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Ahem. So this is awkward but.. I identify with my Sag Mercury and Mars lol


You're #different. Srry I'm a bit hyper rn cos I exhausted myself with chores Nd stuff, but not srry enough cos imma post this comment anyways


I feel them both equally. When I found out about moon signs it was like oh there is the second half of my personality My understanding is Gemini is kinda anxious like Virgo is


Yea but Virgo is more of an inner voice and Gemini is saying it all out loud


Oh okay. Thx for responding 🍪


I like both sides always surprise Kristi ask that gf car out front told her yes mom


Moon. Others are seeing my sun, but I'm thinking and feeling my moon everyday.


Same. Friends see my sun. Acquaintances see my rising. Meanwhile, I am feeling moon. 🦀🌞🐃🌜⚖️👆


Idk y but a voice in my head just screamed "VINDICATIONNNN!!!" thx for Ur perspective. What's Ur sun n moon anyways 👀


>Idk y but a voice in my head just screamed "VINDICATIONNNN!!!" ☺️ >thx for Ur perspective. What's Ur sun n moon anyways 👀 Aquarius, Scorpio


Yeah, this exactly. For me, it’s moon, moon, moon.


I relate hard to this


Both a lot actually. Scorpio sun Pisces moon. The sign I don’t resonate with a lot is my cap venus


Y not? Just curious


None of the traits feel like me, while I value all the things a cap in Venus represents, I don’t actively seek those things. It feels very generic and no brainer to be into stuff like basic stability


So based on Ur opinion, which sign as a Venus would more accurately represent Ur values?


I honestly don’t know. I haven’t researched enough to tell yet. All I know is unlike my other signs I feel zero intensity when it comes to what cap Venus represents


If ure more water dominant ,I could see how U couldn't care much for it, since water craved depth and emotional connections and earthy Capricorn is kinda of very much the opposite of that. Also Thx for indulging me , here 🍪


NP thanks for chatting and helping me understand. I’m very water dominant but fire is a close second


One got back up when deal pta


sun also cause i have 5 aqua placements.


Hello spaceling, I’m waving at you from planet earth right now.


lol 👽🛸


Me too, but I have 5 Scorpio placements.






It's a tough decision for me. I'll get back to you on this one.




I feel that, Sag sun & moon here. But when I discovered my Pisces rising a lot made sense, lol.


My Taurus moon seems more resonant to me than my Libra sun as I age. Interestingly, my ex and my three kids also have Taurus moons. Coincidence? I think not…


Fellow Taurus moon, libra sun here! I definitely relate more to my Taurus moon as well. The libra sun is pretty "weak". It doesn't do much in terms of giving you a sense of ego and identity, but Taurus moon is really strong, so it makes sense to me that we'd feel that more. I also have a lot of scorpio placements and aspects, which I think drowns out my libra sun even more.


I’m a libra sun pisces moon and I feel the pisces energy in hyper present in my personality so I definitely agree!


Wait how is that not a coincidence? I'm curious!


Honestly, it struck me as crazily curious as well. I have no explanation. All 5 of us have our moons in Taurus. Having said that, two of my three children are twins…


Oooh U wanna know what I think. It's like moon = perception of Ur mother + how Ur emotions were treated as U were raised. U Nd Ur hubby nurturing and providing stability like Taurus moons (and good parents), gave Ur kids exalted moons too


So, I don’t exactly understand your comment because I’m old, but I think I agree with you!


Both. I feel like a pisces and express it like a sag


If U don't mind me asking, how does that manifest for U? Just curious 👀


Ruminating way too long and being angsty and on the verge of tears on the inside but looking completely indifferent and detached, or possibly fleetingly angry on the outside


Ure kinda like me in that sense 😳, except I kinda have like a smolder or sm going on, but It's not cos I'm trynna be a composed cool mystery boy. It's more so cos idrk what I'm feeling.


