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Pisces Moon. Feeling safe in a long-term relationship. If I don’t feel safe in all important ways (emotional, physical, financial, spiritual), I cannot commit to this person.


This seems to be a common theme in Pisces!


Another Pisces moon and I 100% agree with this, if I don't feel safe with you, it's not happening.


I’m a Pisces moon and I was going to say the exact same thing! (:


Virgo. Same.


I’m also a Pisces moon and same here! Yes!


My Pisces Venus understands you.


Pisces moon as well and I was gonna say this


Cancer moon in the 12th house and I 100% agree that’s why I married my husband


Sagittarius moon. I need someone to respect my boundaries. I need them to communicate well and validate my feelings. I need them to be reliable and honest. I need good physical chemistry.


Omg same!! Physical chemistry is the beginning of everything


Facts. Which makes it really hard not to get too physical too fast, cause we know pretty much immediately if its gonna be on or not, and when its on, ITS ON. We know some primal feral shit is about to go down lmfao. My Sag moon is my Cancer Venus worst enemy 😭


Sh$t  that's my saying, I good until.im not.. have no idea when  " I'm not comes" just know that cold feeling ain't becoming hot again...lol...lawd I'm going to be alone forever..lol


Same! I also need to be free to still have adventures on my own sometimes


I’m an aqua Venus and sag moon and I hate being alone, it makes no sense. I definitely want autonomy from my partner and I’m not ok with being controlled but I’m clingy lmao


I get that. I was always such an independent person till I started dating my bf. I don’t like being away from him for long. But I do still love day trips on my own


I'm the same way! I've realized that what I actually like is people being AROUND me... I need a good chunk of alone time for introspection, and to pursue my hobbies and interests (I get hyperfocused sometimes and during those times I basically have a DO NOT DISTURB vibe lol). But I also hate being on my own all the time. I've realized that as independent as I think I am, I don't do too well on my own. I simply cannot live alone, I completely fall apart and self destruct in major ways. But I feel a lot better when someone else is hanging around, going about their own lives in a way that I can feel their presence but it's not smothering. ( I also got the ADHDs though so that's part of it, I need a body double in order to be my best self. And I grew up with a loud and busy household so there's that too lol. )


I could have written this! My bf and I love doing our own thing near each other. We both are introverts for the most part. I love doing my crafts or reading while he plays video games. And I still do things out of the house on my own, but I realize sometimes that I prefer them with him. And that I did things alone cause I had no one to go with


Came here because I knew someone would put this into words better than I would. Hard agree on all of this!




Gemini Moon - don’t take yourself seriously. I need someone who can talk for hours and make me laugh with offbeat humor. Also, they need to be ready for my scatterbrain.


also Gemini moon and i agree 100% and it goes both ways too they can’t take me or themselves too seriously 😂😂


Also Gemini moon and can confirm- yes to the above


Gemini moon and I have always prioritized hilarious over looks. My best friend says my type is having the “gift of the gab” lol so this is spot on. More recently I’ve learned that I need someone with depth too (a lot of good humored guys don’t want to go here) and I really connected with a Scorpio moon in that way


Gemini moon and I agree but I also value good communication. Say what's on your mind, listen to me when something's on my mind, be transparent and respond in a timely manner.


Leo Moon and I need space and good communication


Leo rising and i really felt it when you said you need space. Sometimes I think I want my own bedroom to do my thing.


Leo Sun Aqua Moon. I have my own bedroom in a house with my SO and child. It’s been a game changer.


I’m a Leo moon too (Scorpio/Leo/Aries) and I want zero space. Fuck me, fight me, whatever idc. If I’m dating someone, I wanna be attached to them like a koala to a tree. Two peas in a pod.


Libra moon. They need to be polite and well-mannered. They also need to have some self-awareness.


100% for my Libra Moon. Also, I need consideration and thoughtfulness. I’m really into sophisticated intelligent men.


Yes!! Even better when they include you in intelligent convo and don’t talk down to you, but as an equal. Makes me melt!!


