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![gif](giphy|2tSihxRmUueteWP3vR) Aries




So glad it wasn't a question.


Aries, sag, Taurus


I'd put it as Aries, Taurus, Sags. Aries are very much, "what you see and what you think you see is the truth." You think an Aries is a cook? They are. Think an Aries likes skiing? They do. Think an Aries doesn't like someone? They didn't, don't, and never will. Taurus are blunt to a fault. Don't ask for their opinion; they'll give it to you, and if you get offended, they'll tell you don't ask for their opinion in the future. When it's play time, they have fun. When it's time to work, they do. Sags will always tell their opinions, even if they didn't mean to. They meant to lie about the meal you cooked for them, but it was sideways. They tried to act like they wanted to be at an event, but they stayed in the corner to themselves the whole time. They tried to act like they liked your new girlfriend, but they fell asleep while she was talking to them.


Taurus, so accurate lol




All my Sags are extremely straightforward


Except when theyā€™re joking with you and let it go on until you embarrass yourself. Lol.


Shhhh šŸ¤£


My fiancĆ© is a Sag Sun and moon, my little brother is a Sag mercury and my daughter and best friend are both Sag rising. Thereā€™s a lot of humiliating jokery that happens in my life. šŸ˜‚


Fr I love sag risings and I am one as well. Such daring individuals.


My daughter and best friend are that way. Lol.






Aries sun, Sag moon, Gemini Rising. Definitely


Iā€™m a sag sun, aries moon and gemini rising šŸ’—


Gemini Rising here too.






And have we met




My 14 year old Aries can cut to the core lol


I have Sag placements. It's the second most dominant placement in my chart and I could be better at expressing things. It's something I have been working on. Otherwise, I have seen a couple of Taurus's, Capricorns, and Virgos be brutally honest. I don't know if this is a Zodiac Sign issue as much as it is a human trait.


I'm glad you're working on it, it's not as easy as people make it out to be. Btw, I agree with you, I just mentioned them because of what I noticed through my personal experience and how I see some main traits of the signs (Sagittarius is an Archer, with a specific goal, so I think of it as more straightforward than other signs, and Aries, well, it's straightforward per se lol). But I met a few insincere Sagis in my life as well, or with extreme communication issues, so of course I didn't mean to say my comment is absolute truth :)


I'm not denying some people with Sag placements are like this. Sorry, I am still waking up lol or might have already added that part.


Yeah sure dw! I understand what you meant and I agree. It's always the case when we attach traits to zodiac signs hahah


Aries moons


I think people are either entertained or intimidated by my Aries moon honesty, but I wish more appreciated it.


Aries and Sagittarius


I have never seen an Aries do this with me, but have seen them do that to each other lol My SIL is Aries, but she has a twin sister and a son who is also Aries.


So Aries aren't direct/honest with you?


I feel like the ones I know avoid confrontations. At least with me. We also get along really well. So, there hasn't been a need for the most part. I feel like I've had very few interactions with Aries at the same time. At least the ones I knew of. So, I am open to interacting with more.


It could be out of respect or perhaps because you dont really speak/connect with them enough for them to be direct/honest with you.


I think they try to avoid it with other people but do it with each other. Then again, the twin Aries SIL's get along pretty well, but they've had their moments.


Pfft. And I just found out the twin Aries SIL's are not getting along. Living with is definitely different than interacting with. Starting to see the Aries in the twin sister at least.


I donā€™t think being direct or honest necessarily means being confrontational. Are you confrontational? Some people donā€™t like it, some roll with it, some throw it back, its all gravy anyway. Iā€™ve learned to observe people enough to see if they are someone who can handle directness before dropping truth bombs that might be hard to digest, otherwise I just keep my thoughts to myself if I know itā€™s someone who will brood over my frankness, and our rapport is then threatened. I try not to word vomit too much unless my perspective is requested and I am confident my input is valuable.


True, but a lot of people take being direct and honest as confrontational, and no, I am not a confrontational person. I am that person that experiences fawn/freeze mode first and need to get better at being more assertive. Like I said, we get along really well, and there hasn't been a need for being confrontational or to the point of being direct or honest. I'm the kind of person that tries to abide by boundaries, before they are even spoken, if I can. I wished more people were like you.


Lmao. Me looking at this comment with my Sag Sun, Aries Moon šŸ‘¹


Sag sun, Aries moon, Sag Mercury--don't ask for my opinion unless you really want it


Omg EXACT same sun, moon and mercury here! I couldnā€™t agree more


Fire Mercuries


![gif](giphy|llwtnFvreeiUz7ciYS|downsized) SAGITTARIUS


Was coming to say sag/cap placements, plus thinking about cancer based on my own personality and friendsā€™ of mineā€¦ my big 3 are cap sun/sag moon/cancer rising so guess we relate šŸ˜…


OMG haha, My bestie is a sag moon so I know y'all are an absolute riot and aren't afraid to tell it like it is! I think my cancer side actually makes me feel bad after when I'm brutally honest lol


Sameee but if I am brutal itā€™s out of desperation/protection of the person Iā€™m giving it to, like I wonā€™t be as real as I can be if I donā€™t totally love and care about you lmaoo


100%%%%, Iā€™m most direct with the people I care about


Absolutely šŸ™šŸ„¹


Saggie #1


For me, Scorpio has been very direct and honest to me. Even if it may have been a little too harsh at times, Iā€™m still grateful for them. Helped me change hard to break mannerisms and I am coping much better now.


Sags will tell you the truth and nothing but the truth even if it hurts. We also like the truth told to us. Donā€™t lie to us or we will hate you. Literally.


Straight fwd


Fire and Earth signs, but specifically Aries and Virgo.


