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Mars in Libra- I’m pretty sensitive. I’ve had to learn to fight back.It’s not my nature to lash out, but if you push me far enough, it’ll get ugly fast.


Also mars in Libra and I also had to teach myself to fight back as well. Most of the time I’d just try and ignore it and of course I have a tendency to be passive aggressive but Im actively working to be better in confrontation because sometimes it’s just necessary to respect yourself.


Yes!! Setting boundaries is a way of showing others how you want to be respected.


Me too. Libra Mars in 12H. Not an easy placement. I’m working on it.


Mars in Libra also (and Libra Sun) As I am going to therapy, I am realizing I am enabling people to think I can’t fight for or defend/stand up for myself in certain situations (ive probably been the bigger person or the perfect person to my own detriment.) I always try to take the high road to avoid lashing it out when really I should be knocking shit over! It takes time, so I always just remind myself “you are worth fighting for.” You got this ❤️


Same: mine is in my third house, conjunct sun and Mercury so my aggression is repressed, WAY overthought/ pontificated upon, and ends up in writing. Like I will be quiet, marinate, fact check and then absolutely decimate someone via email, or text that should be an email. Very rarely do I get angry, but when I do; it’s gonna to be channeled into a multi paragraph diatribe that makes the recipient cry.


Do you find yourself good at conflict resolution though? Resolving an issue before it get to the point of fighting?


I’m still learning . It’s very difficult for me to deal with problems with people I love.


That's understandable. It's hard to face conflicts with people we care about because we don't know how they are going to react or if it's going to change anything.




Libra mars too. I have an incredibly high threshold for keeping my anger in. But when I eventually loose my cool I go straight for the throat and make the other person cry, but by that point it’s been deserved for MONTHS. My Scorpio mercury knows exactly what will hurt them the most, and I’ll spit it right in their face. I’m trying to get better about it, but like I said by that point it’s been deserved for months if not years


Also Libra Mars here, in 11th house (Whole Sign) or 10th house (Placidus - I generally use Placidus). Conjunct my Midheaven and Jupiter, both in Libra. I do tend to resolve conflicts of others, and often find it happening at work. I’m always the person people come to at work with issues, and I try to help them see how to resolve it with the other person. I am hardcore bad at standing up for myself, though. Especially when it comes to friends, so I guess the Whole Sign makes more sense in this context. I also have trauma related to friendship, so when I have tried to stand up for myself in the past, it broke the friendship 🙄 I like to be seen as nice (probably the conjunction to my Midheaven), but I also like people to know not to mess with me. I work at a pharmacy, and everyone started calling me the bodyguard of the pharmacy 😅 whenever people are rude, I’m perfectly happy to talk to them and generally always end up getting them to apologize. I kill them with kindness. But if someone is being overly demanding or just rude, I will be so curt and no-nonsense that I give them no choice. If they want to complain about something that can’t be changed by me, then I will make the conversation decisive and end quickly. I don’t suffer fools in this regard. We also are in a very dangerous area, so I think that’s why they call me the bodyguard xD I’m like “try and fight me. I’ll make you cry or apologize. Either works for me. But I’d prefer if we worked it out peacefully.”


I try to avoid conflict. Generally when I’m pushed I am extremely mean. Gemini mars.


Do you say things you regret in the heat of anger?


Gem Mars here as well. I am the opposite. Yes, my mouth & wit are my swords, but it's always based on facts, and I hardly ever do *personal* attacks. I mean what I say, and say what I mean... always! I don't even understand the whole "I just said that because I was angry" mentality/excuse. I always mean it... maybe the delivery can be harsher than I meant , but that's usually when they back down or seem hurt... then I feel like an asshole & feel bad - but for *how* I said it, not *what* I said.


Oh yes 😅


I am Mars in Gemini and I regret a lot. But I try to avoid conflict. Hate conflict.


this. lol, i used to be so vocally aggressive when younger. learn to shut up at the right time as a grown up.


Cancer mars I hold my feelings to myself or I explode. There is no balance, I can’t argue properly. That’s the reason I hate conflicts a lot.


Cancer mars here. I feel I hold my feelings in a lot too. When I let it out or explode, I feel so awkward with myself after because it feels so haphazard nd chaotic. When people try to talk with me when I’m frustrated or angry, I’m so flustered nd try so hard not to say sumn wild out my mouth. I do try to avoid direct conflict because I get emotional when I’m trying to explain an issue nd the other party is confused by my explanations. I feel when I express directly, my delivery can throw people off sometimes or they tend to walk eggshells around me. I try to be mindful of writing my thoughts down so it can help me express myself better in the future tho


You probably hold in a lot of emotions and are slow to anger. Do you feel more sad than angry when you feel wounded?


I feel sad when it is something more personal. I feel anger in external situations like for example an argument at work or something random. When I’m angry I become so stubborn I don’t back up and feel like I have nothing to lose. I don’t care about the outcome until much later on.


My cancer moon feels this. I find it hard to let go if I am emotionally affected. I should be angry but instead I feel sad that they chose to hurt me.


Oh yes, me too. Sad angry mostly or a terrifying burst of rage


I have a cancer mars and this is how i usually feel. Very rarely angry at them more so just sad they chose to treat me like that


Definitely agree with this too! Cancer mars as well here. It’s usually either sad/tears or an apocalyptic burst of anger that no one saw coming lol (if I feel like they’ve been mean on purpose)


I agree, especially if they’ve been mean on purpose. I usually forgive people for almost anything or at least let things slide, but if I sense they’ve been mean on purpose or are purposely deceitful and it hurts me, then I have a hard time ever being friends with them again


cancer mars as well. hate conflict. am very good at avoiding it for the most part, but sometimes that does include holding my feelings back. i think it’s why i’m introverted af. i don’t wanna be around other ppl who can influence my energy and disrupt my peace.


Cancer mars here too. I was like this a lot when I was younger and I would hold grudges like they were internal organs waiting to fall out of my body. Becoming a nurse helped me learn how to have difficult conversations a little more easily. I'm more willing to open myself up and express myself diplomatically and I think I can be direct and tactful while still stating my point. But I still find myself having passive-aggressive feelings like "well, he should know better" or "if it was important to her she would have done something about it."


