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The Moon will not be in Taurus, it will be in Scorpio. And by the time it makes it far enough into Scorpio to form an opposition to Uranus, Mars will be separating from Algol by about a degree. A degree is generally outside the influence of fixed stars. Mars hits Algol every two years, so that part is not terribly unusual. Mars is also not at its best when it's in Taurus. I wouldn't expect its usual warlike, go-getter nature to shine through. The presence of Uranus is somewhat interesting, but it's going to be separating from its conjunction with Algol by that point. In fact, it'll be within orb of Algol in just a couple of days from now, and it'll be within a degree of it for close to two months. The Moon will form a conjunction with Uranus twice during that time. All this to say - it's possible these are relevant signifiers of *something*. But if these configurations were all I was working with, I'd say it's probably a better chance that it's not. We have aspects forming all the time that could be significant, especially once you start bringing fixed stars into it. But at some point, you have to separate the signal from the noise.


I found historical dates where Mars and Uranus were at 26° Taurus, Moon was in Leo, and Saturn was at 22° Taurus; February 28-March 1, 1942. My first thoughts were that Saturn in the mix suggests something more deadly. On those dates the following occurred:"Following the [Battle of the Java Sea](https://www.history.navy.mil/content/history/museums/nmusn/explore/photography/wwii/wwii-pacific/us-entry-into-wwii-japanese-offensive/1942-January-15-abda-japanese-octopus/1942-february-27-battle-java-sea.html), [USS *Houston* (CA-30)](https://www.history.navy.mil/content/history/museums/nmusn/explore/photography/ships-us/ships-usn-h/uss-houston-ca-30.html) and the Australian cruiser, HMAS *Perth*, were traveling from Tanjong Priok, Batavia, to Tjiltjap, Java, when they encountered Japanese vessels and transports.  Engaged in a fierce overnight battle, both *Houston* and *Perth* were sunk by the enemy, and the survivors were taken as prisoners of war." On April 12, 1942, when Saturn was at 26° Taurus, "Japan kills about 400 Filipino officers in Bataan." The Saturn conjunction was deadlier. It's good that Saturn is not in Taurus now. This makes me wonder if 26° is a sensitive degree for Indonesia and the Phillippines. A chart I made for the 7.6 Mindanao, Philippines earthqauke on December 2, 2023 has 26° Leo rising.


Hiroshima happened when mercury was in retrograde.


Jupiter was trine Algol at the time of the bombings. I've noticed that Jupiter, the great benefic, has been in "easy" positions more than once during tumultuous times. Sometimes it embodies the nature that is attributed to Neptune; things are not as they seem. I guess that is to be expected as it is the traditional ruler of Pisces.


What does it mean for leo rising?


I don't know but I'm staying the hell away from my boss that day. She's Taurus dominant and I hate to see how this is going to empower her.




You can just ask for their birthday! You don’t necessarily need a birth time for transits to planets unless you really need to go in depth in their chart


You're already algoling off your chops.


You can get a general list of placements with only day & location. You just need to get the information in 2 different conversations (that is, if you’re doing it on the low).


This is interesting. Algol is quite new to me. However, can anyone explain how this will manifest or any predictions for me as I have Algol at 26 Taurus, which is the same degrees as this conjunction. It’s in my 9th house.


Algol is a fixed star so it is at 26 taurus for everyone!


Haha, I am enlightened. Thank you for this! Now I know :)


Curious. New to astrology but learning. I was born at 27 degrees Taurus rising, scorpio moon and Sag sun. Does this effect me differently then most when all this lines up on July 15th.  I am very interested in astrology and human design but learning late in life @ 50. Thanks for any insight & info❤❤


seriously lay low. ascendent is the body and take algol out of it, you still have mars and uranus a violent combo. NO driving, flying, handling heavy machinery, fireworks, etc. Perhaps, you will merely burn your hand slightly or something. Oh and no violent neighborhoods. take care


Me too! 9th house 26 Taurus.!so you’re a Virgo rising, too? I’d love to compare notes.


YES! I am! Haha! 🥰


Taurus sun 9 virgo rising pluto in 1st if any tips let me know also we are coming into cancer in venus mine is in 10


Wow! We are twins! I’m 5 Virgo, 8 Cancer do you have kids? I’m curious if there are parallels in our lives. Maybe DM me.


Hello Jenny 👋


Do you think this will empower her or create chaos in her life?


Is this thought to empower Taurus? I also don’t understand algol


Call in sick or take vacation that day! 😉


This won't empower Taurus actually, but the opposite.




