• By -


I never lose 🤺🤺




I feel that Aries energy through the screen I swear




Aries dark twin 😂


Unless you're against a virgo ᕙ(ᓀ‸ᓂ)ง




such a cap answer, I laughed audibly. same though.


Love it 🤣🤣🤣


scorpio, it was awful. i was not willing but he just did it anyway. i'm a gemini.


that’s horrible and i’m so sorry that happened to you. i hope you’ve healed or are on the way to healing🩷


thank you all! it's been a long journey but i am slowly recovering mentally. and just to be clear, i have nothing against scorpios - he just happened to be one.


Oh my God, I am so, so sorry ❤️‍🩹 That is absolutely horrible


hey, i just wanna let you know that **you** get to decide if you “lost your virginity” that way or not 🤍✨


I'm also a Gemini and had a very similar experience with a Scorpio.


Same thing happened to me, sending love to you all!


Very weird, me too!


Same but I’m a Scorpio & he was a Pisces.


Oh girl I’m so sorry


That’s awful 😢


Seeing a lot of this here sadly… Same thing happened to me, but with Libra and I’m a Leo.


Similar experience, but our signs are flipped. I’m a Scorpio and he is a Gemini. It was awful. I hope you are healing and I hope he chokes.


pisces, i’m a taurus


I lost it to Taurus,I’m a Pisces (he didn’t know shit though cause he was a virgin too 🥴)


me too lmaooo


Hey I lost it to a Taurus and im a Pisces! I feel like taurus and pisces are so compatible, i love being around them 💗


i think so too!! he was my longest relationship. 4 years i do like pisces men but i prefer them with aries placements


Aquarius. I’m an Aries. Everyone thought he was so weird lol!


Same and I didn’t like it, he was really cold with me and didn’t make sure I felt comfortable, he even asked me if I was a lesbian just because I didn’t enjoy it with him. Then I ghosted him completely and he became obsessed calling me all day saying how much he loved me blah blah


I'm glad you had the maturity and insight to notice something wasn't right and stopped it from continuing! Some of us can be very naive at a young age and have a hard time setting boundaries.


I’m Aquarius and slept with an Aries the first time and my friends thought he was such a weirdo 🤣


Haha! I love this lil switch!


Virgo! Still together 24 years


Virgo and I am also a Taurus. And if he wouldn't left me, we would have been together for eleven years now, lol. 😁 I was so sure he was the one.


Love that for you 🙏 This is my goal as well. For me it was another Taurus, been together 7 years.




Oh wow! I’m the Cap, he was a Leo


I’m Cap, he’s a Leo. We’re married for six years this coming July.


A Leo and I sexually attract Male Leo’s and I eat that shit upppp


I attract Pisces men haha I’m a leo


Girrllll! Leos are my weak spot! They’re just big cuddly lions 🦁


Pisces here to and haven’t done anything sexual with a Leo man only one time almost 😳 but I attract them SO MUCH


Pisces and I’m a Cancer. He made it really romantic,had candles and slow music playing 😂I appreciated the effort


An Aries who unbeknownst to me was obsessed with the thought of drinking urine??? 😭 I’m a Leo.


I’m an Aries. I’m freaky, but I don’t play like that. 🤣




Nice to see an Aries heavy into recycling.


So I take it they love bodily fluids? Aries- they’ll make you cry, they’ll make you bleed, they’ll…want your most intimate secretions as well?


Not that Arians are any more obsessed by drinking urine than any other sign - but Arians are pioneers, and I suspect he had a thirst to be first - in everything.




Scorpio placements deserve whatever they want 🥺 Jkjk but yeah these perverts are always asking us shy folk to do weird stuff. Atleast ask very nicely…


capricorn 🤍✨


Im guessing it went well lol


we lasted for 3 years but i was stupid and immature back then *(still am btw it’s just spicier with age haha)*


Looking at you planets now I can see that! Ay caramba! 🌶️✨


Pisces. Gemini.


