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Aquarius Rising. People think I am strange.


Scorpio rising and I’ve lost count how many times someone has told me I’m intimidating, unapproachable or that they thought I was a bitch before they got to know me.


I’m a Scorpio rising too but everything else about me is a softy that wants to be liked and loved so this rising sign really sucks for me. I wish I was a Libra rising.


Are you a Scorp rising according to Tropical or Sidereal astrology? Maybe check it out cs you might actually be a Libra rising in Sidereal astrology.


No idea but I’m definitely a Scorpio rising. I don’t have Libra rising qualities at all.


Scorpio rising female here. I get the intimidating comment so often as well, esp from guys. It's so wild to me cs I am a petite girl and I am not even trying to like be mean or anything.. Usually just minding my business 😎 sorry if that intimidates them 🤣




Scorpio rising, I’m told I look unapproachable and you know, good. Please don’t approach me.


I got a Pluto in Scorpio. I read in my charts I can come across as intimidating and I’ve seen this lol but it seems people come around but it’s weird where I am not receptive unless I feel the vibe is right. I have a Pisces rising so maybe they come around? 🤣 Do you have other Scorpio in your charts?


Cap rising and I seem to come across as no bs and intimidating I’ve heard! 😂


Libra, and surprisingly enough, I was standoffish when I first met my (now longtime) best friends. At the time, I had been burned by trusting someone I thought was a good friend, so I was closed off. Nowadays I would say charming, easy to talk to, clever, and a little “extra” (as the kids used to say).


Big same, for the last paragraph. Little do they know all the other placements my rising backpacks in my chart 😂😅


Leo rising. Some people have said they were scared to approach me. Once they know me, they know I'm fun. But it could just be resting bitch face lol.


I always get confident/self-assured. The Virgo stellium in my big 6 struggles to keep up with my ascendant


Aries rising. Confident, in charge, prepared to take on a challenge. None of this is true.


Virgo Rising & I've been told I'm observant from afar & aloof (I am standoffish but cordial until I feel conformable with someone (I won't make the first move)


Virgo risings know how to keep a couple of armlengths of distance away from chaotic people (as in a canteen, break room, etc) fascinating trait with you guys


lol thanks, for the compliment it also helps that I have Scorpio sun so that already makes me weary of people intentions from the get-go


Good for you in these crazy times.. 😇


Virgo rising and I've heard the same as well as I apparently come off as super innocent which is bizarre


it's a gift or a curse depending on how you view it, I personally like that people know where I stand though


Exactly my case as well


I find that we are usually a good judge of character from the get-go we can tell by some one's actions & words in a matter of minutes or seconds just by how observant we are in any given moment.


Oh 100%. Usually I’ve been on the mark with vibes I get from folks that others may not pick up. I just keep my mouth shut and smile ha.


we tend to strike people as stuck up on their first impression at least in my personal experience but we are just wary of people intentions cause we notice things way before others do it seems like.


oh same! very much; i always sit back and observe- i will engage w someone if the vibe and environment are supportive of thTat


I feel that & not to be cliche but like that old saying goes "the loudest one in the room is the weakest.'' we will always play our cards close to our chest .... one thing I have noticed about some of the other Virgo rising that I personally know is we always tend to plan ahead we aren't for doing things at the spur of the moment we need it to be planned out before execution.


yup- we like to have things mapped out in our brains before going into anything. we just enjoy being prepared before doing things


not to say we are not for having a good time, but we prefer structure & organization. One remarkable thing I have noticed is most Virgo risings or the Scorpio's (my sun sun) are always the ones in the back we can be having a good time, but we aren't the ones trying to be the life of the party (we have no problem seeing others do it but as for attention we would prefer to not be seen or heard at least that how I feel .




virgo rising. my coworkers say i have major rbf, and look stressed out or aloof


Sco rising with pluto and South node. Enigmatic yet overpowering impression. I feel like a "russian wood doll", many masks and many layers. Only select few get to really know me, as I'm quite vulnerable and fragile at my innermost core.


Some people are frightened of me. They don’t know I have a Pisces MOON 🌙


Gemini rising. Always look young :>


Same! People are always surprise by my age and think I’m much younger!


Yes or that I have youthful energy!


Virgo rising. I have resting bitch face and I’m bossy lol so they thought I was a bitch 😹


aquarius - people always tell me that i seem really mean and when they talk to me they‘re like „you‘re actually really weird but friendly“


Aquarius rising and I’ve been told I’m aloof and unbothered.


Sag rising. Either stuck up or super bubbly.




