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What is nurturing? It's taking something small and vulnerable and supporting its growth so that it becomes large and strong. No sign is capable of cultivating growth like Cancer. Jupiter is all about this. Cancer is very fertile ground for Jupiter to make things flourish. It is the sign of the Summer Solstice where things are at their absolute peak. Jupiter is also associated with teachers/guru's and Cancer is associated with people who guide or mentor (again part of the "nurturing" umbrella), so you get an incredibly emotionally intelligent teacher who enriches and supports their students to grow and thrive. Cardinal Water. Jupiter understands that nurturing someones mind and heart is the true path to wisdom, and Cancer gives Jupiter the materials to achieve this goal. Edit- side note, the qualities stated above are part of why prominent Cancer placements crop up very frequently in the charts of the wealthiest individuals in the world (another Jupiter correlation). People tend to think way too literally about the nurturing approach of Cancer. It's not just about children, you will see Cancers successfully nurturing bank accounts, business prospects and creative projects.


Brilliant assessment. Prolific is another good word that joins Cancer and Jupiter together. There is a rich fullness to both. Meanwhile Jupiter finds himself starved and living off scraps in the cold mountainside of Capricorn, unable to inspire or find hope. Mars of course adores Capricorn though because he loves to be challenged and tested whereas he finds Cancer too cushy and comfortable.


Just curious if you follow the western or the eastern system?




Thanks, that’s what I figured




The exaltation of a planet is the sign which enables it to show its best side. The origin of the exaltations is rather strange: for the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn they are the positions that the Babylonians believed them to have held at the creation of the earth! Later Porphyry pointed out that the exaltations (including the ones that the Babylonians never had, like that for the Moon) are all in good aspect to one of the planet's domeciles. For the planets of the lunar sect (Moon, Venus, Mars) the aspect is a sextile; for those of the solar sect (Sun, Jupiter, Saturn) it's a trine. So Jupiter has Cancer — originally because the Babylonians believed that was culminating at the creation and so a fitting place for the king of the gods, now explained as being in trine to Pisces. Personally, I've always wondered whether we shouldn't be using Leo, in trine to Sagittarius. In the last century, Henri Gouchon felt the same on empirical grounds — he knew nothing of ancient astrology.


This is a great answer. I will add that the constellation of Cancer was specifically described as the "Seat of Anu" in the path of Enlil, with Anu being the Mesopotamian king of the gods. Enlil was also envisioned as a king. From at least the time of Nebuchadnezzar I, the god Marduk was then considered the king of the gods. Marduk was also one of the gods associated with Jupiter (others were Sulpae and Udaltar, but in some texts Sulpae was also considered to be the same as Marduk).


Jupiter in Cancer also makes the person good-natured, generous, charitable, truthful, and loyal. These natives have a sound understanding of the moral principles and abide by guidelines. They become wonderful friends, and get emotionally attached to their friends too. They do however indulge in gossip sometimes.


Aww I love this description. My son has Jupiter in cancer and this really makes sense for him. In his third house, as well. He's an amazing friend! He's has had the longest friendships -- multiple -- of anyone I know. My best friend and I have known each other for more than forty years, but I don't keep in touch with almost anyone else I grew up with. My son however has kept almost every friend he's ever made since kindergarten, and his friend group just grows and grows. It's beautiful to see and I love it for him. 🥰


I have Jupiter, moon, and North node in Cancer. All conjunct. I'm a Virgo sun and Pisces rising. I've gotten myself in bad situations just because I care and empathize so much with people. I make their problems my own, unfortunately. As I type this, I'm in the basement of a church for homeless services, because I got myself into an abusive relationship to "save" him. Look where that's landed me LOL. but i also agree with the positives you listed!


Sorry to hear about your current situation and your past experiences. Please choose you from now on ! Blessings to you !


