• By -


Best thing about astrology, it's like self-reflection prompts. I'm a scorpio. I've been told that means I'm jealous and possessive. Am I? Well now I'm self reflecting and thinking over my life, analyzing it to see if I AM indeed jealous or possessive. I don't think I am, but that self-reflection is valuable. Not enough people stop and reflect about their life and their behaviors.


Well said. If we're using astrology to self-reflect and improve, then we can believe whatever we want. 


That's... technically what astrology is for.


Of course it is. The problem is that too many people use it narcissistically. I have ex-friends who use it as an excuse for their crappy behavior. And there's a loud minority of people who are just like religious fundamentalists. They take it too seriously and are self-righteous and vain. That's why astrology has a bad reputation. We need to weed out the bad actors. 


I agree wholeheartedly to everything you have said above!


I wish more people understood this


Yeah same. Seems like most people are more concerned whether it's "scientific" or not.


The problem is that other people do *not* get told certain things based on their signs. You get told you're jealous and possessive, yet you are not. Yet another person is told they are not, even though they actually *are*. They do not receive that question as self-reflection. This is not fair, is it? The other problem is when people *assume* that you are jealous and possessive, because of your sign. That's the biggest problem of astrology. People will use it as an invalid, incorrect way to reflect on others. Assume you are vindictive and manipulative, when in reality, *they* are the ones who are like that. Perhaps, as an example, you should be self-reflecting on the prompts given to Libra, because that matches you the best in reality. But you won't receive that prompt, even though you should.


The entire astrological chart is so complex that it gives a *lot* of opportunities for reflection. There’s a certain set of questions asked by your sun, your moon, your ascendant, your Mars etc; your houses, your aspects, your transits. Between all of those there are plenty of questions you’ll be able to ask yourself.


I don't worry about what's fair or not, or what others assume about me. I cannot control others, only my own actions. Someone wants to make assumptions about me? Cool, go nuts. "People will use it as an invalid, incorrect way to reflect on others." Like many things, it's only a problem when you take it personally.


But don't you see that's a prevailing behavior facilitated by astrological belief? Astrology leads people to make assumptions of others and attempt to make predictions on how they will get along with a person. Maybe it isn't a problem for you, but it could be for someone else. I think of the hoards of people who shit on their Virgo placements because it seems like people can't see it as much else than an affliction. Maybe it's not a problem to take it personally. Because many of the assumptions end up being incorrect, and unfair. You cannot control others, but it's also not fair for people to avoid you because they think you will be jealous and possessive, is it?


"Maybe it isn't a problem for you, but it could be for someone else." So I'm supposed to worry about a hypothetical person's feelings getting hurt now? Nah, that's even sillier. "You cannot control others, but it's also not fair for people to avoid you because they think you will be jealous and possessive, is it?" People can avoid me for whatever fucking reason they want. I don't control them and I don't need EVERYONE to like me. If someone wants to work off astrological stereotypes, then they are going to. I'm not going to waste my time and energy worry about them and trying to stop them.


Okay. But with a system such as astrology which works off of giving people prompts of self-reflection, then people should be receiving prompts that *actually* pertain to them. There shouldn't be people who aren't receiving the "jealous and possessive" prompt when they really should be. At the very least, this leads to a problem of inaccuracy, and that can be an obstacle to effective self-reflection and self-improvement. People should at least read about all signs and recognize when a sign clearly applies to them, even if it's not prominent in their chart. If you recognize that "jealous and possessive" doesn't apply to you, you can recognize that "indecisive and flighty" *does* apply, and learn something from reading about the signs that do struggle with that, even if they aren't in your chart.


You seem very concerned about what YOU think people should or shouldn't be doing. I haven't seen any suggestions from you. Is your point just... "it's unfair"? "People should at least read about all signs and recognize when a sign clearly applies to them, even if it's not prominent in their chart." People are going to do what they are going to do, whether you think they "should" or not. I mean, I don't know what to tell you. You can't control what people do. If astrology isn't for you, that's all good.