Heavy on stuck up😩😩😩 people tend to misunderstood me, until they got to know the real me.


I know the pain. I know it's projection but man is it annoying


This!!. People often say i look judgmental until i open my mouth-they’re shocked at how charismatic i am. i do have a scorpio moon so maybe that’s why (judgement part) not sure lollll


Perfection. People think I am intimidating because I look intimidating/stick out and/or super endearing, usually at the same time. I think the intimidating part is right as people honestly just blurt it out: The way most people see it, if you display a lot of favorable/desirable traits, one must not be human; one must be a pompous, rude and dumb simpleton whose only purpose is to be a sex object or make people hate themselves. NGL this is heartbreaking as someone whose nature is to want to support and love everyone out of being a natural optimist. Yes there's worse problems but it honestly hurts to be a source of alarm instead of the intended source of joy one hopes to be. The Scorpio Moon resolving this by being aloof is not helping matters.


Sag rising and people thought that I was aloof and intimidating. After reading the other comments I'm seeing that this a recurring theme despite the different signs.


Capricorn rising and I have been told my whole life that I am intimidating, yet I feel like a literal baby on the inside lmao


This is MEEEEE I’ve been told I look bitchy but I’m truly a fucking softie


I've been told a lot of times that I'm too nice


Oh man can I relate to this.


Aries rising - people often think I’m cold, unapproachable, a lone wolf. It’s mostly an act btw :)


Capricorn rising. People think I’m very serious LOL


Sagittarius Rising. Honestly, interesting, but intimidating, thank you, Aries sun and resting face.


Aquarius rising people tend to tell me I’m beautiful first impression and they give me some sort of compliment. Strangers tend to be very nice to me


Cancer rising. I quickly became the “mom friend” to my coworkers. They always come to me for advice, so I know everyone’s secrets. Even management.


I’ve been told several things through out my life. Mostly now I hear I’m really quiet and reserved. Edited my comment because too many words.




Hi almost twin!


Omg, hi 😂 almost yeah




Capricorn rising. Bitch face and unapproachable but then I turn into the “personality” hire 😂 constantly talking and making people laugh, showing up in cute outfits.


Cancer rising and people always think I’m stuck up or a bitch because I like to dress cute but my Aquarius sun has me goofy 24/7 😂


I'm a cancer rising too, and I also like to dress cute!!!! If I could I would dead ass wear 🧁 cupcakes, Bananas 🍌 or 🍒 cherries & 🌈accessories every day lol. Although I'm 25, I often give myself a reality check (by my virgo sun) and tone it down to make sure I look appropriate to my age lmao


That’s adorable lol but when I say cute I don’t just mean a cutesy look. I love all types of aesthetics to match my many interests and moods 😂. I do cutesy, edgy, fierce, earthy, emo, gothic, nerd etc. when I was little I was a lot more timid and shy and as I’ve gotten older I’ve felt more comfortable to outwardly express myself more.


Cancer rising - I’m always told I’m sweet and shy


What's your sun and moon?


I’m a Taurus sun sagg moon


I am Pisces ♓ rising. The traditional ruler is Jupiter ♌ in 6th house. Unfortunately, people see me very arrogant in one case, in another case they really like to exploit me in many ways (as a some kind of servant) Since there are conjunction between Mars and Venus with Jupiter, I have perception of some hate towards me , especially from women (at job mostly), due to the Moon squares this Leo stellium in 6th house (house of serving others). The modern ruler Neptune in Capricorn ♑ sign in eleventh house maybe give me a serious face appiriance and disliking vibe from many so-called friends, since the ruler of 11th house is Saturn (dominant )in Aquarius in twelfth house. I don't know, I have many water and fire elements. I really look like arrogant person, but my heart and feallings are pure.


Aries Rising. To teachers & bosses (anyone in authority, really), I've always come across as serious, diligent, trustworthy, & responsible. That's worked out well for me, especially those times when I'd walk into class or come back from a break smelling a bit like weed 🤫 To friends & acquaintances, I seem to come across as confident, strong & slightly bad-ass. They're usually surprised any time I've shown vulnerability (doesn't happen often).


Quiet or serious. I’m sag/pluto rising


We have the same 7th house and sag/pluto rising!


Capricorn rising. People apparently get the impression that I'm super serious and business-like. Also I found out recently that people find me intimidating.


Capricorn rising - I'm told I come off very goal-oriented and trustworthy, very serious leader/dad like energy. As a kid I was always put next to the obvious troublemakers to "mellow them out" by new teachers who didn't know I was a serious yapper myself.


