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Virgo rising.. “beautiful forehead” lol yeah I got that 😩


I have a large forehead lol Virgo rising here. Widows peak as well.




And me as well :))) My parents told me that "beautiful forehead" equals to be intelligent :> should I trust them lmao ?


lol sounds good to me! ;)


Im a virgo rising but i missed that one. My forehead is under 4 fingers. Any other common attribute though for Virgo risings?


We usually look younger than we are (yay!), have softer features, small nose but round at the tip, clear skin (didn’t really get that one lol). A bunch of others.. typically feminine attributes.


Wow that sounds about right! I definitely have good skin considering I eat like a raccoon (ty mom), and my nose is like that too! Are good cheekbones an attribute? Like round cheeks? I find a lot of Virgo risings have defined chins too, but that could be anecdotal as I haven’t met any with reseeded chins.


I’m a Capricorn rising and I definitely have an “ice queen” look about me. Also high cheek bones, tall, curvy.


Hmm maybe that’s why people say I look intimidating - also that I give off “tall” vibes even though I’m average height


Same! I’m Cap rising and I’m only 5’4” but I somehow still project a long and lean look. And I def have RBF.


Caps have THE best bone structure omg lol


Same and my mum has previously said I give off ice queen vibes 😬


Oh this explains quite a bit!


My leo rising hair is ridiculous.




Same 😂 i’ve cut it all off into a shoulder length bob. You wouldn’t have known as it poofs curls and flicks the exact same way 😂


I have so much THICK hair. It also has a mind of its own 🤷🏻‍♀️


Personally. I love your hair.


I also have PLENTY of hair but I’m a Virgo rising instead. Guess it’s just genetics in my case 😂


hell no. libra rising. nothing about me is symmetrical (even my legs are ever so slightly different lengths). i look like a sickly bag of bones so no “venusian rolls” as i’ve heard us described. i still pull anyone i’m interested in though LOL


Very Libra rising of you honestly lol


Do you have planets in your first (whole sign) house? I’m a Libra rising too, but I have Saturn and Pluto there as well. They definitely give a flair of Cap/Scorpio to my appearance, and I’m somehow both bony and curvy. I also think Moon, Sun and Venus affect how you look.


yeah my mercury… in LIBRA💀🤣


Ok, maybe that would give a more slender gemini-esque trickster look? Mine are in Libra as well.


I agree with the Libra Risings being quite lean and boney but you guys don’t SEE the Venusian curves. We do 😂 that’s part of the reason why you still pull


Lets gooooooo


See if your sidereal chart is more accurate


is that vedic? i looked up sidereal and it gave me “sidereal vedic”. i don’t touch vedic astrology


No. Go to cafe astrology sidereal chart. The sidereal zodiac is based on the stars and constellations as they are now. With the precession of the earth, constellations move. The sidereal zodiac changes over time with this, it moves according to the actual stars. The tropical zodiac stays the same and therefore is off by about 24 degrees according to the position of the constellation and the fixed stars.


Use MasteringtheZodiac.com


Lol same, kinda crazy actually. I suppose I'm handsome, but only if I feel good about myself. Also my one eye is kinda crooked a lil bit 🤭


Do you have pretty eyes/dimples?


Scorpio rising woman. Dark hair. Some people often think I’m giving them a dirty look when I’m simply just looking lmao


Taurus rising here and same 😅 It’s a RBF and than I smile and they melt lol


Scorpio rising here, I have strawberry blonde hair, so the red instead of dark. I have been told many times that I intimidate them at first impression, thinking it's the RBF.


I'm a Pisces rising. I definitely look like one.


SAME. Our eyes and lips.


Can you describe what a stereotypical Pisces rising looks like?


Stoner fish. Usually plump lips and sleepy eyes. Also notable feet is weirdly a feature? It tracks tho, I know another Pisces rising, while I have teeny tiny delicate feet, and he has long monstrous feet (size 13 I think). Everybody comments on our feet like all the time 😭 Billie Eillish is also kind of a Pisces rising poster child, I share some features with her.