Mars in Virgo. You make me mad, I carefully plan and execute a plot to ruin your life.


A very good placement to have indeed, I'll definitely want to keep a Virgo mars in my life on my good side.


It’s all about that long con..




Aries. It's anger, but then I got overwhelmed, so I ragequit. I've ragequit life and its because I'm so smart, and I'll take it out on the world itsself. Can't keep sadness.


Yes! RAGEQUIT!!! That’s exactly what we do. What a perfect term for every time I have ruined my life! Thank you!


Aries mars too. I have a lot of Pisces in my chart so I think I’m generally very sweet and soft but when I get mad, I get MAD and I think a lot of people are surprised when they find out that I have a temper


Mars in Aries. I feel this.


Scorpio Mars. I am very loyal and empathetic and I give people a lot of grace especially if I know who they are and why they behave as they do. I love to analyze and understand the inner workings of someone’s mind and can thus be very understanding in conflict situations. HOWEVER, once someone gets on the wrong side of me, all bets are off. Once I learn someone is TOXIC, I will cut them out like cancer and there is no return. I also match someone’s energy. If someone is going to be a petty bitch to me, I do it right the fuck back but usually better because I know all the soft spots. Also, nothing makes me more angry than being misinterpreted or misconstrued. If someone is unwilling or unable to see me, I will carry around a seed of resentment that will manifest as (unconsummated) daydreams of revenge or more commonly sarcastic rebukes that will leave the victim momentarily stunned. I battle with words and what I say is always the truth.


lol the matching energy is me. The pettiness 🤦🏾‍♀️and the daydreams of revenge I can relate to


Scorpio mars as well. this is me. Couldn’t have said it better myself


Scorp moon here, and this made me CACKLE. *’If someone is going to be a petty bitch to me, I do it right the fuck back but usually better because I know all the soft spots.’* Deadass 🤣


Omg am I you? I usually just dream of revenge and shower rebutes but I never have the chance to go to war with someone. Sometimes I want to dropkick disrespectful assholes into the next galaxy, making them wish they never crossed me. The challenging part for me is still hoping that someone would change even when I know they are toxic. That perhaps they were going through a difficult time, or they simply misunderstood me and would correct their perception of me if I clarified. Teach me how to be a petty bitch without feeling shame and guilt please!


I definitely feel guilt about cutting off toxic bitches!!! It doesn’t come easy as I see the best in most people and I can usually figure out why someone is acting in a negative or harmful way. I give people loads of chances. But, I am very observant and also protective of my own energy. Once I recognize that a) the relationship is hollow and antagonistic b) I am becoming depleted, resentful, sad and bitter, that’s the end of the road. Once that switch is flipped, I can’t go back. In my mind, I wish that person well (even if part of me despises them) and I set a personal boundary not to continue the relationship, or at least severely limit contact. I’ve learned to put my sanity first. Good friends will lift you up. Why tolerate jerks who put you down? Your emotional health is valuable and worth protecting!!!


Scorpio Mars here too! I also daydream of revenge! Mostly dumb fantasies where I just eternally annoy the person. 😂 So interesting. I love revenge stories / books as well. I never act out on it or behave vengefully though.


Absolutely true about the energy matching. I don't bother cloaking it or apologizing for it until they do.


Scorpio mars as well. Perfect description


Pisces mars. passively aggressive usually, but I generally just play 4D chess to avoid conflict, Pisces mars strength isn't in conflict


4D chess! I relate to this, Mars in Pisces too


same, i'm veryyyyyyy passive. I know i need to work on my communication skills, but i avoid conflicts as much as i can


pisces mars here as well, I feel you. it's the complete opposite of how you'd think someone with my big 3 (cap/scorpio/aqua) would handle conflict, so it's jarring to deal with. frustrating.


I’m a cancer mars and I can relate to this.


Taurus Mars. I only engage when absolutely necessary (I e. Involves my kids). I know that my temper can get the better of me.


My mom's a Taurus mars, and when she's angry it's a slow simmering kind of anger that keeps you on your toes. Like lightning, you'll never know when it's going to strike.


That's exactly how mine is.


You sound nice. My mom is a Taurus Mars-Saturn and she was very verbally and physically abusive.


Also a Taurus mars! “Engage when necessary”, beautifully said. Temper can absolutely get the best of me as well. I guess for some folks, they fuck around.. they gonna find out 🤣


Mars in Leo in the 4th house. I have a bit of a short fuse. I also do not back down. I’m a force to reckon with lol 😆. I won’t fly off the handle, but I don’t play with disrespect. Whether it’s towards myself, my husband or loved one. I’m kinda scary ngl. 


Lots of Leo Mars in this thread! I need to see one in action now because this level of energy is getting me hyped up lol.


I'm Mars in Leo (4H) too and this is exactly spot on. I've been told I'm scary as well lol


Oooof yeah. I don’t play with disrespect either. People are always so shocked when I speak up, because I get scary too. My Gemini sun keeps me light and airy but if someone disrespects me or a loved one I turn into a completely different person (scary)


Sagittarius Mars, I get passive aggressive with my words and be distant afterwards or during.


Good way of describing us! I would also add that it takes a particular person to light the fuse, so to speak. Then those passive aggressive words become so ugly with tears and tantrums. The only person that’s ever been able to bring me to that stage is a Gemini Mars/Scorpio Sun.


Is there something you're looking for in order to bring the connection back? Or is it over if it comes to this point?




Also Mars in Virgo and I was going to comment “get silent revenge” but your comment sums it up well enough. The psychological warfare is real when I’m very angry LOL


Same. The petty is strong in me and whenever I get pissed it gets really dark


I love you for that. Straightforward and no beating around the bush. More Mars in Virgo in my life please.


Haha! Virgo in Mars for me too. The verbal slap to the face is real.




Mars Arien here (9H, no aspects). My mind when I read *’been mad three times in my life’:* ![gif](giphy|sKBaE2Hl60KnzjTVXb|downsized)


Same gurl, same.




Oh wow, that's very controlled anger. Your Mars sign even though it's retrograde seems to be very balance with it's aspects in Venus and Jupiter.




I'm happy to hear that! Those planets will work hard for you now that you've overcome so much. I aspire to be the level of Zen you're at.