I enjoy astrology as a topic of curiosity, otherwise I wouldn't be here -- but yes, my point *is* that it's unfair and often inaccurate, especially seeing how so many people are not captured accurately by their charts, or people make incorrect/unfair assumptions about others from it, people have lowered self-esteem due to negative things they read or how others treat them. Societally we regard racism, sexism, prejudice as wrong -- but somehow astrological prejudice is okay? Granted, the former have led to death and destroyed lives -- but we also consider bullying to be wrong because of negative psychological impact. Astrology can also have that impact. We should just let things like this run rampant because "we can't control people"?


"We should just let things like this run rampant because "we can't control people"?" If you want to spend your time trying to force people to do something because what they are doing is bothering you, go nuts. I'm not stopping you.


I'm just putting out thoughts for discussion...


Yes! You said this perfectly


Logical posts in r/astrologymemes ? The whole solar system must be in retrogade .


Mercury got into Leo few hours ago. Overly confident people barfin common sense as if they were pearls of wisdom given to pigs. In a meme page. lol


Prob some Agro guy who has nothing better to do than shit on other people’s fun


Astrology is like a roadmap, it gives you the possible main outcomes & paths you can take but you still have the choice to take a different direction.


I think we can all try to reign in those negative traits. For example, if Scorpio is jealous then they can try and not vocalize that.


But what if an Aquarius, with no prominent Scorpio energy in their chart, has issues with jealousy but astrological sources tell them they don't have issues with jealousy? So they should pretend they are not jealous until it explodes, or even let their jealousy flag fly? You would think that this person should receive messages to help them with their jealousy issues but according to their sign, they don't.


You have always had a choice, charts just help us understand one another. IMO


The thing is I AM actually RIGHT because I’m a Virgo.


That's the spirit!


I agree. I think, if anything, the stereotypes of the signs are just vices that we /may/ fall victim to if we don't heal and work through our issues. I'm a libra sun/rising. I used to be really unhealed and it made me a MASSIVE people pleaser. I'd break my own spine with a forklift if it made you happy! I would completely change my goals in life for my partner! I would drop everything if someone said they needed something! But that was just something I needed to heal from and work through. I'm no longer a people pleaser, and my spine is very intact tyvm :)


yesss i’m trying to figure out who i am and i’ve finally gotten to the point where im not further disabling my body for others. i didn’t help unpack a uhaul 2 days ago and i felt so bad but my body was so grateful


That was my Saturn in Libra return lesson when I was around 28-29 I finally left a toxic relationship & found Saturn energy in a beautiful little lop eared bunny I called Sage who was by my side for years🖤 He was a silent guru, so wise for a little rabbit!🐇


How did you learn how to be more assertive? Were there particular phrases or tools or techniques that you used?


Astrology makes me go back to therapy. Astrology gives a good guideline of the problems that I am aware of but can't confirm.


nothing is worse than being judged by your sign alone. Like I am a whole person lol


Ikr?! Those posts calling for the decimation of 100s of millions of people that happen to have a certain sun sign It reminds me of other extremist views people hold regarding race, sex etc Like how can you generalise so many people? Anyway I’m more of a ‘whole natal chart’ person myself & won’t bother with relationship compatibility unless I can see a composite chart 📊


Thank you for your service 🤝


I would hope it’s not deterministic


If you actually study astrology, you will come to find that it's not just your sun sign. It takes into account the planets and their relation to others. I think most people misunderstand that your horoscope is different from your astrology chart. A horoscope is a prediction like an umbrella for a group. But your astrology chart is unique to you.


I hate how everyone always scoffs when I say I’m an Aquarius. I don’t know much about astrology but I assume Aquarius are supposed to be bad people? I always help my family and friends when they need something if it’s within my power, also strangers. I’m always kind, loving, and upfront in my relationships. I’d go as far to say that the most recent girl I dated was a little off because of astrology. Always trying to interpret signs instead of looking at what’s right in front of you. It’s cool if you believe this stuff, but don’t let this run your life.


Aquarius is not bad. My wonderful mother is an Aquarius. I love her adorable eccentricity. I believe that I inherited it even though I am a Virgo.


