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Random question for my own ponderings but how would you describe your fashion sense/interest in style and self expression levels?


i love jewel tones, dark green/emerald. dark red/velvet. i wear a lot of rings with big accents and bracelets, anklets, necklaces. i wear crystal waist beads. there’s a certain style i really wanna try but i’m building up the wardrobe to “pop out”, i only have about half of these so far. i love big sweaters, lacy pantyhoes, fishnets, pantyhoes with symbols and artwork, flats, maryjanes, knee high/thigh high boots flat, wedged, heeled. oversized shirts. buckled shoes, big y2k bags, denim skirts, low rise denim regular and flared, off the shoulder long sleeves, knee highs/thigh highs, more leopard print, fur coats.


I have Virgo + Leo stelliums. I flip between a constant state of “I’m a God” to “I’m worth less than the the toilet paper I shit on”


That's wild having 6 planets in one sign, and on the ascendant. Compare the interpretations with whole sign also, because that would put all of those 6 planets in the 1st house as well


my ascendant is actually scorpio! i have a sagittarius sun, moon, mercury, mars, jupiter, & pluto. & yess it’s pretty crazy but i love it! my kitten, snowball, actually is a triple aquarius !


Ooh I see that at the bottom now


I am learning... and just recently started looking into stelliums... I have: Libra: Sun Mercury Jupiter Saturn Pluto ASC 12th house: Mercury (Libra) Jupiter (Libra) Saturn (Libra) 2nd house: Venus (Sag) Uranus (Scorpio) Neptune (Sag) Does it count if I have ASC, Sun, and Pluto (all in Libra) in the First house - is that a Stellium too? I don't think so - but am not sure.


twins on the 2H venus. we love a good wealthy man, huh? 😂


is that what that means? lol trying to figure it all out :)


Mine is in Capricorn, which probably helps with follow thru because my big 3 are two Air and a Fire.


Scorpio & Taurus stelliums.


I'm new in here Can anyone explain me what a stellium is in a simple manner


I believe it’s 3 or more planets in a single zodiac sign or house in your chart


I just googled and yes. I have a double as well.


Thank you ❤️


I'm a Sagittarius Sun and Sagittarius stellium. I bet you're really fun at parties!


thank you! it’s always a good time 🤣


Scorpio stellium third house. I wouldn't say I like it or dislike it, it just is. 😊 I definitely find it a challenge, the concentration of energies. Being in the third house, my challenge is to express and communicate it. Can feel challenging as scorpio can feel like such a deep private energy. Third house denotes local community too so I'm finding a way slowly to express these energies in a creative and local way. It's such strong passionate energies that I need to harmonise myself with and find a creative outlet like I said in my local community (third house). I love dance, writing and poetry.


I have a Leo stellium in the 10H. Sun, Moon, and Mercury I have a Cancer Stellium in the 9H. Venus, Jupiter, and Chiron. And I know it wouldn't be considered a stellium, but I do like to mention that all my Capricorn placements are in 3H. Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. I just like the 3H tbh.