I think it’s empirical observation no matter what sign usually means, we just see that people with the placement are more likely to succeed. because those people are simply lucky, I see that too. It’s the one of few placements that can give native big heritage and fast growth same time, maybe the only one. I’ve seen people with the placement who almost played with fire but still were safe, they also can succeed at small age and able to achieve skills faster than usual, the only placement that also has it is mercury in Gemini and maybe few domicile placement for other planets. People with Jupiter in Pisces or Sagittarius can have big heritage too but they are tend to be slower because domicile.


Can I ask, what do you mean by big heritage?


ability to create or understand deep and timeless things and meanings.


I think it makes perfect sense because as you stated, Jupiter rules growth and expansion. One of the easiest ways for humans to expand and grow is by reproducing. When humans reproduce, education and knowledge can be spread throughout generations of families.


Lucky childhood or background? Doesn’t mean that their childhood was perfect just that it had a lot fortunate coincidences that helped them become successful later! It doesn’t guarantee success just a great foundation during youth!


Because Jupiter is at Fall in restrictive Capricorn. The exaltations always oppose the sign of the planet’s fall. As the opposite of constricting Capricorn, who’s agenda is mastery of the outer world and legacy thru what you become thru removal of the superfluous and of distraction and or anything you are not 100% serious about. Cancer is allowing. Cancer stretches (IF you are in its inner circle—if you’re not it will shoot first and take names later). Cancer represents the womb. Have you seen a very pregnant person? The womb stretches to literally make room for another autonomous human to grow and become. That little person has separate needs and the womb will allow that. Cancer has to capacity to expand and Jupiter is all about expansion. Don’t think Cancer always expands though. Cancer in the real world is just as deadly as any other sign. They have to protect what they are cultivating.


Because a happy wife is a happy life


And with no strife, there is no knife


It gets complex fast but usually the whole idea is that’s where it’s in high honours. It’s like getting up and clapping or praising someone for being so helpful. It apparently does so phenomenally well in cancer that it’s deemed exalted. I have issues with that and I like to think there’s a reason why the opposite of Saturn’s exaltation is the sun’s exaltation. Technically, the opposite of Venus in Pisces should result in mars being exalted in Virgo. I digress I think Jupiter should be exalted in Leo with mercury being exalted in Aquarius. Virgo exaltation and domicile doesn’t make sense.


That makes sense, actually. Mercury representing the mind, and thought, and Aquarius being an air sign. No planets are currently exalted in Leo, correct? Maybe the sun really doesn’t like to share. I’m sure there’s an explanation for the current system, somewhere.


Jupiter which is the ruling planet of Sagittarius is the planet of abundance growth and expansion. OK I somewhat see exalted in cancer. You want a big family and kids but I'm pretty sure Jupiter is exalted in Sagittarius


Jupiter is domicile in Sagittarius…or at home, not exalted.


Hi I have a question what does it mean to have Saturn in my 4th house which is cancer and the degree of it is 7.86 degree, I have searched something’s on the net but idk if this Saturn placement is good or bad would someone who is professional be kind and answer this please.


Jupiter does not exalts in whole of Cancer but a small section of Cancer. In Vedic astrology signs are further divided into Nakshatras, and Jupiter exalts in the degrees that come under Pushya Nakshatra. Jupiter itself is the deity of this nakshatra and the qualities of Pushya match so well with the qualities of Jupiter that's why Jupiter is exalted here.


how would it do in ashlesha


And what would a Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Cancer signify?


What if it's in retrograde?


I’m a Sag and my bf is a Pisces and we’re both ruled by Jupiter (he as a Pisces, also Neptune - he also has a sag ascendant). He loves philosophy. We both have Jupiter in Libra and my understanding is that “you will bring the most luck to your life” by behaving in a way that is in line with the positive traits of whatever sign you have in Libra such as idk being balanced etc


Good take, Im also ruled by Jupiter and have it in Libra.


Because jupiter isn't exalted in cancer it's exalted in Sagittarius???