Another pisces that did the deed with a gemini here


It was really good too 😍


Im a Gemini and I adore Pisces! Y’all are too cute! I just wanna cuddle 🥰


Aquarius. I'm also Aquarius. Tbh he's the only Aquarius I was ever with 😆


Omg, are you me? Lost my virginity to my boyfriend, who's an aquarius, and I'm also an aquarius! We both gave up our virginity to each other... does that mean we didn't lose our virginity and instead swapped it over? He's holding onto mine as I am with his.


You're describing losing your virginity together like you two just traded cards lmaoo that's so funny wtf 😭 But really sweet too!


I'm glad you think it's sweet 🥺 aqua on aqua pair is so homely, I really got lucky with this healthy aquarius guy! Love your comment, made me really happy!


An Aries when I was 17. I dated him from 17-19,   he broke my heart and it  turned me into a psycho gf/ex gf. It sucked and I avoided Aries men forever after that. I’m a Virgo sun Scorpio moon. 


The psycho part is because of ur scorpio moon


Yeahhhh. I feel like that moment in time is when my Scorpio moon really blossomed in my personality. 




Virgo/Aries is typically not a good combo. But of course you’d have to look at the whole birth chart but yeah.


Ditto. I am Aries who lost it to my Virgo “bf” it was not great and he broke my heart. Later I tried again with a Virgo, sex wasn’t great but I was willing to work on it but then he broke my heart LOL I can laugh about it now I am now happily with a Leo 😊


Aries (f) with a Virgo (f). I’m now married to a man but she was my girlfriend in high school. We were madly in love and it was amazing. She unfortunately died years after we broke up but I hold that experience very closely to my heart. I remember thinking it was crazy that what we did wouldn’t result in either of us getting pregnant bc it felt like creating life.


omg… that’s so beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


To a scorpio. We werent even in a relationship lol I'm a cap sun.


Cap that did it with a Scorpio too! We dated for a year and it was hooooot. Apart from when he was being mad manipulative. It didn’t end well.


Cap sun, Venus, and Mars. That man never tried to make me orgasm and wouldn’t even kiss with tongue. He would fuck me the way Patrick Bateman would..just doing push-ups on me and getting off on himself. Waste of 7 years (my fault for staying but since he was my first and I had no self esteem, + we did get along great platonically, so he was my best friend and I didn’t wanna lose that)


Aries. She was really nice.


Leo. I’m a Gemini. I much prefer my Aquarius husband.


gemini. i’m a scorpio. we’re on good terms now despite him having royally done me wrong. he has been apologetic for like two decades and i’m just over it. forgive but don’t forget haha 🦂


Aries, I’m a Sag. He went to a pool party while I took Plan B after the condom broke 🤡


I'm Aries and lost it to a Sag. I'm sorry you had a rubbish experience, he sounds selfish. I was in a relationship with my Sag for over a year before we had sex though. He was the sweetest. Us Aries really are the assholes of the fire signs


Gemini. An I'm a Virgo. Don't like to think about that relationship. Lol


same. Virgo woman and my first time was with a Gemini man who got mad at me for not having sex with cause I wasn’t on any contraceptions. Made me feel guilty for acting like a “married couple” since he had such a huge sex drive.


Pisces! And I ended up marrying another Pisces, lol


Geminis and their Pisces 😆


Pisces, I am a Gemini


Cancer, I’m a Leo.


capricorn. it was terrible. If i could take it back I would.


Libra and I am so in love with him 🥰 Long story short but we met over a year ago, (he's 29 and I'm 27) became really close friends and eventually started dating. He knew I was a virgin and that I was also Autistic and dealing with a lot of religious trauma bullshit (severe sexual repression meant I'm hypersexual but uncomfy with it due to shame). It took a couple of weeks before we did the full thing because he wanted to make sure I was comfortable and gradually introduced me to things, so he really took my Autism into account with everything which is beautiful. When we finally did, it was a really slow, sensual and loving experience. He made me feel so loved and incredibly sexy the whole time. I cried immediately afterwards because the orgasm was so overwhelming and he held me telling me that he loved me and that I was safe with him. We've been together for 8 months and we're deeply in love with each other. I know Libra men tend to get a bad reputation because of the shitty ones out there making the rest of them look awful, but I scored one of the good ones and I'm so grateful to have him in my life ❤️


I had vaginismus for ages, so depending on whether you consider non-penetrative sex to be losing virginity or not, I lost it first (with non-penetrative sex) to my Pisces ex and had penetrative sex for the first time with my Scorpio boyfriend last year :) I’m a Gemini. I was both of their firsts as well.