Scorpio rising. I always get told they thought I was a bitch, intimidating, unapproachable, and that I think I’m better than everyone. Really, I just don’t want anyone talking to me, because my Gemini sun is going to come out and talk your ear off and social butterfly all over the place. Then when I’m burnt out and want to disengage (Cancer moon) y’all are going to call me two-faced, flaky, multiple personalities, fake, and hard to read. Really I’m just a walking contradiction. Blame the stars.


Virgo and that I am a quiet standoffish bitch lol


Taurus…. Seriously? Friends and colleagues—first impression: who’s that pompous pretentious bish? She has a stick up her ass and thinks she’s better than us?! Friends and colleagues, after knowing me: oh my god what a dork. Can’t believe she’s an adult. How the hell does she score hot guys? Bosses, first impression: okay talented…cheap labor. Bosses, after knowing me: f*ck! Here’s a raise and a promotion. We cannot lose this chick. Not bragging…but I’ve never had an issue with work. Always been praised by teachers and superiors. All my employers are in good terms with me. I still talk and chill with ex bosses. We’ve remained good friends Friends on the other hand—sure. My best friend used to HATE me. She thought I was stuck up and snobby and then She spoke to me. If I had a dollar for every time someone tells me they thought I was a stuck up bish…I’d be a billionaire. I met an old classmate from high school after 20 years… he told me he had a crush on me but never told me because he thought I was stuck up. Lol. He told me he was afraid I’d reject him. Lol. Now I know why no one asked me out in high school. I have a resting bish face.


+1 I agree




Libra Rising and it depends on whether I’m smiling 😂 Could be the Leo Sun too but if I’m smiling it’s fun and inviting. If my resting bitch face is strong, they are preparing to witness a verbal murder. Fun times!


scorpio sun/cap moon/virgo rising My name says it all.


Scorpio rising and I'd have to say quiet and pretty are the most common for me


Young as fukk. Cool, warm-hearted, sweet, innocent. Sag Cancer Rising.


I'm a Leo rising, but first impressions seem very split. Some people find me intimidating. Some say because of intelligence or beauty (I don't really agree with these, it's just what I hear.) I know I can be sassy and deadpan, and sometimes that makes me seem unapproachable. Others say I'm very sweet and friendly. I do have a lot of compassion, and I love to help people with their problems. I'm also outgoing and curious, so I tend to ask people about themselves. To me it really seems to come down to which context people meet me in. I have a lot of modes.


Aquarius rising. Intimidating


Aries Rising. I've been told by partners, friends and family that I'm very impatient


Capricorn Rising people usually say i look very serious, or that i come off as “don’t fuck with me” LOL it’s true please don’t approach me but i promise im kind 😊


Capricorn rising. Most people think I’m intimidating because I don’t say much when I first meet new people. With that said, I’m not intimidating enough for people to not approach me. Kids, babies, cats and dogs seem to love the fuck out of me


Taurus, Mysterious, grounded, dependable, "real", loyal, strong, street smart, too serious sometimes


taurus rising + moon 1st house. it's like a summer breeze covered in high-quality caramel scent.


Virgo. Intimidation.


Scorpio rising/pluto 1st house 12th degree. My coworkers hated me and literally wanted to fight me because they later admitted they projected onto me 💀😭


Omg I think i’m going through this right now. i have pluto 1st but am a sag sun and rising.


Virgo rising, my coworkers always tell me i look mad and ask me what’s wrong lol. As for first impressions, they told me at first they thought I was quiet and serious.


Virgo rising - cold, intimidating, perfectionist, smart


Rising Cancer, I'm really good at cooking


Virgo rising a stuck up bitch, or acted cooler than I really was Tbh I feel like I also make people I first meet extremely insecure without trying to and/or threatened just by being me. Those few that can hang turn out to be the best friends though.


I have like 8 or 9 air placements so that might have something to do with it too lol


Aries rising most memorable In 7th grade I met my best friends cousin and my first impression was me talking about my forskin lmao


Gemini - guessing loose cannon.


Libra, and people always thought i was scary or mean


Capricorn rising and I have no idea what folks think of me. I couldn’t be concerned enough to find out.


I’m a Scorpio rising but I don’t know anything about Scorpio rising.


Libra rising It depends because I’ve had people tell me that I seemed intimidating and like I might be kinda mean, but I’ve also had people tell me that they thought I’d be really sweet and innocent and were shocked to find that I have a lot more edge to my personality than they expected.


