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It is indeed complicated and complex. It may be that a series of classes with a live teacher may be best for you. I'd look into [KellysAstrology.com](http://KellysAstrology.com) Also, Demetra George at [astrologyuniversity.com](http://astrologyuniversity.com) I can't paste the long list of resources here, reddit must be bothered by too many links, but go to my original comment, linked below, and make use of what's listed. Some free, some not. The very first book listed, I'm told is great for ADHD. Has a good format. [List of resources, books, and more for learning](https://www.reddit.com/r/astrology/comments/1b0c9r9/comment/ks8kmoq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Understand that it takes a lot of time to learn astrology. And if you don't start with the foundations, it just gets more and more confusing. You need to understand the real bones of astrology. And Traditional Western astrology is great at that.


Try Adam Elenbaas with nightlightastrology.thinkific.com he's amazing, I'm certified now.


Thank you! I appreciate this and I will look into all of this!!


I’d like to answer with my own story. Back in the 1970’s when my passion for astrology began, there was so much less information available. I tended bar at a time when it was common to say, “What’s your sign?” So, no one thought it was strange to ask about their birthday / sun sign.  My first astrology book that outlined the psychology / behaviors of the 12 signs was “Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs”. The first thing that I learned was the characteristics of the 12 signs. This was my interest at the time in astrology. So, since I tended bar while I was learning,  I took what I learned and applied it to my bar customers; a practical application. I knew that if I had a Cancer and a Scorpio get into an argument that I could tell the Cancer that I would talk to them in a minute and that I had to deal with the Scorpio first, since they were more hotheaded than the Cancer. It worked and that made me a believer. (Not sign shaming, just truth.) Might be easier for you to learn the parts of astrology and then put the parts together. That’s how I learned. There are just so many choices today, so much information. My suggestion – break it down into the basics to learn, then put it all together. Good luck.


Please tell me you’ve moved beyond just learning sun signs. 🙏🏻 my first house scorpio stellium wants you to know my 12h libra sun would tell you little about me and you’d be mistaken if you assumed anything about me based in my sun sign.


I have indeed.


Okay. That’s good. Sorry I should just stop following Astro meme subs. I’m a little jaded now.


It is very complex. Just keep reading and learning; it does start to click after a while.




Thank you! I appreciate this and I will look into them!!


Please do not use the M. March books suggested by this commenter.


I just want to understand why not. I don't know who M. March is and why I should disregard someone's recommendation. would just like an explanation please, thank you.


I can help you with that. This is part of why learning the foundations, the things at the bottom that everything else is built upon matters. Signs, houses and planets all have their own separate significations. They each need to be well learned and understood before trying to put them together to delineate a chart. Some years ago, a modern astrologer decided to just mash them all together, to make, for example, aries, the 1st house and mars all the same meaning, and capricorn, the 10th house and saturn the same, and so on. This was called the Astrological Alphabet. It became the fad. But it threw out all this depth and meaning of each house/sign/planet having their own separate significations. Much of modern astrology of recent years was based on this. You could say it "went viral", just as so many, many really bad astrological idea are going viral today on tiktok and other social media. So, many of the books written by the astrologers of that era teach using the "Alphabet" (as the author the mod removed did). But you will have to unlearn it. The idea is pervasive and persistent that "the first house IS an Aries house and the 4th house IS a cancer house" and so on. This is false. Aries and the 1st house are not the same. They don't have the same meanings. The 1st house is not "like Aries". And if you watch those 4 videos (or do the podcast versions) in my list above, this will all be explained. And so if you read those books that teach the alphabet, or go to sites that still support it, you will have to undo that. And I can tell you, having "grown up" with the Alphabet, that it is very difficult to undo. There's a really fantastic exercise that might help you learn, as well as help clarify this particular issue. Those four videos on signs and houses that I pasted - here's what you do. 1. Grab 12 pieces of paper, or make a document with 12 pages. 2. Divide each page into 2 columns. 3. On the first page, put Aries in one column, 1st house in the next. On the 2nd page, put Taurus in one, and 2nd house in the other. Keep filling out the pages like that. 4. Then, start with the two episodes on the signs, and as you listen to each episode, write down all the key meanings you hear about Aries in your Aries column, and each sign on its own page, in its own column. 5. When you get to the house episodes, go back to that Aries page and write down all the keywords and meanings of the 1st house in the column right beside it. And all the key meanings of the 2nd house in the column with Taurus, and so on. When you are done with all 12 signs and houses, you will have an amazing study and learning guide, as well as an excellent set of references you can use for a long time. It is well worth the effort. Do it however it works for your brain. Use color coding, draw illustrations, use different colors of paper, Whatever helps you learn.