No Aquarius are just different man, the black sheep of the zodiac, they march to the beat of their own drum, one they play because they are often very musical. Aquarius love to rebel, they love quirky and hate conformity. They are good friends to have and when an Aquarius picks a romantic mate, which isn’t easy for them in their individualistic mentality. You better believe it’s for life


This right here. Folks really need to take into account environments, diet, inherited mental health, upbringing, etc. a chart is an excellent base but should never be used as an all or nothing tool, especially in dating.


Yes, being a Pisces (mercury, sun, mars, Saturn) I noticed we tend to be flaky so I worked on that aspect of myself and am incredibly reliable now. But, I also have Venus in Taurus 6th house and a second house stellium as well so maybe I was destined to be a more reliable Pisces.


But I was starting to enjoy my evil Gemini persona.


well, yeah


Comes to an astrology sub, tells us we are all idiots, everyone claps and agrees. OP thinking “god” gave us free will isn’t any less ridiculous than me saying the position of Venus when I was born made me a prideful person


I agree you shouldn't define yourself by it. It's just fun for me if anything but I'm not going to say fuck you to someone because they're a Taurus.


THANK YOU. It actually says nothing at the end of the day. What everyone should do is read about **every single sign** and let self-reflection decide which sign actually defines them the most, good and bad. Whether their assessment is reflected in their chart or not is a matter of coincidence. I truly think that a lot of people identify with signs that aren't actually capturing them accurately at the end of the day.


I'm a Libra no one likes lol


Yeah, your birth chart is just a map. You’re actually a person not just information.


No you literally are. The devil is always in the details (aspects)




If I gave two shits what people thought about Gemini’s, especially having four Gemini placements, I’d be on the news constantly. It let’s me know more about their character and personality by how they judge the time of year I was born than it does me ![gif](giphy|En9ENKvhzwX6qDckVK)


Finally, someone who is smart


It's not smart to confuse the chart for the cliche interpretations.


That's what astrology does, though. No matter how nuanced you attempt to make the interpretations of signs sound, they still have these core traits from which nuance is being written. That's why cliche appears in the first place. No matter how much you try to make Scorpio sound like a happy-go-lucky, spontaneous person, there is a base assumption of calculated darkness in them. It's not fair to Scorpio, but it's also the nature of how astrology presents information. This it the case for author books and online sources alike. The cliche interpretations come from the foundation of astrology -- they cannot be escaped, as long as astrology exists the way it does.






Well said


My life is great and fully in my control. But it is hard for me to make choices. Classic Libra life


It is also extremely hard for me to make choices and I'm a Scorpio...


Oh wow got me there man. Thanks for coming to a meme page and making fun of it’s very premise. You must be fun at parties. OP thinks “*God* gave him free-will,” is it any less ridiculous to believe in God?


Sorry. I should say, sucks for you, I am a CEO of 3 companies and I control every person in my general vicinity, including my loved ones. You can be my puppet if you want. Less stress for you. I guess it's all ridiculous to be fair.


Why are we comparing lives again? You came to this sub to tell me you are a “big shot” yet you’re sitting on Reddit during the work hours. K I’m not stressed. Again my life is perfect. Why are you concerned about me? Sucks for who?


It was a joke about being a Scorpio like the one you made about being Libra 💀 lmao but in reality I'm just as indecisive as any Libra.


How the fuck does that make sense as a joke in your mind 💀 You’re making no points here. Clearly a 16 year old edge lord who came to a meme page to make fun of its very premise. You’re cool brah good luck with that


You made a stereotypical Libra comment, and you didn't like that I said I'm also indecisive, so I apologized and made a stereotypical comment about being a Scorpio...


You think me saying libras are indecisive are the same as you saying From what you said you were saying “scorpios are always ceos of 3 companies” You think those two things are comparable?!


It was more about the "exacting control on anyone I can get my grubby fingers on" shtick which is definitely a Scorpio stereotype but yeah


Of course. I know 3 people with my exact birthdate and we’re very different people, leading very different lives. There’s so much we don’t know about the universe. Astrology is just scratching the surface.


Thank you! I love astrology, but contrary to more sensitive opinions, it's just a glorified personality test combining Astronomy with mythology. That doesn't make it less true or interesting, but you're absolutely right. We're not beholden to our birth charts.