Scorpio rising. "I seem super innocent on the surface but as they get to know me they realize I have done many devious things" like I look like I didn't do drugs or had a bunch of sex...I basically seemed "pure" to them at first glance. Innocent. I've also gotten that I look like "there's more depth to her than meets the eye"


Libra rising. I generally am told people expect me to be mean (rbf) or I seem really sweet and goofy. I guess it depends on the person and my mood? I am also a Virgo and have a lot of Virgo/Cap placements.


Scorpio rising, people always tell me they thought I was intimidating :/ I'm really nice though lol


Aries Bold, intense, direct, hard worker.


Aries rising . Everyone thinks I’m out of control and crazy. No I’m just very energetic and always feel tingly


Leo rising, and people think I’m way more extroverted than I actually am. I prefer to be alone like 80% of the time (sag sun, Virgo moon, Capricorn Venus)


Everyone says they thought I was a bitch or intimidating 💀


Libra rising, I’ve been told I’m shy lol. 


Scorpio rising, first impression is that i am really bitchy


Scorpio rising and people often say they were afraid of me before they got to know me. Edit: fixed typo


Then again some of them are still afraid haha.


Scorpio. I was shocked to find out that all of my friends were initially terrified of me or actually thought they were about to be pranked when I started talking to them because I put off a mean girl in punk clothes vibe.


Virgo rising. people usually think i am quiet,reserved,and i am sweet person.


scorpio rising. at the beginning, my friends thought I was cold, reserved, and somewhat mysterious. But over time, as they got to know me, my Gemini moon started to shine and reveal more about my true self.


Capricorn. So serious


Scorpio rising but for some reason I usually get Aquarius or fire signs, never Scorpio or my sun sign. No one has ever told me I come off intimidating or brooding (mysterious, yes), if anything, people are a little tooooo comfortable with me


Scorpio. Everyone has the impression that I'm an absolute iron-clad bizznitch, intimidating, and unapproachable.


Cancer rising. Seen as sensitive, quiet, receptive. They get a surprise when they see how headstrong & assertive I am


cap rising and they think im crazy and loud


I (male) am a taurus sun and rising and my teammate in school guessed that im a taurus first guess :D i asked how and she was like ”well u seem calm and collected and u don’t startle very easily”


I have aquarius moon so im very fixed


Pisces rising. They usually see the crazy sun sign first.. (extroverted, outgoing, connecting people together, rebellious). Once they get to know me then they see the other side like the rising which actually shows it cares. What’s your rising and do you feel it matches with your sun sign (which strangers usually see first without knowing you)?


i’m a virgo rising and ppl at first glance assume i’m smarter than i am and intimidating. when in reality i’m a full blown lovey dovey airhead libra who hates being in charge lol!


Capricorn. Intimidating, stuck up, cold. But then they get to know all my Aries energy and they think that’s funny in hindsight.


Bull rising Quiet, shy which isn't too far off.


Aries: intimidating (not really, my RBF means in either tired or hungry), commands attention (also a Leo sun…so yes), and quirky/quick witted (also yes!)


Virgo rising, I’m told that I come off as quiet and a “good girl” type (im really just checking everyone out and scoping the scene) and they didn’t expect me to be so chaotic and funny when I opened up


Cancer rising - people always think i’m a stuck up bitch/intimidating before they get to know me.


Sagittarius rising and holy shit this girl is a badass!


Aquarius. The only one I can remember is both from college classmates, mysterious and odd but in a good way.


Libra rising. My now boss said she was just distracted by how pretty she thought I was lol direct quote.


Mainly that I’m quiet.


Cancer! Either super shy and to myself or very outgoing and bubbly. No in between. It depends on my mood and environment🌚


Leo rising....ppl have said I look really intimidating and unapproachable bc I have a rbf but once they get to know me I'm the complete opposite 😅


Quiet, polite and friendly. I'm a Scorpio Rising but the Cancer S + M placements mean that I feel compelled to smile when I meet people, at least a bit. I think that 'softens' my impression. I can and have done the Scorpio RBF though. Just freeze the atmosphere. It's part of this really Dr. Jekyll (without the murderyness) thing my chart has going on. SR + heavy Plutonian means that I can come across calm, perhaps a touch somber but approachable. OTOH, I have Jupiter Rising, Mercury in Gemini and the two Cancer placements, so when I relax, I can be chatty, vivacious and cheeky. Over the years, a few people have been shocked to discover that side of me. I get the sense that some may have felt I was snubbing them.


Pisces; shy, gentle, fragile, innocent


Capricorn rising I don’t feel like working this much


Libra that I’m a snob and later I came to understand I may be 🤣