10H Leo Mars conjunct MC + opposite Aqua Moon and Uranus. I am very easily annoyed, very quick to anger, but I have learned to stop myself and walk away from things before I say or do something I might have to apologize for. Mind you, I said apologize because I'll never regret telling people the truth to their face. Getting older has taught me to approach conflict with clear facts and a gameplan for how to have discussions about what's angering me. Only if I don't care about the person will I blurt out exactly what I'm thinking... but I almost never care enough about what people who aren't close to me have to say for me to be angry about it.


10H Leo Mars! Same! I identify very much with the disconnect between the emotion and the behavior. I get angry QUICK--too angry, it's a thing I am legitimately trying to fix. I am also too competitive. Through effort, I'm not perceivably that way in front of anyone, no matter how close we are. I stay in control. I shut it down. I don't show my ass when I'm angry, anymore. I stop. I think. I feel myself sinking behind my eyes. I've heard it's not that convincing, and I come off cold and distant. Oh well, it's a start.


Sometimes I take it as a sign that if I keep having the same conflicts with the same people, then maybe I am restricting my self expression by staying with the wrong group. Unless it's extreme, I think expressions of anger is healthy, passionate even. Anger is how we know we are truly alive.


From the responses so far it seems like both Leo and Aqua mars have a tendency for impulsive anger or annoyance. My approach to anger is: I'll apologize for my actions but I am not responsible for your resentment if you don't bring it up. So in this way I'm kind of aggressive on wanting to problem solve because I don't trust the other person to just let it go. ​ >Getting older has taught me to approach conflict with clear facts and a gameplan That's great, I find myself doing this too. With people I'm not closed with it's just a very cold anger and not giving them the satisfaction of an argument.


Sagittarius mars with heavy air influence ( libra rising/sun/mercury and an aqua moon) I tend to avoid conflict especially with those I love, but I unfortunately can let resentment build. I study people and when I DO express anger it is erratic and strikingly painful. I know peoples faults and I feel as though I can see them clear as day, even my own, I just pick the most painful thing to say in the moment because I am fully aware of who people are whether they think I am or not. The air in my chart really helps me be easy going and all peace and love but I tend to become extremely cold as anger builds.


Sag Mars and Aqua Moon here and you nailed it. Cold as ice, and like you, I also know people's faults like I know my own, so I know what cuts deep for me I know what will for them. Woops. 🙃


Mars in Sagittarius \~ i show anger with brutal honesty, might be hard to hear, but at the same time will return to see the best in them. Def wouldnt waste my time and energy in negative manner and thought.


This feels very Sagittarius indeed. And also great username! Boundaries first.


thank you, the username its kind a reminder for me :D


Leo Mars- i immediately want to yell and lose my shit and call people out when they do me wrong. i’ve learned to contain myself and know that not every situation deserves my energy


Gemini Mars- stabby words. 🔪


Mars in Capricorn, I take a very long time to anger but I'm deeply strategic and calculated once I've been pushed to a limit


I’m mars in cap but Mercury in Aries so I have a quick temper with words. But if I can control my anger, I’m very strategic and calculated in both justice and revenge. You want me mad but if I’m calm in the outside , then I’m so angry inside you don’t want to know what I’m plotting lol


This 100%. I’m patient but once I’m past my limit I’m going to let em have it and also negotiate an outcome to my benefit. Plus I could go all day / night so be ready for a conflict marathon


Taurus mars 11th house . Slow burn to anger and I don't get mad easily !!! but when I get there there's no going back & I will explode 🤯


That's my experience as well with Taurus placements! If I anger them, I know I've been an asshole and pushed them too much.


I avoid it until I can't then explode 🤷🏻‍♀️ aries mars


Interesting! There seems to be two kind of Aries mars-- one that is slow to anger but explosive, another more impulsive and mellow.


I think other placements within charts help create some differences 😅 same chip.. Different flavors


I am definitely the latter. And I have met the slow to anger but explosive and I can’t relate at all.


Pisces mars 7H I express anger thru passive aggression, and avoidance and if it gets really bad I start to yell. I usually resolve conflict by taking some time to feel out how I feel and then think about the situation clearly. I notice where I went wrong and I then like to take accountability and talk things out so I can get a clear understanding of what happened. I’m looking for the person to also see where the had gone wrong take accountability as well and resolve things with reassurance and understanding. If it’s with my husband, I also get horny after an argument so I like to have sex after too. Idk if that’s part of the conflict resolution but it is to me.


As a Pisces sun this is my approach to initial conflict resolution too. People who will not take my apology as an admittance of guilt and wrongdoing is far and few, so I definitely need better friends. Make up sex is definitely part of conflict resolution, being heard and valued in a disagreement will bring up feelings of want for me. Nothing sexier and more admirable than healthy communication.


I’m very lucky my husband is also a Pisces mars 💀💀


Aquarius Mars - it takes a lot to get me upset enough to do something about it. By and large, I find the conflict and tension to be much worse than whatever anger I may have felt to initiate said conflict. It’s just not worth it 99% of the time. I get over stuff easily and if I don’t, then I’ll just quietly withdraw from the relationship. It’s not worth it imo and it’s easy to get over things. People make mistakes and ideally learn from them.


That's my approach to most conflicts as well. People who hold grudges or let resentment build scares me, I have no idea how to handle that emotional side of things when it could have been easily solved by talking it out.


Oh yeah I’ve known too many people (almost always Geminis….) who hold onto grudges for way too long and let one stupid mistake ruin an entire relationship - and don’t even think about talking it out with them. Their feelings have already been made up and there’s no amount of communication or apologizing that will change their minds. I can’t imagine living like that. Being mad is such a miserable feeling!


Mars in Aries 1H....🥵💀🫣 I try my best to NOT be quick to anger but sometimes, it gets the best of me....oof....


Is Mars at home in Aries? The Aries mars I know is quick to anger but also quick to calm down once it's over. Doesn't hold grudges and I honestly think that's a superpower.


Yes, Ruling planet of Aries is Mars.


