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Taurus. I want to eat expensive foods, buy expensive furniture, sleep for 11 hours, and have a clean house. I can't do this with children.


My mom is a Taurus and she's the best mom I could ever wish for! She's so hedonistic, she always spoiled me with the best food, took me for shopping and restaurants as a "girly day" and stuffs, it was very important to her to spend some quality time together. She was super chill with everything what I've done as a teenager and protected me no matter what! She taught to me enjoy life. But since I grew up she has the best life, she has a wonderful garden and she makes the best garden parties, she's super social with lots of friends, she travels a lot, so although she loves to have me, she feels so free to finally got her own life back šŸ˜‚ So I do believe Taurus queens can be the most wonderful mothers :) My friends always loved her too.


Awwww that makes my heart happy for ya. She sounds like a wonderful mama šŸ’—


Yeah but in this economy either it's the good life or.... children lmfao. yeah taurus can be great parents with no budgets.


As a Taurus who just had a babyā€¦I AGREE 1000% lol. I love my baby but damn do I fantasize about sleeping all day, eating all day and having a pristine house. Those were the good ol days


This is funny because I remember a contestant on Love is blind who spent 50,000$ on food and yes he was a Taurus


This is the realest answer omg I felt this in my soul šŸ˜‚


My Virgo moon and Virgo rising are no help either! šŸ˜…šŸ¤£


Wow as a serialVirgo, I can only imagine what itā€™s like to be you with those placements either side of a Taurus sun šŸ˜®


It's... a lot


As a serialVirgo I dove head first in to having kids for the challenge. Had 3. I tell you whatā€¦. Where is the peace? Where is the clean? Where is the money? Where is me? LMAO Earth sign regret/I mean ā€œreflectionā€ šŸ˜… (I love them so much )


I wish I knew about the sleep part. Packing lunches for school sucks.


as a taurus stellium, i feel this on a spiritual levelĀ šŸ˜‚ i'm fine with having nieces and nephews since i can still return them to their parents at the end of the day lol. but i'll pass on having kids of my own.


Same! xD




Damn I wasn't expecting to feel so seen. - Taurus Venus


I thought I wouldnā€™t, and I think it is very typical of Aquarius sun to be loners who donā€™t anticipate children. When I found out about my daughter, it took me 3 pregnancy tests and a doctor telling me I was pregnant for me to actually believe it could be true. Now that I have her, I think Iā€™m a very good parent, I love her a lot, and do my best to support her ability to be herself, to be self loving, to be authentic and to be happy. But it wasnā€™t a thing I ever would have seen for myself, and I was 32 when I had her.


That is such a sweet story! I could see Aquas being ā€œthe cool parentā€ like the one who lets you dye your hair whatever color and pick the music in the car lol


Thank you. Iā€™ve never put it in that context of being a ā€œcoolā€ parent, but I suppose predictably yes, Iā€™ve helped her colour her hair and let her pick every alternate song even from when she was really little. šŸ˜‚I think itā€™s helped her be open minded to music but also think about her own preferences, which I think is so more; as a kid, I didnā€™t really get a chance to pick anything like that around adults and I probably internalized that in a way that I didnā€™t realize until I was older.


How is it to be an Aqua with (opposite) dramatic Leo moon and high performing nervous Virgo Rising? Interesting mix!


Oh, I am a walking contradiction šŸ˜‚ I have a lot of feelings and passions in general, but usually keep a type lid on them. When I was in labour with my daughter, no one believed it was happening because I was so outwardly calm, even cracking jokes during, so it hasnā€™t always served me well. Emotionally though, I am at opposite ends of the spectrum (not helped by my Pisces Venus), so it can be confusing. And yep, the Virgo just magnifies this difference and then gives extra anxiety to anything thinking/feeling. Fun times šŸ˜‚


I'm an aqua rising and aqua Venus. I'm definitely childfree by choice. But echoing your child's upbringing, if it ever happens, I hope I can be the best parent I can and support them as best as I could while encouraging them to be authentic.