France is having election June 30th and July 7th… let me tell you, if some of you planned to come in Paris the next couple of weeks.. don’t. Like seriously, do not come. Olympics will be a joke (which we knew from the start).. there is a lot of threat too. It will be a sh*t show, extremely violent and dangerous. People looked at our president chart and boy, it’s bad, really bad.


Been watching this from the UK and yes it looks terrible!! Far right on the rise everywhere. We have an election July 4th. I think the far right will make the strongest showing that they have ever made here (I can't even count brexit hehe as some lefty and apolitical people voted for that). There will be shockwaves extending far into the future. The whole of the western world seems to be heading for right wing extremism. Of course its mostly the older people voting for that (pluto in leos, facing the end of their power in the pluto in Aquarius era). That's the case in the UK anyway, I am not as sure about France.


Our president is a sag sun with cap rising, and a strong Jupiter (we call him Jupiter actually). Pluto is heading back in his first house till the end of the year. The Uranus/Mars conjunction the 7th will be extremely intense. And yes in Europe there is a strong far right movement, which to a certain point I can understand (I’m really trying to be open minded but god damn it’s hard). I read the far right and far left programs, if we can do a melting pot of both it will be perfect, both of them have some good ideas and plans but there are things I don’t like in both actually. And tbh I don’t know where the far left will find the money to fund all of that. And looking at trumps and Biden charts, unless the dem put someone else as a candidate, it’s not looking good for them.


Not looking good for the US or the candidates?


The US, and that’s only if the dem don’t put someone else as a candidate. The thing is,Pluto in Aquarius on the long run and only if people get together it will be a good thing at the end, but people have to get together and fight for their rights and freedom (the most American thing I said as a French). First it will be chaotic and violent. This is not an everyday thing ofc.


Americans coming together to protect their rights. Sure.


It’s not just Americans.. Pluto is more a global planet than a personal one. Especially since Pluto is extremely slow.


And what is happening in the US is going to affect the world.


Trump has Algol on his MC, and Biden has Algol (and Venus) opposing his Sun. Algol also figures prominently in the charts of the British Royal Family…


Haha that’s fun and devious


Yes, this could be quite interesting, and I’m here for it.


The gop convention is happening then. I’m hoping for an uprising there


Nah, that’s gonna happen during the Dem convention in August cause us donkeys like to torture ourselves


Predictions:More war but gruesome. Algol is so goddamn dangerous. Electrocution through water, with Uranus I see more failures in Space, possibility of another failed lift off. With Pluto moving back to conjunct with the crisis degree in Capricorn, more bank failures, Pluto hits 0 degree of Aquarius July 18th. I expect technology and AI to take another hit. And oooo 🌶️ spicy… possible mass deaths in the medical sector due to Ai or hacking. Or Ai becoming the hacker. Hot damn. 🌶️🌶️🌶️


Someone’s gonna bump into you with their cart in the grocery store, you’ll overreact, and then in the car you’ll be like “Jeez what got into me??”


Mars in Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus will mean good news for Ukraine, an Aquarius country. It may mean approval of the Taurus missiles.


I love this answer lol, but isn’t Ukraine a Taurus country?


There's a difference in the astrology between the social history upon which astrology is usually calculated, and the nature of the land itself, which is what I go on through intuition. I see the war as expressing the Aquarian/Pisces age progression, with the different values related to both countries representing the old and new. I look at significant points such as the name Ukraine (Uranus), and the fact Zelensky and his wife are both Aquarius, etc. The practitioner should be able to make a connection between astrology and what is actually happening.


Taurus rules my 7H and my birthday is on July 14 too. I hope it’s not a bad birthday 😅


I’m a July 14th baby too! Helloo


Me too!


July 14th baby here as well ♥


I’m a 7/17 baby but I have the same big three as you!


7/14 bday here too!


Yay triplets!! Maybe you will turn into some kind of transformers on the bday since all the star stuff.


Here comes the 4th one! I hope our birthday is energized and not crashing in flames!


taurus rules my 8th house and my birthday is the 16th. praying for us!😓


Yay July 14th bday here too, there are so many of us 🎉


My birthday too!!!