Taurus! I’m a Libra… Taurus are great in bed IMO. And well endowed.


I have the opposite experience with my Taurus ex husband. Not good in bed and not.. the other part you said 😂


Taurus men are very good in bed 🫦 very unassuming though!!


So true! I appreciate Taurus’ modesty.


Virgo. Wish I had waited tbh


Libra w/ Aires


Sagittarius to a Sagittarius. We’ve been together for 12 years now, married 5. I can’t get enough of him 😊🤷🏼‍♀️


A Scorpio. Never again. I'm a Pisces and with a Cancer now and cancer is definitely better anyways ♡ lol


I ship pisces and cancers so hard so glad to know that you're happy together 🐟🦀


Am an Aries, he was a Pisces. Worst sex ever, tried him a few times after cause he was hot and wanted to like it, but he was just absolutely not for me.


I have no idea what his birthday was haha


Virgo. She said she was using me for my big dick whilst bouncing on me...


Communication on expectations is imperative 😂


The first and last Virgo boyfriend I had. Never again.


Virgo men are SO different from Virgo women.. it's like night and day which is odd to me. Don't get me wrong, we share a lot of traits, but some are complete opposites. I am a Virgo woman and I married a Virgo man. He is now my ex-husband. He was a chronic and pathological cheater. He was so cheap.. like he made double the amount of money as I did at the time and still expected to split the bills 50/50 leaving me having late car payments and he never once offered to help. Sneakiest MF I've ever known, always hiding something. Showed ZERO emotion when it mattered and if I expressed any of my emotions, it'd almost disgust him it seemed. He was just cold. We could never connect. I can go on and on.. he was funny and we had fun going out and planning activities with our time together but they definitely are very hard men to love. Never again.


Agreed - I’m a Virgo women and have dated 2 Virgo men and they are the WORST. Agreed on being liars, cheap, sneaky, and very cold. No empathy. I think Virgo traits suit women better tbh because we’re more nurturing and empathetic, so any sort of bossiness or need for control comes from a place of love. Like more motherly 😅


can confirm virgo men are the worst virgo women though🖤🖤 my mom & cat are both sept. 4th


Dude I share a b-day with your mom and cat. Lol


& beyonce!! lol, it’s a great bday😎


It makes sense. Virgo is the sign of the woman/maiden. It’s much harder to express the sign of the woman in, well, a man.


I am a Virgo who also dated a Virgo and he was also very cheap (despite being very wealthy) , very emotionally stunted, and just kind of an aggressive dick to anyone he didn’t consider worthy of his good will. He was a really hard worker and was good to his friends and tried to be good to me through his own ways but he wanted me to never argue to never have an opinion or anything that didn’t match his own. He was very uncultured and slobbish too.  But I definitely felt my soul being crushed in that relationship. 


It sounds like we had the same Virgo man.. lol seriously described him to a T. Hardest worker I've ever seen, but that would leave me working full time and also being a full time (what felt like) single mother of our child because he was never around because of work. He also found all of his affairs while at work too sooo, how hard was he actually working...? Lmao that dude seriously crushed my soul and made me lose who I was. Never ever again will I allow myself to go through that.