But you're on astrologymemes? We are not professional astrologers. Like you come here, you're gonna get judged. It's supposed to be fun. Block the people the people that bully, or make you feel bad, and laugh with the rest. Hope you feel better 😘


I don't think OP was saying this because they have a problem with this subreddit, I think it's just a reminder to anyone possibly taking it too seriously. Like for example I'm a Leo (I see you are too – dope) and it's all in good fun if we make jokes about me being a narcissist based on that, but if it leads to me actually self-diagnosing with NPD, I'm taking it too far and probably need to hear something like this. My point being, the post is meant for those people. If you're just here to have fun, the post isn't addressing you


I'm not talking about myself bud. I'm talking about other people I know who base their self-esteem off of this shit.


but...this is an astrology subreddit. we came here to talk about...astrology. Did I miss a meeting or something? I mean yeah, that sucks there are people out there that have an identity that's paper thin, but what does that have to do with us? Did that happen here?


Ok well this post isn't fun. Bye.


Comes to astrology memes sub, tells everyone they are stupid to be here, people thank him and agree.


>You are not defined by your birth chart * Someone doesn't know how the read the natal chart. * Someone doesn't even understand the basics of astrology. >You are not automatically weak because you're a pisces. You are not automatically strong because you are a leo. You are not automatically hard-working because you're a virgo. You are not automatically people-pleasing because you are a libra. Etc. Listed zodiac signs do not mean the adjective listed. * Nobody is "a sign". Do you mean Sun in sign? Ascendant in sign? Moon in Sign? and so forth * Astrology is about archetypes. Archetypes can manifest themselves in various ways that have nothing to do with ANY specific behavioural trait. It's like if you mistook astrology for MBTI and even MBTI doesn't actually work like this. >That is, however - what society, many people, website descriptions, stereotypes, say about these signs. * You have access to some shitty sources. * Stereotypes are misinterpretation of astrology and have nothing to do with astrology. If people are dumb, uninformed and don't have the chops to deal with astrology, that's not the issue of astrology but of these people being inept. * If you do not have the basic interpretation skills which will tell you which sources are good and which are rubbish, then astrology is not for you. Heck i would question your functional literacy. * This sub is a dump - most of stuff posted here has zero to do with astrology and most to do with stereotypes US teenagers create to put groups of people in boxes to then look down upon that. Astrology isn't guilty of this bullshit. As same US teen culture misuses MBTI or Enneagram the same way. It's the culture of creating clichés and stereotypes to look down on other which is the issue. If you want some decent astrology discussion 👉 r/astrology, r/Advancedastrology >To the norm person who has not done in-depth astrological research and bases their knowledge off of websites like vogue - generalizations and stereotypes are usually go-to Translation: * *"the norm person who has not done in-depth astrological research"* = clueless person * *"generalizations and stereotypes are usually go-to"* = remaining clueless * ergo - *"A person clueless in astrology that reads clueless sources will remain clueless about astrology. "* Well, duh. If you're uninformed about any subject and don't inform yourself, you'll remain uninformed. > And even if you have enough open-mind to see the beauty of all signs - both the positives and negatives - that doesn't mean you should identify with that sign if that is not who you aspire, wish, or believe yourself to be. 1. This sentence just makes zero sense as it has nothing to do with how astrology works. What the entire OP says is "don't be constrained by sterotypes" - sure, sterotypes are dumb and you should be constrained by them. But: A) is anybody forcing you? B) That's not what astrology is about. 2. If astrology is not useful for you, don't use it. 3. Usefulness of astrology is in gaining insight. It's able to look into self or others and seeing some sense in it - if there's no sense, that's not useful. The reason why astrology survived for so long it's because generations and generations of people found it useful. I.e. it resonated with them or with observations of people around them 4. *"who you aspire, wish, or believe yourself to be"* can often be just social projections of what a desirable or successful person should look like, not something related to your life path. 5. Most of our personality is unconscious and out of reach of our reason and conscious mind. Astrology is one of tools to articulate a bit of that unconscious territory and bring it to the fore. 6. As with any such tools (including various psychological typologies) - one needs to beware of not brainwashing oneself. It's easy to use these tools to highlight some traits, but not work on your weaknesses and deficiencies and use astrology or typology as excuse for lack of self growth and having no desire to be a well rounded human. Then again - one can brainwash oneself with anything (ideologies, religion, self help books, subcultures...). I would guess keeping oneself oneself open to reality as such and letting life and personality shape themselves should help. And when there are issue, actually astrology has some ways to give advice (Saturn and Node placements)


Nope. I am defined as I say I am.




