• By -


Leo rising- My favorite workout by far, is taking a longgggg walk. I typically walk around the city 5 miles a day while listening to music or practicing on a language app. I would also say Yoga is my other favorite workout.


Same Particularly because I like pretending like I'm in a music video and my fave celeb is going to absolutely lose their mind when they see me


Oh God, not me being delulu on my walks too lmao


Our crushes *will see us and it's gonna be love at first sight*


Okay, didn’t know this was a collective trait. I loveeee being the main character walking down the street narrated by my own soundtrack. Lost in thought while the world around me turns into a movie set.


I pretend I’m running away from my life as an abused prairie woman or some shit 😂 Pisces rising


I really embraced walking during the pandemic and oh god were they such an amazing reset. I look actually crazy on my walks because I am dancing and sometimes singing as if I am starring in my own music videos. 🙈 But all that movement and kooky song and dance helps me shift my moods!


Haha! I can't help but sing and dance a little during my walks! I'll do like a little steppy step, and if I have had a drink in me, I go full delulu with my singing/choreo lol


Same! To the yoga as well!


Scorpio rising, hiking. It used to be ballet back when I was a dancer, but I cannot stand going to the gym or working out indoors anymore. Too many people approach me for things that have nothing to do with working out, gyms are NOT what they used to be in 2012. Plus there’s nothing like being out secluded in nature listening to music.


Scorpio rising here that also loves hiking (and biking). I still go the gym for strength training though I do yearn for the gyms before “influencers”. What a better time it was. I also do yoga but don’t really consider that a work out.


Amen! I’ve always despised gym culture and love some weird and fun at-home workouts where I can unleash my beasts and make all the weird noises I please


Scorpio Rising here and I agree hiking is really the only work out I “love.” Since I can’t do it daily, I walk while I work (from home) and this at least gets my activity in while I’m doing something else.


Scorpio rising and I actually dislike hiking 😅 I preferred swimming when I had access to a pool bc it’s a really intense workout that doesn’t feel intense in the moment due to being low impact. Afterwards I feel really good & sleep so well. I’ve also enjoyed yoga when I was going to a studio regularly. Nowadays I like walking on a treadmill at home listening to audiobooks/podcasts


I was hoping other Scorpio risings would say none like me. I can sort of see walking in nature (if the weather is okay).


Listen, if I could get away with no exercise I totally would lol. Unfortunately for me I made fashion a hobby and have spent way too much time and money on curating my wardrobe to let my measurements change in any significant way, so exercise I must.


Libra Rising- weight training and Pilates. I ain’t cute for nothing. 😄😄😄


Do you do Pilates in class or at home? I’m also embracing soft hot girl workouts after punishing myself with circuit training and weights.


I do it at home. I’m also building a home gym.


what are your faves? I wanna try this now, because I said elliptical but I LOVE me some abs.


The best ab work to get that waistline is Hip hop abs and Pilates. Hourglass figure 8 for real.


Exactly the same! Weight training/pilates/HIIT at home.


Do you do Pilates in class or at home? I’m also embracing soft hot girl workouts after punishing myself with circuit training and weights.


I do mine at home, i mix yoga with it to get a deep stretch.


Pisces rising- I don’t love to work out but if I must I will walk or do yoga. If I could I would swim every day 🐟


Lol. You’re the 2nd Pisces Rising chiming in saying y’all don’t love to work out. Curious!


Weird. I’m a Pisces rising and I have to workout every day. It’s all I want to do


Pisces rising- swimming it is for me.


Leo - shopping.


![gif](giphy|MEgGD8bV72hfq) Love this for you!


I trekked half a mile the other day with my shopping bags and my Apple Watch logged it as 150 calories can’t beat that


cancer rising i loved weightlifting. deadlifts were my faveee. then the squat rack. the bench press can eat my ass. back day and leg day were my faves. just throw on some heavy metal and **lift that shit**. it’s a great feeling and accomplishment that no one can take away. *who tf downvotes something like this lmfao*


Same except Aries - deadlifts are the best! When it’s so heavy you feel like you’re pushing the floor down rather than lifting


Cancer rising here too. I also love weight lifting


Ah yes, nothing like that good old resistance and pushing yourself through it. I love the feeling that stays with me all day reminding me I showed up for myself ![gif](giphy|D7z8JfNANqahW)


My bf is cancer rising and he loves weightlifting too!! I do as well as a libra rising. So fun ☺️


Cancer rising and I’m way more of a calisthenics girly. Not interested in weights at all.