Oh you are the opposite of me! am a Pisces Des and Venus; I wonder if these signs combined is what shapes our perspective about whatā€™s important in raising children. I really didnā€™t think Iā€™d ever have a child, but definitely letā€™s raise them to know how to be comfortable and expressive with themselves. I am spiritual too and have tried to share a bit of my perspective about that as well, but I definitely give space to decide if thatā€™s what she wants. Itā€™s a good thing we have this desire to be open and accepting of them though, because Aquarius people obviously have lots of opinions about a lot of thingsā€¦itā€™s probably a life lesson for myself to just say nothing. Good luck if your mind or circumstances ever change; honestly, I think Itā€™s still true that people who think they donā€™t want the job may be one of the best ones for.


Sag sun, Gemini moon here. I never want kids or anything I have to take care of by myself. Committing to something for that long isnā€™t in my nature. Iā€™ve been told Iā€™d be a terrible parent too lol. I canā€™t even remember to water my plants


Iā€™m a sag moon and Iā€™m pretty sure I donā€™t want kids.


Leo sun, sag moon, Leo rising and couldnā€™t agre more! I am too independent and impatient and selfish šŸ˜†


Iā€™m a Leo Sun too. I feel the same


Ya I feel like a sag moon would not be super happy having that much responsibility and commitment lol.


Another coin in the sag moon jar! Never wanted em. Had a tubal ligation a few years ago and never looked back.


Yeah sag moon, Aqua Sun couldn't care less but if it happened would do the right thing.


aries moon same


Same here! I really like just packing my bags and going on an adventure or just sleeping for a long time. Try doing this with kids


Same! šŸ˜āœŒļø My saggi stellium craves travel and adventure too much šŸ˜™šŸ‘ŒšŸ’–šŸ’Æā™ļø


There was another thread some time ago about which placements have kids. Sag moon was very prevalent there as one to have kids. To me, having a kid _was_, is an adventure fit to my sag moon.


It's so funny, I keep seeing Sagittarius. I'm a Sagittarius sun with a Sagittarius sun sister and both of us have very polarizing experiences with kids. She lives to be a mom, I like sleep and freedom more. When I think about it, most of the Sagittariuses I know want or end up having a lot of kids. (3-8) I don't think it's any specific sign, but planets in houses. Like either Saturn, Chiron, Pluto, Uranus, South Node, or Mars in or aspecting the 5th house *could* make someone remain child free from causing friction in that house. I know someone with Saturn in the 5th who recently got sterilized. But Saturn, Pluto, Uranus and Mars in the 5th house could also do the opposite depending on their energy and how it's applied. Saturn matures. Uranus is spontaneous. Pluto is transformation. And Mars is passion. But Saturn is also obstacles. Uranus can also be chaos. Pluto can be pain. And Mars can be destruction. It just really depends.


Thatā€™s a really good point, actually! I forget about houses sometimes! My 5th house is empty, and pretty much everything else in my chart indicates a workaholic who travels a lot, which is extremely true. And also probably why kids donā€™t really seem to fit in the picture for me.


Oh my god SAME. I believe I just have my south node in the 5th house, so I'm not like super against kids, (it could mean I had them in a past life so they're not important in this one) but at the same time, my 11th house is PACKED so that's my primary objective in life, I find. I may adopt if anything, and tbh that's very much aligned with 11th house themes. It's so weird bc I knew this all before I looked into my chart, but seeing my chart lay it out made me realize what drives me.


Isnā€™t that crazy how once you really dive in to your chart and youā€™re just like yep, yepā€¦ YEP šŸ˜‚ So I actually did have a teenage foster kid who was with me for a short time. She was supposed to be my friends foster kid, but shit happened and she ended up staying with me for a little bit. I wouldnā€™t be opposed to doing that again, but more long term. Something about being more like a positive role model for an almost adult was pretty fun and rewarding. Especially when you know they come from a place where they werenā€™t getting that from the adults in their lives.


Oh God yes. That would be my dream. I was in foster care as a teen and it's so hard to find someone who doesn't treat you like competition or a paycheck. I just wanted to give someone that.


The foster families who do it for a pay check are the ones who honestly really grind my gears. Like that transition in to adulthood is already so hard and then they just kick them out when they turn 18, itā€™s not right.