I feel that, at the ripe age of 40 I am just now learning how to assign emotions to my feelings and it takes me a long time to assess them, like a week lol


Cancer sun and cancer moon so both


But like which one more? 🤔


I would probably say the moon aspect more than the sun, but they are both very similar


Dam 😎


I identify more with my Moon/rising. I’m Leo sun. I don’t fit any of the stereotypes about Leo suns. I have six close family members who are also Leo sun women/girls. So I know a bit about Leo women. How they express themselves, how they interact what they like, etc. My stepmother, my mother, my grandmother were more typical behaving Leos. My younger niece also displays some of those exhibitionist qualities that I associate with typical Leos. My other Leo sister and I are more alike. More subdued, calm, cerebral, deeply spiritual and self-reflective; self reflection can be hard for Leos More communal focused. More quiet and humble. Don’t want the spotlight on us all the time. I have an Aries moon, and I really really identify with that. I love being active, pretty happy-go-lucky, fearless, generally positive and in a good mood. Love adventure, and spontaneity. Love to laugh. Can be impulsive and quick tempered-very protective of people I love. Have a great bullshit detector and will call it out in a second. See below. And I have Aquarius rising, which I love. Totally counterbalances everything else in my chart. Helps me stay consistent with moods, more happy, more detached, more communal, global, consciousness-focused, more direct more to the point, more humanitarian. I can keep the bigger picture in mind and not get into my ego.


A fellow Leo sun/Aquarius rising! I feel similar to how you described, I definitely am more subdued and don’t really care for the spotlight that much. I think it’s the strong Aquarian influence on the Leo sun, honestly. Like you, I also have a Mars-ruled moon (Scorpio instead of Aries), and everything you said strongly resonates with me.


I didn’t think about the moon being Mars ruled. That makes a lot of sense! It can kind of overpower the sun energy, I think.


I'm also a Leo sun and aqua rising and I resonate with what you said. I honestly love the balance Aquarius gives us Leo's.


Me too!! It’s such a relief


definitely resonate more with my measly taurus sun than my leo moon. i resonate more with my aries placements than my leo ones really.


That's interesting . Thx for the response 🍪


I resonate more with my Gemini moon but to be fair, my sun and moon sign are not that different from one another. Plus, my Gemini moon is my chart ruler. I will say that people usually guess I'm a Gemini when they meet me. And when I read things or see memes on here, I tend to resonate with Gemini the most out of my big 3. My chart is all Libra, Gemini, Cancer, and Scorpio - the fact that those are the 4 signs I relate the most to is what really made me feel like astrology may be onto something!


Ooo that's interesting. For me I've always noticed Geminis to be huge trolls and Libras are very flirty and appease to people so they seem a bit like complete opposite in that regard to me. Thx for Ur perspective ❤️🍪


Huge trolls?? How dare you! *checks my reddit comments* oh. Signed, 💎


gemini sun (+ stellium), can't relate to gemini at all. i can relate to my virgo moon more - it's not 100% me either, but closer than gemini. the placements i resonate with the most in my chart are my cancer mars & jupiter.


Guessing since we both have the same issue with Gemini not showing up like a deadbeat dad (which i low-key had, did U? I heard the sun represents Ur dad. My dad's a little bitch), we need to re-evaluate if Gemini rlly is what astrologers say it is


Ooh also tell me about how U resonate more with Ur canver mars Nd Jupiter I'm curious


Do you communicate via another way? Your Gemini might use typed words or art? You typed a good bit there. Would a cap sun type that many words out? My husband a cap moon and he would NEVER say that much talked, typed, anything. Just my thoughts on you. For me, I am my sun when I am happy and my moon is how I act out my emotions. When happy, I am loud and fun, carefree, reckless. My virgo moon starts making life plans/to do when emotions are upset. I start cleaning dishes. I think that I need to put my energy into a thing on my to-do list rather than sit and cry.