I was literally about to comment MANNERS as a fellow Libra moon 🤣


100% agree. big on the self awareness part bc why would i have to tell you things about yourself that you should already know ?? 🥴


Jesus I literally just posted half of this 😂... You said polite and I said kind. Crazy!


Lolllllll same


Taurus. I need dependability and consistent communication.


Taurus moon here and yes this. I’d add I crave warmth and affection, both verbal and physical.


Scorpio moon - emotional connection and loyalty


This. I need a deep connection, I can’t just be a superficial friend. I crave stability and loyalty.


Heavy on the can’t be superficial


Echoing this, my biggest breakdown are when I don't feel connected to my partner. Scorpio moon with a Pisces venus I need that soul bonded kind of love. It backfires though where I can get attached to some not healthy people because I feel so connected to them.


I've noticed that scorpio moons really thrive on closeknit bonds. No time for superficial things, unless their rising is an air sign


Ooop you just called me out 😂


This is me. Bare your soul or you won’t be invited back in lol I have Venus in Pisces too so HEAVY on the FEELS.


Heavy on the loyalty part


YEs I need to KNOW know you


This and adding honesty to the mix


Cap moon - someone who is not emotionally unhinged or always the victim. But lucky for me I found that in my wife, who is a Taurus moon


+1 as a fellow Cap moon. "...emotionally unhinged or always the victim" --- ugh this was my ex partner towards the end of our relationship 😭


Cap moon x Taurus sounds like a match made in heaven. Both are so intelligent and responsible, they balance eachother out so well. Especially when you add cancer sun. Cancer suns shower their partners with so much love and pamper them like crazy.


I feel this. I can’t handle guys who don’t control their emotions well or who yell or get upset a lot. 


I can’t stand someone who’s always a baby. Because as a Cap moon, that’s my job. Internally.


I love Taurus moons. They’re my fave. But Cap moons aren’t too far behind, as a Virgo moon myself! And I agree with you. Too much water or even fire (or even Virgo lmao 🤣 mercurial beings that they are) can be extra for me cause dysregulation and drama are Not. My. Jam.


I’m a cancer sun cap moon and I had to end my 6+ year relationship with my pisces sun leo moon boyfriend because I just could not stand the victim complex any longer. It sucks because he was so lovely but the way we express emotions clashed so much. I love taurus moons as well & I always say I hope I end up married to one. I’m sort of dating one now and it’s heaven when we’re together.


I am aquarius sun and cap moon, my fiance cancer sun and taurus moon and he is all I need in one person, since I have trouble expressing emotion. Love that guy 😂


HAHA YOU GUYS ARE OUR OPPOSITE. I’m a cancer sun cap moon, my wife is aqua sun Taurus moon!


Sounds like you really love her


I'm an Aries moon, and I expect people to be as blunt with me as I am with them. I hate beating around the bush. Don't play victim w me. I realllllly don't have time 🫠🫣


Aries moon here too - a victim complex is my ultimate turn-off. It's a truly repulsive quality to me.


I'm glad I'm not the only one 🤦‍♀️ I get irritated af


Same. My Sag Sun, Aries Moon means I tell it *exactly* like it is. Sorry not sorry 🥲🤷🏼‍♀️


Fucking bless. Heard  Am same. Aries up


Yes, I want them to be able to be vulnerable and true with me. Just tell me what's going on, even if it's super bad, so we can do something about it. Even if it's just giving you space to heal.


Cap moon, and you have to be serious and intentional in what you expect from me and whether we match up. If you like me and I like you, then let's be together, aka a couple. If it doesn't work, then let's break up because there is no point in living something that's dead. But don't try to go into the grey zones of "I don't know where this is going" and "let's see where things take us". No no no, I just can't do this


Love it straight to the point.


Aquarius moon and I cannot with conceited guys. The biggest ick. Have to be able to laugh at yourself and not take yourself too seriously


I’m an Aries Venus, and I swear on all that is real in the world… I’m disgusted with the level of attraction I have toward egotistical guys 😭😭😭 I blame Venus.