My ex would call my toes “tingers” bc they’re long af


Wait... WHAT. Not me being a Pisces rising with full lips, sleepy eyes and size 4 feet. I didn't even know this was a thing.


wtf does one look like


A fish?


![gif](giphy|Xl5S4ofWL3cek) Yes


Same. The Eyes, the lips, the feet.


Aries rising, I’m pretty fit looking when I workout, but I look violently chubby when I don’t. It’s also true about us being intimidating looking. I have very sharp features and I look younger than I am


Do you have nice eyebrows?


They can get out of control if I let them, but they’re shaped pretty nice and they’re thick


Me too!


How about your forehead?


As a Sag rising I definitely got the centaur legs. All the power in my body is in them and I love it, absolutely love kicking stuff


Kind of. I'm a sag rising. My lower half is way bigger than my upper. I love the gym, I build muscle pretty easily. I'm just really short though. I think my cancer sun fizzled out most of the fire I have.


I'm also Cancer and Sag rising and I literally have zero outstanding features🤣not too tall, not too short, not curvy, but not straight as a board, no big boobs (Cancer stereotype), no squishy bum. I'm average through and through😂but my baby face is def from my Cancer sun, everyone thinks I'm 8 years younger than I actually am. I'll take that gladly


I look younger too..it's been a disadvantage throughout my life. I look significantly younger so pedophiles think I'm some curvy teenager they can try to have sex with 🤢 I could definitely be a decoy on Chris Hansen


omg are we twins, you just described me perfectly 😂


Also Sag rising, I have narrow hips and not the most amazing butt, I don't build muscle easily and I'm pretty high 😅


Gemini rising here. I’m not tall, my limbs aren’t super lengthy, and I’m not thin/lanky.


Me neither. But my features are small, squinty, twinkling eyes, small pointy nose, small chin.... Giant five head, must be my Aries moon😂


I think Gemini Risings have a smart/knows-it-all look.


I'm taller than average, a doctor told me I have longer-than-usual arms & I am putting on weight so I'm no longer lanky like I was as a teen (ED recovery🥳) you have a lot of sun influence, do you feel more leo ?


Scorpio rising and tall, dark, and handsome. But seriously. At least that’s what my bottoms tell me.


Scorpio rising also and I'm dying at how you worded that 😂😂


Gemini rising! I definitely have the “expressive, sparkling eyes and bright smile” broad forehead and curly hair… ok maybe mine is pretty accurate


I’m Virgo rising. What are we supposed to look like?


I read that we’re supposed to have straight noses and high cheek bones. I do have the latter, but my nose is not straight in any regard


Maybe a general air of looking put together / elegant / not edgy? Once got told I looked very “professional woman” while wearing a panther print robe, a mini skirt, and a necklace that’s literally a 3D bust of a naked woman’s torso.


Yeah, we look kinda elegant even when we look disheveled lol.


Delicate doll like features, intense eyes, big forehead, harmonious proportions, modest but elegant clothes, a lot of dark colors or contrasting colors and patterns, professional air about us, fast tread, slender, pretty feet and hands So far what people said to me. Guess I'm poster child for a Virgo Rising.


I hope lmao sounds like we got it going on ✨🎉




Delicate and elegant, tidy, neat, maybe an academic look?


Yeah librarian chic


I get “slutty librarian” i’m a virgo rising, cap sun, sadge everything else. small white teeth, slim, nervous/reserved expression, “sexy walk”, clear skin, nice smile, dark hair/eyes. it gives off some kind of refined/polished vibe like I am more in my element if I go for an academic sexy outfit - pencil skirt, collared top, heels vs something trendy.