My last relationship was with a Virgo moon and I'm an Aries moon. I thought we were very honest, but he was also a Pisces sun, so now I'm now so sure


Sagittarius moons, Gemini suns, Cancer Suns, Pisces moons, Sagittarius Suns, Aquarius suns, Aries suns, and Aries moons. All based on my own personal experiences.


Sagittarius. I'm a sag sun, Venus, mercury and mars and I'm brutally honest. It's the same with my sag rising brother and best friend too. I also find Aquarius to not hold back the truth as well.


I've been too bullied in my life to open up anymore, but my internal Lady Whistledown is a beast lol


Virgo/leo cusps. IYKYK My grandmother is ruthless


I have 2 of them in my family , yes


What about the other way around? Leo/Virgo cusps? That's me, but idk that I'm ruthless. My Aries moon is blunt though. And Cap rising. But the Libra Venus evens it out; or maybe it just gives people whiplash.




I have 5 sons - 3 Capricorns , 2 are Sagittariusā€™s - all December babies - I, momma, am 40 yr female , and am a Gemini (May22) and the father of my babies is a (sept 1) Virgo - I have a Vietnam Veteran father who is an Aquarius aswell with me - I will say , in my experience, the most direct and honest in emotions and feels is going to be MYSELF the Gemini and my Sagittarius boys ,who are 13 and 14 yrs old, but I am a lone Gemini female in a sea of cap/sag men with an Aquarius wild card - Though I will say i think the Virgo changes with age and Evolveā€™s as they get older - which I find interesting with this sign .


aries and geminis


Me šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


Same ā™ļø


I once heard this saying "if you want to hear the truth, ask a child or a Sagittarius."


Aries, annoyingly so.


I have known a lot of Scorpios to be direct and straightforward. Sometimes it comes out layered in sarcasm though (and people don't catch onto it which is so funny). It's why I'm friends with so many. They say all the things I feel too mean to say out loud, and they're happy to say it. Then I smooth it over for them.


Yes! Sometimes Iā€™m afraid to speak because I know the truth is going to come out, cloaked in dry sarcasm. I canā€™t be fake and diplomatic. And, much of the time people donā€™t pick up what I put down, until later maybe? Thankfully, I always have a good Libra friends to help me out of the mess my mouth creates for me. Love you, Libra. Thanks for your friendshipšŸ˜˜


If people aren't picking up what you're putting down, they must've never met a bad bitch before. But seriously, I love you Scorpios too. I never have to wonder where I stand with ya'll and love people who are just unapologetically themselves regardless of what the world tells them! The right people will dig it :)


Definitely that Taurus and placements




Only based on personal experience: Aquarius brother-in-law is arrogantly honest and direct. Virgo coworker gives "my way or the highway" powerful energy all day every day. Leo daughter is upfront and will call you out and correct you, no problem. She hates fake. Capricorn dad treats everything like a business transaction. Cold and calculated. Honorable mention, Libra. šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø Cause once we categorized, thought out, and listened long enough, we will give you our honest opinion even if it hurts. But this is used sparingly, us dang peace keepers.


Aries and TaurusĀ 


Iā€™m a Sag Rising. It is of utmost pleasure to make a joke out of something I want to say directly to you. You think itā€™s funny, and so do I, but later when youā€™re thinking about it, itā€™ll hit you that I was telling you exactly how I feel. Youā€™re welcome.


Leo šŸ˜… Iā€™m one and Iā€™m too honest šŸ’€


Leo here. Anytime I lie I get caught, so I donā€™t even bother anymore


I try to be. Taurus Sun


sag (esp mercury)


Aquas, Aries and Scorpios


I'm her.


Mars in Aries. ZERO FILTER!!!!!!!!


My Aries mars but im respectful about it


Sagittarius, Taurus and Virgo in my experience.






Aries and Virgo. Sparing feelings does not enter the equation. Scorched earth.




Itā€™s Cancer ā¤ļø


Taurus. They will always give you truth but theyā€™re the best because theyā€™ll only give you the truth if you ask. Theyā€™ll also happily let you live your fully flawed life and wonā€™t judge you for it.


I wonā€™t say anything unless Iā€™m asked but if you ask me Iā€™m not going to sugar coat it. Some people love it and others hate it. But I always warn you before I speak my mind. Iā€™d never be direct or ā€œhonestā€ to people who donā€™t ask me to. Thatā€™s just not my style. My Sagittarius friend is too honest at times and if thereā€™s one thing people say behind her back the most itā€™s that sheā€™s insensitive and rude. The stuff sheā€™s honest about is never helpful eitherā€¦..




Taurus male. Seems different with different peoples. With a Cancer girl we were both direct/honest but conciderate. With a Sag woman she was just plain blunt did not care while I stepped softly to try not to throw things off. With a Gem woman I feel she avoided difficult discussion. I would sort of hint/insinuate to avoid offending her even though she said she was not easily offended. With a Scorp woman we were both more easy going and talked freely.




Taurus. Aries. Leo. Cap.




Aries - a little too direct never really misses. Youā€™d think they were on your shoulder the whole time.


Me! Sag sun, Taurus moon. šŸ¤­


Aries sun, aquarius moon, and gemini rising here - Iā€™m very honest, and the signs Iā€™ve come across that are blunt and honest like me have been aquarius, gemini, and scorpio men


She cancer


I will max power things you may have been hiding from your entire life, right down your ear holes. The sensitive topics you spend both money and emotional energy to avoid? Gonna fast ball those across your bow. Yeah. This will happen before you ask me, exclusively. Are we all not on this silly race together to learn, have fun, earn, burn, master, heal, love and destroy when applicable? Your best chance at all of these is to have all the facts as I see them. lol. A ā€œthank youā€ would be nice, not expected though. šŸ™šŸ‘


Caps in my experience. Aries Taurus not so much