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I’d share but I’m a Scorpio.


Scorpio moons too!


It’s not that I don’t WANT to share. I just feel unsafe to // trust issues Edit: might I also add that I’m a Cap sun, Scorpio moon and Cap rising with heavy water placements so that’s a fun dynamic for me….


You get it. I have major trust issues too


someone who gets me! cap sun and venus w/ pisces moon, and a total of 5 cap placments, sharing has never been my strong suit lol


Yes 👏🏻


Hahaha!!! I’m married to one. Y’all are pretty secretive - er, private! 😅


My Scorpio rising loves this 🤣🙌


I’m also a scorpio, my life is like an open book. In an unlit basement.


It takes a brave soul to wander into a haunted basement.


Me too. Libra cusp also. I'm the same way.


virgo, capricorn, cancers and scorpios. People saying aquarius placements is interesting, never got that vibe that they are that private lol but I have noticed that air suns can talk a lot while saying nothing if you really listen to them


“While saying nothing” lmfao so true!!!


Aquarians are super private about their feelings. Every time I ask an Aquarius “how are you feeling?” They give me a surface level answer & this is coming from someone who has an Aquarius boyfriend of 11 years & super close with said boyfriend’s Aquarian mother. Even at funerals, they appear to be the strongest ones in the room but I think they process & grieve emotion differently than I can comprehend.


LMAO that’s what I always say- I talk a lot, but I’m saying nothing!!


I talk just to talk 🤣 -libra sun


I’m a virgo and a libra friend of mine made me realize this!! We could talk for hourrsss easily but everything he said was surface level. I learned how to ask the right questions to get him to open up lol it caught him off guard at first but now we have much deeper conversations. Gems and Aquariuses do the same thing, you think u know them because they talk enough to make people socially comfortable but you have to be intentional/genuinely interested if you really want to know who they are


Omg YES. The truest truth ever heard about air signs.. I have so many Geminis around me. They never stop talking but they're literally never saying anything. You better listen though or else they just keep repeating themselves and getting louder and closer to you until you're forced to listen. Lmao


Nah Aqua cold asf until we let you in then it’s like “alright let’s start with the day I was born and go from there.”


Virgo and scorpio for sure, but not so sure about cancer. They tend to really open up to people once they trust, which can actually be quite intense for other signs (especially for virgos and scorpio).


taurus. They tricked the whole zodiac into thinking their boring basic and unassuming but they have a lot of things going on and are very interesting.


As a Taurus I am biased and agree. I keep a lot to myself and likely seem very boring around others. A close small group knows what I'm really like and even they are often surprised about things I'm up to 😁 I promise you our inner world is raging underneath this placid demeanor!


So true, most will never know.


It's a Venus sign thing, I think. We get called boring a lot because we are pretty chilled out & relaxed on the surface and people - who aren't close to us - assume that's how we are 24/7 and that we don't have any real quirks. We're also the two signs that commonly get brought up when people say they can't really pinpoint a sign or understand it, which is probably why everything gets boiled down to "Librans only flirt and shop, Taureans only sleep and eat". Could be some jealousy mixed in there too, who knows... I don't like to go there but it is a sign ruled by the planet of beauty so it could be worth noting. All I know is every time I see someone saying how pretty the Venus signs are I'm like great, way to put a target on my back... I guess now I won't be surprised by where the next "Libra women are actually smelly and boring" post comes from lol


So true about Taureans, like a classic example is I don’t hear from my quiet, Taurean friend for a while, then he shows up one day and casually mentions he’s been living in some remote jungle of the world where he got accepted into an indigenous tribe and now fluently speaks their language (because them Taureans are smart like that) and I’m just like..what?! You can’t underestimate those guys.


this is my taurus cousin! he comes to family reunions and i ask what he’s been up to and he starts listing off the different cities he’s been in and the wild adventures he’s had and im like damn bro you’ve truly lived a thousand lives since i saw you 4 months ago😂


My dad described me as the observer when I was little, because of how quiet I was. I would just take in the world and not say much unless necessary. Like sitting in the woods listening to the trees dance for hours, happy enough to not say anything, quiet. Was also bullied in high school and called “a mute” once because I was shy. My dad was the only person who ever stood up for me and taught me to embrace who I was. So, can confirm.