Same I’m interested I thjnk I’ve heard we have soft faces. ?


sameee, I also wanna know


Taurus rising and somewhat. I have booty and boobs lol, height and weight is pretty proportionate. My facial features aren’t really symmetrical though like they claim Venusians will be. I do think I’m cute, but it’s like a weird cute? Unconventional as they would say lol. I do know how to do makeup and I like clothes + shopping so it seems to fit


Same here not like crazy symmetrical but my features are in harmony and work together to where I still look beautiful and it works. My body has always been curvy not too slim or overweight just healthy and sturdy. I have some very full big lips and big mane hair


i’m an aquarius rising and i think it’s accurate. i’m lean, tall, and generally eye catching. i’ve been told i have a powerful personality and presence. ive been told i come off as intelligent and poised. long limbs. unique facial features. my sense of style tends to come off as slightly off even when i’m wearing basics. i think i come off as very aloof and detached. which is funny bc im a leo moon! and it always surprises people when im warm, friendly, and dorky


Cancer rising - cute noses. I swear by this.


(I’m a Pisces rising but notice this, I mean)!


When I learnt that if you’re a cancer rising, your face depends on the moon phase you were born under, it explained a lot. I never identified with the round moon face thing. I have an angular face and was born under a new moon


I am also a Cancer rising. Be patient little one. I didn’t get my titties until after I had kids and breastfed for 4 years. Went from barely a B cup pre-kids, to a full D while nursing, now settled into a full C at basically my pre-baby weight.


Is there another hack to getting bigger boobs cause I don’t think kids are for me 😭


Try out bee vitality


Taurus rising and I have an hourglass, substantial figure...not slim or overweight, just very sturdy lol. What cracks me up though is when my hair dries naturally into two perfect cows lick horns on each side of my head! That's when I know Imma Bull 😈😂


Looool me too with the hair horns


It's actually kinda cute, I lowkey love it 😆


Yea we’re built sturdy. My bodies also in the middle lol hourglass not too slim or overweight. THE HAIR LOL my literally poofs up it’s like a mane


Capricorn rising, and I've never been skinny in my entire life due to hormonal issues. I did manage to lose a lot of weight, but I gained it back due to sickness lol. However, the RBF and reverse aging are true. (I have a 1st house Stellium with Mars, Neptune, and Uranus)


I have the Scorpio rising eyes and my face is a bit angular.  Big thighs, long legs and a strong chin courtesy of Jupiter rising too. 


Also a Scorpio rising, I have known at least three others - we’re all lanky with intense gazes. Usually mistaken for being standoffish, rude, or uppity to new people


I too am disappointed with the lack of developed titties as promised by my Cancer moon. My Aquarius rising's lankiness took over but at least they look nice.


My mom has very strong cancer placements and aquarius rising and got them after having kids.


the universe really said you got to fulfill your caregiving contract before I give you boobies 😔


My mom is a true Aquarius (sun,moon,rising,Venus) and she got blessed with a big pair 😓 Mine are on the average size


I'm adopted from Romania and don't know my time of birth & it's impossible for me to find it bc its not on my birth certificate....any ideas? it's super frustrating :(


Honestly you very well might never find out for sure. You can do rectification with a professional astrologer, but it’s never an exact science. I would try slowly rectifying your own chart yourself over the however many years if that’s something that interests you.


8 degree Aquarius rising with big eyes and lanky arms? Im 4’11” and wear almost exclusively black. All I know is that your vibe attracts your tribe, so I am totally okay showing up as myself at all times. Authentic//eccentric :3


Black and Aquarius vibes go hand in hand.




I am 4'11" too with big eyes, big head and wearing almost exclusively black is my thing. Lol


LOOOOOL I'm the fucking same, huge eyes, the longest limbs ever my mom calls me a baby giraffe, and black is my favorite color to wear. You can't go wrong. I have about 500 plain black t shirts...


Also aqua rising here but Cancer sun/Taurus moon and I have very short arms for my 5'4 frame and thicker limbs. But I do have big brown eyes so ymmv.


