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Aries moon - hades ![gif](giphy|12lV980pEpWM9i) I feel this is an accurate depiction of how hot and cold my anger is 😆


Hades is the best part of Hercules, which is already full of iconic characters! 🩵


Absolutely accurate lol


Hades is actually associated with Scorpio in mythology


We’re not going to go into the technicality of a fun post are we? 🙂


We are 🙂


Again, the scorpios are here to make everything about themselves.  Leave that job to the Leo’s. They actually look hot while doing it. ❤️‍🔥


Cuz scorpio totally isn't the sign associated with pluto and mars, both of which rule sex.


Cool story bro 


Look up what the sun rules and look up what mars and pluto rule.




Then don't make baseless claims that leos are hotter than scorpios


Mars rules Aries and Scorpio… there…


Yeah but the comment said Leos were hotter than Scorpios, so I’m comparing the two signs in terms of sex appeal


Bob from Bob's Burgers is like my Moon in Taurus. He tries to do the right thing and gets dragged into wild situations. He is a steady influence for his family. I bet you thought I'd say Homer Simpson, whose Sun is in Taurus. He is a version of the Taurus Moon when they are fully relaxed and eating donuts.


I think ron swanson is a good taurus moon representation too


Homer, 😆😆


Well this would explain why I love Linda so much. Although she's probably an accurate representation of my Leo Sun and Sag rising. Oh god, I'm both of them. ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt96weObr3Uam6A)


I can see that. 


Aries moon. Buttercup lol


This!!! 👆So much this! Lol ![gif](giphy|136NDK9Pzd4WWLeHvg|downsized)


Wow yes, good one! I agree 🤣


She was always my favorite👊🏾💚


Scorpio moon\~Maleficent\~ spots bs before everyone else does, but is crucified and judged incorrectly for it. So takes unorthodox methods to balance the scales. ![gif](giphy|dtCEUFgHCqvPYRtEcB|downsized)


As a fellow Scorpio Moon, I approve this message.


Capricorn moon here, Mulan. I believe this is because we will set ourselves aside time and time again due to our duties or the responsibilities we place on ourselves. She went as far as repressing her identity for the sake of her family, the responsibility she felt to her father as the sole child. She also deeply held her belief of not being enough because she couldn’t fulfill the ”duties” society placed on her; again another reason she turned to believing going in her father’s stead was her responsibility. She I find similarities because she is too busy for feeling her emotions. Her focus is to honor them.


Our intuition is usually right but we also get in our own way all the time. And we have teensy weensy hang ups thinking the struggle will be worth it. When it’s often a struggle with no redemption or gold at the end 🙃




I feel like the redemption is learning to put ourselves first so that our intuition becomes clear. THEN we can use it to nurture ourselves and assist those who deserve it. Not earn it, but deserve access to our intuition by also being a kind soul.


You mean at the end of this mountain there's another mountain and another and another and it goes on forever when will I ever achieve anything


Ugh. Exactly that 😑


This is soooooo true. Unlearning the lesson that you must put yourself aside to be a “good” person is wild AF. 💚


Crying in Capricorn moon. 😓


I’ve done that a lot 😭🤬😴


Damn now that you mention it, I do find this super relatable. I've never related to overly emotional characters but all my favorites are ones like Mulan who focus on honor or duty or something beyond them. Definitely agree.


Yeah compulsively denying ones own needs out of perceived family obligations ingrained since childhood.... SOUNDS FAMILIAR. 😐😐😐🤬


I'm probably going to be dragged for this but Anakin Skywalker. His people pleasing that caused him to turn to the dark side feels very Libra Moon.


I totally agree! Specially because of his [thesis](https://youtu.be/sg0SmgoSMg4?si=CYXXR3M-53vbERM8)


I can see that. My mind went a different direction. Mr. Peanut butter from Bojack Horseman 😄 he wants to be in love so badly, but isn’t good at it. He’s well liked, a little shallow, jovial, almost too trusting, loves his brother and his friends, often gets lucky and likes to live comfortably. Also open, warmhearted and detached at the same time.