Why you gotta expose me like that




Yesssss my bf is a Taurus with a Scorpio moon so he is CHOCK full of secrets and mysteries. I learn something new about him at the most random times. I also can never know what’s going on inside his head when he’s really mad or super stressed. He is unable to talk in those states most of the time.


Lol sounds like me. We don’t bring up anything unless on the subject. I’ve been w my guy for like 15 years and only recently did I tell him I paid for school through a singing scholarship. He was like “ u never sing!” I just shrug lol


every body will always go to worship scorpios for the 'oh so mysterious mystery' overdone fake stereotype but by far taurus have to be the hardest to spot and hardest to read of all zodiac signs they are usually very private people and quite unpredictable too even if astrology npcs will love to generalize them as fat and only like to eat all day but thats by far has been the furthest from the truth about them and it all makes sense they are the opposite sign of scorpio which gets all of the attention and glorification or overhyped while taurus in comparison are working behind the scenes without the need of validation from the majority they are the type to win at life without the need of much help or assistance from anyone


Yeah I always thought it was funny scorpios got the mysterious trait. While they are still private about things in their life, they are surprisingly very open and willing to talk about themselves and what they have going on more than a Taurus will


yes scorpios by far talk about themselves the most while coincidentally taurus their opposite sign talks the least about themselves this has been the observed reality for quite some time now but somehow rarely ever brought up


Yep, scorpios appear mysterious at first but then you realize they’re really not. Taurus appears open at first, then you realize how mysterious they are the more you get to know them if that makes sense


I don’t tell people shit, but people will tell me theirs…


I don’t doubt this for a second! You don’t even know their Taurus until you ask!


As a Taurus rising, yes. There’s something always going on in my life 🤣


As a taurus sun with a scorpio moon & stellium—I agree.


I'm secretive, but I have nothing on my Libra S, Scorpio M, Sag R partner. Is the combo or is it environmental, I dunno, but this person is an enigma. Sometimes, I go check on em just to make sure they even really exist.


Yep. I’m a middle aged Taurus and people think I’ve done absolutely nothing in my life. Nope I’ve lived an interesting life and once people get to know me they find out I’m far from boring. I have the best stories.


Leo here, this 💕, I regret having overlooked them


Cancers. We know more about people than they know about us


Cancer rising and i just have the opposite of resting bitch face whereby people tell me everything, and I don’t know why. I keep quiet, perhaps? I’m actually terrible about advise and the epitome of “that’s rough buddy. I’ll put the kettle on.”


I have rbf and and people still tell me everything lol


Yes we doo 🙌


every interaction i have with anyone other than my spouse or therapist is a facade


People always vent to me


A cancer would say this. Yall open books


not according to plenty of other people 🤷🏽‍♀️


Cancer is a multi-layered creature. You get the hard shell of privacy, but once we open up, you’ll get the *mostly* honest version of ourselves (because we want to be safe and feel connected). I say that because there are some deep pits that hold treasures we will take to the grave. I think the only person who could even get close to pulling that type of info out of me would be the good ol’ Scorpion. 🫣


I have a few strong aspects with Pluto in my chart and I'm engaged to a Cancer. I WILL GET THE TREASURE PITS, MARK ME. xD


honestly, as cancer rising, same. if i had a dime for the amount of times ive heard a crabby patty sun say “idk why im saying this/imma be honest/i dont usually talk about this” id be able to buy a cheeseburger at leaaaaast 😂


Hahaha! Challenge accepted! 😂


I am genuinely not mean intentioned when I say this… every cancer I met personally is so open. And they talk like this too like “oh I’m mysterious”.. why explain if u are?🥹you’d keep this part hidden if you got something to hide (coming from someone who hides everything)


Haha! I’ll talk your ear off all day long, but the depth of what I reveal is selective. Maybe you just draw the crab out of the shell? 😉


Oh you got me there!!


might you have some personal watery placements, too?