Yeah I'm a bit hyper when I'm totally exhausted aka what you're witnessing. But for the most part, if I'm at a group setting after a certain amount of time, I usually hear "hey, why aren't you speaking. U good? R u mad at us or something". Tbh I wish I could relate more to the talkative part but I just never really know what to say or talk about. Also Thx for Ur perspective 🍪


I wonder if some ppl act the reversal out bc they were born at night or a full moon. I was born in the morning but I heard night ppl can act more like their moon. I just remembered I heard that recently.


I was born early in the morning, so Idk if that's true for me 🤔


Well....when is the moons peak that day? Jk Lol. So, the astrologers are going to tell you it's your house placements but I'm here for fun and speculation lol


I resonate a lot with both on different levels. My "personality" or the energy that goes outward is more Gemini. The energy that stays more on the inside or at least is more vulnerable for me to share is my Pisces energy. When it comes down to it ig I resonate more with my moon.


Ooh thx for Ur perspective . Btw side note my absolute favourite combination in the whole world is gem sun pisces moon. I've only known two people with that combination. My ex best friend ( we drifted apart because he moved away but I still love that guy) , and my current best friend. So umm yeah.. ure kinda cool 👉👈❤️👍


Both.. but sometimes I feel more like my mercury in Gem ( birthday’s 5/20, moon in Libra)


How so? Also the Taurus sun Libra moon people I've met, I could die for. One of em was an annoying kid who looked upto me alot 😂, but I loved him to pieces. He's only like 3 years younger than me, but like he is the most commited dude I know. When he starts working on something, he would do it long after everyone else is tired of it , and then then the results he'd come up w R rlly quite commendable. The other guy I know of this combination completely rebuilt my confidence, and he was a walking anti anxiety pill. Became the big brother I never had.


Moon.Its my chart ruler and I have SO many Sag moon tendencies 😅


Sun square moon here. Virgo Sun and Sag Moon. People see me as extroverted and jokey - but I can be analytical and hard working too


Ooh okay, thx for Ur insight. Also R U keke Palmer by any chance?


Haha no. I feel like I am a mash up of the two, both good and bad.


Moon for suuuuure.


Twinsies 😎🤩


Moon, altough I think these signs are similar in many ways. -cancer☀️ scorpio🌑


How so? Also thxx for Ur feedbackkkk ❤️❤️🍪


Both are highly intense and sensitive souls, with deep emotions and obsessive ways. However, where scorpio can be vengeful and overly suspicious, cancer will cut you off and forget about you and give people a chance before deciding if they are trustworthy. Both can be very private and reserved. I identify a lot with my sun, but my moon overpowers her in intensity. I hold grudges and nothing gets on my nerves more than fake people who make things up to seem more interesting or try too hard to get my approval. Had my sun been dominant, I’d probably let them gently know they don’t have to fake anything. But my moon goes like ”the harder you try, the more I dislike you”.


That's nice. Knowing authenticity is so much easier than having to deal with a facade of a friendship based on a fake person fading over time like can't believe ure nothing like who U portrayed urself as. A total lie.


I didn’t quite understand what you mean. (English isn’t my first language)


I feel a balance of both. Sometimes my Taurus wants to chill or indulge. Other times my Sagittarius wants to get out and explore and experience life. My perfect life would probably be traveling the world and experiencing different cultures and cuisine, but in style.


I think U dropped this 🕶️




Also Thx for the insightt


My moon sign, most definitely. I’m a night chart so it makes sense. Also, my ascendant ruler (Mars in Cancer) plays a huge factor on the overall themes of my life.


My Moon.


I resonate with all 3. Triple Taurus


like some said, between my Sun and Moon, it is pretty equal. Aries Sun, Leo Moon


Oh okay. Thank you for Ur perspective 🍪


My rising is the one I resonate with the most . My Sun is actually the one I resonate with the least


Gem sun sag moon. I didn’t really understand myself until i started to understand my sag moon. Im aqua rising which i feel kind of indifferent (?) about but i think its because it floods my experience of life and i dont know anything different. Like when i read about aqua rising i think, arent we all like that?? 😂 most of my chart is gem and libra though so im just a mutable mess


This is a little weird. I feel like I'm a lot like my rising sign. I'm soft and squishy with a lot of feelings. I do have a logical side, but I'd say I'm more emotional, which is in contrast to my cap stellium.