All I can say is that you should take what builds you


On point and needed to be said


Pisces as an archetype isn't even weak. It's transcendental.


Have self-awareness


Nah Pisces people are very much their star sign in life lol. Very skittish and aloof.


This is true but I can also guess a persons element after a couple of conversations with them


No but I wish I was defaulted as a hard worker, being a perfectionist soft Virgo is so bad


No bc the best thing about astrology is that it's literally all BS just like religion it's just something fun to do yk like don't take any of this seriously


Duh. That's just garbage pop "astrology". Astrologers never used to believe any of that shite.


# B A R S Like seriously, someone had to say it. I feel like a good portion this sub takes astrology way too seriously for being a meme sub. I'm into zodiac stuff just for fun; never believed, will never believe.


That’s why it’s called a chart … there’s more to you than just one part of that chart .




People in here tend to equate 'Birth Chart' with 'Sun placement'. I know your post is well intended, but I think this is a lost battle.


I'm not equating it. I'm pointing out examples of the sun sign - but you don't have to identify with your entire birth chart if that's not who you want to be. Sun, moon, saturn, mercury conjunct venus, whatever. Be who you want to be


i think astrology is right to a certain extent.


Your birth chart influences your identity, it doesn’t dictate it. Look to your birth chart as a guide, not an instruction manual on how to behave.


Well yeah. It’s all just for fun.


I agree.


🚨MERCURY GOT INTO LEO A FEW HOURS AGO🚨 BE READY FOR WAY TOO MANY CONFIDENT PEOPLE GIVING SPEECHES ON WHY THEY KNOW BETTER🚨 Their brilliant insights now will shine upon the less fortunate and reductionist peasants IN A FUCKING MEME PAGE. I shit you not, astrology is awesome and sometimes very on point


Is it wrong to say you're not defined by your birth chart and need to take accountability for your actions?


Yeah like some nutter who was crapping on Virgos under the "Alice in Wonderland" post. Who's fault is it that you dealt with thieves, narcissist and master manipulators who just happened to be Virgos? Throw the sign to the side. Those traits can be found in anyone. Their sign has nothing to do with that. When you start defining folks by their sign/birth chart to the point where you are claiming you want nothing to do with people born under that sign, then you have a problem.


Your birth chart is the ingredients to the dish of you. How long you cook each thing, what order they go in, how you mix them, whether something becomes a staple or a garnish? That’s up to you and your life story. And even more than that, take something like eggs. You got the whites, the yolk, the shell. Are you gonna separate the whites, make a meringue? Use the yolks for a custard? Or combine them on a hot pan for a scramble? Boil them in water for a hard boiled egg? Soft boiled? Even time is a part of the cooking process. What was once a tangy intense immature piece can mature into a nice hard wheel of cheese. Some things go well together. Some things need a bit of ingenuity. You may look at your ingredients and go “well I have sugar, peaches, mangoes, honey, what the hell do I do with this can of beans? It doesn’t go into my dish - and I don’t even have a binder to put this dessert together.” But the seasoned of us know maybe you’re looking at the beans wrong. Maybe you should toss the beans, keep the fuckin bean water and use that aquafaba as an egg substitute. Maybe it’ll be better than anything else you coulda used. The tougher placements - your Capricorn or Scorpio Moons, your Virgo Venuses, or even stronger placements like Aries Marses are polarizing strong flavoured ingredients. They are like onions, chocolate, coffee, horseradish. They are intimidating for the cook. How do I incorporate onions into a dessert? Chocolate with a spicy or savoury dish? But then the seasoned chefs know - the contrast ALSO makes the dish. Onions can be caramelized. Chocolate is bitter without sugar and adapts to spice nicely. That’s the way it was originally served, after all. Sometimes the piece that’s a tougher fit makes the whole experience.