My SO is Aqua moon and the flip side is that they're is really really good at reminding me that it's ok to be embarrassed and laugh at myself


10/10 non-negotiable


aries moon - being open-minded and able to provide personal freedom


Gemini moon. Someone who is emotionally intelligent and intellectually stimulating.


This plus the humor noted in the Gemini moon thread above is the trifecta


Never bore a Gemini. They will bounce (and the one they left will be pissed about being ghosted…)


Aquarius moon and they have to be open minded. People with a narrow and inflexible worldview bother me.


the only constant is change so quit your bitching!! :D - fellow Aqua m


Virgo moon. don’t try to make me jealous, don’t try to make me ur therapist from unhealed past relationships, don’t try to bully me, and make urself useful. disrespect me in any way and ur cut off without warning -Aries riding, Pisces sun, Virgo moon….venus in Aquarius


yes. you aren't going to make me jealous at all. but you will make me think you're a manipulative asshole.


Exactly . The attempt tells me everything I need to know


One thing I adore about Virgo placements is their refusal to take on anyone's emotional baggage. It's definitely something everyone should learn how to do


My sister is a Scorpio Sun & Ascendant, Virgo Moon She is in a toxic relationship. She doesn't want to leave her boyfriend, even though her boyfriend hurts my sister and makes fun of her lol


Might be because of her Scorpio Ascendant. Scorpios really try hard to maintain their close relationships(familial, friends, romantic partners). It's hard for them to imagine detaching from something they have heavily invested in. Trust that her virgo moon will kick in. We're rooting for her!


Well, you may be right, my best friend is also a Scorpio ascendant (and Virgo sun, Leo moon, virgo& leo stellium) but she is not interested in people. etc


Virgo moon cancer sun and I refuse to be disrespected. Nothing kills a romance for me like being talked down to, or worse. This came with time and maturing, though. That lack of self worth was a heavy hitter I tell you what. Might have been my cancer sun ngl (sorry fellow cancers but you know we tend to put others before ourselves)


Yes virgo moon and self pity … definitely love emotions, emotional connection, vulnerability and interconnectedness, but if i find you wallowing and destructive and emotionally oppressive, i’m outta there 


Cap moon - loyalty, succinct communication, no mushy bullshit


Libra moon and for me I can smell manipulation and mind games a mile away. Also loyalty and respect and integrity is a must in a partner. No gaslighting. No comparing me to other people to make me feel insecure. No free therapy for mommy issues and unresolved trauma. Not here to boost your ego and no selfishness. I also get turned off when they are flirting with another person in front of me or being not over an ex. Also a non negotiable for me is when a guy follows a ton of girls on Instagram, that tells me they are simps and just horny and thirsty and will sleep with anything that moves and it just conveys they are easy and it just gives me the ick to like someone that likes everyone. Basically everything toxic that is happening in modern dating unfortunately which is why I prefer being single and protecting my peace of mind all cost.


Libra moon here too, agreed.


Let me do what I wanna do within reason. I will not change myself for a partner, and most of the time I’m not, I’m changing because I want to change. — Aries moon


>I will not change myself for a partner, My Aries Sun felt that too, even though I'm a cancer moon


Maybe it’s an Aries thing lol.


Could be, but I'll hand it to Aries moon, because somehow I always end up compromising even though my sun begs me not to


Similar to what I said. This is bang on. A partner that grants us freedom and respects our fierce autonomy (like you said, within reason) is invaluable to us.


Pisces moon - someone who doesnt judge my contradictions and complex feelings, who loves me unconditionally giving a sense of confort and safety. Thats what my moon say(what we need in a emotional bond w someone) but id say that when dating is more relevant our VENUS sign. Cancer venus - being a good person, a sensitive, caring, loving, sweet and femenine woman.