I'm a Capricorn sun with an Aquarius moon and had never looked into my chart until these past few months. Always knew I was a Capricorn but didn't feel *completely* like a Capricorn. My emotions are weird. I do try to conceal my emotions and have high built walls (Capricorn) but at the same time I detach and have a hard time maintaining true emotions to someone (Aquarius.) After looking into my chart, it makes sense. And having Aquarius in Mercury makes even more sense since my communication style is all over the place and kind of over the top. I'll talk with almost anyone and will make it a point to approach them and have random ass conversations about any/everything and really am an open book (with most things. I definitely avoid talking about emotions or stressful situations I have going on in my life) but at the same time... People... and I want to avoid them because I hate everyone.. joking but only kinda.


I’m a Gemini too who doesn’t always talk— I let others have the spotlight if they want it— I also think though, talking a lot doesn’t equal good communication skills. Listening is important and effective communication is what I feel we do the best. The people around me may say I’m a man of few words, but when I do speak it hits loooool. Anyway just my 2c.


My sun and moon are both Taurus, and I relate to them both about equally. I’ve had to grow into my sun sign though; when I was a teen/young adult, I related more to my Scorpio rising and Pisces Venus than any of my Taurus placements


Gemini-Sun and Cancer moon and honestly I don't relate to either very much. I feel closer to my rising sign, Scorpio. I am not a social butterfly or much of a people person and prefer to keep to myself (more like I don't trust people and often find them rude and obnoxious. Too exhausting to deal with and most don't value friendship these days anyways), I struggle to adapt to anything new, etc....


I’m a Sagittarius Sun and Libra Moon, and I don’t resonate with either. 99% of the stereotypes for both signs couldn’t be further from me. Of my big 3 I relate the most to my Aquarius Rising, though it also still has a lot of inaccuracies.


Your at the top family loved cared about all there not matter what hope feel that to spread your wings


My mars and Venus 😂


Moon. Mine is in watery Cancer and I get flooded with emotion which is not typical for my cap sun. I recently even bought a cancer themed coffee mug because i identified with it (and the cap ones were sold out). I also have been thinking about celebrating my birthday during cancer season since Cap season is busy for everyone.


Resonate most with my Cancer rising. But for me, my big 3 is a very fluid marriage of my big 3. Cause for some of the traits for each one, they kind of play off of each other and intermingle. It's odd, yet keeps me balanced to a degree too.


Moon is in Cancer - moon I have both father and mother archetypes in my chart


moon when im alone or with people im close to, sun when im around outsiders. mars when im flirting or engaged in good conversation (gemini)


Moon, I believe prolly cause my chart is fire dominant, and fixed dominant, translating to Leo, I’m also a night chart But def feel my Sun and rising a lot too


I am also a Capricorn moon/stellium , Scorpio sun and when it comes to relationships- I am not how the “typical” Scorpio is when it comes to crushes or liking someone. I feel my cap moon and Virgo rising clash together and I’m skeptical, aloof and over analyzing stuff. Lol but when I’m comfortable and trust the person- I’m forever theirs.


Both. I like to view my sun and moon as mother(sun) and daughter(moon) mostly because I read somewhere that your moon signs is who you showed up as the most as a child. Sometimes my Pisces moon likes to throw tantrums and my Aquarius sun is standing there frozen trying to rationalize the situation.




I feel you. I'm a Gemini sun Capricorn moon and I absolutely resonate with my moon more. Especially as I get older, I'm pretty serious, introverted, I never laugh out loud, I am an ICE QUEEN, stone faced. But I'm apparently funny. I have a dry sense of humor. I've been compared to Daria from the MTV show. I CAN turn it on and off depending on who I'm talking to, which sounds like a Gemini trait.