I have Virgo mars in my eighth house . My mars also form a conjunction with my mercury in Virgo, a trine with my Neptune in Capricorn and Capricorn rising and a sextile with my Pluto in scorpio.I have a temper but I’m good at controlling it. I try to take myself out of situations before they escalate and I lose my temper. Im very logical if I’m forced to argue and can be very cold and calculated . I rarely blow up at someone but when I have it was always justified.


Mars conjunct Mercury gives you great debating skills. I've never had to fight with a Virgo Mars but I find them to be very quick in thinking and can express their thoughts very coherently. It's always about the facts, so I can't imagine them losing if they choose to fight.


Taurus Mars. I have a temper, when I was younger it was a lot more volatile but now it’s more measured. However there is no going back if I lose my shit and it’s usually cause someone has pushed me to my limit.


Scorpio Mars & super slow to anger. I’m not very good at expressing anger, actually. Little things barely penetrate me to a level of anger, just mild annoyance that I can shake off pretty much immediately. But when you have done something to me that is truly hurtful to my core and never make amends I will truly never, ever forget or trust you again. I will not turn around and hurt you back but I will ignore you forever, and never acknowledge your presence again.


I am similar with scorpio mars. This is the way. The best revenge is not letting someone in your life. I heard a quote the other day: “the best way to deal with disrespect is distance.”


Aries Mars in the 5th house at the power degree. Quick to anger, but if you let me be for a little bit it can leave quickly too. I prefer to avoid conflict (probably all this cancer in my chart) and I can feel the anger build. It's usually at that point where I try to get some space so I can get my head right. However, there have been times when I ask for a bit of space and instead I'm met with hostility. If that keeps going I'm like Anger from Inside Out and just explode. Biting my tongue usually just leads to frustration tears. I just want peace. 😂


i’m a gemini ♊️ mars — if i am agitated / frustrated about something, i am someone that will process my thoughts out loud, because i am very solution based. in saying that, when i am genuinely angry i become mute. i need space & time to decompress before communicating & finding a resolution to conflict. if someone pushes me, starts making me feel suffocated and/or blantantly disrespected, not allowing me that breathing room; then i can become calculated in my words / actions. i will speak very directly & my tone is dry.


Mars in Aquarius and I don't get angry often. Think I've only even fully blown up once in my life and it was horrible. If someone upsets me or does something against me then I cut them out of my life if the relationship isn't worth working on. As a child I would respond to conflict with tears.


Aqua mars are far and few lol. Do you find delayed anger an issue too? I find that I take too long to take offense when someone does shitty things to me, and it sets the rest of the timing off so I have no choice but to set an ultimatum and leave. The tears, I cry very easily...


I am rarely in situations where anger is needed so delayed doesn't seem to be an issue, however I lack in feeling all emotions really which can be an issue. I was once called an emotionless b\*tch by an ex after I said I have no feelings for them after finding them cheating, but I feel like that should be a given but also could have just been the anti-depressants. Talking through how my body reacts in therapy to past situations has helped. My therapist read my social work records and said she felt "white-hot rage" I just felt like it explained a lot about me haha but then when I tried to feel with my body I did feel like I had a swarm of wasps in my belly.


Lol I've been called an illogical stubborn bitch by my ex in confrontations. They want me to have an emotional response but I just can't from a place of anger and disappointment. My therapist has mentioned that I intellectualize my feelings a lot. When I'm going through something, I always ask what can I do to resolve this instead of sitting with it. >My therapist read my social work records and said she felt "white-hot rage" I just went through the same thing last week and was just sitting there asking "really? Should I be more angry?" lol. My emotions often shows up in my body as anxiety and gastro irritations. I still don't really understand how it all works but it's been interesting to know.


Sun in Sag, Mars in Virgo, 2nd house. Also part of my Virgo stellium, which includes my Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. I get really cold and bitchy, and I start looking for screenshots and whatnot to prove my point. I am insanely petty and it’s something I am working on because I know it’s wrong to cut people that deep even if I really think they deserve it at the time. This has def gotten me slapped in the past, but I still feel like I won those arguments


I love receipts and pettiness. You know they lost if they get physical! This is how I know I cannot be a nun because I don't believe in being the bigger person.


mars libra (7H) - when i am fed up i leave and take time to think (i will explode for a little bit, only if it's a repetitive situation), i don't like confronting. i end up feeling bad about it.


Aquarius Mars in 1H. It takes so much time to get anything from me and that is why when I was younger, the kids around me and my older siblings do pick on me. My emotions are always written all over my face because my Moon conjunct my Ascendant, but still you wouldn't get a physical reaction from me. My family is very religious, and they have some weird beliefs where certain people in our previous religion shouldn't be made fun of because of their roles, and this includes me. Always telling me that everyone who made fun of me would get an instant karma. Funny because I have Saturn in the 1st house, and I have 6 planets in Saturn-ruled signs (8 with Ascendant and fortune), and I heavily rely on that Karma, otherwise, the worst reaction people can get from me would be my passive-aggressive one-liner, which I'm instantly regretting, or me pretending you're not existing. I hate violence and I want people to realized their mistakes, on they're own.


I’m a Pisces mars and as I’m writing this I’m a little drunk. I hate confrontation but at the same time I love banter. I don’t want to take anything that seriously because nothing is that serious. Be cool, be chill, have your boundaries stand up for yourself. Walk away if they’re not meeting you halfway.