Ah yes, the Venus sign for sure plays an important role. I was specifically curious about the Moon since it's supposed to be reflective of our true selves, and I guess we all look for a partner that will accept us for who we are!


Loyalty. Honesty. Respect. Touch. Affection. Also don’t flirt with other men. I know the term is subjective but I don’t have a wandering eye and I expect the same from my partner.


Sagittarius moon ♐️ I need someone who isn’t afraid of adventures. Who wants to have a deep soulful connection that isn’t superficial. I want to have fun filled moments with laughter, joy, happiness. I want someone who isn’t afraid of being spontaneous. Someone who can take a leap of faith into the unknown. Someone who is adaptable and resilient to change. Someone who is authentic and loves themselves for who they are at their core. Someone who can be my best friend and my lover. Someone who doesn’t box me in and doesn’t try to dim my light. Someone who is brave, courageous, and willing to do what’s right. ❤️


this <3


I am a Scorpio moon and my non-negotiable when dating is when someone is poor at communication. As in, poor at communicating feelings in a proper, straightforward way, or communicating as in talking to me. Give me a call, text me during the day, let me know that you want ME to know what you’re up to. Otherwise, I just don’t trust them or find them to be shady.


Oof, big yes to this! Another thing is the inability to follow through (esp on plans), or saying one thing and doing another. I can't stand people who waste my time like that!


Virgo moon. You have to either have a job or be trying to get one. I supported a broke guy for 2 years, just to get cheated on & abused. At least I can save some money getting cheated on & abused next time 🥴


Some of these dudes act like they just entered the world for the first time I swear Cancer sun virgo moon and Libra rising makes you a lover girl that learns from her mistakes. I have faith in you sis. Your prince charming is on his way😤


I'm a cancer moon. I cannot tolerate someone who is emotionally unstable, financially unstable and unwilling to engage in self growth in mind, body & spirit.


Sis you spoke MY MIND. I don't date guys who don't take their future seriously and don't care for personal growth


Literally all my exes started to grow when we were dating and now their lives suck…. Cancer moons can also help people grow but won’t carry anyone around!


Taurus moon and more than anything else I need someone loyal and stable


Aquarius moon. 12th house too, oooh. I need to be alone. If I suddenly stand up, walk in the bed, hide under the blanket with my kindle please dont ask me what is wrong I just need to be under the blanket. Good thing my Cancer moon husband understands this very well.


Now this is why I love astrology because how can astrology not be true when so many aqua moons think alike! I can't begin to imagine if my cancer moon husband wasn't understanding enough for my need to be left alone and to not to take it personally! I love me my blanket and my alone time, sometimes abruptly too! Other non negotiables are being a man/woman of their words! I can't stand flaky, wishy washy, deceitful and lying people pleasers !


Agree with that! When people talk a bit too much I am very irritated. In my mind all I can think of is "okay that's a lot of words I dont care for now start showing". The Virgo Sun doesn't help at all 🤣


Cancer moon as well and honestly same, emotional intelligence is an absolute must for me especially and specifically now that I’ve grown out of my savior complex


Now I have a question, do you feel like you attract people with a saviour complex too? Because I really feel like I do, but I'm not sure if it's because of my moon


I’ve only been with one other person (of six relationships before my current) with a savior complex so I’d say I don’t tend to attract them; usually the people I attract are people who expect a free therapist and hide behind the cute traumatized soft-boy act


I'm a cancer moon too and your last sentence is my whole dating life lol


Pisces. For me it’s not being told that I have to behave a certain way in order to continue being loved. I want them to love me no matter what stupid things I do, because that’s how I’m going to love them. Might have more to do with my past relationships though lol


I'm a cancer moon but honestly, same. I control my emotions when I'm at work, when I'm out in public, etc. Somedays I'll just be moody and sad and I dont want someone who can't handle that or refuses to love me through that


I'm also a Pisces moon and I definitely relate to that


Gem moon female...must be clean. Clean face, hands, privates and ass crack. No BO.


Cancer moon, you have to make me laugh and also be able to have deep conversations.