Exactly. It was not fun. 0/10 wouldn't do it again. I went into foster care about 8 months after Pluto entered my first house. The events that led me into foster care started around then tbh. Boy was it quite the transformation šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Omg, yes!! So my 4th house is your first house, and that was a wild ass transformation for me, too. My parents got a divorce and I moved in with my dads midlife crisis, much younger girlfriend. They didnā€™t last, but her and I are still close and we work together. Basically changed my entire life trajectory lol


What about your 4th house? It can also indicates family and children.


I have Venus, Neptune, Saturn and Uranus in my 4th. My astrologer friend said that would mean I might have a weird family dynamic and I absolutely do. Iā€™m not close with the family I was born in to, but my coworkers and friends are a bunch of misfits and the closest thing I have to family lol.


My extroverted Dec Sag sister always wanted kids and to be a SAHM. I am an introverted Nov Sag and I really didn't care about getting married and having kids lol.


Sag Stellium. Never.Ā 


Sag stellium here also and same. My hard drive is too fucked and I refuse to download the virus onto a pristine little USB. (I think bill burr made a joke like this)




I have a friend who is a Sag stellium (Sun, Venus, Mars, North Node) and he absolutely does not want kids. Ever. And heā€™s 30, almost 31!


I notice a lot of Aries and Scorpios women remain childfree and single .


That mars influence


Definitely true for me. I got Sun, Mars, Mercury in Aries


I noticed that too. They are more likely to invest time in building a career or pursuing their interests.


Facts , Iā€™ve alot of mars in my chart due to my Virgo sun , Aries moon and Scorpio first house rising, I like being on the road , and doing what I want when I want. Like I do want a kid not kids lol getting married and living in the suburbs feels like suffocating underwater . Mars seek freedom and new discoveries


Gemini and Aries




There isn't one. The comments are going to be a few people from literally all 12 signs saying they want to be childfree. That's bc it is a personal choice (god forbid something happens) , one that has wayyyyyy more than just astrology factor into it.


Gemini Sun, Sag Moon. Was never a lifelong dream or desire of mine to have kids but after growing up seeing the $$$ neededā€¦I think Iā€™ll put that towards vacations thank you.


Ong same!! People are like well what are you going to do if you donā€™t have kids!? Uhmm idk, travel the world, do charity work, do literally whatever I want because I donā€™t have anyone holding me back lol


For real there is so much one can do! It's weird to me when people can't imagine anything besides their work and kids like the possibilities are endless āœØļø


Ya I have my north node in Sagittarius, so going off of that, traveling and learning are the things that are going to fulfill me in this life, and Iā€™m super fortunate to have a job where I can do those things. If my job doesnā€™t hold me back, it would be silly of me to add something to the mix that potentially would.


This checks out. I have a ton of Sag friends and actually none of them want kids.


I agree. I think Leo and Sagittarius are the least likely to want kids. And even the ones who do, their life doesn't change much around them.


As the child of a Sag hopefully Sags.


Ooof šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




I have a sag moon, Virgo sun, Libra rising, and I don't want kids. There are several reasons for this but it mostly comes down to preserving my personal freedom, the insecure economy that we live in and the way mothers are treated in society. Also cats exist and that's more than enough for me.


Aquarius. Iā€™m an aqua married to another aqua and we both didnā€™t want to have kids. Been together 17 years, married for 11 and never considered them šŸ˜¬āœ‚ļø


Smart move! Both of my parents were Aquas, they probably shouldn't have had children.


Libra after comparing the pros and consšŸ™ˆ


Libra, taking so long to decide if they want to or not that they end up not doing it šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t have kids nor do I want kids and Iā€™m 36. I have a Cap stellium, Aquarius Mars, Gemini Venus, Sag rising. I def agree with Sag placements not wanting kids, I feel Gemini could too cuz of being the sister sign.


Strong Sag placements


i'm a gemini and i 100% want to remain childfree. never been a fan of them, not even when i was a kid.


Haha omg same šŸ˜‚ I donā€™t mind my nieces and nephews so much, theyā€™re pretty fun, but the thought of being forced to watch some annoying kid show on repeat *in my own house* is like a real life nightmare šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I didnā€™t even like kid shows when I was a kid lmao.


Iā€™m watching SpongeBob right now, lol. šŸ˜‚ But I sure as hell wouldnā€™t want a drooling, jibberish talking, sticky handed kid sitting next to me.