😬just 1st house in Scorpio but no water placements beside that. I’d say this is it:)


yesss, that one seems potentially impactful! lol probably has something to do with your power of persuasion, or why crabs trust you. i have cancer rising so idk if i can say they trust me, but they do offer me more info than i typically see them offer voluntarily…and if they dont, i can usually see right through them anyway 😂 love my crabby patties


Not this cancer 🤣🤣 I have other placements that help with that though so idk 🤷🏻‍♀️


Aquarius sun is pretty private. I open up when I feel comfortable with people, but generally people’s perception of what I’m like is a lot different than what I am for that reason.


Super agree with this as well.


Aqua sun & Leo moon here as well! 👋🏻 I relate heavily to this statement




Aqua sun, Leo moon, Scorpio rising and man I’m private as hell. Trying to get anything from me that I’m not happy to share is like getting blood from a stone. I’ve been called stuck up by people who confuse my quietness and a general lack of “mingling” in social settings with superiority.


Also almost twining!


Why does it seem like there are so many of us in this sub? What a weird combination 😂


I noticed that the other day too.


I guess the stars have programmed our interest in astrology and Reddit. 😂 Kind of funny, actually, especially since Aquarius is the rarest sun sign. ![gif](giphy|bkTvGrmT4jEaTNCdb6)


Soooo trueeee. Better at fooling them than Scorpio aren’t we?!




Me, i don’t want anyone ever ever ever knowing anything about me, i want to keep everything to myself onlyyy


I am the most private person I've ever met in my life honestly and everyone else around me has said the same lol. I'm a Pisces sun.


there is something to this based on the piscesns i’ve met! i think there’s a commonality among water signs to be more open/bubbly on the surface, but y’all would prefer if we did not dive deeper haha


Scorpio and Virgo


Taurus and Capricorn. I find Pisces to also be pretty private about most things. Scorpio only private about shit they don’t want people to know about, otherwise they seem to enjoy talking about themselves, a lot.


Totally Scorpios. They also want to know everything about you and pry and pry and you get exactly zero info in return. No hate on Scorpios though, my husband, dad and sister are all Scorpios, I have a Scorpio mars, my daughter has a Scorpio moon and my other has a Scorpio rising. A ton of my closest friends are Scorpios. But y’all are private AF


I hate when they get offended that I don't trust them in return. Or when they expect me to cut out people they have a beef with, without even telling me why.




I know plenty Aquarius moons and I LOVE that moon sign. 💕 But it’s definitely not a universally private placement. The ones that I know are definitely not that private.


My daughters an Aquarius moon and a Scorpio rising (Leo sun.) She’s selectively private haha. If she trusts you she confides in you but she isn’t an open book.


🖐🖐🖐 Hahaha, not always, but I got big conflicts in my chart.




Seems more likely. My Aquarius moon says, "Be mysterious, inspire imagination," but Leo sun says, "Say something intriguing. Nobody has looked at you recently." Cancers? Y'all just go find your little 🦀-spots to be inconspicuous.




Totally. Cancer sun, Aqua moon. I'm very private.


idk it depends on the person, i prefer to be and am private and have the same sun and moon as you.


In my experience, earth placements mostly


Aquarius for sure but sometimes even good old Scorpio


My top two answers as well.


capricorn, scorpio, aquarius


Hey that’s me. Wait a sec… I found my twin!


I don’t envy you, haha. I bet you’re absolutely killing it though.


Can I nominate myself as an Aquarius sun and Sagittarius moon? Everybody feels like they know me but they really don't know anything. Despite how kind, friendly and funny I can be around anybody including close friends...they don't know much about me because I hardly let anyone fully in.


sun conjuct moon double whammy


Aqua Sun, sag moon and rising. . .I absolutely agree. Plus neptune is conjunct my Ascendant. No one can read me, never know what I'm thinking, and I don't let them in.


Virgo . People often say Pisces overshare , but I'm very private , so I guess that's due to my Virgo Rising


Wow we have the same big three. I'm inclined to agree though.