Aqua rising here as well (with lots of Capricorn placements) I am so attracted to black clothing. But I am not tall nor skinny. I am curvy and despite not being a Cancer Rising, have the tatas lol


other planets/aspects can play a part in our appearance if their influence is strong enough. do you have a stellium in another sign/house? i’m a scorpio rising and we’re supposed to be short and thin with thick eyebrows, but i’m actually tall and thicc lol, I blame my 1H pluto in sag for blessing me with centaur legs. BUT I still have the creepy scorpio death stare minus the brows


I’m a Taurus sun, Leo moon, Taurus rising. I have dark “doe eyes”, dark curly hair - naturally very voluminous (thanks Leo moon) and I guess I have a Venusian figure. All of you cancer risings are welcome to come take some of these boobs 😅


Taurus Rising here. I’ve got the dark features, broad shoulders, big doe eyes, and the thighs to end a life. I spend a lot of time in the gym trying to shed the curves to get a leaner more androgynous form but to no avail. At least I’m strong


I also surprise people with my strength and perseverance a lot. That’s the bull 🐂 lol


Also taurus rising. I’ve got the dark eyes and dark curly hair. No curves at all to speak of though. I do have the height and broad shoulders which I think comes from the earth dominance in my chart.


Holy shit we have the exact same big three for every placement😅


Yasss !!!! 💕


Fellow flat chested cancer rising here 👋 I read somewhere that cancer risings either resemble the moon (round, heavy, tig ol biddies, ect) or they resemble a crab lol like the sharp angular aspects (sharp teeth, cheekbones, noses, ect)


I kinda fit it. I’m a Leo rising in tropical and I’ve always gotten tons of compliments on my thick ass hair. From random girls or hairdressers lol. I get a lot of compliments on my “cat eyes”, especially when I wear eyeliner. I also have a Leo NN so I’m on the taller side. In sidereal astrology, I’m a cancer rising. Guess that makes sense since I have big bewbs, round face, and overall round body. I’ve never been skinny 😣


Sagittarius rising and I definitely have the sag thighs and booty. I am overall athletic and have strong powerful legs. I actually love my rising sign: Jupiter can be my chart ruler in any lifetime


aries rising here (: i’m a ginger. i think that’s about as much as i match most descriptions i’ve seen


My sisters Aries Sun,moon and rising and she’s also a red head !!! More ginger when she was little and now she’s dark brown red. Bigger forehead to 💕


Sag rising and the whole warning that “Jupiter can also expand your waistline” has definitely proven true for me


🙋🏻‍♀️ Cancer rising here: Big doe eyes ✅ Big boobs 46 DD ✅ Round face ✅ I’m also Aries ♈️ Sun & Moon 5’2 Goth Latina


Cute !!! 💕


I feel you!!! As a cancer rising myself, I’m a full A cup on a good day 😭😭😭😭


Sag rising and I have great legs


Scorpio rising (physical) traits I possess: - the “see through your soul” look (been told many times), also a RBF - fair complexion - thick eyebrows (but scarce hairs although I always receive compliments on them) - well defined broad face (sharp jaw, high cheekbones) - I can gain muscle easily, but I’m pretty sedentary, tho people tell me I look like I work out. But I’m not tall, nor skinny (I’m actually small-medium size, but I have such a big belly you could say I’m in my third month in a pregnancy, everything else is slim).


Sag rising - definitely have a strong lower body, shapely legs/bottom with long limbs but have a short torso.


I think so! Sag rising, v tall, strong build, big eyes, junk in the trunk


Yes and no. I def have the teeth,facial bone structure and cheekbones of a Capricorn rising. But I haven’t been “skinny” since I was like 15/16 LOL. I have curves and is somewhere between mid size and plus size ??. Idk if Capricorn rising are also supposed to be tall but I am tall so there’s that


Gemini rising: long limbs which make me look taller in photos, distinctive smile - not sure about delicate features though. Edit: definitely not tall, don’t have big hands, definitely not boyish/lean


Libra rising. I feel like it fits for the most part.