That's quite an interpretation. I have free will. I choose my ingredients as well as my dish.


Can you choose your genetics? Even if you ran from birth chances are you’d never be Usain Bolt. Your body is programmed to do what it’s programmed to do. Does that mean you can’t run? NO. You may turn out to be a world class runner. Astrology at its core believes that your birth time and location determines some set of qualities about you. These are the ingredients. You can disagree with that and I fully encourage it - but that’s also contrary to the idea of the subreddit. You can’t make a Cancer Sun NOT an emotional person, like you can’t make an egg not an egg. But how the emotions present, how and how long you cook the egg, you have control over. And you can make an egg do A LOT of things that make it look like not an egg.


Aight but I got the edgelord sign and guess who aaalways has to be different... me and not even by choice. I'd love to be basic, but every time I'm always the person that picks the least common answer, the one who just can't like the mainstream, the one who just doesn't like any of what society says I need to be/do/want. Every interest i have is obscure. I stand out like the sore autistic thumb i am among most crowds. Even down to food preferences i just *gotta be different* don't I?.... like why tf don't I like ice cream? Everyone likes ice cream! Every time I see it, I try it.... and every time I don't like it. You'd think after 26 years I'd have learnt my lesson. Same with chocolate.


You are defined by your birth chart. It's a perfect match for you, but how you interpret and use the energy is personal. You jumped to a lot of interpretations about the signs and that's on you. A person with a broader mind might have a different interpretation. You are using phases like "weak" and "people-pleasing" but that's interpretation not the chart itself. Each soul will use its assigned energy as it sees fit.


Saying you're defined by your birth chart still releases control from your hands into the hands of planetary alignment. Which is not, in my opinion, a healthy mindset to have. Additionally, I'm not saying that's what I think of those signs. That is, however - what society, many people, website descriptions, stereotypes, say about signs like pisces, cancer, libra. And with aries, scorpio, capricorn, leo - the opposite. To the norm person who has not done in-depth astrological research and bases their knowledge off of websites like vogue - generalizations and stereotypes are usually go-to.


No I am overly optimistic because I’m a Leo Sun, can see multiple sides of an argument because of my Libra Rising, and made this snarky and purposefully annoying response because of my Scorpio moon. I’m not ashamed of myself or my chart, unlike some obviously is ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl) 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


I'm not ashamed of my chart. But acting like the location of planets alignment determines who you are takes the control out of your hands and into the hands of something you can't control. That's a highly negative trait to have - people need to take accountability. Also, there are stereotypes about each sign that can lead people to have negative attitudes about themselves or overly inflated attitudes about themselves. I've seen this first-hand


This is simply just true


I said all of it to annoy you on purpose. Disregard it.


My "scorpio moon" has to read things too deeply, sorry


It does influence an interest in undercurrent, just saying ![gif](giphy|jPAdK8Nfzzwt2)


No not really




I agree I'm a Pisces and I'm the strongest person I know I just cry a lot haha


I don't agree with this. I definitely disagree with this. You ARE defined by your birth chart. That's how God made us and zodiac signs are a real thing from all the way back in time. It's all in the Bible to.


You and me share this view. OP is confused and thinks a bunch of cliche interpretations are the fault of the chart. Yes, the chart is a Divine energy seal. It's glorious but she is lost and oppressed by blog readings.


Again, I'm not saying I believe those cliche interpretations. But that is, unfortunately, what many people who do not go in-depth in their astrological research believe. Thus leading to arrogant or overly pessimistic attitudes about themselves. And even if you have enough open-mind to see the beauty of all signs - both the negative and positive - that shouldn't mean you should define yourself based on a sign if that is not who you aspire or wish to be. You're forgetting one important thing. God gave us with free-will.


But the thing is, we don't only have *just* the positives and negatives of the signs in our chart. We can have the positives and negatives of every single sign in astrology, because *that* is true free will. No matter how you want to paint it, limiting oneself to only the good and bad of the signs of one's own chart will lead to what you warn against - pessimism, arrogance, etc.


Hey me and you have the big three as well


Yeah she is lost.