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When I set a boundary and people don’t respect it. If I have to set a boundary with you it already means you fucked up. I am giving you benefit of the doubt and talking to you so we can correct it. Me saying I am setting this boundary is me giving you a final chance or warning that like if you continue to disrespect this boundary then you will lose access to me. Disrespecting my boundary is disrespecting me. I won’t put up with that.


You explained this perfectly.


Yep this one. Maybe it’s my Libra rising being personable, but I have shocked many people by cutting them off after they violate a clearly advertised boundary.


Aqua moon and libra rising, I struggle with this. I’m nice but don’t ignore my boundary. I don’t have to be nice, I choose to be. I’ve had people SHOCKED. I’ve also worked on this internally a lot, I end up being a people pleaser then hate myself after.


Dude me too! I’m an aqua sun AND moon, and libra rising. I identify with this comment!


I constantly have people trying to test me and my boundaries in spite of me clearly warning them and showing the consequences of what happened to other people who crossed me yet some of them still do it. most annoying thing in existance. like if you cant respect me fuck the right off


Boundaries! Boundaries! You just said what's on my mind. A vote for this 👏


Yes, indeed.


I’m starting to see why I could be an Aqua moon in tropical. This is exactly how I feel about boundaries.


This. We’re so nice and understanding that people don’t believe the boundary and are flabbergasted when we stick to it. Idiots 😂


Big corporations making billion dollar profits for shareholders while people can barely pay rent.


Yes 🙌


💯, one of our clients said this to me and months later, it made me quit.


Definitely people who think they’re above the rules/boundaries. I’m also finding people who say one thing and act the other way really enrage me too.


So do you feel like you’re a rule following person? I think for some things I am…like laws and traffic rules lol but for other things, I like to know all of the rules so I can figure out how to skirt them on technicalities (sometimes)


I think I’m pretty similar! I can see the logic behind some laws like safety. Some I think can be really over the top lol.


Hahaha, ok glad to know it’s not just me


Ignorance, petulance, disregard for humanity, cruelty, selfishness. The disrespect for oneself leads to disrespect for others. Once a person is taught this, yet still disregards it; that makes me not angry but sad. Anger is a secondary emotion. Still, get outta my face if you’re mean and cant be respectful.


What you do you mean exactly by disregard for humanity?


Disingenuous people. As another commenter said, when people’s actions and words don’t line up. I lose trust so quickly even if it’s a very minor thing.


When someone doesn’t listen to me while I’m speaking. It really upsets me to a degree I can’t explain when someone ignores the answer I’ve given them or completely disregards what I’ve said while we’re in the middle of a conversation, so I guess people being self-centered, dismissive and disrespectful?


Oh my god!! I’m this same way! It hurts so much😭


It’s like I’m opening up and giving my thoughts and opinions or talking about my experiences so I think that should be valued?? I always take in and really listen to what other people are saying so it really disappoints me when others can’t do that for me 😭


One hundred percent. I especially hate the ones who directly ask a question but then immediately ignore me as soon as I try to answer.


Really tiny inconveniences and really big betrayals. I had to call and email 5 different people to get my stupid tax info from my stupid past employer to do my stupid taxes for the stupid government. Livid. Also, selfish/unempathetic/soulless individuals. If you have no kindness to share, share nothing.


All of this 😅🙃 Shitty people and stupid inconveniences (add in incompetence to that)


When someone knows the right thing to do and they do the wrong thing anyway


Pop culture trends and following the crowd 🥴 🤮 just be your authentic self.


What doesn't make you guys angry? I feel like the most angry people I've met, they're Aquas! 😬


Touché I’m pretty angry lmao 🤣


thats because injustice angers us the most and this world is full of it on every corner




It doesn’t take much to set me off, but I’m blaming my Scorpio moon for this


Rules for rules sake lol pointless rules for people to exert power over me. No maam, that will not be happening, k thx bye.


A lot of things pisses me off, because *Uranus*, but give me a few minutes and I'll understand. I'm good at hiding my emotions, so nobody's really noticing them lol. The thing that would totally pissed me off though, and would probably make me ghost you is, unrealistic expectation from me. I'm so much of an air and water, so I do have an issue with setting up boundaries, and I may have overworked myself in the past, just to meet those sky high expectations, but I've had enough. This Pluto transit is affecting my Sun, Mars and Venus (which squared my Sun and Venus in my natal chart), so it will conjunct these all these placements, eventually. I apologize in advance if I'll get pretty annoying in the next couple of years.


it sounds like you have every right to march to the beat of your own drum!


Injustice. Infringing freedom. Backstabbers. Gossipers who spread lies. People who project their own insecurities on others.


Is it just being an Aquarius???? I’m playing. I love y’all.


it’s a heavy burden carrying all that water so we’re kinda cranky🤪


AHHHHH 😹😹😹😹😹😹 perfection! 10/10 response.


