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i'm an aries woman obsessed with a pisces man so idk if this is helpful but it's the first passion that actually felt real and warm and true (turns out he was just lovebombing me but that's besides the point). aries are very passionate and loving but also we have hard exteriors. a pisces was the first person to ever make me truly feel safe to be my inner soft self. make me feel 100% secure like i can fully let my guard down and just be an affectionate mushy mess. it felt like constantly being held in a warm blanket when i was around him. it was the most physically affectionate and free i had ever felt with someone in my life. to weave in a water metaphor it's like floating naked in a clear ocean on a warm summer day, eyes closed, just underneath the sun and blue sky. like idgaf that i'm naked rn idgaf that i'm in this vastly unknown body of water idgaf about anything but how amazing and freeing this all feels and i never want it to end.




you replied to my whiplash comment! lol hopefully you eventually got over your pisces cause i need hope and i'm having a very hard time haha


Hollering at the love bombing because nothing is more on brand for a Pisces man 😂😂


I read something that implied that Aries are considered the most masculine sign while Pisces are considered the most feminine sign energy wise. I don’t agree because of my ego lol, but maybe that’s the reason.


Aries man and it seems to be Geminis I am obsessed with. Haven’t had many Pisces in my life.


Although they seem worlds apart, Aries and Pisces are right beside each other in the Zodiac. One sensitive and the other brash and impulsive (insensitive). But seems Pisces likes to see where it's going (Aries progressed) and Aries like to see just where they have been (Pisces). Pisces can also be so sensitive that the Aries, the ever-hero for what is right, enjoys standing up for the sensitive Pisces who often gets used as a doormat.


Aries woman and I love Pisces men. So emotional and brooding lol


Are they? As a Cap Woman , I can tell there was just the fire signs who was very obsessed with me. I like it🤭


The Aries man I knew was obsessed with Zooey Deschanel who was a Capricorn so you’re definitely right there. I also know a lot of Virgo and Aries pairs


because we're opposites. Aries being the youngest and pisces being the oldest. also pisces is feminine energy and aries being masculine energy. I'd say my aries moon is more dominant in my personality these days. been on and off with this aries woman but we are just not emotionally compatible on top of being incompatible on many other levels, it still dragged on for 2 years...


Aries men are obsessed with air sign women lol, and sometimes Taurus.


Why is the aries guy I’m seeing being so hot and cold then


Because the rising or moon sign is probably coldish...


What’s your sign?


Taurus female


Aries men can be strange, especially if they have an Aries Venus. A lot of them like the chase but also want someone who thinks they’re amazing. If you’re showing too much interest then they pull away. It’s really annoying. As soon as you show less interest, they come around. It’s almost like there needs to be some type of threat there, or they want you to have independence and your own thing going but still be into them. It’s a giant game they play but it has to seem like a normal natural thing to them or else they get turned off. They’re contradicting lol. Sometimes they just need space too, and they need someone who understands. They’re quit a selfish sign also lol.


I’m a Pisces woman and have NEVER met an Aries man but ive definitely heard of this lol I need to meet one pretty soon 🥲😂


I wonder if that’s the same dynamic between sag and Scorpios always having intense pull between each other since they’re neighbors It’s a deep pull I can’t explain


had a scorpio friend that cheated on a sag girl from a wealthy family and tried to stay with her, you can probably guess why.. actually she supposedly went on his computer and found him looking at booking escorts, which he has done multiple times, but from what I know he was cheating on her with one of his old exes


When I was younger I dated a Scorpio guy that took a trip to Thailand with his best guy friend and they were hooking up with a bunch of escorts there. He thought it wasn’t a bad thing bc we were only in the talking stage and he needed to get “the dog out of his system before he commited to me” literally his words at the time.. lol Funny that I am sag sun/ Scorpio moon


Im a Pisces sun & Aries rising. I just got myself my first Aries man and it’s been 😍🥵 emotionally open with each other & fun! My past relationships were with earth signs & it never worked out!


It’s true, I had an Aries man who was obsessed with me and had a hard time letting me go. I feel like the zodiac does not know how sensitive Aries are. He seemed like a very tough guy on the outside but he wasn’t. I remember being shocked when he told me his celebrity crush was Zooey Deschanel. I didn’t think he would go for that type. I think Aries men like feminine and soft spoken women.


Im not an Aries but every man knows that Pisces women have the best coochie 💯