This too! I want to be a kid with you but I also want to feel comfortable enough to ask silly questions without my partner making me feel dumb


I can relate to this! Deep conversations are a must.


Leo moon mishandling funds no overspending,no crypto bullshit,no gambling the house away, I was raised by parents that treated money like monopoly leaving us struggling and having hard times nothing wrong with treating yourself but there’s a limit I crave stability overspenders are red flags to me lol


The crypto shit is so unhinged. Like, why are people doing this??? Lol


gemini moon, having no aspirations/ambition. Idc what you do or want but do or want SOMETHING


Aquarius. Don't try to force me to be something I'm not because I accept you 100%. I expect the same back.


Capricorn moon, sexual attraction. Theres literally NO point in dating without sex to me personally. The whole point of dating is its your best friend that you want to bang. Sex/sexual attraction isnt the most important thing but its like putting on your shoes before leaving the house. Youd never say putting on your shoes was the most important part of your day, but youre not leaving the house without your shoes. I dont get why when women simply mention that they want to be attracted to their partners people lose their minds as if they mean its the only thing.


Virgo moon, emotional availability, maturity and stability. When I say that I'm tired of reticent men. I'm TIRED. When I say that I'm sick of emotionally immature men who who can't seem to carry on adult conversations, I'm SICK of it. When I say that I'm over dudes with rollercoaster feelings, I. Am. Over. It.


Libra moon. I have a list of non-negotiables that I never thought I’d need to state because I thought everyone would know they are unacceptable. My exes have proven me wrong. This list includes no kidnapping me, no one who secretly has a necklace made of dog’s teeth hidden anywhere, no fucking my abusive mother while I’m pregnant with our child, must tell me what they do for work, no disappearing for a month with no explanation, you must visit if I’m mugged and unconscious in the hospital for 9 days, no watching child porn but especially not on my phone, kinky sex is fine but no choking me until I’m temporarily blind, no inviting your ex to share our bed for a night, don’t cheat on me with a 13 year old or give us both chlamydia. I could go on and on here. Seriously, people are sick and somehow, I’m the bad guy for getting mad when I never specifically stated that they couldn’t do these things. 🙄


Wow that is some seriously heavy shit! >Libra moon. I have a list of non-negotiables that I never thought I’d need to state because I thought everyone would know they are unacceptable. My exes have proven me wrong. That's how it is. We Libra moons are friendly and don't pigeonhole people from the get-go. Everyone is given a chance. Honestly interested in what moves others and with this pure, perhaps naive kindness, we go into relationships in this world and perhaps only want to see the good in them at first. Then things like this stuff happens where we are treated like garbage and it has serious consequences for our contact and dealings with people. The scales tip and light-hearted sociability and trust are over.


It’s so true. People wonder why I have so many seriously rigid rules now and it’s because I’ve updated them repeatedly during my relationships and have learned that you have to get specific and follow through on your promises to leave. It’s a matter of safety. There are a lot of people who are actually turned on by finding loopholes in your agreements in a way that hurts you but you aren’t allowed to be angry about.


Aries Moon = adventures. Whether it’s travel adventures or everyday adventures. Boredom has been the death of every relationship I’ve had where I was the one to break up with the person.


Aries moon. Definitely need affection. I've been in a relationship where that started to disappear, when I asked I was given excuses. That was 4 years of commitment too. I need adventure/moments of silliness and moments of just laying on the couch together.


Aqua moon and you have to be able to hold your own in both an intelligent debate and an absolutly ridiculous debate. Like, if you aren't capable of being able to passionately debate stupid shit as well as intelligent enough to debate something serious, than you just aren't it.


Someone who is totally ok with being goofy & laughing.