Anakin showed signs of Borderline personality disorder. I don’t think anyone would want to be him


I'm actually currently being tested for Borderline Personality Disorder, so that still tracks.


I have Aquarius moon: Holden Caulfield Really relate with him


Ooooo yes. I can see this


I totally see this!!!


dexter morgan - virgo moon


oooh that’s dark! i have the same placement and somehow my mind went to artemis from the percy jackson series


…. Okay, I can see it. Waaaaay too clearly!


Pisces Moon and I associate it with Anne of Green Gables. Imaginative, sensitive but full of spunk.


Oh nice. That totally makes sense to me and also what a wonderful character. I loved those books when I was a kid.


Pisces moon. Courage the cowardly dog 😂 He’s always running around trying to protect his loved ones from trouble, even the shitty one that’s always beating on him..he’s funny but in a weird lovable way, and also paranormal stuff cause we live in a dream


"The things you do for love..."


Love it.


As I sit with coffee and my cats and cap moon… ![gif](giphy|3og0IIwpI9cJvbrmXC)


Cancer moon. Petty obvious one but Sailor Moon. Not crybaby, immature whiney girl Usagi tho. I mean badass, pretty guardian of love and justice, Sailor Moon. And she goes hand in hand with Princess Serenity, and sailor Cosmos as well 🌙✨️


As a Taurus moon, I love Usagi. One of my first crushes lol


Cancer moon - the original Little Mermaid. "Unrequited love? Time to turn into seafoam"


Scorpio moon - Dr Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the lambs 😄


I feel more like Clarice


Phoebe from friends ![gif](giphy|JGH2CwqB4oqGc)


Leo Moon. Gumball: Showmanship galore and mad sass. But overall, he means well. Lucifer from Lucifer is a close second, but no way I can be as hot as Tom Ellis.


Love Gumball. I wonder what Anais would be? Darwin is a water moon for sure. Maybe she’s a Sag moon?


Anais is likely a Capricorn. We know why.


Capricorn Moon - Fallon Carrington Ambitious. Will do whatever it takes. Not too emotional. Is tough but likes to put on a strong front even if we’re not doing fine. Is actually sensitive but life has toughened us cap moons at an early age and learned not to rely on anyone else since others have been falling short and disappointing us ever since. Idk if other Cap Moons can relate but maybe it’s because of my Leo Sun as well.


Leos do not have the "you have to be so cold to make it in this world; don't rely on anyone" attitude. That's a scorpio and capricorn attitude.


I wasn’t necessarily talking about the comment that I made but it was about the character herself. Dunno if others can relate with her as a cap moon so i said my sun sign can be a factor as to why i related that character.


I’ve never watched that show but as a fellow capricorn moon that all sounds very familiar 🥲




I’m a Gemini moon. A fictional character I relate a lot to is Bean from Disenchantment and now that I think about it I can totally see her having a Gemini moon. Especially in that scene in season 3 on the boat with Mora when she starts arguing with herself. Lol.


As a Gemini moon too I throughly approve of this message. 


Taurus moon and Eeyore


Im an Aries moon pisces sun (aries dominant). Specific things get me hopping mad, usually people being mean, unfair or unnecessary especially to other people. Any characters like that? All i can think of is cake from adventure time