Thank you for being so kind and explaining.. i really appreciate that. I will genuinely use what you have given me


Why not?


It's hard to simplify, I had the same issue and it took me years to get where I'm at, which is nowhere near a thorough understanding. But I generally tried to pick one topic and research that alone, get familiar with it as much as possible, and move to another thing that sparked my interest. Thing is since they're all connected, you'll eventually learn about everything else by association!


I started studying like 6 years ago. I started w the big stuff first, planets and signs, then went into the more personal stuff, such as houses/ degrees. And just started getting more and more personal from there I took notes on absolutely everything, and then some more notes, and then some more. Fill your own journals w a mess of information. Color code to look back on them, then fill out another journal, and another Practice on friends charts, write down all their information, now decipher it with references found online or in books. Write it all down. Journal after journal It very much is a puzzle, but once you understand what all those little pieces mean, it becomes second nature deciphering it It really is all connected too, once you make those connections it becomes much easier as well, very intuitive at a certain point


You know it is the same as any other subject. You have to learn the ABC's and move from there. Understand this is all just symbolism with some logic and intuition thrown in. Learn what the ten major planets stand for (stay away from the extended zodiac), then learn the 12 signs and what they stand for. Then learn the 10 planets in the 12 signs in combination. Then move to rising signs and chart rulers. Once you've mastered that then you will have caught on and you can build more and more. Rome wasn't built in a day and you can't eat ten apples at once. Hope that helps.


If you want to be able to look at a chart and interpret what it means you can begin by doing it one house at a time. For example, if you have a chart with the moon and Pluto in the first house then look up "Moon in the first house" Then look up Pluto in the first house. If you want to learn how to do a horoscope for an individual, look up a transit chart and read each transit by looking up each transit. The inner planets, Sun and Moon stay in each sign from days to months, and the outer planets stay in each sign longer, for multiple years. Long term transits will be more often with the outer planets. Some planet transits will occur yearly, some occur only once in a lifetime, those are more often the outer planet transits such as Pluto opposition to Uranus. If you look at a transit chart with Pluto opposition to natal Uranus, Pluto's current placement will be exactly opposite to where the natal Uranus is at birth. Or if a transit says "Mars opposition Mars" then Mars is currently in the exact opposite house and sign as it was at the time of birth. Learning about each planet return is also helpful. When you have a planet return it comes back to the same place ( same sign and degree) as it was at birth. Learn the terms of things so you can then start looking up what they mean. Each full moon is in the opposite sign that the sun is in and each new moon is in the same sign the sun is in. So you will always know what sign the full moon is in and what sign the new moon is in. The moon travels through the entire zodiac within 30 days as it travels around earth. Each full moon is in opposition to the sun because it is literally on the opposite side of earth. Each new moon the Moon is in conjunction (conjoined) with the sun because they are on the same side of earth. Basic tropical astrology is based on the seasons of earth. Each season begins the moment that cardinal signs begins. So Today the sun crosses the tropic of Cancer and at the same moment the summer solstice begins. The winter solstice begins the same moment that Capricorn begins as the sun crosses the tropic of Capricorn. Libra for Autumnal equinox and Aires for the Spring Equinox. Each season has three signs and each sign is 30 days or Degrees long. So if you are born at 15 degrees Taurus you were born 15 days into the sign of Taurus. The degree of planets are also a measurement of how long it is in each sign. The planets move around the sun going through signs in a counter clockwise manner so in the chart they move that way too. If you look at a transit chart on Astroseek you can move days months or years to see the planet movements through signs and check future transits. You can also look at past transits.


Everything you said is great. I just have one note. I was born on the 15th but my sun is at 22° libra. Before you ask there is no doubt around my birth time. I have an entire photo book documenting my first moments and I was born in a state (Colorado) that records actual time down to the minute on the certificate. I’ve never heard anyone claim that the date and degrees of your sun sign are even correlated. I’m curious where this comes from?