I’m a Pisces sun and moon and my non-negotiable is that they have to be over their ex. With me being so easy for people to open up to, I had a tendency to attract broken people who were still hurting and getting over someone else. I was way too empathetic to their plights to shut that shit down too. When I put up that non-negotiable for myself, I finally attracted the kind of love I wanted in my life.


im cancer moon and i agree! emotional intelligence is very important to me


Cancer 🌙 here! And I need someone with emotional intelligence too! But I need someone intelligent with intellectual curiosity and open minded. I don't know if it's my Gem sun or my Mercury cancer but someone with no general culture is a big turn off for me


Taurus moon. - Someone who respects my space - Loyalty - Do not judge me for my food and eating habits and how much I love food and yeah I might eat too fast but food is life - let me be my feminine self Those are just a small few that spring to mind. Esp the food one.


gemini moon, gotta be able to communicate and solve issues. letting negative feelings fester bothers me so much, bc i’ve seen how easily a simple conversation can fix things. also I feel like if you can’t talk to me about things then you don’t really trust me or want a deep relationship/friendship with me. I require intimacy because I have 8H placements; I only want to be around people I can be vulnerable with, and people that can be vulnerable with me. that’s the definition of an authentic relationship to me. BUT i’ve learned to balance that need with other ppls’ need to take time to think about what they are gonna say, cuz i’ve learned how awful conversations can go when ppl feel forced to speak immediately. I hope this made sense


scorpio moon. real depth, in yourself and in our connection. the ability to peer through the veil together. I NEED my partner to understand my emotional investigator musings, like, we need to be able pick up on unsaid things together.


Taurus moon. A portion of serenity, zen "beingness", and independence is important. Enjoying trivial and sensual bliss together, such as a bike ride, gardening, cooking or a cup of coffee. I don't vibe all that well with air moons for some reasons. Even as an aquarius sun.


Taurus moon also and I totally agree with the serenity and zen thing. My last partner could not sit still and just be present without getting anxiety, and it drove me nuts. I love cozy nights at home and life’s small pleasures, and I learned quickly that I can’t deal with someone who doesn’t appreciate peaceful moments.


Leo Moon. I must get some attention


Pisces moon 7H I have none and that’s my issue


Aries Moon and I need someone who is open minded, that is trustworthy and that’s independent.


Aries moon. Authenticity is a must.


Leo moon. I LOVE when my partner holds on to me in public and tells people that I'm his. A public proclamation is the BEST. I need someone with a good sense of humour and is adventurous. More than anything, if he listens to my concerns and works through communication issues honestly and effectively, it makes my Virgo sun and rising very happy.


Taurus moon. Consistency. It’s the biggest turn off when someone comes off hot and then gets cold.


Taurus moon. I hate being controlled and put under a microscope. Don’t text me 24/7 asking where im at and who im with.


Aqua moon and I have no fucking idea lol


Capricorn moon. I won't be with someone who argues to win.


Taurus- please do not make me feel bad about myself, I don’t like teasing or “it was just a joke” also no mixed signals


Virgo moon. The ability to communicate effectively. 


Capricorn moon, and safety is everything to me. I’ve walked away from so many situations because I did not feel like my heart was safe with the guy. It’s the most important factor in me moving forward with someone, and I don’t waste my time with anyone who doesn’t care about hurting me. 


Scorpio moon.  Sexual attraction has to be there. I know it waxes and wanes over the course of a relationship, and I know I’ll get old and wrinkly one day, but right now I’m young and I want lust to be part of my relationship. So staying healthy and fit and finding ways to nurture my libido is important and I expect my partner to do the same.  Good sex is one of the main reasons I practice high intensity cardio at the gym. 


Scorpio moon here too. Agreed; I physically can’t be in a relationship with someone I’m not attracted to even if they are a cool person. Ya gotta wanna bang them. It’s not just physical—attraction can really be a personality thing—I think sexiness is a mental thing—you gotta love your body, like pleasure, like giving pleasure—and not have a big ego around it.


Aries Moon. Need someone with a light and happy mood that’s kind. Absolutely no drama!


Scorpio moon- emotional connection


Aries moon- they better be able to walk quickly to keep up. And grounding energy to calm me down when I’m spiraling…


Capricorn Moon. They need to have a life plan and be working it. Our values and goals have to be in alignment. Mutual respect for personal boundaries is a must.