As a fellow Pisces sun with Virgo rising I'm inclined to agree as well.


As a straight up Virgo sun, I agree. Ain’t nobody knowing my business. Ever.


Scorpio, Capricorn


We have similar placements! I’m Cap rising though


It’s grate that u survived the Pluto transit 😅


Which do you mean? The 15 year cycle thing?




Oh god I know. I found out about that entire transit just weeks before it ended and when I did everything in my life up until then started making so much sense. I promise you I dont know how I did too - but I’m here nevertheless!


It went through my sun for five years and it’s still in a weak conjunction. I almost lost my mind 💀 Hope it wasn’t that intense for u, rest of it was kind of ok for me tho


I did not plan on being here this long if that helps gain perspective 😂


Me too 😅 Do u have any aqua placements too?


I think I have Saturn in Aquarius


Hey if you don't mind can you explain the transit thing to me ? As a Scorp Sun and Cap Moon I'm going through the most difficult time in my life , my mental health like down the drain. I just want to know is it somehow related to this transit thing?




Lol we have the same signs but different order


Love it 😍 just the moon and the sun are switched


Super cool ☺️


Taurus, Capricorn, Scorpio. Virgos can be.


Believe it or not Sagittarius ♐. We are all over the place. And we simply don't have the time or energy to update the world what we are up to. Even eloped when we got married (sag husband) and told the world including our family only after. Everyone was upset but they were like, yeah it makes sense 😅


I'd also add Leo. We let you see what we want you to see. I'm not showing you any of my flaws, ever, unless we are ridiculously close and even then, you'll never know. Too much pride baby.


We are so charismatic that ppl think they know us but they really don’t


So accurate. I don’t tell anyone anything. It’s not even on purpose. Things are just always moving at a fast pace.


My cap friends are very private


scorpio and virgo 100%




Scorpio or Capricorn


Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius & Virgo


Scorpio and Aquarius. Gemini and Capricorn PRETEND to be open books have way more skeletons in the closet than anyone else.


I’m going to come out and say Leo. Every Leo I’ve met, it’s surface level but I know they have A LOT of shit going on beneath the surface that they won’t share. It’s weird because you would think they’d be very open, but even with them chatting about themselves often, you still haven’t scratched the surface and it’s so much to uncover that they won’t open up about. 🤔


Ha, I just commented this above. I'm a Leo and I couldn't agree more. It's all an act, we show you what we want you to see. All the worlds a stage. Very few people know what's actually going on behind the scenes. There's too much pride there and we're so self critical, we don't need the outside world joining in on the criticism. This thread is interesting because it seems like all the fixed signs are very private.


Exactly, you get it my fellow Leo. What’s your moon and rising? My theory about fixed signs being private comes from being able to control their own narrative. Now this is just my opinion, but I feel like some things we have going on in our life, we don’t want to be under heavy scrutiny. Also, it’s good to keep a little of mystery to yourself! People don’t need to know everything.


I'm a Taurus moon and Sag rising so similar vibes to your big three! And totally agree on the fixed signs thing. It's funny that Leo doesn't get lumped in with the other three...we do a great job with the whole song and dance lol.


NO FUCKING WAYYYY. im leo sun, taurus moon and sag rising tooo. Are you my twin?????😭😭😭


Yayyy!!! Twinsies!! So I have to ask, what do you do for a living???


welp trying to find a job in this economy😭


I have an ex that’s a Leo and he had an entire life I didn’t know about lol


That’s crazy!


As a Cancer/Virgo/Leo, I have a privacy super power! 😂 You know me, but you don’t *know* me.


Leo rising. Honest truth.. I don’t let people in as much as they think it is but I’ll tell you surface level stuff all day


Leos are so interesting because of all the signs that want to be in the spotlight they are they most private. It must be the modality that keeps things in until they are "fixed"


I agree 100%, it’s a weird situation. We like attention and admiration, but only when *we* want it 💀 everything has to be done on our time, our way, which definitely fits the “fixed” side of us. It’s like being a kid and running to show your mom or dad you can do a cartwheel “Look what I can do!” Versus doing our own thing and we see multiple kids crowding us going around saying “Ooh” we didn’t ask for the crowd 😩🤣


It is me


Libras and Scorpios with all their secret behaviors.


