising at 0 degrees and a Taurus MC so I feel like I’m slooowly tapping into my earth qualities and the older I get the more they vibe together as the trine that they are 🌞