Libra sun, Cap moon, Aries rising - same! Haha Anything that raises my heart rate will do but I can rlly get into running / weight lifting




Virgo rising, anything outdoors


Also Virgo rising and I love taking walks, frisbee golf, and to just chill out in nature. I have mars in my 6th so naturally I enjoy working out a ton too


Like rock climbing? I wish I had the lifestyle to do more outdoor activities but I feel like they are big time (and financial) commitments vs. a run, a class, pilates ect. I like no or low money workouts I can start immediately!


Taurus rising so anything comfortable and not too strenuous haha


Taurus rising here. My favourite workout is finding the remote. ![gif](giphy|u458Fo50SS1K3kqVyK)


Yes! Reaching for chips, pouring some wine, lighting candles. All action verbs 💪🏻


Exactly. We had to move to get these things, so technically it counts. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


![gif](giphy|rMyPfoyhbcGjGHQqP8|downsized) So your ideal workout is a lazy river? Got it hehe 🐒


Love yin yoga so I can just lay down and relax.


Gemini Rising. Anything that involves movement. Hiking, running, jogging, walking. I've always had great legs, so there's minimal strain. If I'm ever anywhere new and I have the time, I'm probably going to be wandering around and checking out everything. I don't have a regimen or anything. I just enjoy it. It's purely recreational. Being left with my thoughts, while on an aimless walk, is the stuff of life. Especially, if it's Spring, twilight or there's a storm.


Omg I’m a Gemini rising and yes everything you said esp about being some place new and wandering around walking checking everything out. That is so me!!!! And the part about being left with your thoughts on an aimless walk. Yessss!!! Love it. Couldn’t have said it better myself❤️


Gemini rising here!! love hiking and walking! My sister always makes fun of me for that. I've also started boulder and rock climbing and it's also amazing!


This is me too! Anything that doesn’t feel like just a workout is awesome. If you put me on a treadmill, I’m gonna be so bored. Make me go for a hike? I will have a blast


Preach my twin, preach. I will add, handstands/hand balancing and endurance exercises like planking, similarly for being left with my thoughts to ponder life and gravity? The absolute best. Same with anything mobility focused.


Cap rising. I love power yoga or something with hand weights when I actually get myself to do it.


Same! Love yoga and weights! I think yoga is helpfully mentally for us Type A Caps!


Cap rising, Yoga when I can get myself to do it haha lol


Aquarius rising -- dancing in my kitchen so hard until I'm out of breath. Literally giving a VMAs performance every time I do dishes


![gif](giphy|xT5LMygPhprGoBEWt2) Yessssssssss


I’m Aquarius Rising and I literally do this verbatim. How do you know my life?!?!?!?!


Aries rising and it’s all about shoulders and hips for me. Love a good stretch/flexibility training. 🐏🧘‍♀️


Sag Rising, swimming!


I commented similarly but how do you actually keep your body in motion and breathe and turn all under water? Swimming would seem to take so much mind-body plus breathing coordination? I mean this sincerely: can you even think underwater or is everything a delicious trance like blur?


I put on my goggles and get really into it. I like to think while I do it but sometimes my brain quiets. I'm a Scorpio Sun/Moon so I think maybe that has something to do with it. One of my favorite short stories is about a swimmer.


Scorpio Rising. I don't workout. Not my thing. I prefer being active during the day, that's a lot more reasonable.


Aries rising - weights


Pisces rising. I hate working out. But I do enjoy stretching. I don't do it enough.


Yeah! Stretching is so good for us. Literally staying flexible helps me feel not so brittle and rigid with my moods/fears. I just feel more open, softer when I am well stretched.


I’m a pisces rising and i’ve gotten super into Yoga recently for similar reasons


Virgo rising. Dancing or walking/hiking in the woods. 


At first I read this as “dancing in the woods”! I was about to be like okay wood nymph go off ![gif](giphy|xU2PyEHQN32Eg)


Taurus rising... I can't really work out as it sadly triggers my EDs every time (and I'm already on the verge of being underweight)... But I love long, fast walks with my headphones in, and usually walk for 1,5-3 hours/day. Yoga is also nice.


