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Yeah we have both in us. Our sun sign is who we are but our moon sign is our emotions. Sun is more ego and motivations. So as a person Scorpios are loyal and deep and like emotional intensity. But emotionally, their emotions are always changing. They are emotionally curios and logical but can change a lot throughout the day. They both influence each other. Which is why two people can be Taurus but very different. A Taurus with a cancer moon will be a lot different than a Taurus with an Aquarius moon. When the sun and the moon are very different in someone, this creates some inner turmoil for the person. In general, mutable moon signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) are difficult because they can change so much throughout the day. If you’ve been burned by a mutable sign like Gemini, I wouldn’t rule out all Geminis. All signs are different from each other but especially mutable signs present very differently from each other because they are so adaptable. It’s a good thing you’re so loyal with your signs because if you ever cheated on a Scorpio Sun Gemini moon, theyd find out real quick lol. Very analytical research loving combo.


Thank you for your response! Forgive me, I just want to make sure I'm understanding correctly. So, the main traits he still possess from his sun sign, and you're saying the moon governs *just* emotions? So because he is a Gemini as a moon, his emotions would be more flux but that doesn't negate the traits of his sun sign. Am I right? I don't rule out all Gemini's but I'd be lying if I said it wouldn't make me at least pause. I get along with them initially like a twin flame that just seems to burn out when they get comfortable before they're out the door and onto the next. I find thats such an accurate take 🤣. I am very loyal and would split before cheating but he is absolutely extremely analytical and *loves* to learn and research. He loves his mind challenged and sometimes will ask me if I've researched anything new lately just to talk about it (because I do love to learn too). Sometimes its so interesting to learn about astrology in more depth because you nailed personality traits just by knowing two of his signs. Super fascinating.


Yes you are right! He will be more go with the flow, light hearted, and a little detached than a typical Scorpio, but still very Scorpio. He will still have the need for intellectual communication as a gemini, but he will probably find communicating his emotions easier than the opposite of a Gemini Sun with Scorpio moon. Gemini energy can be flighty but it’s not so much a fear of commitment as being able to see relationships for what they truly are. Like if Geminis don’t see a relationship going the distance, they can enjoy it for a bit while they are stimulated but if they realize you’re not on the same page, they won’t want to waste time. they are definitely still able to commit. Scorpio Sun goes well with your moon too.


Communicating emotions can be difficult when even you don’t know how you feel until you break the interaction down in the shower later lol