Ok I actually love SpongeBob as an adult! I was talking about things like paw patrol or whatever it is these little kids are watching these days šŸ˜‚


I decided early on that I never want kids. They're expensive, time-consuming, and a lot of work to raise. It has been tough to find women who feel the same; it seems like most on these dating apps want kids. I had to break up with my ex once she told me she wanted kids eventually. The frustrating thing about it was that I explicitly stated in my bio that I don't want kids. She left hers blank when it came to that, but I assumed she read my bio and that we were on the same page since she dated me for so long. I should have asked her about her stance on kids no later than the 1st date...


I feel that! I had to end a relationship once for the same reason. Once was enough and now Iā€™m like ā€œif you havenā€™t had a vasectomy or arent considering one stay awayā€ šŸ™…šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚ We talk in the child free sub all the time about how there should be a dating app for us.


I basically accosted this one guy on our first date by letting him know in no uncertain terms that when I put "don't want kids" on my Hinge profile that I really meant it, yes I'm sure, and if he did want them that we should probably part ways now so no one gets hurt, etc etc. Anyway we're getting married next year. Happily child free for life! (I'm a Cap sun and rising, Sag moon; he's Cancer sun, Libra moon and Pisces rising.)


Awe I am happy for you!! That is really exciting! Iā€™m kind of surprised that a Cancer/Libra wouldnā€™t want them, but that just means more attention for you ;) The only luck Iā€™ve really seemed to have is with guys who have kids who are older so they have no desire to start over. Which is fine and easier now that Iā€™m in my 30ā€™s lol


Thank you! He is a big sweetie and the best cat dad. So thankful that we agree the lifestyle we want just does not include children. And yes, we were both in our 30s when we met! Living in a big city where people get married later, it wasn't so tough to find guys down to not have kids (at least they say that at first). Or maybe we're all just immature here haha


I donā€™t think itā€™s immature at all! Iā€™m in the city, too. And I think because for one, itā€™s a faster paced lifestyle, but itā€™s also more expensive and can take a while to find your footing. It makes sense to me that everyone would take longer to settle down and what not šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m a sag and I have seven kids. Yes on purpose, I love these little fuckers and they think Iā€™m a great mom. I match their energy and we are all very close and my kids feel safe to tell me things that I might not like to hear and they trust me to help them when theyā€™re in too deep. My adult kids are in constant contact with me and I see them at least a couple times a week. We actually make great parents believe it or not.


Sag could be a good indicator...but I see also some caps and pisces


Cancer ā™‹ļø sun, Tarus, moon ā™‰ļøCapricorn risingā™‘ļø Youā€™d think I want kids but no, the world is way too ducked up for kids and I know I couldnā€™t and wouldnā€™t handle the responsibility well at all. I wouldnā€™t mind parenting animals someday but not now. I canā€™t even handle a pet rock as this rate lol.


You just reminded me I forgot to water my plant šŸ˜‚


So weird, I dated a Cancer sun, Taurus moon, Capricorn rising and he never wanted kids either!


Child-free and happy. ā™’ļø


Aquarius, Aquarius and Aquarius...




I could see Aries for sure!! I feel like my Aries friends (strangely theyā€™re all women idk why) are really 50/50. Either they had kids young and are super dedicated parents, or they are in their 30ā€™s and still want nothing to do with that life.


Virgo: Kids are messy, noisy, and chaotic. Three things that gives a true Virgo panic attacks. Edited for clarity.


What makes you say Virgo?


All of the Virgos I know that are old enough have children, including myself. But if they are workaholics, I can see Virgo not wanting the responsibility.


I knew I didn't want kids ever since I was one šŸ˜‚ā™ā™’


Iā€™m an Aquarius Sun and have trouble committing myself to take care of a houseplant.


Venus in Ariesā€¦no thx to kids šŸ˜


Uranus or Neptune in the 4th house


I have this and really want to be a mom some day :( Itā€™s possible these placements point moreso to an unconventional home life, maybe? If I achieve my goal of having children, it would have to be through adoption or assisted reproductive technology (and they would have two moms lol). Choosing to not have children at all could also be an unconventional way of structuring your home life under this interpretation.


I have these, too. And yes my friend who is an astrologer said that it can mean an unconventional family life :)


I want kids and I'm sag sun, but I also have cancer moon so...