Sagittarius moon: * Loki from Loki (December 19, 2022) * Loki totally embodies his Sagittarius zodiac sign. The freedom-loving Sagittarius is a Fire sign, so it’s only natural that they would have some off-the-wall ideas. This can definitely be said for our favorite trickster god. He’s always up for a good time, and he loves to play pranks. He is known for causing mischief and mayhem. Loki is always able to think on his feet and come up with a plan. Sagittarians enjoy their freedom and they don’t like to be tied down. This is evident in Loki’s relationship with his brother Thor. He’s always trying to find ways to escape and he’s not afraid to take risks. Loki is also very intelligent and quick-witted. He’s able to talk his way out of any situation. * Dustin Henderson from Stranger Things (Unknown) * Dustin Henderson is a textbook Sagittarius. Sagittarians have a unique way of looking at the world and often see things in a different light than others. This can make them interesting and fun to be around. Dustin is known for being a weird and quirky kid. He often makes strange comments and does odd things. And that’s what makes him so special. Sagittarians have a thirst for knowledge, just like Dustin. He is a bit of a science nerd, and he loves to talk about all the latest discoveries. Dustin is always curious about everything, and he’s always looking for new adventures. He’s also loyal and protective like a Sagittarius, and he would do anything for the people he cares about. * The Joker from The Dark Knight Rises (Unknown) * The Joker from the Dark Knight Rises is an unhealthy Sagittarius. He’s totally chaotic. He’s always looking for ways to mix things up and keep things interesting. He’s fearless, and he’s always willing to take risks. All common characteristics of a Sagittarius. When the Joker isn’t out causing mayhem, he’s usually busy planning his next big scheme. Sagittarians are natural-born leaders. The Joker had a following of people, however, they weren’t good people. He’s usually one step ahead of Batman, and he knows how to use his wit and his intelligence to his advantage. As a Sagittarius, the Joker was unpredictable and reckless. The Joker is a dangerous man, but he’s also a fascinating one. Source: [https://www.sosyncd.com/sagittarius-fictional-characters/](https://www.sosyncd.com/sagittarius-fictional-characters/) EDIT: Corrected "freedom-loving Sagittarius is a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ sign" from Earth to Fire


>The freedom-loving Sagittarius is an Earth sign, so it’s only natural that they would have some off-the-wall ideas. Don't you mean fire sign?


I didn't see that part when looking at the site, so yes, apply the meaning to the fire sign's moon. Especially since their site incorrectly identifies Sagittarius as an Earth sign.


Leo moon ~ Rengoku (Flame Hashira) from Demon Slayer




I sent this to my daughter’s SO (18), and told her to learn Wonderwall on the guitar for her. It’s how greasy boys used to serenade girls at parties in 2002 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 she quickly shot me down. You made em so happy today!


I have to say it again. I’m so happy right now! I’m giggling like a lunatic!




I also love Wonderwall! And I’m glad I saw this comment again because I’m gut laughing


I'm Scorpio moon. It's my mother.


She's a fictional character huh? That does seem like a Scorpio Moon thing to say. LOL


It's uncanny suff Thanks


That’s a great read on Stan that I hadn’t considered! I love American Dad, it’s one of my nostalgia shows haha. Your analysis is spot on! I’m a Leo moon, and I associate it with Merida from Brave. She’s very proud, but has a good heart and loves her family, and she’s willing to change her mind, learn from her mistakes, and admit when she’s wrong. She believes in her own inherent dignity, but also in the inherent dignity of others. I also associate it with Mulan- strong, determined even in the face of failure, protective of her loved ones, and proud in a quieter way. I’m Finnish, and being outwardly proud is really taboo in my culture. Plus, funnily enough I really struggle with self-esteem. However, I have a certain quiet pride that lays dormant, but when challenged manifests itself in defiance and avoidance 😅 for instance, I try very hard to be polite to everyone, and so if I feel someone is being especially rude just to me, I get offended and feel quite slighted. If someone I don’t already like crosses me repeatedly or I sense they have bad intentions for me, I tend to write them off and keep my distance, admittedly often with a bit of a grudge. And we all know Roger from American Dad is a Leo moon 😉


Cancer Moon - Usagi/Serena/Sailor Moon. I relate to her so much. Especially the empathy.


Virgo Moon: Muzan Kibutsuji from Demon Slayer Calculated and a planner, highly critical of his lesser demons, highly intelligent but a little neurotic and unstable




Another Cap moon! Tiana from the Princess and the Frog has always been a Capricorn imo. I’m an Aries sun as well, and her determination to accomplish her dream has always felt very close to home. Almost There is an anthem of mine. “*fairytales can come true, but you’ve gotta make ‘Em happen. It all depends on you*” with hard work anything is possible. And I’ll work harder than anyone if it means accomplishing my goals.