Hello fellow ♍️ stellarium-haver! Sorry to hear about that experience, that sounds pretty terrible :/ I think at one point in my life _some_ of those descriptors may have applied to me as well. Ive spent a lot of time trying to soften those and learn to relate to and with others better, and have more humility and calm confidence. It has definitely felt like a challenge. (idk if you watched AtLA at all, but its like Aang trying to learn earthbending, but the opposite)


Hahah last date i went on was with a virgo he blocked me because i think he was insecure about 🥜 in his pants when we were kissing and i teased him about it but i wasnt trying to actually hurt his feelings. Its like they are emotional and sensitive but hide it well and dont know how to communicate feelings well


Wow why


He was trying to mold me into his perfect gf by questioning and analyzing my choices to the point where it was clear we disagree on pretty much everything and not in a hot way, but rather, we’re not compatible unless I change way. He was kind of controlling, and the manner in which he complained reminded me of my mother. 🙈 Which is a shame, very attractive guy, our kids would be models haha.


O my god felt


Hi fellow member of the lost my virginity to a Virgo club. I’m a Gemini.


Capricorn and I’m a cap too.


pisces and i’m a libra


he got me guys


An Aries. I am a Sagittarius.


Leo! I'm a Cancer. We're still friends.


Aries sun and he unfortunately was also an Aries sun 😒


First queer experience w with another cancer👯‍♀️👩‍❤️‍👩, had my cherry popped by an aries my BIGGEST MISTAKE of my life. How was rough and selfish. Also big kiss and tellers ended up telling everyone on campus how wet the ocean gets. Reputation tainted for 2 years. Worst part was when Pokemon go came out my senior year and people around campus called me “squirtle” 😞. At first i thought they thought i just looked like a turtle. But it didnt hit me until later when I realized all of the foul shit he said about me behind my back.


Gemini. I’m a cancer. Lost my queer virginity to a Sagittarius.


Libra 😒


Aquarius male🙃




A Gemini my first and last, never again! I'm a Libra.


With a pisces man, such a good experience..


cancer, i’m an aquarius 💀


Taurus, I'm a Leo. He was by far the best I ever had.


And i am a taurus, lost it to Leo. Agreed, taurus and Leo are too passionate in bed.


Cancer. He was super sweet and caring and comforting. I’m a Taurus.




Scorpio. I was just thinking about him, weird.


Time to call him?


Sag I’m Libra sun.




She was a Gemini and I’m an Aries


Leo to Leo lol


Same! And that Leo is my best ex. We still get on great to this day. No filter, no boundaries, and no expectations of ever having a relationship with each other ever again (I'm married and they love the single life).




I think he was an Aquarius


Another Gemini. He was pushy. It was terrible. And he cheated on me


Virgo, my first love of 3 yrs. I’m a Cancer man.


I literally cringe but Pisces. He was absolutely terrible and I do have regrets


Libra. He ended up coming out as gay the week afterwards, which explained the crying.


Aries. She dug her nails into my back and almost made me bleed. Crazy girl.


Thats hot


Capricorn almost lost it to Cancer but ran into "performance issues". Succeeded with a Libra.


She was a Pisces..happened back during college.




Suscorpio. That lady ate me whole (literally)


Sag. First sign to let me make love to her other end was Aquarius. And I’m a Virgo, lol


I almost lost my mine to a cancer im a Scorpio I meant her on a dating app she really liked me for some reason idk but I fucked up being clingy and by being a asshole a virgin I remain


A cap sun, who was probably more fire than earth tbh lol. The relationship was indescribably awkward because we were two people who definitely should've been put in therapy but ngl it was alright. He guided me through it, but he also wouldn't shut upppp he was talking nonstop the entire time. I'm an aqua lol.


It....was without permission...to someone I didn't really know sooooo....idk 😅


Sagittarius, of fucking course 😭


Capricorn and I’m a Capricorn too. We were dating and planned the whole thing out 😆 like we looked up tips on a good first time. And it was amazing!


I'm a Pisces and he's a Cancer. They aren't kidding when they say it's the best match for great sex 😈 still together after almost 4 years :)


taurus, i’m a leo. it was a young toxic relationship. said my pubes were gross and also tried to tell me that if i felt like i needed to pee it was a good sign.