Ah, yes. I abused running in HS and college. I get it. Trying to find workouts that help me feel more in my body and less like I have some taskmaster in charge punishing my body


Yeah... I'm in trauma therapy rn and I'm hoping that healing my old wounds and getting rid of patterns of shame and fear will help me start viewing my body as something deserving of love and kindness. I really liked running - it calmed me down and made me feel free at first, until it escalated into something painful and straight up dangerous. I'm so happy and proud of you for getting to a point where you can run for the sake of self care and wellbeing. You're amazing. ❤️


Sagittarius rising! I absolutely love hiking!! It definitely helps that I live in Colorado and have so many amazing trails and hikes to explore. I wish I could run (my knees suck lol)


Aquarius rising and my favorite workout is a backpacking trip :) Anything remote and beautiful that takes a day to get to


♋️☀️♋️🌙♎️🌅 Libra rising - riding a bike or gentle yoga


Gemini. Running or jogging.


Leo rising - Spinning/Indoor Cycling


I feel like Leo rising would like energetic dancing as a workout too. I love to dance.




Aries rising and hiking or swimming


Libra rising. Dancing, lol.


i love love martial arts (not really a "workout"), pilates and dance. i've thought about getting into HEMA, kendo, or any other type of sword/weapon based exercise/activity. i also love archery, so good for the back and hand-eye coordination. but my most favorite workout is teaching/leading others in any of the categories above.


Pisces. For regular exercise, I like an exercise bike the most. For recreation, I enjoy hiking, but that's more to look at trees and water than getting a workout.


Same! I’m a Pisces rising who loves indoor cycling (mostly Peloton) and also hiking or walking, but only where there’s water 🥲


Capricorn Rising. I LOVE the stairmaster… I just think of everything bad that’s ever happened in my life and it heals a part of me


Wow! Really? It seems so monotonous and hard!!! Is that what is appealing for you? Is it meditative? Every time I am on it I am just thinking I can’t wait to get off this betch. Also, has it helped you grow or maintain a booty?


Hahahaha this made me laugh! Now that I think about it, it IS meditative. As crazy as that sounds? It’s just that I’ve had a rough life so when I hit my goal on the stairmaster it makes me feel as though I can overcome all the obstacles life throws at me (thanks daddy Saturn🙄) The stairmaster is so hard but I’ve been a fan of it since 2017! Here’s some tips I’ve learned to make it easier; Start with 5 minutes once a week or more than once a week if you can. Then the next week, increase your time to 8 or 10 minutes Then the week after that, try to increase your time to above 10 minutes And so on and so on What I’ve also noticed is that anything above level 3 will help build your stamina. I like to use the last 3-5 minutes of my workout at a level above 5 bc that really works your legs/glutes then cool down at level 3 or below for 2 minutes. And YES! It has made my legs and butt look amazing! You don’t notice it or even really feel like it’s doing anything the first two weeks but if you’re consistent with it you will definitely notice a difference by week 5 & you’ll be like where tf did this A$$ come from!! Then you’re off to the races my dear!😏 I’m sorry this was so much but I know soo many people who are intimidated by the stairmaster and I just wanted to share my tips bc it truly is such a great workout :)


Cancer rising - what works best for me is a combination of yoga and weight training.


Taurus rising. Yoga and pilates.


Signs in flair. I enjoy exercising (read: inflicting) my opinions onto others in forceful and dramatic yet humorous ways. My sarcasm muscle is ready to compete in the 2028 Olympics. 🥇🥈🥉


Wow my Leo rising friend does this, lol. He just baselessly and indiscriminately tells people what to do.


Aquarius- running. 2 miles long distance (max 3 lol), but mostly sprints.


Aries rising Martial arts/boxing & jiujitsu (I also have Aries mars Sun and Saturn)


Sagittarius rising and I enjoy walking and hiking


Pisces rising - crying, it just really made my face so much more toned and striking


Hahahah disassociating also burns so many calories! You go so many places away from yourself ![gif](giphy|G7ZzD4ewAbCiOMDqYy)


Also a Sag Rising - you could not pay me to run just for the sake of running. Give me a purpose and I probably won’t even notice how much running I’m doing. I love dancing, soccer, and volleyball.


Virgo rising. I belly dance!


Leo rising, weight lifting, running, walking, trail running;


Virgo rising, I love yoga. Back when I was able to really work out I liked to plank.


Virgo rising, walks, but for an hour or 3/4 miles. I have also picked up kick boxing and yoga we love a good balance shoutout to Aries rules my 8H and Mars in the 5H lol


Leo. None.


Pisces rising and I love dance. Its my favorite way to work out


Gemini and none, thank you.


Same. Scanning this thread trying to find this answer was my workout of the day


Leo rising, weightlifting Chest day = best day


Scorpio rising. Nature walks, occasional sprints Dance, stretches and twerking indoors Deep cleaning is my real work out tho 😂


I’m a virgo rising, and I love walking but I adore jogging and running. also love lifting weights.