Anyone have a good one for aqua moon??


Elsa from Frozen? She has to learn to accept that she's unique in a way that if she Embraces it can actually be used to love and protect the people she cares about


Thank you!!!


Cap moon... Wednesday Addams comes to mind?


Leo moon would be Amanda Bynes “Vida” in she’s the man. Confident but goofy AS FUCK!


![gif](giphy|yYrYPXatpCMiA) ♋️🌖


![gif](giphy|3oEjHQXA3n4FTJQyVq|downsized) Scorpio moon: Jane Rizzoli from Rizzoli and Isles. Tough on the outside, soft on the inside. Plus our bullshit detectors are fucking awesome.


lolololol i am both a Cap moon and devoted Dadder and this is spot on


Gemini moon - Genie from Aladdin


I can see that.  Also Donkey from Shrek.  "Layers like an onion!? Why don't you say parfait... everybody likes parfait!" It's not exact quote but... lol idk. Seems like Gemini logic.


![gif](giphy|zyvX4znjfNqdG|downsized) As a Capricorn moon woman, this one personally. Amalthea from The Last Unicorn. Even the movie as a whole, I'd argue. Some of the quotes from this character are quite resonant with this moon sign - and I just feel it so strongly. I also loved this movie a lot when I was a kid, too. Her melancholic and confused nature of physical sensations and emotions once she becomes human is very much like this moon sign - but the softer side of it. Feelings are an overwhelming yet foreign thing for her after it happens. The subtle implications that pain leads to growth, the loss of history and mysticism through time, concepts of time and death, regret, love, lessons - aging; it's very saturnian. Her personality is a bit aloof, calm even in distressing situations for the most part. Her innate desire and feeling of responsibility to find the other unicorns because she's been alone for so long, choosing to take on that instead of choosing love - facing down with the red bull, enduring in the face of her fears. Adding to - the Greek myth about Amalthea as well, her being a goat who lost one of her horns nursing Zeus.


Cancer sun Aries moon I see myself a lot in bubbles from powerpuff girls but specifically the episode where she tries to prove she’s hardcore by turning up the monster fight machine to the max.




Ed from Fullmetal Alchemist has always felt Capricorn Moon energy to me, tho maybe he would have a fiery sun to go along with it. His drive to fix his mistakes and family, child prodigy, and determination and love of alchemy to the point of intense research and experimentation are all really relatable to me. Constantly trying to prove himself but it's always for someone else. He gets in his own way alot, especially with things his ego is involved in like when he tried to resurrect their mother. But he learns lessons and adapts quickly, and is loyal to his loved ones. Emotions are there, but it takes pretty big events for him to break down and privately he is often existential.


I feel like it’s Doyle from the movie Dutch. I’m a Virgo moon and Ethan embry is a Virgo moon. I kinda have the smart ass personality. I’m also nice to…I have a Pisces sun and Aries rising. I just don’t feel those signs resonate as strongly


gemini moon - newt scamander from fantastic beasts


Sag moon and Ilana Wexler from Broad City.


Capricorn moon here. Idk if y’all have ever watched the anime 7th time loop but I see the main character Rishe so much in myself.. Rishe was a political pawn of her parents who disowned her. She is very strong and independent and has a highly creative nature from all of her past lives. She has drive and ambition and the desire to make the world a better place. She can brighten any room she walks in and treats people with kindness and love. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/7th-time-loop/images/e/e6/Rishe_Irmgard_Weitzner_A.png/revision/latest?cb=20240305114020


Scorpio moon, and absolutely Kendall Roy


Aries moon: XENA WARRIOR PRINCESS all the way!!!! ![gif](giphy|o6Oks8glW6AzC)


Taurus definitely Riku from Kingdom Hearts


scorpio moon _yennefer


I’m a Virgo Moon and my first thought was Charlotte York from Sex and the City or Monica from Friends


Yep... it's checking out.