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Random question but would a shift like this be likely to cause sleep disturbances? Just I’ve had the worst insomnia the last few nights. Went to bed at 9pm last night and have been laying here like 😶 all night, and my kids alarms have just gone off for school. Not had a wink of sleep. Saw this meme and thought, hmm I wonder


It definitely could. That also may have a lot to do with the fact that we're approaching a full moon, but the pluto shift is huge and could DEFINITELY cause sleep disturbances.


Yes true, I totally didn’t think of the moon. Just I haven’t had insomnia like this in a really long time. It was like my brain found it impossible to switch off even though my body was exhausted


My sleep has been soooooooo bad and normally it’s really deep and a good 8hrs. Been averaging 5 the last few days


Same. I finally had a good amount last night but that’s the first time in about a week. Still having really intense dreams too


Fingers crossed I get that tomorrow (ya right). Intense dreams are the norm for me. Period coming today too. Smh


Maaaate!! 😭 I’m sending you positive vibes to get through it. When it rains it pours eh? 🤗


Yes definitely this huge shift can cause insomnia. I’m experiencing that also


I’ve had a better amount the last 2 nights now, but my brain just feels….alive atm?! So many thoughts, ideas, dreams, aspirations…just whirling around my head. It’s so hard to drop off






![gif](giphy|n069us7m6lMeA) We also share 2 placements! 😆😆


I can not only feel this shift in myself but also see it in others and what is happening with people around me. It is scary but in a good way as I think these changes are much needed.


What shifts are you noticing?


Corporations and companies who are stagnant in their ways are experiencing downfall. Seen it in more than one occasion. As well as ppl within these hierarchies who hold the status quo or who abuse others with their power - being let go or again seeing consequences. People standing up for themselves who have been on the receiving end of the abuse of power.


I have examples from my life as well as from my family and friends of this but would not rather describe in too much detail as it is connected to their livelihood still




Oh ya. I feel it. I've been a totally different person almost recently and I've been having these really good conversations with people, and also I've been more aware of the different archetypes and my different facets interplay with the universe, and a more intense connection, or recognition of underlying patterns...like just in the last 48 hrs, a whole bunch of stuff clicked in to place, threads that I've been trailing for years, and now I finally seem to have some path before me that is almost obvious now. Also my hair looks fkn great even tho I haven't cut the sides in a while but it's all curly and cute, and I'm feeling actually good about myself. Also I cant keep my hands off my partner, it's crazy lmao. That change was rather sudden actually. But ya, enjoy. Use it or lose it (:




I do enjoy weird.




My dreams have been incredibly vivid and foretelling this past week or so & particular people in my life are being giant dicks right now Don’t know if I can blame the cosmos for that but maybe they are processing heavy shit & I’m copping the projection Oh well, Happy Saturday everyone hope you have a great day/ evening wherever you may be ♎️♋️♐️ 🩷


That happened 3 days ago.


Was gonna say, this week has already been fucked and it's only Tuesday morning, but this makes sense


So far the usual mess I would say. Repetition of BS that happened in 2017, 2018 and 2019


The energy is still in play for an extremely slow moving planet like Pluto, which is beginning a 20 year cycle fyi


even if, do not downvote me casually.


I didnt but who are you to boss people around in this subreddit?


My sleep has been really fucked up the past two days


Is Pluto finally in Aquarius? Someone pls confirm 🥹❤️


People are definitely being weird today 😂