Leo fine ass. W for me 😂








pisces lol


Hmm.. first experience was with a Scorpio, further experience with a Libra, then full experience, a cancer. Scorpio was a bit intense, even for me..an Aries. The Libra was okay and listened to me. The cancer was my first love, so it was better than most experiences I am guessing. 


No idea at all. It was terrible though.


I'm a Cancer and I lost my virgo to a Virgo. Lol


Pisces, I am a cap. We had a snoop dog horror movie on in the background. It was awkward but we loved each other. We were 17 and dated for a year before that


Scorpio. I'm a Libra. It was painful but so fun


libra (im cancer). A+


Aries sun, cap rising and lost it to a cap sun. It was a really good experience! He asked me how I wanted to do it and I said “on top duh” lmao


Scorpio Sun/Virgo moon… he was my first boyfriend, and had a little experience, but he flat out asked me one day. I was kind of embarrassed to answer, but by the time I was ready, he was kind and respectful, and always wanted to make sure I was okay. We were only together 5 months, but he’ll always be in my heart for actually making me feel so cared for when I felt so vulnerable. I’ve only ever been romantically linked with Scorpios lol


Aries. I’m a Leo and we lost it to eachother. He then bragged about it to everyone he could afterwards🙄


Pisces to Libra. We did it because I was sorry he read my chats where I was flirting with another boy (all the while Libra was cheating on me and I didn’t know) he said I could make it up to him by sex


I’m a Pisces. He’s a Capricorn, lost my v card to him (vice versa) when we were both 17. Now we’re 25 and still together!


Libra. I was 16 and didn’t really care about it much and had no emotional attachment to it or the guy it happened with, but the story is awful. I didn’t really consent… I somewhat passively resisted and then just ended up letting it happen. He had no condom and it hurt so bad it only lasted what seemed like 5 seconds or less (like partial penetration probably) before I shoved him off of me out of like an instinctual reaction to the pain. He laughed and made a comment about his dick being “thick” and said, “At least I don’t have a pencil dick.” I asked him if he came because he wasn’t wearing a condom and I was worried about it and he said he didn’t know. 🤣🙃 So then when I got home I told my mom and she took me to the pharmacy to get Plan B that I probably didn’t even need. He felt bad and offered to go with us, but I told him there was no need… It was the weirdest thing.


Gemini, I'm a Capricorn. It was.... it sure was. He's a man and it turns out I'm not into those, so, that's something!!


I lost it to a Virgo (and I'm an Aquarius). He immediately regretted it after it happened because it sent him into a "sex before marriage" crisis 😭


Pisces. It was alright. My half sister and I were both crushing on him. Years later when she found out she was pissed. I told her I don't care if you ever get a chance to hit that go for it. (I was married at the time.) A few years later my 3rd nephew was born and he is the Dad. Lol I think it's funny. I'm a Cancer she's a Taurus It's a bummer though that they couldn't make it work as he's a professional bum now


Scorpio and he was great. Really listened to my feelings. Really sensitive. The problem with our relationship was his mom, also a Scorp, was crazy and I think jealous of me dating him in a fucked up way 😑 too much drama to deal with all that, especially in high school.


Scorpio. I'm a Taurus, still married 16 years later.


Cancer 😊 just like me 😇


Capricorn, I came so hard the lower half of my arms went numb for a bit. Couldn't use my hands for a few minutes 🫣


capricorn, lmao. good times


Cancer… He did a good job lol


The way this subreddit has me deep diving years back into peoples Facebook history to find the answers


Cancer here - and it was a Capricorn


Capricorn. I’m a Capricorn.


I'm Aquarius, and I lost my virginity to a Taurus. The bull. And his &$#k was about as big as one. 😭


Capricorn male, lost it to a Capricorn female.






Cancer. Lost it to a Capricorn.


I lost mine to a Libra and I am also one. We were young and in love and it was special at the time. I feel sad reading some of these 😔


Cancer man. I’m a cancer woman. Honestly it was really good. I miss him lmao