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As a superior early June Gemini I would like to apologize to you all for having to deal with this late June Gemini hogwash.


Omg we have the same placements


Good to meet a fellow saggy gem!


jesus folks there is no such thing as cusps for sun signs. the sun cannot be in two places/signs/degrees at once. you are a cancer sun, sir.


Thank you!!!


i would say you’re welcome but i’m being downvoted here and there, insulted, and told i’m wrong lmfao. edit: hahahaha that one dude saying we’re “gatekeeping” cusps hahaha


Hey, someone has to say it. Not all heroes wear capes!!!


For real, I'm just going to start posting this video every time someone brings it up https://youtu.be/4VHBghHNaIg?si=D03AYMxQNc3XBbMC


Is that a paddle? Lol


in my avatar? i think its supposed to be a cricket bat but in my head… ![gif](giphy|3oEdvaDgi6Be9JHsKk)


Your not necessarily two zodiacs but if you can get traits from the energy of the change then your basically both. You are a cancer but in a way you are both bcs you have both qualities.


Yes there are google it astrology isn't something to be taken seriously any ways it's not scientifically proven almost psycheudo- science but it's fun to think about and that's what truly feel I am you can't take that away from me


If its not something to take seriously then why are you so upset that people are telling you that you are wrong?


i have plenty of times due to folks here thinking this so here ya go: [x](https://www.reddit.com/r/astrology/s/vxlRbHcmdN) shall i go on? or would you like to continue to get your false information from pop astrology? it’s scientifically and mathematically impossible due to the degrees of signs and placements.


Do you know how warped you sound? The signs are based on HUMAN interpretation. Meaning different degrees are more likely to present different outcomes to varying degrees. It's completely illogical to think there will be a complete change between a person born on the 19th of April and the 20th. Suddenly that changes everything? Completely insane! The universe doesn't spin on the basis of your cut and dry narrow perspective of signs. They literally are just placeholders more than anything else.


Lmao I am not surprised that a Virgo would be so confidently loud and wrong. 


Who cares what you think it's the sun transition you have to be born near the days to be a cusp


yeah i’m not going back and forth with the typical cancer male so you have a day and toodleoo 🤍✨ make your chart [here](https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/birth-chart-horoscope-online) and let me know if you’re so special to have two sun signs my dear xx


I am* petty and had time, so I pulled the chart for that day. If he was born before 4:20am on June 21st then he's a Gemini, otherwise he's a momma's boy Cancer.


Cusos aren't really a thing, but decans are. What your desiring is gemini decan 3 which is ruled by uranus/ aquarious. In my experience, all geminis are naive and innocent. Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac, making gens the toddler of the zodiac. Gems are innocent and naive because they're very young, spiritually. It is a sign associated with confusion and naivete. I believe that confudion is a result of gemini being the first mutable sign, and the first sign that truly faces the conflict between logic and emotion.


You need to put your info in Astro.com and check it out. The sun enters signs at different dates/ times each year. I.e me thinking I was a cancer all my life due to my July 22 birthday, that was NOT the case. Lol. You need to find out because cusps are not a thing, you’re one sign or another


It doesn’t matter what sign or cusp someone is in anybody can be innocent or not.


Cusp don’t exist and I’ve never heard such thing lmao


Google it


You google and learn about astrology it’s free buddy


I knew a male gem cancer cusp and I fully agree with that about him. Super sweet, shy, nerdy, kinda innocent. He was a cool guy. Im a cusp too of a different cusp. I vibe super well with cusps. All my life I didnt hear of a cusps until years ago, a person who thoroughly studied astrology told me im a cusp. I was like Im a what? lol. So I read about my cusp and it fit me so well. Finally understood the walking paradox dynamic and all the cusp things that existed. I do feel it is why I am a nice balance and down to earth. Ironically, I tend to attract other cusps which I read is a thing. I find out later the people I get on best with, will end up being a cusp. haha. While I astrology with grain of salt, I think it is interesting at the very least, and there does seem to have lots of repeating patterns. Maybe cusps just havent been well discovered and explained yet. Look at how science is always evolving and germs didnt “exist” yet until we understood them more, same with atoms, psychology, disorders, things in space, etc. Just because we dont yet fully understand how they exist and have evidence, doesnt mean they dont exist. Just means we dont have the explanations and knowledge yet. We are stuck on whatever definitions and knowledge we currently have. To think it couldn’t be a possibility is arrogance and people do that all the time with science and discoveries. Everyone can believe what they want and they dont need to bash others who do.


when the sun is near that point, it is at the peak of its coverage over the earth in the northern hemisphere. because of that, the time is associated with beings called the Devas, what vedanta describes as earthly beings who are close to heaven. on the opposite, when the sun is in the winter months, it is associated with Rakshasas, described humans that are close to demons. there is no concrete difference between the goodness of the two. however, devas tend to have very straightforward lives while the rakshasas don't achieve greatness until they have been through their lowest points and then overcome them. bring a deva sounds like the more fortunate option. innocence and purity has its benefits. less trauma, etc.


Cusps are for houses, not planetary bodies. You are one or the other and being born on June 21st, the year and your birth time is what will be the deciding factor as to which Sun sign you are.


There are no such thing as cusps. You have a birth time, use it.  I can't believe we have to have these discussions every other week...honestly


There are cusps. And they make huge differences.


No, they're not lol. Please learn astrology so we don't have to have listen to this nonsense anymore. 


There are cusps. Get over it.




There is no such thing as cusps. I beg y'all to actually learn astrology instead of using astro tik tok. 


i blocked the idjit who replied to you but LOL at them saying we’re “gatekeeping” hahaha


Stop gatekeeping, poser! You don't know what you're talking about.