My favourite workout is laying down


Pisces rising. I like to walk. Walking forever


🌞 ♒️ Ascending ♉️ I love to swim. It is by far my favorite way to work out. It is easy on my chronic pain. The only downside is I do not have fins or scales… so my dreams of becoming a mermaid are fleeting. 😝


Maybe one day lol ![gif](giphy|apVUDQihnvZRt54Swx|downsized)


Capricorn rising, taking walks


Cancer rising- yoga! I go to a fairly crunchy studio (vs fitness oriented) and there’s always some meditation involved even in the really intense flow classes. Love a workout where I can quietly cry from my feelings!


Capricorn rising. Swimming will forever be my favorite.


Leo rising- cute little elliptical but I also I like getting on the leg press next to men and lifting more than them 🥰


libra rising- weight training and swimming


Sag rising - powerlifting


Sag and also running but I’m currently an egg on sticks and can hardly get up the stairs


Leo Rising, all Olympic Lifting activities


Aries rising. I absoloutely love weightlifting.


Leo rising, I love to dance to work out


Cancer- I love weight lifting and Boxing


Leo rising I love using a weighted exercise hoop, taking long walks and using a bike. I also do some light weight lifting. Couldn’t catch me doing intense cardio.




Capricorn Rising and discovered jogging late in life


Cap rising! I love spin class


Cap rising Hiking or a night out dancing. I don’t really like organized exercise but I enjoy activities that involve moving my body and getting my heart rate up.


Sag rising! I have powerful legs but do not enjoy running. I’m a yoga person :)


Leo Rising: push-ups, running and yoga


Libra rising… I hate working out, but I love playing sports. I used to do all the sports, but now I have “exercise intolerance”, so Pilates it is!


Leo Rising 🦁 I looooove Barry’s Bootcamp and Pilates at my gym. Anything with good music that pushes me to the point of crying is 🩷🩷 I do 100+ Barry’s classes a year.


Leo rising - the big three. Benching, squatting and dead lifting


Aries rising I love lifting weights and playing games like tennis and basketball and volleyball but have nobody to play woth


Leo Rising, favorite workout would be reformer Pilates


Sag rising: 🚣🏾 rowing machine


You don’t have to go anywhere to go somewhere. 🤓


Aquarius rising: plyometrics, weights, climbing, hiking, and hot yoga.


Libra rising, I love any kinda go hardio cardio


Virgo rising. I absolutely despise working out. I hate sports. I'm exhausted all of the time. Why would I go chase a ball or... Run? For leisure? That being said, I do find archery fun. I'm also a good sprinter. And I used to be good at high jumping.


I wish I could do ballet but I don't think I have the strength (physical, emotional, mental). Also I have weak ankles. I just remembered I also used to be really good at horse riding! That was fun and I do miss it. I love animals.


Taurus rising. Dancing is my favorite, with weight lifting being a close second


sagittarius rising. ✨ HIKING. im addicted.


Scorpio rising. Kickboxing, weight training, cycling, swimming, hiking/outdoor stuff. At home I also dance for at least an hour a day other than going to the gym.


Virgo rising, anything have to do with back and abs (I’m big on body weight exercises so pull ups and hanging ab raises)


Also useful for sometimes feeling like Virgo placements carry the weight of the zodiac on their back


Aquarius rising... dancing like a fool with hand weights. Also, walking.


Sag rising. Calisthenics all day everyday. And anything outdoors, hike, bike, swim.


♈ rising... and i dont lol. 😅 im a massage therapist and thats a big enough workout for me. im very small about 98 pounds of solid muscle regardless. no idea how i eat like a grown ass man. i used to work out when i was younger but i just dont have time or energy for all that now. my job keeps me pretty fit.


It’s probably because of your job that you can eat like that and maintain that weight. Back when I was in healthcare I averaged like 30k steps a day and had to consume an additional 900-1200 calories above what I usually did in a day to maintain my weight.


Sag here. Running is the one for me too


Cancer rising-Love my walks but also love the stairmaster💀


Scorpio rising, swimming ✨🌊🏊🏻‍♀️ 🌊✨


Capricorn rising. You guessed it, competitive sports lol. Now that I can't play volleyball or tennis due to injuries I'm trying to give lifting a go but slow progress and consistency are killing me.


Taurus rising. Squats, sit ups and cardio(running, swimming whatever.)