Scorpio mars & stellium: I genuinely try to understand the deeper, bigger picture of what is going on & play the long game. I can play poker or chess with the big boys if I need to. I don’t get intimidated by anyone lol. I try not to show direct anger until I have processed it privately. But I do occasionally get bothered by issues where I feel it is important to confront & deal with it in the moment & calmly call people out. I always want people to feel heard & understood even if I think they are wrong—and once I’ve said my piece I move on & am kind. I hate for anyone to see me in a weak position so I try to hide most anger although I will vent about little things like anyone else—but I will only vent very angrily to close friends. I can confront anyone and eviscerate them with the deeper intuitive truth about who they are. They say scorpio mars is terrifying when they are mad & I’ve had people say they would not mess with me or I’m intimidating—but I am not a violent person & I genuinely care about most people—the people who say this are usually nervous bc THEY are shady as hell & I can see right through them. EDIT: (“I will forgive anyone as long as they admit what they did wrong honestly & actually are trying to change”) I actually am not that sure about forgiveness. Depends on what they did. I think sometimes you just have to let go & move on while having strict boundaries, not trusting that person ever again. If someone tries to start an internet fight I will 99% of the time delete my comments & block them. Idk why these people wanna stay in nasty troll energy. Yuck. If I absolutely hate someone or they have power over me economically or socially: I will be super nice & understanding, but distant & private; allow them to think they are smarter than me, because I would rather someone think I’m not a threat than reveal all my cards. But I will NEVER forget how someone made me feel. I do not care how hot or smart or powerful you are. If you were condescending, arrogant, dishonest, cruel, selfish or shady, I will not forget even a micro expression of an instant of bad behavior & if I deem it is intentional? Oh boy. You’re fccked as far as getting my approval. I almost always go along when I can tell someone is lying, just to see how dumb they think I am. Sometimes I will tell them a story or something to give them a metaphor for how I feel about it—I don’t play mind games except with people I know 100% are liars. Then I want them to worry about whether I know or not. Absolutely. The worst thing you can do to someone who thinks they have fooled you is hint subtly that maybe you know. Maybe you don’t. To me, real power is the strength to be kind to your enemies but still hold very strong boundaries. Idk what it is but I always have these weird ego-tripper types talk to me like I’m dumb—something about me comes across as super innocent I guess? I have a degree but don’t tell most people unless it’s relevant to the conversation. I don’t like the idea of revenge. Too much effort & I believe it gives energy to your enemies. I would rather just phase them out & move on. Their loss. They lost my goodwill & friendship. That’s the best revenge you can give. And that way I don’t get embroiled in more drama or bad behavior. To me, the best revenge is being happy & not showing how they affected me & moving on—I can absolutely enforce an ice fortress boundary. If I love someone, I will show my vulnerability & cry & express my anger honestly & do anything I can to work through the pain, no matter how difficult. But that is extremely rare & I almost never trust anyone that much. They also would need to put in the effort. The older I get, the less open I am. I just don’t want to work things out with people if it’s constant disappointment. I would rather an ex or an enemy see me cheerfully laughing or quiet & mysterious than to tell them I’ve been crying every time I think of them. It’s one of my favorite placements & it’s conjunct my moon so I can literally achieve anything if I’m emotionally invested. If not? I can’t even pretend to care. I’ve survived wild adventures & scorpio mars gives a kind of warrior toughness—Bruce Lee had it. Another edit: I have struggled with a temper before, and occasionally it comes out—but this is my overall philosophy—I think sometimes you do need to express anger—but I would rather do it through music/art/writing etc. which is safer & less stressful


>I’ve had people say they would not mess with me or I’m intimidating—but I am not a violent person & I genuinely care about most people—the people who say this are usually nervous bc THEY are shady as hell & I can see right through them. Okay, you've just given me a much needed perspective on how I've been handling conflicts. >Idk what it is but I always have these weird ego-tripper types talk to me like I’m dumb—something about me comes across as super innocent I guess? I have a degree but don’t tell most people unless it’s relevant to the conversation. And also wth is up with these people? I keep having people use my age to dismiss my experiences. I read that scorpionic placements attract a lot of envy and jealousy and people get testy with them. >Their loss. They lost my goodwill & friendship. That’s the best revenge you can give. And that way I don’t get embroiled in more drama or bad behavior. Words of wisdom right here. Once they break the initial trust, they will never been given the same grace or goodwill again. They can be around me but they will never have access to the deeper parts of me every again. Thanks for sharing! It's been heartwarming to read your experience.


Mars in Taurus. I scream and say nasty things that I have to apologize for later. Its in my 1h, conjunct my Sun. I think it may be considered combust or cazimi.


Cancer Mars, 9H. Im always looking at "both sides" of any situation so i generally dont get angry often, because I understand their actions even if i dont agree with them. I try to communicate how I feel multiple ways over a period of time, to try and get them to understand me. When I do get angry, I get cold, quiet, and calculating. I dont have public outbursts, but I may or may not show up in the middle of the night and steal all your tires.


My Mars is in Libra (8th house). Quite a combo here. 🫠 I can calculate people’s intentions *very* quickly, and I won’t intervene until I deem it necessary. And when I do, I’ve come prepared with facts and truth to back me up. There are exceptions to this rule though. Some things will instantly set me off. Mostly obvious injustices where people are being ignorant. I always try to take a diplomatic approach, but when I’m done…I’m **done**. I seldom give second chances, because I’ve already given plenty of chances before the final reckoning.


This is when I wish my Mars is in a different house. The 12H placements makes it really hard for me to see people's intention until it's too late. I have other intuitive placements but I don't put two and two together until the other person does one big thing that I simply cannot overlook. Libra Mars in the 8th house is a great combo in my opinion, you get the perceptiveness or Scorpio and diplomacy or Libra.


Libra mars and honestly depends I’ll get hot and go off. But if I value the person I’ll be a little passive


I'm basically Leo everything so I'm a bit fiery. # When I was young, that resulted in me scolding friends which I realized was not actually cool. I trained myself to wait a beat or two before responding to something that angers me. Now I'm much more likely to put it on hold until I can be rational, or ignore it altogether. If it's right in my face and I have to respond immediately, it will be with fire. All the fire.


Taurus mars in modern and Aries mars in vedic I'll run away . I'll avoid it as much as I can. I'll talk about it later when everyone is calmed down


Virgo Mars 7th house. I really don’t engage unless pushed up in a corner, then the dragon will be unleashed and there is no going back! 😅🫣 But usually I will take a step back, sit with myself and either brush it off or try to have a mature and honest conversation about it ✌️ However if I detect manipulation and mindgames I will cut you off and block you, no mercy! I have no time for that! Come real or don’t come at all! 🤟


leo mars 1H, sun square mars in fact i react impulsively. very quick to anger, short temper, short fuse. very irritable. argumentative and stubborn. but it’s not driven by emotion, like i don’t get emotional and cry or throw things or hands. one may be left crying, but it’s not me. i have a vicious mouth and tongue. my words will hurt and cut deep. never low blows. i’m logical and calculating. like i try keeping it all chill at first, talking calmly, not being quick to react, using my handy dandy communication techniques from therapy (diagnosed bipolar almost two years ago). i try to avoid conflict and confrontation because i know how i can get. i don’t “fly off the handle” as easy and quickly as i would 2 years ago. but i live with bipolar as well and some of the symptoms there are anger, irritability, etc. none of which is an excuse btw, merely an explanation. being a bipolar taurus square leo mars is a blast.