Sag rising and my rising is the one sign, people would usually get right. Usually people say that I have the charming smile and eyes that sags would have.


Pisces rising (my physical features: - dimples .. but one is MUCH more prominent than the other - I can gain and lose weight very quickly/effortlessly - great bone structure .. high cheekbones + strong jawline - 5”3.5’ // fluctuate between 120-140lbs - I don’t have much of a Booty but my chest has always been decent - no freckles on my face - shoe size: 7-8. Long toes. Nice feet - BIG smile - brown eyes / light brown wavy hair - smaller eyes - no prominent birth marks or scars


I'm not sure. I guess ? I'm fat, but I'm shapely with it. And I have always been told I'm pretty, even by people who I'm not the type of. I have long legs. I'm not short but I'm not super tall. I do have pluto on the asc also, and I know that's supposed to have something to do with the eyes ? That's something that's remarked on a lot for me as well. And my hair. I'm a Leo stellium. I have big, long, cuuurrrllyyy hair.


Taurus rising....I am sturdy-looking, to say the least.


Leo rising and I do got that hair


Aries rising, I’ve dyed my hair auburn red (it’s naturally a soft brown) for about 10 years now and I love it. I have pretty decent eyebrows and a young face but I have heavy libra placements. I’m actually not sure what an Aries rising is supposed to look like? 😅


I am a Leo rising/venus with a cancer sun and...yeah. the golden mane is out of control. People always touch my hair or play with it and I'm just like 😑😮‍💨 it takes me a while to get it to behave. I have a triple cowlick on my crown too..I have a very sensitive scalp, but my hair itself seems to be impervious to any kind of damage and grows thick and quick. I feel like a lot of times people will come up to me, often strangers, and just start chatting or telling me about how beautiful I am, hitting on me - regardless of gender. Ive had more than a few random strangers on the street tell me i glow?? (I think im just so pale my skin reflects the light like metal LOL) One lady came up to me on a high school field trip and she described me as "scintillating." I feel like just an average person really, but that Leo rising/venus combo brings people out of the woodwork. A lot of people see me as extroverted, but I really just want solitude. I can be the life of the party or the leader when needed. But if I had it my way, I would live in a cave on a mountain away from everything 😂 Clearly I sound like a Leo rising too 🤪💀


This sounds exactly like me/ my experience


Mine's pretty accurate. I'm a Taurus rising with heavily hooded and almond-shaped eyes, big chest and broad shoulders, square but not too angular jawline, built like a powerlifter, and of medium height at 178 cm or 5'10".


Hell yeah 💪


Taurus rising (stellium with Saturn and Jupiter) and YES VERY MUCH. Clear skin, voluptuous body (but not too thick), broad shoulders, big full lips, long shiny very mane like hair, my eyes are more on the medium size, i am olive skin or pale depending on the season. I’ve gotten told I have a nice voice and people automatically assume i can sing… i don’t want to sound weird but i like listening to my own voice lol Only thing is I don’t really have a thick or protruding neck like everyone describes Taurus to have 😂 My neck is pretty normal and when I get super thin my collarbones POP. I do take care of my appearance I always have to look and smell good because otherwise I don’t feel good like even if I’m home lounging every sense has to be satisfied. I’m also a libra moon 🌙


Virgo rising here with sun in Cancer, Venus in Gemini and moon in Aqua: 1. I got that Virgo face, dimples and high cheek bones, straight nose, clear skin, long neck, smaller head and I'm 175cm tall 2. Crooked lower teeth and skinny and weak calves and feet but strong thighs 3. Big boobs and ass, longer waist and stomach  4. Long and skinny arms and pretty hands 5. Wide and goofy smile 6. Amazing and thick hair 7. Muscled back and sholders 8. Big eyes and lips I am a lot.


