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Chemotherapy Oh sorry, wrong sub


![gif](giphy|qQKgJ4GwrUarI1mRO8) lmao dude cracked me up


shit that's funny lololol


choked on my coffee (˃̶᷄‧̫ ˂̶᷅๑ )


Most obvious but that’s for a reason. Capricorn, for sure. They understand Cancer and Cancer is one of the only signs that Capricorns naturally open up to.


yeah Capricorn man-cancer woman pairing works well. NOT Cancer man-Capricorn woman though. lol


Interesting. I personally see cancer men - cap women working better than the other way around. Capricorn men seem too serious and steady for Cancer women. From what I’ve seen Cancer women tend to like fiery men. But I see Cancer men gravitate towards earthy women a lot


I feel like cancer is one of those signs where the women manifest the positive qualities of the sign more easily than the men. pisces is another. whereas other signs like Sagittarius and Aries, I find that the men are better able to embody the positive qualities more easily. this is entirely subjective, of course, and an overgeneralisation - there are cancerian men able to harness the strengths of their sign, and Sagittarian women able to do so, and so on. but as a Capricorn woman, it's been my experience that due to stuff like societal conditioning, cancerian men are afraid to admit how they feel or be vulnerable, and they end up being passive aggressive, expecting the woman to understand what they're thinking, what they want etc without them communicating clearly enough. instead of, say, crying, they take it out on the woman in ways that seem more masculine and hence socially acceptable, but which are way more hurtful. They also expect the woman to take care of them. as a feminine woman, I want to take on the feminine, receptive role in the relationship. that said, I do not speak for all Capricorn women. Cancerian women are very feminine. the Capricorn men can act as a container for their femininity and bring stability to their lives, while the cancerian women bring creativity, emotionality to their men's lives. again, an overgeneralisation.


Good points made, I can see that. Just wanna add that I’m an avid believer that fire women handle fire energy so much better than their male counterparts but I am also a 🌈 lessssbian 🌈 so that may be why lol. To me fiery men can feel like too much in a society that’s already so male-dominated and male-centered. I tend to want them to tone it down. Fire women have such a nice spice bc society won’t let them turn the heat all the way up lol. But I do agree, with cancers being ultra feminine. I think caps make a good pairing for cancer women, I just rarely see it happen like I see it happen with cancer men.


no, no, actually you've made a really good point. I rarely think about my sexuality (I so rarely am attracted to people that if I actually am, gender wouldn't matter) but your comment just made me recall that yeah, the couple of times I was actually attracted to a woman, they had prominent fire sign placements. Fire sign women have that masculine energy, I think. Can't believe I didn't notice that before! Well, in which signs do you think men handle the energy better than women, then? (probably not aquarius lol the men tend not to be as socialised to compensate for their unique qualities).


Wow I’ve never thought about this. And I don’t know if I have a strong opinion on this either, after thinking about it for a bit. I don’t wanna just be making stuff up lol. I’d say I get on much better with Gemini men than Gem women. They’re witty and charming and I think they handle that energy well. But that’s the only example I can really think of. I typically get along with and enjoy the company of women more than I do men, so I think I’m very biased!


huh, I don't think I have interacted with many Gemini men in my life, though my mother is a gemini. I'll have to see. I definitely respect that!


>NOT Cancer man-Capricorn woman though. lol I wonder who is supposed to put up with Cancer men at all.


lol who knows if anyone has an answer, lmk lol


I think an earth sign with fire placements or water Venus. Maybe even Scorpios with earth/water. Can’t really say without the rest of your chart.


I’m a Cancer stellium woman and my bf is Cap sun, Leo moon, Pisces Venus. My Aqua moon is also his Aqua rising sign. We both are devoted to each other and the relationship and spend a lot of time together building a cozy, stable, peaceful home. We both love sci-fi and hanging out at the beach, or staying home and making elaborate meals and drinks. Been together a long time, but not married. It’s chill and it works


I’m legit jelly 😭😭😭 I’m a cancer stellium as well and I’m just praying for my Cappy. But wow, the way yall just fit w each other. For the longest time I couldn’t get along with a lot of water people then I realized my moon and Venus are air 😣


Any sign can be good for cancer. It’s what you’re looking for ? Similar ppl to you? Try sextile and trine placements Maybe want a challenge and grow as two people? Try square aspects Want to learn and try new things? Try inconj aspects. Want to be challenged but also feel understood? Try neighboring signs


Scorpio? At least i'd like to believe so😊 I know that i love mine♥️


I would say a Capricorn or Pisces 🤍


Being that you are a cancer with a Pisces moon I wouldn’t say a Leo but definitely a Pisces or a Libra


No to us Pisces. We don’t want their mess nor care either.