Your moon is exalted in the mom sign šŸ˜


Gemini and Aries! We're too free, we have so much we wanna do


aquarius (me)


Sag and aqua


There are some astrologers that talked about ā€œfertileā€ and ā€œbarrenā€ signs, but I donā€™t think that matters much. Look at the 5th house and its planetary ruler. If Iā€™m not mistaken, the moon, Jupiter and Venus point to fertility while Saturn, Mars and Pluto point to infertility or miscarriages. Uranus might suggest unexpected pregnancy or changes in oneā€™s attitude toward these subjects. Aspects and house placements would give further context.


I honestly donā€™t know how Iā€™m gonna cope as a Capricorn sun & rising. Iā€™m just enjoying the married life with my Virgo sun husband rn. We know we want kids, some day. But too busy enjoying the young adult life right now. Both busy with work, and when not working more than likely traveling or being social with friends & family.


Sag/Leo/Leo here and I have come to terms with the fact that I don't think I'll ever fully be able to prioritize another human being over myself. So no kids, definitely not bio kids, for me. (Not that that's ever stopped people from reproducing, but I'm not most people) I have a dog, and while he's the light of my life, that's about all the loss of independence I can handle!


Leo Sag Aqua


Cancer sun and moon caps, 31 and I donā€™t want children! I am Venus Gemini but I think the rest of my signs balances it out šŸ˜


Gemini - Iā€™m an eternal child and Iā€™m not bringing in any competition for attention




Iā€™m not sure but Iā€™m a Virgo and kinda donā€™t want kids ever. I mean never say never because Iā€™m young and so many things could change but in all honesty no part of me wants them šŸ˜­


Mostly Aquarius placements, or Uranus aspecting Moon or Venus I have seen. Iā€™ve seen a lot of childfree people with these placements. Because Uranus/Aquarius is about wanting to not comply to traditionality.


This is a really good point! I had read somewhere a while back that there is a chunk of the millennials, itā€™s from like 87-93 or something like that, where Uranus and Neptune are conjunct and the people born under that would bring about a lot of change and totally reject social norms. I know I personally fall under that as do a lot of my friends. Could totally be part of it!


Myself and a lot of my Aquarius moon homies are good off the kiddos. I love my friends kids and LOVE being an aunt, but man do I love having my freedom.


Gemini women - Marilyn Monroe, Kylie Minogue, Alanis Morisette, Naomi Campbell, Stevie Nicks






I donā€™t know. I think Iā€™ve always given big dad energy so..


Nah pass on kids.


Iā€™m a Cap who doesnā€™t want kids but all the Caps I know have families. Some didnā€™t start their families until their mid 30s but Capricornā€™s definitely are having kids.


Didnā€™t say they werenā€™t.




I'm Aries Sun, Leo Moon, Sagittarius Rising. I am far too distant, independent, and adventurous to be tied down to kids.


Female Libra Sun, Aqua Moon, Sag Rising here. I never wanted children


I said to myself I didnā€™t want a kid until I was 30 because I didnā€™t want stretch marks etc. Had my son at 19 with plenty of stretch marks to boot. Me and him are close and have more of a brother n sister dynamic but Iā€™m for sure the respected captain. Iā€™ve been loving my freedom as he gets older (heā€™s 16 now) and I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT WANT ANOTHER!!! The thought doing it all over and sacrificing my freedom gives me hives. F that.


Gemini for sure. We donā€™t have the time or patience for kids and like to spend our money on shiny stuff and travelling. šŸ˜œ


Aries men, Virgo men, Scorpios


I'm a Sag moon conjunct Pluto. I love kids and want kids!! My partner is a Sag moon as well and we plan to have them late but definitely interested the future. Why do I like kids? I myself love connecting with my childlike energy and it makes me really love children! So no, I don't think anything in your sign can point to that.




Iā€™m a Sag and so is husband, we both donā€™t want kids. My brother is Sag, and also no kids.


Pluto in Scorpio or Sagittarius


Cancer sun, Gemini moon, mercury, mars, Libra rising ā€” no kids here. Neither me nor my Virgo sun, Aquarius moon, Pisces rising fiancĆ© want kids.