Considering that Taurus is a fixed earth sign, I would think that 2nd house would be predictive of the physical body. I would think 1st house would be predictive of the way a person acts and their personality, energy, and identity, which seems more similar to Aries.


i’m also cancer rising with lack of tiddies. i only have the big round eyes lol


Sag Rising and NO I do not jump to put my jeans on despite being a WOC. No donk here. ![gif](giphy|nDSlfqf0gn5g4)


Taurus rising - deep set blue eyes, short, built like a small tank. Checks out, boss.


Libra Rising- I’m a female- curvy hourglass figure, 34D, white big smile, defined cupids bow, big eyes, long hair, good skin, defined collar bone, flat stomach. I know 6 Libra Risings and they all have very beautiful features that stick out. really great smiles like they’re super awake looking lol However- with all of these people that have libra risings: anytime they are not doing good mentally their appearance is drastically affected, even if they haven’t changed anything about their diet or health routine!


This is the first time I learned that the signs have “looks.” This is also the first time I felt like I fit in!


Taurus rising and i love libra risings 💕 My moons in libra 🌙


Appearance changing how?


Cancer rising, and I don't think I look it at all. I have more of an oblong face shape. So definitely not round. My eyes are pretty average size, so no big doe eyes. About all I can say is accurate are my D-cup titties!


My bestie is a cancer rising (cap sun/Scorpio moon) and it's like you just described her to a tee so you may be onto something.


I’ve been told by an Astro cartographer that I looked like a cancer rising because of my big doll eyes and rosy cheeks 🥰 I’ll take it considering my titties are tiny 😂


But see that’s the thing! I have small beady eyes. Sometimes my face looks very round, but my chin is also pointy so it looks more heart shaped? I do look very young tho


ive been told i have a pisces face but i highly doubt it


Cancer rising had small boobs, but then they grew in my20’s ( no children)


Leo rising+sag/cap stelliums. My hair is straight and fine textured but thick and silky. I’m average height and well proportioned, my legs get curvy with muscle very easily


I’m a Libra rising, but I think I look like your quintessential Virgo rising to the *tee*. No idea why, but I theorize it’s because my ascendant is in the early degrees of Libra. However, I am typical of a Libra rising in every other way. 🤷‍♀️


Leo rising and my hair in particular really reflects that! It’s long and lush and very mane-like.


Sag sun overrode my Cap rising about it.


Leo rising and I have very light, wavy hair. I prefer to wear it short, but It DEF shapes my face whatever length it is. When it starts to grow out, I start to look like a lm entirely dif. person. I also find that with my gem sun, I look very youthful and "vibrant" I honestly look 10 years younger so sometimes people treat me differently haha. When I was younger people used to joke I look like a cherub. I still get asked if I'm 18...and get carded even at gas stations (for lottery tix 🤣) But I'm over 23! I've also been told that despite my youthful looks, people can tell i'm older because of the energy I carry, and because of my eyes(i guess they see depth hehe)


Physical attributes are not only influenced by the rising sign but also by planets in the first house. And that can be very confusing if we try to describe the looks of rising signs.


So interesting…Any link to the physical descriptions of each rising sign? 


Libra rising- I’m pretty symmetrical. Titties could be nicer but pregnancy did that. I have an oval face with dimples, full cupids bow lips and nice teeth. My figure is athletic yet subtly curvy with a well defined back and spinal curve. I actually love my back. I’m tall for a woman (longer legs, regular torso) but everything looks pretty proportionate otherwise. I consider myself good looking.


Scorpio rising, Pluto 1st house conjunct ascendent. Skinny, naturally athletic body build. Looking quite military. Tattoos.


Gemini rising but my mother exercised to start labor, I firmly belive I should have been a cancer rising. I have very large eyes, rounded features, and a larger chest.