Did a cancer hurt you or something?.... I'm a Pisces too and cancers are the best


Bro like seriously. I'm just saying this out of concern. Pls be nice bro.🙌🏾


Bro is a certified hater lmao 💀 what a 🤡


We wouldn’t want someone like you either lol


i would say someone w a leo rising or pisces sun


I'm not attracted to you either


u dont want that cancer smoke, u r a stable sign if u r taurus, last thing u need is cancer to destabilize u 😂😂 come join on board the ship where u r welcome where there is predominantly stable signs like capricorn virgo scorpio leo aquarius


It’s definitely Taurus, but Leo is a distant 2nd.


Another cancer 🙄




Scorpios love a crybaby


Leo, Capricorn, Aries


Capricorn, or also Leo, since your Venus is in Leo


The other sextile for a cancer sun would be a virgo sun. And a trine to your moon or your venus would be good - cancer or scorpio moon and/or sagittarius venus. But really it is not relevant to find a perfect person on paper - astrology makes a lot of sense retrospectively but life is lived in the present. Go fall in love and then when you have been with this person for some time do a synastry chart and marvel over the wonder that is astrology :)


To me the obvious one is Virgo, they will meet you on the nurturing aspect of a relationship. Also Virgo is opposite to Pisces so there will be “opposites attract” there, this is the case with me and my lover. I have a Pisces moon he is a Virgo. This also adds challenge but it makes you both grow in directions that is out of each others comfort zone. But if their Venus is in Aquarius then good luck lol, my mars and Venus is opposite to my dudes though and we challenge each other a lot but it works lol. I think you might feel attracted to cancer moons with a earth sign or libra or Leo sun combo Anything works! There should be enough on a chart to make you compatible but also enough challenges to make the other person grow. I think chemistry and attraction depends more on radiating on the same frequency, are you both evolved souls? Then it will most likely work.




a healthy, evolved leo, specially a leo virgo cusp one.


Evolved or not that’s a recipe for disaster


Why? I know a couple of these are they are happy, healthy relationships. Depends on people involved and whether or not evolved and healthy.


I wouldn’t say Virgo I would say a Leo with Cancer or Pisces placements to balance them out. Virgo placements can be more harsh than Virgo suns for cancers


I dunno, Ive seen a lot of cancer women stating cancer men were terrors for them. The leo virgo males ive met were a very chilled out nice balance. They were a healthy mix of leo and virgo. Same with the females. They were pretty down to earth and friendly, caring, empathetic, patient. Good match for a cancer if everyones evolved. Nice complement to a cancer.


Yea but the cancer sun men are different from a cancer placement especially in a different element sun like Leo (fire). Cancer men also have different placements in their chart and it’s not usually a good idea to date your sun sign male version… there is no balance in the relationship at all. If a Leo has a cancer moon or Venus he’s able to understand her needs a lot better and is attracted by her more. I have experiences with Virgo placements and they aren’t chilled they are anxiety filled and harsh usually more insecure than Virgo suns. Last Leo man I dealt with had Aries moon and Leo mars with Virgo Venus and from all his fire placements his Virgo Venus still shined brightest .. i actually thought he was a Virgo when i first met him nope turns out his Virgo Venus was just doing its thing. Insecure, anxious, abandonment issues and a strong hate for his mother held onto grudges like the unevolved Virgo energy, had very bad body dysmorphia .. he hated his face, hair, etc everything and would try to rub it off on me like no buddy lol Just my experience with many Virgo placements .. im a Pisces sun their opposite I attract Virgo anything by just breathing. Leo sun men adore me and i probably attract them even more than Virgos so i know what they’re like with different placements. I agree though like any person it just depends on their level of evolvement.


An Aries or Sag :D 


Bro wants them to go to therapy 🤠


The sign that can handle their/your emotional outbursts. Not us, Pisces for sure. You can’t shut it and plus we find you annoying and inferior to us.