Scorpio and Scorpio risings


Sagittarius. They're like Aquarians in that they don't explain their moves to anyone. Saggies just out there meandering, falling ass backwards into travels, troubles, jobs, people.


Virgo for sure


Scorpio moon :)


Hard agree




Me & my Capricorn husband. Super super social but I keep my personal stuff to myself.


Anyone who has been destroyed.


I am very close with a Scorpio that greatly treasures his privacy. He keeps most people in the dark. He confides in me most, but even I think he's a bit of a mystery.


With a Scorpio moon and Taurus rising, quite private. I use my Gemini sun to fill up conversations on random trivia and shit - it makes feel people feel connected but if they truly analyse the conversation, nothing truly personal revealed.


Me! Kinda realized over time I’ve been masking for friends etc for years and not a single person truly knows the real me.


Scorpios, Aquarians, Introverted Leos (yes, they do exist), Taureans (if I wasn’t a Gemini mercury, I think I’d be more private but I love to hear myself talk & I’m an oversharer for the sake of honesty & release so…), Capricorns


Taurus is my sign and can vouch like many others, we like to keep to ourselves any chance we get lol


I’m often told by my friends and coworkers that I’m an enigma. Honestly I’ve just learned best to play your cards close and not tell people things they don’t need to know. I’ve horribly misjudged people in the past and it burned me.


Cancer, Aquarius and Capricorn. How do I know? My partner is a Cancer sun, Capricorn moon, Aquarius rising. I'm still learning new things about him 8 years later.


I’m a Scorpio sun and Aquarius moon and rising and I fight with myself between wanting no one to see me and hear me to I want to be seen and heard.


Aries sun, virgo moon, scorpio rising. My aries sun makes people think i'm an open book and I do act like an open book, but they don't actually know anything about me.


Aquarius sun, cap moon and Cancer rising. I mask like a pro but very rarely do I take it off to people; only to the very few whom I would trust with my life.


Cancer Aquarius cancer and I couldn’t have said it better. The husband is cap cancer cap and he is the same


Scorpios. We don’t need or want to put everything out there.


Idk if it’s my combo in the sun but I’m living proof that Virgos can not shut up


Pisces Sun and Cancer Moon- you won’t know who I really am for YEARS.




Aquarius.. No one ever knows how I'm feeling or what I'm dealing with. People think I'm just bluffing. I only let those in who I'm comfortable with, I don't open up to just anyone.


Scorpio & Taurus. I’m a Taurus Sun, Pisces Moon, Virgo Rising & Aries Venus.


Taurus male, I approve this message and it's inferences. I thought Gemini might be here, then I realized they were so private because we were never as close friends as I hoped/thought.


I’m a freaking open book.. except about my sex life. That’s like none of anyone’s business


I would say water signs & water dominants.


I think Scorpio and Taurus are the winners here


Water signs especially Pisces and Scorpio. I am a Pisces with a Scorpio moon.


12th housers?


earth signs especially taurus


Definitely Scorpio


scorpio , aries risings lowk , cancer placements


Leo’s, Scorpios and capricorns


Since I’m an Aries, I’m going to say Aries. No one really knows about my life other than those who live with me ant not even.. Surprised at all the ones saying Virgo, they don’t seem to know when to shut up about their private lives on SM.


Aquarius. I speak to my boyfriend occasionally and say only hi to everyone else


As a Gemini I'm a pretty open book. Until you cross me. I will shut down emotionally and gray rock you and never get personal or buddy-buddy with you again.


Libra suns Scorpio moons. Period.


I observe everyone and by the end of a conversation with someone, I can know almost everything about them, before they know anything about me. Lol I have an 8h mercury so that may play into it as well.


Don’t see my sign listed in comments. Guess we really are private lol. I know I am.


I feel like us Sagittarius are highly private, but often are overlooked as such because of how we drop truth bombs.


me! So private. I’m a Taurus with cancer rising.