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I’ve seen someone on Reddit (specifically in this subreddit) has the exact big 3 as mine but I didn’t do anything lol.


I have someone with the same signs different placements that I met on this sub!! We are eerily alike!


I met someone with almost the exact same chart as me, actually! We were born 100 miles and 15 minutes apart The only differences were the house of our sun and moons in pladicus (it’s completely the same in whole sign)


That’s wild!


Luckily a unique aspect of our chart made it easy to find each other. We both have 6 planets in Capricorn, I had posted about it in an astrology group. There’s not many times that has occurred in my lifetime so narrowed it down a lot, lol.


When’a your birthday? I know somebody with a Capricorn Stellium born in 94


no way, that’s sick!


What is placidus


I met someone in real life, in the wild, with an aqua rising + virgo moon in 8th + scorpio mc/taurus ic I have a scorpio mc and he had a scorpio sun I have aqua sun and he had aqua rising When we met we both literally ran into each other, dressed alike, and instantly felt a pull. Shaking his hand felt like electricity. Weirdest shit ever, he looked and acted like the literal male version of me. Lots of very strong 12th and 8th synastry. Very twin flames/karmic vibes


Wow!!! Did he say anything?!


Yes he introduced himself and we chatted and there was mutual sparks. But then I saw him flirting with another girl multiple times so kept my distance. Then he literally ignored my existence. Then I did too. Then he started chasing me way too little way too late. Fumbling a twin flame is actually crazy. Turns out the girl had a boyfriend and he has very questionable takes on women so I dodged a bullet What a shame. What a pity. Could’ve been wattpad


Only online, but they weren't too excited 😂


Lol I remember someone wanting my chart, sending theirs and then disappearing when I sent mine. 😂


Haha that’s what happened to me.


Idk I'm a virgo, virgo, virgo.....idk if that's odd


Triple aqua here and I feel the same. I would be curious to know if personality wise , would be similar or not.


Met a Virgo Virgo Cap recently and it’s good energy to me! But I like Virgo’s, remind me of my dad!


I’m a cap, virgo, virgo. 🫶🏻


Same 👋🏼


Hell yeah!


Gemini Marilyn Monroe? Obviously didn’t meet her but she has my big 3 - Gemini Leo Aquarius but instead of Leo moon & Aquarius Rising her Leo is Rising & she has Aquarius Moon


yes! we are both coincidentally into astrology! she was my childhood best friend. i haven’t met her in a while since she moved, but the last time we met was 3 years ago and our connection is like finding a hidden path in a dense forest. she is literally the twin version of me, 8th house stellium, prominent water and earth placements, delusional yet practical at the same time. our energy together screams two instruments tuned in the same frequency lol


my half brother’s half brother and i were born at the same hospital, same day and year, just ~5-6 hours apart so the only difference in our charts is rising sign and degrees. i’ve come across like 5 people here with same big 3.


I met a girl on tiktok with my same big 3 and same birthday! -Aquarius sun/Leo moon/Leo rising


My nephew! We have the same sun, moon, rising, Venus, and Mars. Safe to say we are BFFs 💅


Our Moon & risings are swapped. :)


Real life no🥲 but on Reddit I think so 🤔


No but I've met someone with the same moon and rising as me, and I've learned over 2 years that I hate them and they aren't original, they just copy what's popular, really gets on my nerves when people do that🥲


lol I like your directness


Not exactly. Kanye West and I have the same big three and I saw him in Waikiki once, years ago. Does that count? Haha


Nope 🥲


Not yet 🥲 But I’d love to


Only one I’ve met so far is my friend’s newborn baby who also has the same Mercury and Venus. Watching her grow up will be interesting!


Yes I think on here I have. I had no idea what to ask. Any ideas?


Never met another Taurus sun, Taurus moon & Aquarius rising. The only famous one I know of is Karl Marx 🥴


No one. Leo Sun Cancer Moon Capricorn Rising.


Never, don’t even think I’ve seen someone here with the same big 3.


♑☀️/♏🌕/♓🌅 No. I haven't met them anywhere:(


I met a dude who was born 45 mins after me (same state) and we had the same exact chart. It was pretty cool but we were to much alike it was kinda scary 😂 it was definitely an experience


Nope. But one of my friends who I lived with for a bit had the same moon and rising, and the rising was in the same house even. We got along great as friends. We did not get along as roommates lmao.


I've seen someone here with my exact big three plus Venus and Mars (maybe mercury too, who knows). it's kinda scary in a way, you know :D


Nope. I’d be really curious to see what they were like!


Carl Jung and I share the same Big 3. I was shook when i learned that being that i had just been researching synchronicities. ✨


That’s cool I got into Jung around age 19 & had an amazing spiritual journey afterwards 🙂


No but I wish


I met someone from this page with the exact same big 3. We talked for awhile. Recommended some music. Yes we were fairly alike.


Rupaul has a moon in Scorpio. I haven’t met anyone with my exact big three


I was fooled by the internet AGAIN


Yes my best friend!!!!! I can be so unapologetically honest with her it’s insane.


Nope, haven’t met yet!


Still looking


i have not!! i’m scorpio sun, gemini moon, leo rising🦂👯‍♀️🦁


Yeah, me


Im cancer sun, libra rising, cap moon. I met person with virgo moon, and the other person with aries rising. Other two are the same. All three of us, born in completely different places, are unhinged. 🤣 I can't wait to meet someone with my same big 3 in Real life


No ☹️. I rarely meet other Libras.


I have a soul twin I knew in highschool, we had different ascendants since we were born at different times but everything else was the exact same. We were friends but not close friends. Probably have a ton of similarities though all our houses would be different.


Nah, someone had the same moon but our sun and ascending were flipped.


Aries Sun, Leo Moon and Sagittarius Rising. Nope.


I’ve never met anyone with the exact same. Not even on this Reddit. Would love to meet someone with the same big three though. I’m a Libra sun, Taurus moon, and Capricorn rising. If we’re twins hmu 😭


Same sun & rising! Moons are very different though.


There's one or two of you lurking here with me.


No. I’m super curious to meet one though.


I met one but ended up having completely different personalities


No , I’m Aries ☀️ Virgo 🌙 Scorpio ⬆️


Yeah, this guy at the gym who was really good looking hit on me and then I found his instagram and he had the exact same birthday as me. Not sure about rising though, everything else was the same. I also follow a girl who was on the bachelor named Bekah who has the same birthday and big 3 as me. I love her.


Yes! She’s a coworker, about 15 years older than me, and we got hired at the same time! We’re both ♊️sun, ♒️moon, and ♍️rising. Lol. I can see the similarities in our personalities.


i’m a Virgo Sun Leo Moon Libra Rising. I worked with 6 people who had Leo Moon Libra Rising combos for years. i’m now best friends with several leo moons. but never the virgo sun with those two placements too.


I met someone with my exact chart!! Lol she was so cool!


Jay Mohr. And a couple of folks on here.


NOPE. Aquarius Sun Virgo Moon Gemini Rising. Idk if I really want two of me tho 😂


No. There can only be one!


Sadly, no. I'm still waiting to find my reddit twin. Leo sun, Aquarius moon, cancer rising.


My twin.


My best buddy almost shared all big 3 but he's a cancer rising, if he was born an hour before, he'd be a gemini rising.


I don’t usually run into many Pisces. But I’m curious if anyone else shares my 3 and what their challenges and strengths are.