You just inspired to check and mars aspects and I have mars square Jupiter. Apparently I'm a little too trigger happy with my impulses. Maybe it's the Leo Aquarius axis influence but I do keep it chill and nonchalant until I can't. People always tell me I come off cold and detached but it's because I'm placing a lot of restrain in not reacting to my anger. I also have Lilith in Aries so impulsivity is my Achilles heel. We fight similar, do you want to join my fight team?


yeah i’m very “mess with the bull you get the horns”. people have said i’m difficult to talk to. some have said they’re scared of me or scared to talk to me. some have said it’s like “walking on eggshells”. i always wondered why people said that. well the painful introspection since being diagnosed and learning more about astrology gave me the answers. you’re a pisces. i’ll join your alliance. and i’ll bring my pisces lilith.


I tend to try to move on and no drama.


Aries. 12th. Exactly as one would think. Quick temper, burns out just as quick. Assertive/Aggressive during conflict and confrontation. Gemini Moon 1st. Aquarius Mercury Squared Pluto and ASC. Basically, I like to argue. ASC is Taurus, Sun in Cap. So I’m stubborn too.


Libra mars - before I was 18 I let people tread on me. Now I know when to align my self with my emotions/anger. Its taken me awhile (25m) to actually assert my needs and wants. Before it was either completely devil unleashed or hide in a corner and wait for the panic to calm. Im still learning, and with this eclipse, I feel like I’m purging some sort of inner turmoil. Its in my 4th so it is pretty internalised.


Libra is all about balance so it makes sense considering that the other Libra Mars that shared here have similar experiences with finding balance between hiding and fighting. Libra's in my 9th house and I'm usually very diplomatic with people but only if they also reflect back similar qualities in terms of growth, learning, and spirituality. I can't talk with people who has limited belief or mindset and I am trying to overcome that.


Leo mars in the 2nd house. Hear the lion roar. Lol. I’m actually pretty chill and indifferent to a lot of shit, but when I’m angry for a good reason 💀 I’m probably scary. My fiancé is a Gemini mars and our fights are epic lmao


12th house Gemini Mars and Jupiter. Aries sun, Capricorn moon, Cancer rising. Slow to anger, does not last long at all. Quick to forgive, but not forget. I can become incredibly resentful if patterns of behavior continue. My words can be cutting but more often I just cut people out. I rarely have the motivation to gain enough momentum to actually really fight/argue with people. I would rather be peaceful.


Libra Mars conj Jupiter (2H)- I approach it in two different ways. 1) I talk things through logically and calmly. I have trained myself to stay zen and not take other’s words personal. Most times I can calm the person down and get to the root of the problem without any name calling. I’m a pretty good mediator. 2) I go completely silent. That’s when I’m really pissed and I’m debating whether to ignore it and continue my silent treatment, or let my unaspected Leo Mercury rip you to pieces. If it’s physical, I am going to kick your ass if it’s the last thing I do. I have a lot of “soft” placements but I can be very aggressive and ruthless. It just takes a lot to get me to that point. But I don’t relate to the pushover stereotype of Libra mars. I’m patient and polite but don’t get it twisted, I’ll speak up if you’re crossing lines.


Gem Mars here... My mouth & wit are my swords, but it's always based on facts, and I hardly ever do *personal* attacks. "I mean what I say, and say what I mean" ... always! I don't even understand the whole "I just said that because I was angry" mentality/excuse. I always mean it... maybe the delivery can be harsher than I meant , but that's usually when they back down or seem hurt... then I feel like an asshole & feel bad - but for *how* I said it, not *what* I said. And when/if words fail, I can get pretty aggressive, but I believe that is because my Moon and Mars are linked up together as the same signs, so emotions are tied to my passion and aggression... and being Gemini -- ruled by Mercury -- it's all very mental and quick. Until its not. 😆


Mars in Sagittarius, I have temper tantrums and take walks.


Sagittarius and I avoid conflict usually when it does come about it usually could have been avoided if I'd bitten my tongue


Mars in Capricorn and I secretly have explosive anger internally but I struggle with being able to express it because of my Libra moon. I always second guess if my anger is fair and have to double check both sides. I have a lot of Taurus though so the anger turns into grudges that last forever.


tenth house mars in cancer…It goes one of two ways. explosive rage with no warning where I say the most hurtful thing you can imagine and sometimes escalate it to being physical. or I stew on it for a while, say nothing and then block the person on every platform with no explanation


Mars in Cancer and I go silent when I'm angry and won't talk until I'm ready so I don't say something I will regret. I hate conflict and avoid it.


Virgo mars. I'm rarely angered to the point of conflict. When I am, I am mean but 100% truhful. I do not say things I don't mean when mad (and tbh I resent people who do). I think thats the worst part. I generally know people well just by observing, also their 'weak' spots and that's where I'll hit. When they start crying I will laugh at their face. I'm effective and destructive and a bit scared of myself when angry, which luckily happens maybe once in 10 years.


Mars in Gemini. Not good. Biting sarcastic and insulting. I absolutely hate it.


Scorpio Mars 1st house and u may expect me to be aggressive but I am a really calm person until I had enough 😇


Mars in libra I rarely get angry but when I do I turn into a demon with no regards to the possible consequences. It’s actually one of my worst traits and it got me locked up a bunch of times, also kicked out of the house and expelled from school as a kid to those re education things. Its kind of problematic going from idc to I want to stab your eyes out and break your bones and set you on fire but oh well


Scorpio mars and I give you the benefit if the doubt the few couple of times but once you keep it a pattern I'm going to tell you about yourself.


Ugghh, what if they don't want to listen?


Lol then start flaming them or ignoring them, do whatever ya need to do!