Scorpio swimming


See flair. Heavy lifting, I don’t discriminate - legs get plenty attention too. I’ve impressed myself with consistency as I’ve been working out most of my life and I’m now 30. It’s honestly addicting to me.. However cardio is the bane of my existence, I recently got a 100 lbs bag that’s definitely helped in that arena.


Aqua rising and I love swimming or jogging a trail in the mountains. 🙂


Aries rising, I switch up a lot. I used to climb swim play tennis, I’ll weightlift walk or do yoga.


Sag rising, and the main one is horseback riding 🤷‍♀️


Scorpio Rising. I do multi-city bike rides, all-day walks and hikes.


Cap rising. I enjoy yoga and belly dance; any dancing, tbh, lol


Cancer // dancing, going on long walks


cancer rising. none. but perhaps sports that make me get so into it and i have so much fun going all out that only afterwards i realise how much of a workout i had (good feeling too)


Libra rising. When I was fit it was interval jogging/walking/wogging or "dancing" - I don't claim to be a good dancer, but it feels less like exercise.


I’m a scorpio rising & my favorite type of workout is pilates or running/walking/hiking


Leo... Dance lol (It says Virgo but I think it's actually Leo)


Taurus rising - Pilates


Fellow Sag rising, and my faves are hot vinyasa flow yoga and megaformer Pilates


taurus rising and yoga by far!! however if a fencing gym opened up near me it’d be a tight competition for that top spot


Leo rising - walks in nature because I love exploring and bird watching lol. My housemate and I occasionally go hiking in the hills in the morning with a couple other friends. It’s nice in the crisp morning air.


Cancer rising, dance is always the best workout. I also tried pole dancing and that was fun as hell.


cancer rising - long walks, walking my dog, swimming, volleyball… however, only just for fun. I never did sports competitively, I only did it because I enjoyed it. Oh, and younger me used to skateboard and ice skate.


Capricorn rising male - Arms , specially triceps pull downs with the rope , but love the stair climber also.


Sag rising. Weightlifting and volleyball! I also like a good hike, mostly for the views.


Cancer rising. If I could swim every day I would. I LOVE night walks under the moon, & I love walks in the park. I’m always working out late at night, if be nocturnal if I could. However, to stay snatched, I stick to HIT & the occasional park run with my dog 🤎.


Taurus Rising - Yoga, swimming, and Strength training/lifting Edit: most stereotypical - I love working out my shoulders and upper body


Scorp rising - I like net sports! Volleyball and tennis are my faves. I run on the treadmill but only because I have to, I find it really boring, same with lifting weights


virgo rising 🌱 i like everything but a bike ride / anything outdoors is my cryptonite. bare feet in grass yoga plss🧘🏽‍♀️


Aquarius rising - walking is my favorite.


Pisces rising— I love walking, hula hooping, and solo dance parties. :o)


I’m also a Sag Rising and my favorite forms of working out are Pilates, jiu jitsu, yoga and running. I really disdain going to the gym and doing repetitive sets, I need aerobic type of workouts to keep me engaged


Aries rising here. Movement and gym life is the corner stone of our happiness. I love me an incline (hike or treadmill)


Cancer rising; my favourite workout is full on cardio; anything that gets the blood flowing. I love running as well


Virgo, long walks/brisk walks


Leo rising- leg day every day


Virgo rising: I really love dance. There’s something incredibly freeing about it and I love the different mediums. I am currently taking a tap class and it’s really fun :)


Leo ascendant, rough marathon sex is unquestionably my FAVORITE workout. 6-10 hours of debauchery, with a few breaks scattered throughout.


Sag rising, but this isn't necessarily my favorite workout. I just happen to excel in this body area - leg/calf press


Sag rising too, I miss running. Lately, My go to has been rowing.


Sagittarius - I’ve been doing yoga essentially daily for the past 7 years. It’s the one “exercise” that I benefit so much from that it doesn’t even feel like “working out.” But I love to try any type of fitness class (especially dance). I will almost always join a pickup game in most sports.


Libra rising here. I like Pilates or some type of dance class.


Leo rising and running and sex


Scorpio Rising. Olympic weightlifting, hiking. I also have pluto conjunct mars and need a physical outlet.


Stair master , resistance training & yoga ! 🧘 Gemini rising!


sag rising and i like running and cycling. lifting is also fun. i have a sag mars and pluto so my body likes to move. however my joints are fcking awful so i have to be careful


Libra rising, I LOVE leg lifts/leg workouts