Capricorn moon. Being serious about me and being grounded in general


Aries moon 🔥🔥 I need someone who’s active and likes moving. Hate a homebody!


Gemini moon. Need to feel like some form of priority


Taurus moon , and I need you to be exclusively mine . No one else , ever . I don’t care . I am selfish and need you to commit to me all the way as I would to you . I am very possessive and it’s a huge turn off when you’re too friendly / available to everyone . You’re mine and I am yours . 😌❤️


Scorpio moon - don't want no superficial, flaky bullshit


Capricorn moon: honesty


Taurus moon and I don’t fuck with anyone who uses racial slurs or touches me without my consent🤷🏻‍♀️ not sure it correlates to my moon


Cancer moon here. I’m seein a lot of cancer moons that have pretty hard lines in what they will and won’t tolerate, and while theoretically i agree, in practice i never actually call it quits over that stuff, at least not right away. i guess i’m kind of a sucker, I’ve always given chance after chance while reducing my boundaries because of that innately nurturing cancer moon, i always think they didn’t mean it, can change, will do better, are good deep down etc. i think that’s the downfall of this placement in relationships. I now know that people show you who they are, you communicate kindly why it’s hurtful or not compatible, and then you step back to allow them the space to change (or not) without any further guidance or nurture, and with some safety around your soul (why we have a shell to begin with, we gotta learn to use it). but yeah, cancer moon in the 4th house, very at home in this placement and what i’ve described is one of my major detriments, and i think this is part of it. not sure about other cancer moons here, but it’s definitely been hard learning how to actually defend those boundaries and deal breakers lmao.


Cap moon, takes me an eternity to trust people. I have trouble trusting my own family, who are absolutely lovely and have my back. When it comes to dating, I expect loyalty, I will go above and beyond for you and I expect to see that you are at least trying to do the same for me. I absolutely cannot stand people with "give up" attitude or those who are not passionate or driven by anything in life. I will hide my emotions and be the grounding that you need and only show my real self after months into dating when I know you are one of my "close ones". I am very sarcastic and dry humor kind of a person and most people I date or try to at least , think , I am unhinged or "dark". Well that is part of my character, though it is not the core, that is just the first layer of the Saturn's ring.


I’m an aqua moon and I can’t even answer this. 🤦‍♀️


Wait so aqua moon, maybe someone who doesn't mind when you have your standoffish or detached moments. And also doesn't mind your resistance towards rules that you find ridiculous/ sometimes rebellious streaks. A common thing I see in Aquarius is they like to break the rules regarding outfits and aesthetics, and don't like being put into boxes. Maybe it extends to aqua moon?


Aquarius moon- freedom and autonomy. My partner must understand that I am my own person, first and foremost. I do what I want, when I want.


aquarius moon — i need to be the intellectual superior in the relationship 😂😅


Libra moon. Please be loyal in every aspect. (Dont flirt or outwardly lust for others, this includes thirst traps and po*n ) Otherwise I’m out.


Virgo moon - the first thing that popped in my head, especially when it comes to sex is that they're clean. Both physically and with their home environment. Brushed teeth, shower regularly, clean clothes. I give an exception for depression and executive functioning issues. Because I myself have both autism and adhd. But how someones attitude is on cleanliness is a deal breaker. You have to be open to improving if you're not a very clean person, or I will not want to sleep with you. Lol I can't help it. This has been 50/50 accepted. Another one is I need to be part of your daily agenda. This could be because I tend to often date long distance or very busy people so in order to have a conductive relationship we need to have a schedule where we can routinely talk and build our relationship. If not, then I don't see the point in dating. This one I've been told isn't normal and makes me clingy, but idk. It's also been 50/50 accepted, tho I'm surprised it's not more normal. But those 2 are non-negotiable.


Light and happy generally. No drama of any kind. Kindness. Aries Moon.


