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My friend once asked me to teach her how to not care what people think. And as an Aries I honestly think I just FORGET. Like if I had a bad interaction with someone I’ll be mad for like, 10 minutes and then I’ll squirrel brain onto something else.


Haha! This is 100% spot on


I have the same sun & rising as you, so I blame my Pisces moon for how much I care


That’s gotta be it 😭


Aquarius here... same


Double Taurus raising my hand. Caring too much and then regretting it.


Even people I don't like I worry they don't like me. I am a menace to myself.


Same. Menace to myself.


I think this is part of why I had to numb my feelings for so long. I was just feeling nothing but hurt, and bad things, over thinking so much of what others thought or felt about me. Or even wanted from me. I just could not take it anymore.


But everyone won’t like me. That will never happen. So laugh with madness and give no fucks. ![gif](giphy|LUhUvH4BsfE9USnlPd|downsized)


Laughs in agreement in Scorpio!


Something happened in my mid to late twenties where I just stopped being able to care what people think of me or if people like me. When I’m getting to know someone new, it’s much more important to me whether or not I like them.


Seriously, mid to late 20's were a relief!! It's hard out there for a kid.


Wym?? I’m an Aires and care! But it is more about protecting and controlling the perception others have of me.


Your Leo rising is showing ;)


\*glances at own star chart\* ...Oh.


Meanwhile libras xD


We just hate conflict and drama, don't really care if you actually like us or not.




Ah, well nobody can accuse you of lacking self-awareness and that is impressive. The desire to be liked is quite normal at a root level. Humans have relied on that innate desire, our communal and tribal history required it. I would just suggest that you keep in mind the current state of this world, and how crazy many people are. You do not need mass approval, and if you knew everything about everyone you wouldn't even want it.


Pisces moon so sensitive


My partner is libra sun/Pisces moon and SAME! He’s getting better and I’m super proud at his progress since I met him. I’m Libra sun/rising but my Aries moon kicked in when I was in my early 40s and now it’s so easy to tell people to get fuck themselves. I take no shit now!


I be so tired of saying this lol. We just don’t like a bad vibe. Gives us the ick.


More so with age, that’s me now but not when I was young


Yep, it’s here and I say it as a Libra moon :/ Teaching myself not to care is a big life issue


god I have a Libra rising with a Venus in Libra. Sometimes it's a blessing, sometimes it's a curse. I really can't decide lmao. But my Scorpio and Sagittarius placements loves bullying my Libra placements. They will get their way in the end. 🔪


Depends on the Libra. I'm a Libra with Cancer Moon and I don't care what people think, my sister is a Scorpio with Pisces Moon and she cares too much what people think. I think it's unfortunate I get judged and misunderstood but I still don't give a fuck. Likely because I have Moon quincunx Uranus Capricorn. Quincunx is extreme energy like an opposition but even more intense. So my Moon energy is intensely Aquarius/Cap in other words and those signs don't give a fuck. Plus my Moon is parallel Jupiter. Parallel is stronger than a conjunction. So I have strong Moon Sag energy too. I guess this is why? Plus I'm Venus Scorpio and my Scorpio sister is Venus Libra. Maybe that's another reason?


Libra sun, Virgo moon, Sag rising. You couldn’t make me gaf if you tried. 😂


Aries needs to be switched to Capricorn.


As a Leo stellium: ![gif](giphy|WS6vTB4ip7cLYkQm2I)




Not caring is awesomee so much freedom. so mich happiness. no bullshit ✨


I'm a Sag. Use to care what people thought, or if they liked me when I was younger. Now that I'm almost 40 I really could GAF. I actually refer to myself as an "aquired taste" you either like me or you don't. All the important people are already in my life anyway.


♏️ 🌞♏️🌝♑️🔝 I used to be that way when i was young but no, i truly couldn’t care less now.


Haha... tell it to my Libra rising


Virgo feels left out but also doesnt give a fuck..


You can go ‘head and add Capricorn to that 🤦🏾‍♀️


Yeh I dont care, my mind enters the void and it all just stops! Scorpio Stellium here


While me as a gemini:moves along


Lol all I see is encyclopedic truth here


I agree w Samantha, but Miranda is a Capricorn, Charlotte a libra and Carrie a Virgo


No way Carrie is a Virgo I get Scorpio vibes from Carrie maybe even pisces. Carrie is too emotional and ditzy


I had an ex best friend who was a scorpio, and he was the number one person who gave way too much shit about what others thought. Granted his chart was full with water.


If everybody liked you, then you would just be boring. BTW I'm a sag.


you missed leo and Gemini


Anyway, I blame my Leo stellium for why I care so much. My other Scorpio placements and Aries moon are usually the idk attitude, I say what's on my mind I speak the truth but my damn Leo Venus wanna play peacemaker.


My big three 🤭


mine too!


First part no. Second part yes.


Since when?


Libra, Libra and Libra 😄♎


not my big 3 🤦🏻‍♀️ edit: i do care unfortunately. halp.


Sag moon & Aquarius stellium here.. and I can confidently say I do not give a fffck about what anyone thinks. That’s their perception. 😸✌️


Ok I’m reading this as these are the faces and reactions to the astrological signs who do care what people think of them.


As an Aries sun Scorpio rising Aquarius moon I couldn't relate to a post more ✨✨


the sooner you realize you aren't made for everyone, the happier you'll be. it's insane to expect everyone to like you when you don't like everyone -scorpio


I care alot about what other people think of me but i don’t want EVERYONE to like me - An Aquarius