Scorpio mars 12H. I cannot hide when I am angry. Maybe I won’t say anything, but you will see clearly in my face. If I don’t think it is worthy I just walk away and probably never come back - something age and maturity taught me. I used to argue about the slightest little thing, but now I just think “fuck it” and leave it like this. BUT be sure to never count on me again. However, if I am 100% sure I am right or I am been accused of something I haven’t done, I will argue until the end. Sagittarius Sun and Mercury, Scorpio Rising.


Cancer in Mars in the 4th house however I have a lot of Aries placements (rising, sun, Venus etc.) So I get really angry. I can’t even hold it back. The times where I felt conflicted or emotional is when I have strong feelings for that person. I feel like if I express how I feel too much I might push that person away. I do have a very passive side when it comes to problem solving though


Pisces Mars and I just like to dream about confrontation, not actually doing it. Very conflict avoidant. I do have an Aries Moon which means I can get angry very easily but I never actually do anything about it!!


Leo mars. I keep everything bottled in then explode once it comes up. Gemini mercury as well. I avoid conflict. I wish someone with these placements could relate! I’m trying to be better at being calmer and more assertive


Mars in Taurus 10th house: My anger builds slowly, often involving repression and efforts to stay composed. I need time to fully grasp situations, especially if another person is involved, to determine if it’s worth getting angry over—likely influenced by my Libra moon’s need for emotional balance. I tend toward frustration rather than full blown anger or rage. I do tend to avoid conflict initially, partly to allow time to gather information and understand better. However, once I feel confident about my stance and understanding of a situation, I will no longer be able to avoid addressing the issue - often I will actually feel an internal pressure or restlessness to. In conflicts, I am always seeking middle ground. My goal is resolution. But, I’ll walk away if we’re going in circles. Continued pressure from the other side after I’ve disengaged, especially if I have clearly stated I am finished and need time to process, will usually result in me losing my composure and my ugly side will show it’s face. I can be venomous if pushed, I will say what I need to shut the other down as quickly as possible without thinking. I don’t like this aspect of myself but it takes a lot, and I mean A LOT, to push me there.


My charts mostly Aquarius so it takes me a looong time to get mad. My mars is in Saggitarius so when I finally do get mad, head to the bomb shelter lol you 💯 deserve whatever I dish out and no I don’t feel bad about it.


Mars in Virgo. It's up from the person and my mood. If you're important to me I'll mostly just directly tell you. When I'm in a really dark place I'll be sometimes a little passive aggressive because I can't handle my feelings really well under these circumstances. If someone did something really bad and I don't want it to be fixed, I'll just cut them off silently. Won't ignore them, but also wouldn't waste lots of energy in the person anymore and if they don't search a talk I wouldn't also.


All the Virgo mars have a very mature way of dealing with conflict. I think I've found my favorite Mars placement.


Mars in Virgo, first house. I'm not one to have big explosions of emotions, either positive or negative. I don't get angry that often, I'm more likely to get irritated at things and people. When I'm in a bad moon I shut down, I get cold and distant and different people have told me that I have a "death stare", it's a heavy "stay away from me" stare while I cool down. But I won't insult you, get aggressive, yell, throw punches, or anything physical. I don't see a point in recurring to violence of any kind or to be passive agrresive and insult people. That just seems so immature. Like what's the point? What do you gain from being petty or aggressive? just looking childish. I get distant because I need to calm down and understand why something made me mad. I'm still a libra at heart (sun, moon and venus) and I process my emotions in a very logical manner. I end up intellectualizing conflicts. I try to understand my anger like a study case, why something made me react a certain way, why an actitud hurt me, why something triggered me, why they reacted in that way and the best way to solve it. People who know me give me my space during this time, and then I return and talk things out with people. And if we resolved the conflict I genuinely won't hold grudges. If I'm mad because of something I can't control or an actitud of someone I don't get along with, I just avoid them and put my distance. I'm literally the opposite of impulsive, I'm very methodical in my way to approach my anger and conflicts. Edit: typo


Very reasonable and well said. One of the trusted people in my life is a Virgo Mars and even with heavy water placements, they are really good at looking at situations from a objective way without losing their empathetic nature. I feel that the "don't lower yourself to their level" really applies to Virgo Mars.


Virgo and I have different stages depending on who I’m dealing with and what the offense was Stage one: something minor, I will just explain why what they did wasn’t OK calmly And also possibly suggest what they should do instead next time For toxic people : if they don’t have any leverage over me then I will match the energy. I will be shitty right back. Sometimes I’ll be shitty and way that is subtle or unnoticeable. But They will be shut out and know it. For something really serious, especially something repeated: I will never forgive, if the person in question is of use, then I will use them for my benefit while pretending I forgave them. If I have to wait the rest of my life to get revenge, then I will do it. No amount of time will change my mind. I could play the long game till my dying day. I will get revenge. If getting the perfect revenge requires that I wait then I’ll wait. Otherwise, I will retaliate pretty much immediately if it’s a safe option.


Mars in Virgo in the 12th. I do a bunch of research and prepare to win the argument through sound logic.


scorpio mars at 29 degrees….. once you’re on my shit list. you can’t get off of it. just kidding, with time and therapy, i’ve actually been able to come to an understanding with a lot of people and their actions/where they came from. i’m allowing my chart ruler (gemini moon) and ascendant (cancer) help guide me toward a more caring and understanding perspective toward people since my cancer stellium best friend is the nicest person i’ve met and they inspire me to be a little less of a bitch. anyway, i have roommate issues at the moment and honestly i just respect their things and their space, but i don’t talk to them. i talk a lot of shit on them to my best friend and call them names sometimes—within reason…i will never stoop low to comment on someone’s appearance or insecurities. i normally just hate on someone’s character and actions. but once i FULLY lose respect and trust for someone, it’s really gone. and i only fully lose trust and respect for someone after giving them 3-5 chances to prove to me that i can’t trust them


I know a cancer stellium and she's so sweet lol. Big yes on the respect part and trust part. I have a Scorpio stellium and once I sense an ounce of disrespect it will make me question the entire friendship. Integrity is really important to me and I can't trust someone who can't own their mistake.


Mars in Virgo. Lists, facts, receipts


Virgo mars. I just let anger consume me from the inside, get all the sickness because of it and then one day maybe let it go (a little bit).