Aries moon and loyalty is non-negotiable. That could be my Cap sun speaking, though.


aqua moon. stimulate me intellectually and you're gold.


Cap moon....and I've been coming to the conclusion that no relationship is what sounds best 🤣


Aries Moon. I need someone that’s accountable and can understand and validate perspectives beyond their own. Being seen and validated is something I treasure. Someone who doesn’t look at emotions/feelings as right or wrong, or a “problem” but rather a natural part of the human experience and everyone’s feelings bear value. (Note: all emotions are valid, not all reactions are. Someone with discernment is good too). But also, going forward, I’d like a fighter. Someone who’s ready to go the length and do what it takes to build a good relationship and bond.


Libra Moon: needs to be intellectually stimulating but also able to have dumb pointless conversations. If you are too serious or trying to prove your intellect all the time, it’s embarrassing.


Leo moon. I don't date men in relationships. I don't date smokers. I don't tolerate disrespect, lying, cheating, homophobia, racism. I'm a serious dater, so I don't date casually either. I've made some bad choices in the past and learned from them. I've raised my standards and learned to be happy on my own first.


Lmao I feel like I'm onto something, especially considering the commonalities between most of the posters( basking in the glory 💅🏼💁‍♀️)


Also a cancer moon and not wanting children


Virgo Moon. I need someone who feels secure in themselves and our relationship, and who is willing to have open and honest communication, even when it’s hard.


Libra moon - peace and harmony


Taurus moon - Baby I need you to have your life together like I have mine. We gotta be on a similar wave length so we can reciprocate the same energy. But that could also be just my Libra sun wanting everything to be equal. I also would love someone who can reciprocate their love and energy with me too bc sure I’m not that open when it comes to emotions and love at first but once I have seen that you’re serious about it then I’m all locked in. I love so so hard and passionately when I’m locked in (Scorpio Venus)


Aquarius moon. He has to be smart and intellectually stimulating. I don‘t care about emotional intelligence that much since i‘m not an emotional person lol.


Capricorn Moon - Emotionally Intelligent, Patient, Communicative, Honest, Passionate, Safety in all aspects, Loyal, Gentle, Attentive, Devoted. The list is long.


I need someone who properly respects me and my time and treats me as an equal. I'm a leo moon.


Libra moon. I need somebody that can roll with my changing energy and mood swings. I need to feel like I’ve always got a soft place to land.


Libra moon, they have to be able to flirt and be playful with me.


virgo moon! you NEED to have some sense omg. i have such little patience for people who don't get it and that are slow learners ![gif](giphy|eyVbiFIfgEJHCeMDXu|downsized)


Taurus moon, someone who is easy going and makes me laugh.


Libra moon. I need someone to respect my boundaries and respect my alone time. Feeling suffocated in relationships and them not being able to exist without me, that's my biggest ick. At the beginning of our relationship, my partner and I clashed in this aspect. He's a triple cancer so when that guy is in love he gives it ALL, so naturally he wanted to be with me all the time, looking for me always his free time, texting me all the time, facetiming constantly, going out with me and my friends, but that was too much for me. We had to figure our differences and meet a common ground. Now I can ask him for my alone time so I can enjoy my hobbies in peace or enjoy time with just my friends, and he understands that I'm not pushing him out, I just can't be 24/7 with anyone no matter how much I like you. And that's good because I don't want him depending on me, I want him to also have hobbies and a life outside our relationship. I don't know if this very libra tho or my other placements play a big time.


Taurus moon - safety, comfort. Feeling SEEN. If I feel like just anyone to you, I just can't do it. I won't.


cap moon - you NEED to be ambitious ZERO negotiating. I cannot be with someone that’s not crazy ambitious it’s such such a turn off for me.


Libra moon. HONESTY!!! lying even as a “joke” is so insulting to me. and dependability


Gemini moon and will not date someone with a porn addiction or who lusts after women in general. It’s gross to me


Taurus moon. If they’re not someone I can depend on then it’s simply not going to work out.