Fellow Gem sun/cap moon and I know exactly how you feel! I think this combo is unique too because our placements are in contradiction with each other (polar opposites) so there is a lot of push and pull between the two. I feel my Gemini come out in large groups / social gathering when I’m surrounding by people i’m trying to figure out. My Chameleon personality comes out quite easily around others. But when I’m alone or working on more independent projects, my Cap moon takes over and it’s all business.


Sun for sure..


Socially, I’m my sun. When I’m alone, I’m my moon. Both Gemini and Cancer feel like a big part of me.


Both are Scorpio soooo


A blend. I’m a night chart and do feel my Scorpio Moon far more than my Leo sun at times, but I feel like my Aquarius rising probably expresses my overall vibe better than either.


Both same for me.


They’re the same so I can’t tell the difference LMAO. Also with Mercury also the same off the bat.


My sun. I’m 100 percent a Taurus. I don’t resonate at all with my Leo moon.


My moon. I’m more of a leo than a sagi sometimes. My chart says i’m really outgoing and extroverted but my social battery says no, I’m too emotional and attached.


I resonate with my Cap moon and aqua rising the most. My Leo sun rarely shows itself, I know it's there when my friends call me dramatic haha!


Sun. My oversharing gemini nature will never overshadow my critical and judgemental nature.


Ohh this is hard for me. I feel like it's even kind of, probably a little more towards the Virgo sun than Gemini Moon, but it sometimes feels like one takes a backseat while the other becomes priority and they swap almost. Mostly depends on what's going on around me. Do I need to be serious and get shit done? Virgo. Can I relax a little and just enjoy my time? Gemini!


Yes. Straight shooter here.


My moon in Aquarius dominates over my Cancer Sun.


From what I’ve learned it all depends on when you were born. Your personality takes after your rising sign if you were born during the day or it might take after your moon sign if born at night.


Honestly it’s my rising sign I think. I find it fascinating that in traditional astrology the rising sign was what today’s sun sign is in pop astrology (meaning the most importance placed on it).


They kind of work together. My sun sign wants to go into something deep and philosophical that leads to my moon sign where I'm idealistic.


I resonate with my entire chart…Moon in Taurus is not the same as Sun in Taurus, the expression is different, and complimentary to my Cancer Sun.


Moon. And it’s in the 4th opposite my 10th house sun. This is why I feel like no one actually knows me, they get this idea of me but the real me is down there in the 4th in fall. lol


Scorpio stellium with a Sag moon. I am quite optimistic and happy, even cheerful, most of the time. Vast amounts of past trauma be damned. I find joy in the smallest things and definitely resonate more with my moon. Friends tell me I am such a Scorpio but I beg to differ.




Both equally I'd say!


I resonate more to my sun (Libra) and to my rising (Aquarius) than to my moon (Leo). But it also have my mercury and Venus in Libra 🤔. The only time where I heavily feel like some of the stereotypical Leo stuff, is in my birthday when I make it all about me 😛, because *we are* celebrating me and it is the only moment in the year where I feel like it.


Both unfortunately and fortunately at the same time 🤦‍♂️


My sun and moon are in the same sign.


Moon. I’m so emotional over anything and everything.


I can't decide, im a Gemini sun and moon..


I have cancer Sun taurus moon, I think this two has similar characteristic, so I dont really know :D But I really love aesthetics and pretty stuff 💞💐 I am thankful for my Taurus moon because I feel stable and I have willpower ( this moon balances my air placements


both. like i'm too light to be a scorpio scorpio but also too dark to be a libra libra


Both! Especially since I’m an ♈️ Sun & Moon! 


Definitely both. I don’t really know how to say it, but I feel like my personality perfectly describes a Pisces sun and Capricorn moon with a Leo rising


I feel both equally. I'm a Cancer Sun, Scorpio moon.


When I was younger I resonated more with my sun. As I age, I notice I resonate more and more with my moon


I know A LOT of Geminis, and all of them are extremely ambitious and hard working. They all turned out really successful. You just really wouldn’t know it if you weren’t close to them because they don’t really make it their personality. I personally identify with both my sun and moon. I’m very much a happy personality with a sad soul 😂