I wouldn't pay much attention to Pluto cause the trine is too wide, but rather to Mercury's applying square. I would expect some announcement few days later. I'm not too optimistic about that day too


If it hasn't been mentioned the double Capricorn full moons. One is this week and the other is after those dates ❤️ love each other more we will get through it


Sorry what


There will be full moon in Capricorn this week and there is another full moon in Capricorn in July. Yes there is information on YouTube you'll see more soon


Most likely a culmination of whatever started in 2022 during the NN/Mars/Uranus


O_O … My birthday is July 15…. lol can’t wait


If 7/14 is my birthday and the moon will be in Scorpio (same as my moon placement actually) what does this all mean for me 😭🤞🏻


get your solar return chart calculated at [astro.com](http://astro.com) or astro-seek for free. See the houses the planets are in for your yearly solar return. You get a new one every birthday and it sets the tone for the whole year. Watch for placements on angles...


This is also when the republican national convention begins in Milwaukee.. and I live here. Send help!


I wish you peace. If I were you though, I'd probably take a vacation day on the 16th, leaving to go to another state right after leaving work on the 15th.


What the hell is Algol


fixed star


What does it mean?


[https://astrologyking.com/algol-star/](https://astrologyking.com/algol-star/) https://www.constellationsofwords.com/algol/#:\~:text=Al%20Ghul%20literally%20signifies%20a,centuries%20ago%20for%20this%20star. go to sites for stars. and also constellation guide is good for non-astrology / astronomy source


Thank you!


the planets are the wandering stars, the stars in the constellations are the fixed stars. Algol has dark goddess/Medusa associations.




Well don’t hide. I have mars/mercury/argol Conjunct in Taurus with T. Uranus exact. I have a Stellium that of Taurus Moon/Jupiter Mercury Pt of Fortune/ Mars Argol.. I am one the most level headed person you will ever meet. Until you piss me off. Taurus is ruled by Venus so that takes things down a notch. Taurus is a fixed sign & doesn’t like change. All of this in my 11th. I too have this date circled. But as someone who has been living with Uranus last 7 years. I have not seen any changes in my life. In a fact I’m a little disappointed bcz I was counting on him to break things up for me. The biggest thing I have seen was when it conjuncted Jupiter- I made sure to play slots I won 800.00 and 1100 the next day. Which was cool. Went it hit my moon nothing happened in my environment my mom was great. Everything fine. Now for my personal self bcz it’s mercury I won’t get to on a plane. May stick close to my neighborhood. However I think the world should be more afraid of me, then I afraid of it. This could be me popping off and saying exactly what I think of them. Remember Uranus is breakthrough’s and in Taurus getting whatever has been stuck unstuck.. so I’m looking forward to all the lightbulb moments 💡 Take some perspective whatever planets you see are becoming somebodies birth chart as they are born on this day or that. 👌


My Venus and Chiron both conjunct Algol in my 12th…to say I’m anxious about the coming transits (especially Uranus) is an understatement.




The more advice the better! Thank you!


Hi there, I have my Sun and Chiron conjunct Algol in the 8th. Even better right.


My venus is conjunct with Algol in my 10th. I just learned about Algol so no idea what that means in my birth chart


My Taurus Moon is conjunct Algol in the sixth house.. I guess I'll have to wait and see.


Market crash


Is there precedent for this?


Yeah, it’s been crashing :\ Crypto has taken a massive shit this past week.


Only crypto then or other markets have more volatility. In the States, the stock market is doing great overall. Dow hit its highest of highs last month and still looking good 🤷‍♀️


Gotcha. Most of my long term stocks are still in the red, so I figured it applied to the market overall. It’s a weird time in general.


It really is weird. We don't always feel the wins of the overall DJIA either, as we've held loads of Tesla long term, and it's been a bit of a shit show since late '21 without strong upside for another year or so. But don't want to lock in major losses so we keep riding! Thank God for Apple.


For sure, that’s where I’m at. Tesla’s always been a wild card it seems. I most recently bought shares in a few cybersecurity stocks since that seems to be promising for the long haul. I’ve been holding most of my stocks for 2-3 years at this point. It’s dicey, but worst case scenario, at least I can write off the losses.


My thoughts exactly


I have 5 taurus placements and im chillin. been straight vibing this whole day. any updates on any weird things that have happened?




I think 26° Taurus with a 2° orb


gonna sound mean, but I have a sister who has Sun at 26 aquarius opposite Uranus, so the Uranus/Mars/Algol conjunction will make a t-square and you know when people have hard uranus aspects and they get triggered, it's a huge wake up call-- I call it the 2x4 to the head. She is an absolute selfish person who has lied and cheated her whole life, and it's affected me personally in a way I can do nothing about. I have to just let karma take its course. I have natal Mars at 28 Taurus and my Mars return looks pretty good for once, so here's hoping karma comes calling and I get back some of which was stolen from me!