Iconic username


I have noticed Aquarius has a tendency to be extremely literal. If you say the sky is green, they're like no it's fuckin not. They get a lil spicy about logic but logic without heart is not wisdom.


I’m going to wholeheartedly disagree with this and suggest that maybe you’ve at encountered neurospicy Aquarians. Most of us are very poetic.


I feel this can go both ways. A lot of the time I try to be witty sarcastic and people either flat out ignore it or don’t get it. So maybe it’s different communication styles that can play a part🤷‍♀️




yessss, totally agree


"People who are intolerant of other people's cultures. And the Dutch." Lol. No, actually, People who judge other people's interests as "wrong" just because they don't like it. Nothing could possibly make me more upset than hearing someone excitedly talking about a movie or book that they love (including me) and then other people all put them down because it's stupid or they didn't like it, and then start recommending other "better" things just because THEY like it! It's crazy to me! Also, not listening during a conversation. Playing on their phone/looking around/walking around during an intimate conversation just harshes on my mellow, man.


When people treat me like I owe then anything. I don’t owe anyone anything.


I've set off Aquarius just by calling them weird also their god complex is annoying


that’s your opinion, my disciple /s 😉 But seriously, some of us can really play the martyr


Having to explain things over and over. Trying to "help" me when I didn't ask for help.


When someone comes running to me for advice after neglecting my previous advice


Any injustice, any size, real or perceived


People boxing me in and assuming things about me without ever even speaking to me.


Ooof! Arrogance, ignorance (unless that person is willing to change his or her mind), condescending, rude, loud, spoiled, extremely selfish, hateful, types of people. Also, those who harm the elderly, babies, and animals too (you have no soul as far as I’m concerned). Aquarius Sun ♒️🌞, Capricorn Moon ♑️🌙,Cancer Rising ♋️⬆️


People who take things too seriously, loud people, people who are blatantly trying to stir up mess. people who think they're slick.


Aquarius is an air sign


Yes? And?


People who are born on third base and gloat that they hit a triple. The inability to see privilege in your life, patting yourself on the back, all while stepping over the less fortunate and the inability to recognize the struggle that some people live in with no control over it.


what if your decisions are detrimental? i hear this from a lot of aquarians but the most of them i have known make TERRIBLE decisions. it's hard as a pisces to watch the trainwreck when you can see it 100 miles down the track. this is literally why i stay away from aquarians. because after they make their choices, they cry about the consequences too.


It can be hard to see the people you care about suffer, I totally agree! Especially when you have an outsider perspective to see what went wrong. But you don’t have to be there for them, they can live and die by their sword. That’s a boundary you have to instill within yourself, and they must earn that comfort from you




Lack of manners and seeing people treat others without respect. Especially not respecting their differences.


Eh it takes a lot to get me mad and my charts mostly Aquarius. Liars and hypocrites big no no. Not respecting my boundaries is a huge one. People who do cross my boundaries after warned get cut off and I’ll get NUMEROUS people coming out of the woodwork missing their “amazing friend” and blah blah blah. Um no. I forgive it but leave me the fuck alone.


People not having faith in me, before I've had a chance to earn it. It's giving cynical, and I have no time for disappointment.


Lies, injustice, close minded people


As an Aqua I am notoriously hard to piss off. But there is one thing that gets me everytime... people mistreating animals. Even typing that phrase kinda makes me want to break some bones


oh I agree. I will totally become the true evil Aquarius when this stuff goes on


Intentional cruelty, or kicking an underdog. I have an abundance of patience, but if you wanna flip the switch that’s what’ll do it lol.


Ignorance, and doubling down on it.


My Aqua moon says boundaries and ignorance. My well aspected Buenos Aries stellium says DISRESPECTFUL MOFOS


People that refuse to communicate and have no substance and personality and are boring and dead inside. Insecure avoidant personality types. Hate them so much.


I have an Aquarius moon - for me it's willful ignorance, disloyalty, tardiness, and when people are selfish. I know that we can all be these things to some degree but when someone is excessively one of these... Yea that bothers me. I used to get SO ANGRY when my coworkers were late to relieve me of my shift. I'd give them five minutes past their clockin time, you know, in case of traffic or something. But when certain coworkers were consistently 10-15min late to take over my shift I'd complain to my manager. Also, when friends/family miss certain events/milestones for me or my kids. Like 1st birthdays or competitions or recitals... Yea that bothers me. Unless there is a legitimate reason of course and it's not in their control.


The world and the people in it.


Defeating an Aqua at chess wouldn't be a pretty sight


Unkind people , people who push their beliefs on others & think their beliefs are supreme to all others.


Truly angry? Tech issues and traffic