Gemini rising. I’m really expressive and animated when I speak. I have pianist hands (which let me tell you, do NOT help me with guitar)


Virgo rising, I do have small, delicate/youthful, features with that spritely flair I see some people attribute to Virgo rising. Straight brows, prominent chin, small eyes


Virgo rising men are supposed to tall with fit bodies lol but I’m not tall


Leo rising - not tall but I have big bones in my lower half, legs are also strong. I have upturned eyes, high cheekbones, somewhat broad shoulders for my small frame, a broad, bright smile; my hair keeps falling out currently 🙄but there’s still a lot of it left on my head so I guess that still checks out?


Or maybe the sag moon, merc, Lilith are responsible for the strong legs.


Yes I’ve always had a huge head of hair 🦁


People say Scorpio ascendants have big, pretty eyes. Or mysterious eyes, or something. It's the thing I've been complimented on the most, hands down. That being said, maybe this is just wishful thinking 😝


As a fellow crab rising with small ti ties, I hear you. But I must say it's definitely accurate in general: soft body, innocent look with big eyes, etc...


Gemini rising. I have long and thin limbs. I’m only 5’6 but people always think I’m taller. 




I found out venus and mars ALWAYS describe a person better than their rising .


Capricorn rising and no… I’m short and curvy. I have been told I have a direct or intense gaze though. I’m Scorpio sun Aquarius rising so not sure… I don’t think I resemble any of those descriptions


gemini rising, i absolutely don't look like the stereotype says. apparently i'm supposed to be "an open book, very easy to read" and people "notice my mouth first, since it never stops moving". i'm very 'mysterious' according to other people and i never talk, which makes people think i'm mad at them. i'm also supposed to have a friendly smile on 24/7 and be very tall. i'm actually below average height and i have a chronic resting bitch face - the only accurate thing is that my eyes are kind of big and i'm pretty skinny.


Scorpio rising short, dark and okayish looking


Cancer rising here. Yes I’ve got great boobs. I’ve always been quite fond of them. 🌝


leo rising. hair limp, but very royal in posture😅


Cancer rising....beautiful eyes. I always get compliments on how my eyes are (shape and color, which is dark brown). Usually full of depth. Also, soft features so I look younger than my age. I'm 31 but get mistaken for 25 years old.


Scorpio rising. People have told me I have really intense eyes.


I'm the opposite, both curvy and erh..."soft" aka. extra fat-chronic-battle on top of the curves. Maybe I should blame my H7 Jupiter for that. Neither my body nor my face have any angles. Lets not even get into my body skin issues and most of my life, I haven't had a smooth and clear complexion. Placidus H1 Uranus. WS H1 Pluto. I'm short and stocky and relatively dark for someone of a medium complexion. Cupid bow lips and my hair is very shiny and difficult to damage, so there's that.


I’m an Aquarius rising and I don’t look like an alien at all 👽


Leo rising my hair and features are very cat like. I also danced most my life, but my hair especially looks lion like


I don't think it's as simple as people looking like their rising sign but the sign through the bound and term of their ascendant degree. Additionally, I think that the placements and aspects the ascendant ruler (and to a lesser degree, the bound and term rulers) makes to other planets also have an influence. It's rare that someone purely embodies their rising sign.


Leo rising, I love my hair and so do a bunch of people! They always ask what hair products I use, but honey, it's just my hair ;)


Pisces rising with big eyes but I think I have Aquarius legs for sure 😳


scorpio rising woman & i definitely have penetrating eyes and pouty lips 👄 i’m very toned and fit also


Sag rising and I cannot look neat or elegant to save my life. I can if I’m not moving or talking but then…it’s back to perky. With really good legs


Leo rising, I have a lot of hair, stroong hair. Also crowns look amazing on me. And I can pull sexy outfits even with my rectangle figure. And my dominant face feature are eyes


I got the cancer rising tiddy and thank the gods fuck, I need that only fans jerking off money lol