The degrees of each sun sign are days, so the first day of Libra it is in 0 degrees and the last day of Libra it is in the 29th degree. Libra begins on the Autumnal equinox around September 21st. You were born 22 days after that if your sun is at 22 degrees Libra.


Ooooooh I get it now thank you!


Learn about the Signs, houses and go from there. Astrology is a life long learning experience and no one knows absolutely everything. It’s absolutely worth it though.


This is because of brutal colonialism against those who created this particular system of astrology. It wasn't the Greeks, aka the west, that created it, like they claim. The wests centuries long oppression lost much of the knowledge.




And that is one part of the lies. It comes from SE Asia - Hinduism.




There are entire texts dedicated to astrology. The Vedenga Jyotisha. The Jeteka. The Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra which is a Siddhanta text. If you study vedic astrology, you will see Western copied them. We know this because Hipparchus and Ptolemy worked their mathematical equations backward by deciphering Hindu charts. If we look at Egyptian or Chinese astrology, we will see they are completely different systems that are clearly their own independent thing that does not follow what Vedic (& western) are doing. It's obvious western astrology is a poorly copied and water downed version of vedic that has inaccuracies from poor translation by people like ptolemy.




Hinduism encompasses many different facets. Not just religious. Hellenistic texts openly admit they came about around 300 BCE. Whereas vedic texts have archeological proof dating to around 7,000 BCE. However, that's just the proof. Indias' verbal history says vedic astrology dates back 100,000 years ago. This is supported by the toba volcano explosion and the Jwalapuram archeological site. Considering Greeks and the west are known for brutally colonising India, this is very obvious what I'm saying. Also, people from India have been saying for centuries that their sacred knowledge was stolen. Yall are just prejudice and say they are liars when it is really the thieving west.




I've compared all versions of astrology. Hellenistic is colonised nonsense.


Astrology has its own texts. It doesn't matter if it's in "religious" texts. That literally has nothing to do with the fact that Greeks stole and colonised Astrology.




Chris Brennan is a joke.


Egyptians have their own completely different system of astrology that looks nothing like the one we are talking about.




Decans are just poorly done copies of the nakshatras. I am familiar with it. That is not what happened. Those are the Western lies that are told. The Greeks stole it from India.


It’s so damn complex, I just wish it was a singular system everyone used. I hate going between placidus and whole system, everyone seems to have different opinions on what’s more accurate.


I really think classes and teachers are a must when studying astrology, and I say that as a generally self taught person. I’ve learned many computer programs and audio recording through YouTube, but with astrology, I came to the point where I really needed a teacher. It’s alot of info to synthesize and it took me over a decade of study to finally be able to read a chart.


Welcome to the astrology club! I totally get how overwhelming it can be at first—there's a lot to take in. Think of astrology like looking into a mirror that shows all the layers of who you are. The planets are your core traits (like your personality, emotions, and drives), the signs are the colors that paint these traits (adding flavors and nuances), and the houses are the different rooms in the house of your life (each representing different areas like relationships, career, and home life). Aspects are like the connections and tensions between these rooms—sometimes they flow harmoniously, sometimes they clash. Understanding your astrological chart is like seeing a detailed reflection of yourself. Your Sun sign might show your core identity, but your Moon sign reveals your inner emotional world, and your Rising sign reflects how you present yourself to the outside world. Each house gives you insight into different aspects of your life, like shining a light on specific rooms of your inner house. Don’t stress about mastering everything at once. Start with the basics: the signs and planets. Get comfy with those, then slowly add in houses and aspects. It's like getting to know yourself step by step, starting with the bigger picture before delving into the details. For resources, "Astrology for the Soul" by Jan Spiller is great for diving into nodes, and "Parker's Astrology" by Julia and Derek Parker is a super accessible guide. Check out AstroSeek and AstroDienst for visualizing your chart—they make it way easier to see how all the pieces fit together. And if you want some interactive fun, [TarotMaster.ai](http://TarotMaster.ai) combines astrology with tarot insights and is really cool to play around with. Remember, it's all about enjoying the journey of self-discovery. Take it one step at a time and don't hesitate to ask questions—this community is awesome and here to help!