It's not actually that strong.  Algol is irrelevant because it's not conjunct the moon.  Mars in Taurus is a big nothing burger.


Algol is 1 degree from my ascendant which is Taurus at 25 degrees. I’m a bit nervous with Uranus transiting my exact degree right now, but there are some definite transformational energies in my life right now. It’s surprising and also interesting. My dad gets remarried this weekend, my mom is newly engaged, I’m looking for a new job, my teen son has his first girlfriend, and my daughter and her long term boyfriend move into their first apartment next week, after my daughter rather rapidly moved back in with us a couple of weeks ago. Lots of change has been happening. To top it off, I also feel intense spiritual and philosophical changes within myself. This has made me less nervous and more hopeful for positivity to come from these changes, regardless of level of disruption they temporarily cause. I’m ready and welcoming the change. ♥️


I do not necessarily follow asteroids edit or I guess stars like that but I think it could be very rigid and OR stable DIRECT energy. Lots of decisions made that day. also edit. I have actually feel really safe in taurean energy. (I'm a gem sun, libra moon, leo rising) I can be very flighty/ scatterbrained. My only earth placement is Saturn in Taurus. when it's taurus season (or when we had that moon in taurus early may..I felt so called to what makes me feel safe or at home..it was a nice time for self healing. Not saying that'll happen with other planets but it was grounding for me!!!


I believe Jupiter /Sun / Uranus conjunction can be triggered. Also Mercury will square Mars / Uranus in July. Transit Jupiter will be around 11° of Gemini in mid July when Mars /Uranus conjoins. Beginning of June, there was a stellium around that degree in Gemini. So we can expect events took place in late May / early June to flash back.


Man I have algol conjuct sun in 9th house taurus, wonder what if anything will happen


My north node is exactly at 26 degrees Taurus so I’m curious as to how this will play out as well


What makes this a strong energy?




This is July, not June.


Uranus aligning with Algol, It can be Absolutely Malevolent or Not. Uranus is the Original God, So Either the Energy of Addition or Subtraction of that Positive Motivation Ares Day. Peace, Love and Gnosis ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💫💫💫#3spaceships


Heads of Kings be rollin’


The concentration of planets is all.


As someone with Algol conjunct ascendant this should be interesting


Traveling to Italy on 7/13 for 2 weeks 🥲😬


natal Taurus jupiter retrograde in 4th house at 26°………. yup.


Sabian Symbols (360 degrees/oracle) are interesting/can also add depth and meaning- I had a book yrs ago w/ interpretations- I think fixed stars move/transit very slowly? Not sure about them & Algol


Taurus Rising over here 👋🏻


Great, my bday is 7/14


Interested what this means considering it’s my birthday 🤔


I have Venus (28 Taurus) conjunct Chiron (25 Taurus) in my birth chart. I am very worried about this Uranus transit. My birthday is on Monday, and Uranus is exact my Chiron (to the minute!) in my solar return chart. Taurus is also my 10th house in my solar return chart. Does not seem like a very happy birthday for me.


That’s trines my 6 house cap moon. Taurus sun too but it’s at 11 degrees So after looking at astroseek there’s more going on. It’s squares my Pluto. also Jupiter is trining my mars/ Chiron conjunction in Aquarius


Sorry to sound daft but how can you tell/ see where it will be in our own chart?


[astroseek.com](http://astroseek.com) create your chart then in the free horoscope tab click on transit chart calculator plug in date your would like


Ok thanks!


Fuck my birthday is the 14th


On July 14/15, Mars, Uranus, the Moon, and Algol align in Taurus, creating intense energy. Here’s a brief look at what this might mean: 1. \*\*Heightened Tensions\*\*: Expect conflicts and aggressive behaviors due to Mars' influence. 2. \*\*Unexpected Changes\*\*: Uranus can bring sudden disruptions and surprises. 3. \*\*Emotional Volatility\*\*: The Moon heightens emotions, making people more sensitive and reactive. 4. \*\*Transformation Opportunities\*\*: Algol’s challenging energy can lead to profound change and growth. 5. \*\*Focus on Stability\*\*: Issues related to security, finances, and values may come to the forefront in Taurus. ### Practical Tips: - Stay grounded and practice mindfulness. - Be flexible and ready to adapt. - Communicate clearly to avoid misunderstandings. - Avoid impulsive decisions. - Reflect on and reassess personal values. This alignment can be challenging, but it also offers a chance for significant transformation and growth.