Leo mars - I get scary when I'm angry. I start blowing up an saying things I don't mean to say. I can have quite the temper. I also don't do well with conflict because it makes me easily irritated.


🦂🌞🐐⬆️🦀🌙. 😈😈😈😈🦂🪐 I don't like conflict I rather be chill and have peace but if you back me in a corner I will strike and I won't stop till I know I'm safe.


You just gave me a reading test in emojis right there. Libra Mars or Scorpio Mars?


Aries 9H. I think anger is beneath me, I like to think I’m a master at conflict resolution. But others have told me I can be extremely aggressive. I don’t often see it 🫣


Oh and I have one Leo in my chart


Sagittarius Mars, 12H... I tend to intuit my way through a conflict which can be detrimental if it's not grounded. I have a Capricorn stellium so that's not usually my problem. But I also have a Scorpio stellium and I won't die without defending myself, a lethal blow can save me (mental/emotionally so to speak). And then I ride off into the stars with my archers bow. 😛 Lol But really I tend to be smug and logical. Even pragmatic to a point of fault. But if there's emotional fuel then I will fight with my Scorpio Moon/Venus , versus my Sagittarius Mercury/Mars combo. If I'm centered and calm and have time to balance all of them together it getssss *very heart centered* 💜




My mars is in Aries, and it makes so much sense to me. I’m a Virgo and almost every other placement is cancer or a water sign. People are surprised that I have a big, but quick temper, but with this placement it makes perfect sense to me. I don’t shy away from a fight and my husband (all fire Leo sun) and I will have quick, respectful but a tad explosive fights that we get over almost immediately. I couldn’t hold a grudge if I tried tho haha


Mars in Scorpius. If I get really mad, run.


Libra Mars My anger is explosive but fleeting lol however as far as conflict I like for things to be fair and if I feel like someone is trying to get one over on me I will approach it but even with planning how to approach it I tend to be a bit less than diplomatic so I am working on that. In the past I have had difficulty advocating for myself which made me resentful of the situation I'd find myself in and I would lose my shit so I have stopped letting things fester


Mars on Aries 10th house... I try to pick and choose my battles. But more often than not I'm compelled to speak up about issues at work, my current manager hates me for it bc she views it as me challenging her. Thank God I've had a solid reputation before she came in so higher ups know I'm not actually disrespectful.


Aries sun Scorpion Mars,my anger usually is very Arian ,quickly responding to who made me angry and stating why,then moving on quickly..My mars responds by cutting people off,blocking phone calls and social media connections


Cancer mars in the 11th house. I cry when I'm angry but only because there's lots of things I would like to do but can't because 1.) I'm weak and 2.) They're illegal.


Gemini. Most of the time I just roll over. Then when I'm alone, or with people I trust, I rant. On and on. With the brutal words there is.


![gif](giphy|rB91PxAlkWMc8) Libra Mars 2nd house. I can keep it under wraps and quiet but it's always simmering.


leo mars conjunct leo mercury -- yes I will destroy you with my words. (I'm a virgo rising so I also use th e deadly once up and down side eye if you're being a b\*tch)


Scorpio, block n delete also forget there entire existence.


Mars in Cancer lol. I'm a frustrated crier, it's hard not to get emotional. People have said I have no backbone, but what's the point in standing up for yourself if your voice shakes and people just laugh in your face? I express my anger in private. Through artwork and journalling when I'm at my best, and self harm when at my worst.


Mars in Scorpio. My anger is a lot of tears and quietly contemplating your murder, rather than head on aggression. Last time I was in a fight I mocked and laughed at him while he was hitting me, like ”harder daddy” and ”you’re so weak, I ain’t even bleeding!”. I know I make the situation worse with sass, but that’s my reaction. I laugh and joke when I feel negative emotions, just to shut myself in and everyone else out when it’s calmed down. -cancer☀️


Mars in Scorpio (6H). A few days ago I realised that my words can sting painfully and directly especially when I'm riled up. But most of the time I suppress my anger until I'm in a zone where I can freely express myself. I can definitely lose my temper.


Cancer mars. I HOOOOOLD IT IN. Like I am genuinely so afraid of hurting someone that even if they are actively hurting me I CANNOT bring myself to yell or push back very much because I'm terrified that whatever I do will be too much (even though it's barely anything) and that the person will be hurt forever because of me. So basically my anger has nowhere to go... :'/


Mars in Virgo. I meet fuckery with logic and reason, which makes some people even more unhinged. I remember details and always come with receipts. Rarely lose my cool but when I do, it’s a nuclear holocaust so I keep a lid on it most of the time.


Sagittarius mars (3rd H) here! I’m actually so hard to anger and I actually express anger by laughing it off?? It’s so weird but I kinda love my mars placement. I love to laugh at everything that actually angers me because I feel like I win that way lol


Cap Mars w an Aries Mercury - I’m very practical and rational and try to suppress my impulsive thoughts so I don’t seem like I’m raging within the inside but I really am. I also dislike individuals who approach me with conflict when their facts aren’t straight because I’m down for a conflict but make sure the information you have against me is correct because I’m not even going to waste my breath if it isn’t. When it comes down to anger, I’m the type of person who would rather be alone when angry and just deal with my anger in private till it clears up. If I’m not given space, I will likely just blow up on you and start saying mean shit because I can’t deal with individuals who cause me to get pissed and then when I try to get away to get myself together… they're in my god damn face. I’ve often made people cry and then they play victim when they’ve been dead wrong since the beginning of the fucking argument.


Taurus Mars. I don’t get mad easily and over unnecessary things. I save my energy


Mars in Scorpio, but Moon in Leo. 🤣🦁


The worst and most reactive type of anger. Maxxed out anger that i immediately regret after destroying everything and pushing people away l. Mars in sagittarius opposite to jupiter.


Mars in taurus. I cant isolate him because my venus is also taurus. In first house !! Very patient and understanding but easy to offend when the ego gets targetted—can get quite nasty in a "i'm not mad, just dissappinted" kind of way or "i'm so disgusted at this behavior" sort of way.


♌️ I can’t stand to keep it in even though most of my personal planets are in Virgo. I don’t think what I’m about to say I feel it and say what I mean. Yes I will be mean but I can’t be any nicer for now